Thursday, December 17, 2009


Why do man always feel as if one part of themselves is fighting against another?
Human history has been a tragedy is not very complex. You have not to go very far to find it out, it is in everybody.

The whole past of man has created a split in man, there is a constant civil war in every human being. If you don't feel at ease, the reason is not personal... Your disease is social.

The strategy that has been used is to divide you into two enemy camps - the materialist and the spiritualist. But remember!

"You are not divided in reality. In reality
you are a harmonious whole".

But in your mind or mental, the conditioning is that you are not one whole, one piece, you have to fight against your body. If you one to be a spiritual being, the body has to be conquered, defeated, destroyed, tortured in every possible way.

That has been the accepted ideology all over the world in different cultures, different religions, the formulations may be different, but the basic rule is the same... Divide man, create a conflict in him. So one part starts feeling higher, becomes holy, starts condemning the other part as a sinner.

And the trouble is that you are one, there is no way to divide you.
Every division is going to create misery in you. Every division will mean that half of your being is fighting with the other half. And if you are fighting within yourself, how can you be at ease?

The whole humanity up to now has lived in a schizophrenic way;

Everyone has been cut into pieces, fragments. Your religion, your philosophies, your ideologies have not been healing processes. They have been root causes of inner conflicts and war, remember!

"We have been wounding our self,
our right hand wounds the left hand.
And your left hand wounds the right hand;
both our hands become wounded".

"Man is only body - without soul"

Man's mind has always been trying to do 'two' impossible things. One is; "to reform the past" - which cannot be done. The past has happened. You cannot really go into the past. When you think of going into the past, at the most you go into the memory of it, it is not the real past, it is just a memory. The past is no more there, so you cannot reform it. This is one of the impossible goals of human mental;

Man has suffered very much because of it. You want to undo the past - how can you undo it? The past is absolute.

The past means; All potentiality of it is finished; It has become actual. Now there is no longer any potentiality to reform it, to undo it, to redo it. You cannot do anything with the past.

And the second impossible idea that has always dominated the human mental or mind; "Is to establish the future" - which cannot be done again. Future means that which is not yet; You cannot establish it. Future remains unestablished. Future remains open. Future is pure potentiality! Unless it happens, you cannot be certain about it. Past is pure actuality - it has happened. Now nothing can be done about it.

Between this two, man stands in the present always thinking of the impossibles. He wants to make everything certain about the future, about tomorrow... Which cannot be done. Don't waste your present moment for making the future certain. The future is uncertainty;
"That is the very quality of the future"

And don't waste your time looking back. The past has happened, it is a dead phenomenon, nothing can be done about it. What, at the most, you can do is you can reinterpret it. That's all. That's what psychoanalysis is doing; Reinterpreting it.
Reinterpretation can be done - but the past remain the same.

Psychoanalysis and astrology; Astrology tries somehow to make the future certain and psychoanalysis tries to redo the past. Neither is a science. Both things are impossible, but both have millions of followers - because man mental likes it that way.
He want to be certain about the future, so he goes to the astrologer, he consults the I Ching, he goes to a Tarot reader and there a thousand and one ways to fool oneself, to deceive oneself.

Human mind is very funny. "The mind is like a mirