Monday, August 31, 2009


A Strange Kind Of World.

People all over the world strive to acquire power by accumulating. Wealth, authority or knowledge, but unfortunately, along with these, the insidious evil of egoism is also being accumulated. So man is fast becoming the enemy of mankind, he is fast losing humanity itself.

He becomes less of man and more and more of demon. Man prefers the short cut, the more comfortable and attractive material path and he suffers in despair, fear and hatred. Egoism is the root and crown of evil thoughts and tendencies.

Our country (or any other country, for that matter) can be saved not by political manipulations or military alliances, but only through the development of the consciousness in each one, spiritual science alone can cure him and save the world. Instead of trying to expend over the whole globe and universe.

Man should try to probe into his own inner world and remove the junk therein and set at rest the evil urges that raise their hoods there. World peace and prosperity can be accomplished only by such explores and pioneers. Please imbibe!

"Do not preach; but practice."

In politics, in the field of administration, in school and colleges, in spiritual institutions everywhere, we have a surfeit of preachers but a famine of practitioners.

Heroes on platforms prove themselves zeros when they deemed to the ground. So leaders of the world, there for, demonstrate in your own lives, how love can confer peace and joy, how all faiths lead to the same goal, how all men are brothers of one another.

We have in this country or any other country, plenty of scientist, scholars, spiritual teachers and seasoned politicians... But of what avail?

They work at cross-purposes, each one, unconcerned with the rest. One scientist is the rival of another one scholar is at logger heads with another expert in the same field. And of politicians is also at logger heads in the same arena.

My massage to all politicians... The less said the better. Please remember! When this vice of disunity rules, peace and prosperity can never be established in the country and all over the world in spite of all the progress in technology.

They can be developed only when mutual cooperation, friendly feeling, love and compassion grow in man's heart. The world can shine fresh and fair, green and grand, with festoons and flags on every doorstep only when these qualities are fostered by man.

Living has become very artificial. Men are moving in blind fear, not knowing what might happen to them at the next step. Men today inventing and testing weapons which can wipe out millions and injure even coming generations. But you feel proud of man's intelligence and cleverness! Some people even admire such inventors!

The world is full of people who suffer from insanity. Today we talk about peace in the world. How can that peace be found? How can you find peace in a world which is in "pieces"? Holding the atom bomb in one hand, is there any meaning in talking about peace? When you are haunted by fear how can you have peace?

Now the cry from the heart of everyone is for peace. Peace is what everyone seeks, please remember man is the synthesis of all the feelings, emotions and reactions that arise in his mind. The mind is the seat of all urges, desires and thoughts. When the mind is clean the world, recognized by it will also be clean. When the mind is turbid and riddled with fear, the world will appear miserable and depressing.

Many people blame the world, without knowing that the fault lies in themselves. Their thinking is crooked, their thought are not wholesome, their minds are restless; because they are too full of unfulfilled desires. Rich or poor, educated or uneducated, high or low, they see the world through the glasses of their own prejudices and predilections and they condemn or extol it in order to please themselves!

Seeing the advances made in science and technology, you have lost balance. Man has learned to walk on the moon, to live in the depths of the ocean, to penetrate into the deepest crusts of earth and let other men too to live on the surface of the earth. How can man achieve happiness and peace of mind, flying high or swimming deep? He has to carry his troubles and worries, fears and failings with him to those places also.

This is a tragedy; it is like the man who closed his eyes and stumbled along in the darkness. Now the wave of anxiety spreading over the world, the world today is like a garden with no water, a school with no teacher, overcome by inner foes, how can man succeed in over whelming the outer foes?

The world leader gather in Peace Conferences in order to plan wars. He ignores the principle of love that is the life- blood of the human community. He denies himself the boon of peace and rushes towards destruction. Destroying others... He destroys himself.

Everywhere there is dark cloud of anxiety, fear, discontent and agony, disturbing the rich as well as the poor nations of the world. Please remember the prosperity of the world does not descend from the sky. Nor does it emerge of its own accord from the earth.

We should recognize the world does not mean just the lifeless soil around us. The world consists of a conglomeration of people and it is what they make of it. To rectify the world and put it on proper path. we have to first rectify ourselves and our conduct.

If there is righteousness in the heart,
There will beauty in character;
When there is order in the nation,
There will be peace in the world.

So, be righteous. Avoid all prejudices against others on the basis of caste, creed, colour, status or degree of affluence.

From Empty Hands
Labis, Johore
Tel: 016-6020321



Saturday, August 29, 2009

MERDEKA - The Nation Belongs To All

In a nation it is the duty of every citizen to assimilate and appreciate the historical and cultural back ground of his nation.

Malaysia is a sacred and glorious country, it is our good fortune to be born in this land. You should realize the truth of the saying:

"As you sow, so shall you reap."

Hence all actions should be pure and noble and such as would promote the well-being of the nation and give you joy.

The nation belongs to all. This truth should not forgotten. People must stand up for truth. There is nothing greater than truth. All must protect the honour of the nation. They should be united. "Let us all live and strive together in harmony." If only this spirit prevails the nation will shine in all its glory.

There must be, however, a transformation in the minds of the people. There is no use in changes in external forms. Qualities must changes. There must be a change in the way of thinking.

Only then the change will be to the lasting good of the country. Envy and egoism are animal qualities. The qualities which every human being should have are peace, compassion, forbearance, love and sacrifice. These are the qualities that should be developed in all people, not vices like hatred, greed, envy, pride and others. Cultivate the feeling of love. Get rid of old prejudices and differences. Only then the nation can make all-round progress.

Before I conclude I call upon all Malaysian, forget all your differences and come together, develop genuine fraternal feelings and eschew separatist tendencies. Uphold the reputation of the nation.

Every effort should be made to raise the reputation of the country. Consider this year Merdeka function as auspicious beginning for transformation of the nation.

I bless you all Malaysian - "MERDEKA."

From Empty Hands
Labis, Johore
Tel: 016-6020321

29 AUGUST 2009


Friday, August 28, 2009


The results of our work will depend on what we do. If we do something good, the result will be good, if we do something bad, the result will be likewise.

In this world it is impossible to make use of anything without it in one way or the other to make it useful.

There is a proverb which says: "If the whole village unites; the entire farm can be harvested."

With unity,any work can be accomplished. You must strive to promote unity. You must fraternize with the villagers and demonstrate your awareness. You should not get entangled in local politics.

Political differences have entered the villages and ruined community life in the rural areas. You should tell the villages: "Every individual can have his own political views. But these should not effect the welfare of the village as whole."

In matters concerning the progress and well-being of the village, all the villagers should act as one regardless of party differences. You may support any party of your choice. But this should not affect your attitude to matters concerning the development of the village. All of you should act unitedly, as the foundation, hidden in the ground, is the base on which the structure has been raised. Moral and spiritual values have to be honoured as much if not more than economic and material values. Life must be a harmonious blend of these values with emphasis on moral strength.

If you neglect the roots, how can you harvest the fruits?

From Empty Hands,
Labis, Johore
Tel: 016-6020321

29 AUGUST 2009

Next Topic: 'MERDEKA'

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


All political leaders no matter ruling or opposition party. The future of our country is dependent on what you do in the present... Your actions in the present will determine the shape of things in the future. If you wish to secure a great future, you have to conduct yourselves in the present in an ideal and sacred manner.

These may be differences and problems of various kinds among you as individuals. But setting them aside, you should concentrate on the promotion of national well-being. Regard the nation's welfare as your welfare.

Entertain the sacred feeling that the nation's good is your good. There can be no nobler feeling than this for human being, please remember1

"The true mark of a human being is the cultivation of a broad outlook."

When everybody have such a vision, then only you can transform the national scene. This has to be remembered very deeply:

The nation's welfare depends on the individual.
The individual's welfare depends on the family.
The welfare of the family is bound up with the condition of the village and so on up to the national level.

At the base of all is the individual... That is you, no matter who you are. And only when all the individuals in a community act in unison can the country progress.

Unity is, therefore, the essential means for accomplishing anything. There should be no place for factions.

Today there are many factions and rival groups, we should see that there is no room for these divisive forces, in every village there are several factions. This is not good at all.

Please Bear in mind. The man who does not feel that this is his Motherland and has no love for his country is a 'soulless corpse'.

Every citizen should feel proud of his country and feel himself one with everyone else. We must strive our best to promote such a sense of unity.

Every men have both duties and rights, but today they are more concerned about... Rights than duties. Today every citizen appears to be house divided. There is no unity. Remember this:

If the five fingers in a hand do not function in unity, the hand will be useless.
Unfortunately the nation today is affected by the consequences of grievous sin such as business without morality, politics without principle, education without character and wealth without hard work.

The country will regain prosperity and peace only when all these are banished and if we have morality in business, principles in politics, educated men who have character and work the basis of wealth.

The mansion of man's life should be built on these virtues. But unfortunately today morality and integrity have declined and the spirit of sacrifice is on the wane. Because these qualities are lacking among the nation is suffering from disorders and violence. Although these statements may not be quite palatable to anybody to hear, they should realize what the public feel about the present situation.

From Empty Hand
Labis, Johore
Tel: 016-6020321

26 OGOS 2009

Next Topic:

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


If an individual has to progress, or a village has to develop or a nation has to be prosperous, social consciousness and the sense of unity are essential. Unity protects man. Disunity makes man a prey to worries of all kinds. To all politicians please remember!

"Union is strength, with unity anything can be achieved. Like ants which collectively can destroy even a python."

This adage proclaims that there is no greater strength than that derived from unity.
When we recall the past history of our country, we find that various invaders... The Portuguese and British - overran the country and tried to change the culture and institutions of the country. The nation did not lack men of valour or eminent political leaders.

Freedom was achieved... But did not unity. This is because of the eclipse of an all embracing vision. Parochial fanaticism, caste and religious dissensions and selfish and self-centred ambitions have combined to degrade human qualities to their nadir.

Another potent factor responsible for the moral decline of our leaders, primarily politicians in the country is the absence of a feeling of national oneness.

The situation in the country today demands that all should unite as brothers to strive for the progress, the prosperity and the well-being of the nation. This means that in the interests of the nation and society, four things are essential: Equality, Unity, Co-operation and Fraternity. If anyone of these is absent the national edifice will collapse. Hence, the people should cherish equality and unity.

The term "Man" is derived from the term "Mind". Mind means an aggregation of thoughts. And thoughts account for the joy and sorrows experienced in daily life. Hence, it is only when the mind is filled with pure thoughts that human existence becomes meaningful.

Can a person obsessed with power have a pure heart? No. Hence, all the Y.B's should become the servants of the public. The servants of the public are like a bridge between the Government and the people. It is only when this bridge is safe and sound that there can be good relations between the Government and the people.

When we speak about leaders of the country, means one who has no antipathy towards anyone in the village. he is one who treats all alike. It is only when such terms are understood properly and people act accordingly that a person leads a meaningful existence.

Today the situation is reversed. Please remember! The well-being of the villages determines the well-being of the nation. By providing the essential amenities for the people in the villages, promoting mutual cooperation amongst them and developing fraternal feelings among them, the progress of the village has to be ensured. At the individual level, there may be differences. But these should be set aside and all efforts concentrated on the development of the village as a whole.

When rain falls from the sky, the rain water is totally pure. But depending on the nature of the place where it falls, the name and form of the water become various. Likewise there may be diversity among men on account of regional and other factors, but the historical reasons for this diversity will have to be borne in mind.

To be continued... Please follow

Monday, August 24, 2009


So on the 'instinctive' level politics is just "might is right". The law of jungle... Please discriminate between:
'instinctive level' and 'intuition level'. Intuition level are intelligent people.
So on the instinctive level politics is just: "might is right".

Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Mussolini, Bonaparte, Alexander, Tamerlane... All these people are more like wolves than human beings.

If we want a real humanity in the world, we should cross out these people's names completely. We should forget that these people have existed. They were just nightmares. But strangely, the whole of history is full of all these people... Like Bush and Blaire. Do you know what is history?

Just cuttings from newspapers of yesterday and ancient times. If you go on helping somebody, no newspaper is going to publish the story, you go on killing somebody and all the newspaper are full of it. And what is your history about except these people who have been a nuisance, who have left wounds on human consciousness? This you call history? Another words... You have only this garbage in your mind. So on the ...'Intuitive level' there is no politics at all... There is no fight at all, at the intuitive level.

Not a desire to prove oneself superior... No longer a personal quarrel... And truth is nobody's property. There is no question of enmity... It is an art of practical politics. Remember! It is not a question of personal enmity. If it is personal, you are already primed to be defeated because it is based in ego.
"You are bound to fall to the lower level".

In the political art... It is not the person, it is the art that proves the winner. Being a politicians not even a single moment should you remember yourself and your victory, because that will be the moment of your defeat.

Nobody can understand except one who has understood the whole tradition of non-egoistic rival... Then nobody wins.

There is no fight at all at the intuitive level.
The politician on the 'instinct level' is just a wild animal. He does not believe in anything except being victorious. Whatever means are needed to be victorious, he will use... The end justifies all his means, however ugly there are:

"Means don't matter: What matter is the end, if you succeed, whatever you have done is right, if you fail, whatever you have done is wrong."

But still, somewhere in the name of 'Truth'... A little politics is lurking behind the scenes. Otherwise, what is the need even to challenge? What is the point of going around the whole country...If you know the truth, people will choose you and will come to you... Whoever was thirsty will come to you.

"Politicians with stupid mind thinks only in terms of possessions. The man of insight thinks of utility".

The insight should come from the intuitive person. But the insight can only be understood by the intelligent... Not intellectual. And the intelligent can help the politicians of instinct, for whom the only desire is power.

This I call...'Meritocracy', because the ultimate merit dominates and influences the lower rung and helps them to rise above their level. It has no vested interest, and because it has no vested interest, it is free and its insight is clear.

It will be very difficult for the intuitive person to explain anything to the.. 'Instinctive' person because they are so far apart, belonging to two different dimensions without any bridge. In the middle, the intellectual can be of immense help.

The universities, the colleges, the school, should not only teach Political Science... It is such a stupid idea to teach Political Science!.. Teach Political Science but also teach Political Art, because Science is of no use, you have to teach Practical Politics.

And those professors in the universities should prepare politicians, give them certain qualities. Then the people who are ruling now all over the world will be nowhere at all.

Then you will find rulers well trained, cultured, knowing the Art and Science of Politics and always ready to go to the professors, to the scholars. And slowly it may be possible that they can approach the highest level of meritocracy... The intuitive people.

If this is possible, then we will have, for the first time, something that is really human... Giving dignity to humanity, integrity to individuals.

The first time you will have some real democracy, in the world. What exists now all over the world as democracy is not democracy... It is 'mobocracy' or 'hypocrisy'.

From Empty Hands
Labis, Johor
Tel: 016-6020321

25 OGOS 2009

Next Topic:



Remember! We are fulfilling our egos in every way possible - gross or subtle, direct or indirect.
Down the centuries, in three thousand years, there have been thousand wars. No, no animal is so ignoble, animal have a natural nobility. But man is very cunning.

Does mankind is the most noble? Why is mankind the most noble? If we look at human history, mankind seems to be the most ignoble. Look at the animals; they have not been so violent, so murderous; they have not been so insane. Have you ever seen any animal turning into a politician?...Trying to become the head of the country or a premier? They are not insane, they live naturally, they die naturally, animals in the wild never go mad. Sometimes they go mad when they are forced to live in a zoo.

Yes, they kill, but they kill only when they want to eat. Man kills, for no reason. A man goes to the wild and kills a tiger and he says "This is play. This is game. I was hunting." Have you ever heard of any tiger hunting? They never hunt. When a tiger is hungry, of course he kills, and that's a natural way for him.

When animals are hungry they kill, but they don't kill as game. They don't kill for fun, they are not interested in killing in itself. Of course they are interested in food, nothing is wrong in it; man kills for no reason. Animals don't kill for ideologies, they don't say, "I am a Communist and you are Capitalist. I will kill you." They don't say, "I am a Fascist and you are a Communist, so I will kill you." They don't have any ideologies, and they don't kill because they are Hindus, Mohammedans and Christians.

Man kills for any excuse, for any excuse what so ever. And for what? For abstract doctrines, principles - and nobody is ready to live for those doctrines and everybody is ready to kills others for those same doctrines. But if somebody insults the Quran or Bible? He will say, "It is very difficult." He is not interested in living it, nobody is interested in living it. But if it comes to killing then everybody much interested.

People begin to slaughter one another, and they go on slaughtering for thousand of years. It seems to them at the time that they hate one another; or perhaps that they have to slaughter each other for some exalted purpose; or that they must defend somebody or something and that it is very noble thing to do; or something else of the same kind. They fail to realize to what an extent they are mere pawns in the game. They think they signify something, they think they can decide to this or that...

People are afraid of one another and what are they suffering from? First of all from an extraordinary opinion of themselves.

Dear readers!

The world of politics is basically of the instinctive level. It belongs to the law of the jungle; might is right. And the people who get interested in politics are the most mediocre... Please remember!

Politics needs no other qualification except one: That is, a deep feeling of inferiority. Politics can be reduced almost into a mathematical maxim:

'Politic means will to power'.

Will to power expresses itself in many ways. So you have to understand by 'politics' not only that is known by the name. Wherever somebody is trying a power number; it is politics. It does not matter whether it relates whether to the state, the government, and matter like that...

To me, the word politics is much more comprehensive than is generally understood.
It is simple to be a politician. One not only concerned with government, the state and connected affairs... Any power trip makes you a politician... Such as:
The husband trying to be superior to the wife... It is politics.

The wife trying to be superior to the husband... Because the wife simply cannot accept the idea. Even though for millions of years she has been conditioned. She finds ways to sabotage it.

Every husband is henpecked, there is no other category of husband. But why? Why has this ugly situation arisen?..

Because... There is a male form of politics... There is a female form of politics... Both are trying to be on top of each other in every other area, for example in university.

The lecturer wants to be the reader, the reader wants to be the professor, the professor wants to be the dean, the dean wants to be the vice-chancellor... A constant struggle for power. At least one would think it should not be so in education. But nobody is interested in education... Everybody is interested in power.

In religion it is the same:

Everybody is on a ladder trying to climb higher, and others are pulling him down by the legs. Those who are higher are trying to push him so that he cannot rise up to their level.

And the same is being done to those who are on a lower rung of the ladder, some are pulling on their legs, others are kicking and hitting them to keep them down as low as possible.
The whole ladder, if you see it just as an observer... Is a circus. This is happening all around... Everywhere. So to me, politics means an effort:

To prove yourself superior... But why?
Because you feel, deep down, inferior. And please remember!
The man of instinct is bound to feel inferior... He is inferior. It is not an 'inferiority complex', it is a fact, a reality... He is inferior. Please bear in mind:

To live the life of instinct is to live at the lowest possible level of life.
If you understand the struggle, the fight for being superior, you drop out of the fighting... You simple say, "I am myself, neither superior nor inferior." If you just stand by the side and watch the whole show, you have entered into the second world... The world of intelligence and consciousness.

It is only a question of understanding the whole rotten situation in which everybody is caught. You have just to give a little patient observation to the whole situation:

What is happening? And even if I reach to the highest rung of the ladder, what is the point? You are just hung up in the sky looking like a fool... There is nowhere else to go. Of course, You cannot come down because people will start joking about you: "Where are you going? What happened? Are you defeated? You cannot come down and you cannot go anywhere else because there is no step higher. So you are hung up in the sky pretending that you have arrived, that you have found the goal of life. And you know that you have not found anything."

You have simply been a fool and your whole life is wasted. Now there is no way to go up, and if you go down, then everybody is going to laugh. So...

Anybody who becomes a president of a country... A leader of any associations, institutions... etc:
"His only prayer is that he should die at his post".

Because lower you cannot go... That is insulting... Humiliating and there is no way to go higher. You are stuck only death can release you from the dilemma.

Man is trying... continuously trying in every possible way to be somebody higher, special, superior.. But this is all politics.

An according to me... The intelligent people have something more important to do. The intelligent people cannot waste itself in struggling... With third class, ugly politics, dirty politics. An intelligent person is not going to be distracted by such a desert, which leads nowhere, not even to an oasis.

To be continued

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

ONE Malaysia ONE Universe

“In the history of humanity there are known many examples when entire civilizations have perished because knowledge outweighed being or being outweighed knowledge”

In ordinary thinking people do not distinguish understanding from knowledge. They think that greater understanding depends on grater knowledge. Therefore they accumulate knowledge, or that which they call knowledge, but they do not know how to accumulate understanding and do not bother about it.

So, a modern man lives in sleep, in sleep he is born, and in sleep he dies, so what knowledge can a sleeping man have? And if you think about it and at the same time remember that sleep is the chief feature of our being.

Please bear in mind!

“Knowledge is one thing, understanding is another thing”.

There are, “two lines along which man’s development proceeds, the line of knowledge and the line of being. In right evolution the line of knowledge and the line of being develop simultaneously, parallel to and helping one another.

But if the line of knowledge gets too far ahead of the line of being, or if the line of being gets ahead of the line of knowledge, man’s development goes wrong, and sooner or later it must come to a standstill.

This is exactly what people do not understand. And they do not understand that knowledge depends on being. Not only do they not understand this latter but they definitely do not wish to understand it, for example those who possess great knowledge, he may be an able scientist, make discoveries, advance science, and at the same time he may be, and has the right to be, a petty, egoistic, caviling, mean, envious, vain, naïve, and absent-minded man. It seems to be considered here that a professor must always forget his umbrella everywhere.

And yet it is his being. And people think that his knowledge does not depend on his being, modern people put great value on the level of a man’s knowledge but they do not value on the level of a man’s being and are not ashamed of the low level of their own being. They do not even understand what it means. And they do not understand that a man’s knowledge depends on the level of his being.

If knowledge gets far ahead of being, it become theoretical and abstract and inapplicable to life, or actually harmful, because instead of ‘serving life and helping people the better to struggle with the difficulties they meet, it begins to complicate man’s life, bring new difficulties into it, new troubles and calamities which were not there before.

The reason for this is that knowledge which is not in accordance with being, such preponderance of knowledge over being is observed in present day culture. The idea of the value and importance of the level of being is completely forgotten that the level of knowledge is determined by the level of being.

So, the most characteristic feature of a modern man is the absence of unity in him. In sleep he is born and in sleep he dies.

Generally speaking, the being of modern man is of very inferior quality. But it can be of such bad quality that no change is possible.

This must always be remembered!

People whose being can still be changed are very lucky. But there are people who are definitely diseased, broken machines with whom nothing can be done, and such people are in majority. So, the balance between knowledge and being is even more important than a separate development of either or the other. And a separate development of knowledge or of being is not desirable in any way. Although it is precisely this one-sided development that often seems particularly attractive to people.

Please remember!

Though the idea of one-sided is attractive to everybody, but this existence is one, we all are not separate from it. The separation, one-sided, bias or lopsided, is very illusory. We are joined together, we are one whole, we are not islands… WE ARE ONE CONTINENT, it is an interconnected whole.

The whole is one-separation is not possible. The very idea of separation or bias is the barrier. The idea of separation is what we call the ego, live as part of this infinite whole, not living as a separate entity. ‘FOR THE WHOLE NOT FOR THE PART’ Remember! ‘When the part exist in the whole, everything is harmonious, when the part starts existing on its own, everything becomes disharmonious’. Another word there is discord, conflict, confusion as current situations in our country; remember when you are not fused with the whole, Remember! There is bound to be confusion, whenever you are not with the whole you are unhappy, everybody is upset.

Let this be the definition of happiness:

To be with the whole is to be happy,
To be with the whole is to be healthy,
To be with the whole is to be holy,

To be separate or bias is to be unhealthy,
To be separate or bias is to be neurotic,
To be separate or bias is to fall from grace.

To all leaders of the country, remember! You will leave your mark for the future generation, after fifty years of running the country, or only for seven seconds, but still you will leave a mark; anything big or great or you may be nobody, you will leave your mark, it will affect the whole destiny of existence. The whole will not be the same.

Remember again the whole is one. ‘ONE MALAYSIA’ one universe, bias is not possible, please pay attention:

‘It is as if it were a vast spider web. Have you tried? Touch the spider’s web anywhere and the whole web starts shaking and trembling. The whole vibrates with it. You may not be able to see it right now, but things are so deeply related that it is impossible not to touch the stars by touching a leaf.’

The fall of man is not because he has disobeyed God. The fall is because man thinks he is separate entity. Man is so foolish, stupid. Understand the dimension of time. Past-future, and in space everybody is connected with everything. Everything is interdependence, nothing is separate, and so shouldn’t be any discrimination bias that can be disharmony.

The real man will have one universal consciousness or you want to call it ‘ONE MALAYSIA’ but the foundation will be by the meeting of science and religion. The whole existence is equal. The trees and the rocks, and the animals, and the birds all are sharing the whole existence on ‘EQUAL TERMS’. The moment you see this tremendous equality this oneness ‘One Malaysia One Universe’ then everybody is joyful. Joy that has no cause….. it is uncaused.

From Empty Hands
Date: August 19th 2009

Please follow the subject on:

Have you ever seen any…. ANIMAL turning into a politician?

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Love is Heaven

Love is Heaven

Love is nothing but the harmony of all your senses and intelligence. But with the inner discipline there is no contradiction with love. Only with the inner discipline love arises. But again remember! The Love that will arise with the inner discipline will not be the love that you have known up to now. It is because ‘Your love is everything other than love’.

Friends! Just look at your old love-letters and you will also feel like going to the nut-house on your own recommendation. So, whatever you call love is frenzy, a fever, a sort of chemical neurosis; it is not love.

How can you call love? Love happens only as a shadow to meditate. When you have come so alert, there arises new quality …. That is not love.

Right now, what you call love is jealousy, competition, possessiveness, anger, hatred. Maybe you are fed up with yourself, you cannot be with yourself, so you need somebody, you dominate somebody, and you try to manipulate somebody. It is politics not love, it is ambition to dominate not love, and naturally it leads you to hell, naturally it makes you more and more miserable.

What has your love done to you? Dreams and dreams and dreams and dreams. And dreams are only when you look at your love some where there in the future, then it is a dream.

When you look back at the love that has happened, then it is a nightmare, all dreams prove nightmares. No, this is not love. Otherwise, whole earth would have been happy. So many people loving, everybody is loving… the mother is loving, the father is loving, the son, the sister, the brother, the wife, the husband, the friend, the politician, everybody is loving to everybody, and love must be so much…

But look into people’s eyes – there is only misery and nothing else. Then something has gone wrong, something else has be named love it is not love. On the container it says ‘Love’, but look into the content: jealousy, possessiveness, anger, hatred, domination, all ugly things are there. Yes, the container is very beautiful, very well dress, very well packed, like birthday gift.

Open it….. And look inside, just hell! Stop talking that kind of love.

Remember! When you go inside, your being a totally new energy arises.You have to much energy that you would like to share it. Then love is a sharing. Then you don’t need love, then you are not in need of somebody to love you.

For the first time you have possessed your treasure of love. And a new need arises to share it, and to give it to whomsoever needs it. Share it and give it, remember that!

When love is a need and you want somebody to love you, it is going to create a misery, it is a beggar’s love , and beggars’ can’t be happy, when love has been known and that is only possible when you move inwards and come to the innermost shrine of your being.

When you have known the reservoir of love, there, then a new need arises to share it, and to give it, to whomsoever needs it. Give it, and you feel thankful that somebody has taken it. Then there is happiness. Then love is heaven, a paradise!

‘Like a dew-drops (fresh) in the morning’

From A.Rahman Mahadi
Date: August 12th 2009

Please follow the subject on:ONE MALAYSIA ONE UNIVERSE

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Words from one universe

Dear readers!

Be authentically true to your own being,
Listen only to yourself.

Don’t allow anybody to discipline you,
Don’t allow anybody to make a slave of you,
Don’t allow anybody to condition you,

Remember that you have to be just yourself and nobody else. The universe has a rhythm in it, it must be so. It must be leading you into a higher life. You have learned so much, you have become more worthy, a man who has lived, loved, experienced, who has gone through so many things in life. If this existence has any compassion then death is going to be a higher peak.

‘Words from one universe’

It is so delicate, it is very subtle, and the way is very polite. If you don’t go deep you may never understand, they have great messages, decode them, your life will be tremendously enriched through them!

I am for taste, so you have to look at beauty of the universe and enjoy, you have to listen to music and enjoy, you have to touch the rocks and leaves and human beings, the warmth, the texture and enjoy. Use all your senses, use them at their optimum, then you will really live and your life will be a flame with energy and vitality.

And remember, our body is divine gift, it is so delicate and it is so beautiful and it is so wonderful. To kill it is to be so ungrateful to God. God has given you taste, you have not created it. It is nothing to do with you. God has given you eyes and God has made this universe so colorful and He has given you eyes. Let there be a great communion between the eye and the color of the universe. Please remember! God has made everything and then is a tremendous harmony. So don’t break this harmony!

Nature or this universe wants you to be balanced, to be in a sort of equilibrium, to be in the middle, neither less nor more.

Don’t go to the extreme.

From A.Rahman Mahadi

Date: August 12th 2009

Please follow the subject on:

Love is Heaven

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Peace upon you..


From Empty Hands,
A. Rahman Mahadi
Tel: 016-6020321

Definition of 'EMPTY HANDS'

We come with empty hands and we will go with empty hands. So what is the point of claiming so much in the meantime? But this is what we know, what the world tells us:

Possess, dominate, have more than others have. It may be money or it may be virtue; it does not matter in what kind of coins you deal - they may be worldly, they may be otherworldly. But be very clever, otherwise you will be exploited.

"Exploit and don't be exploited!"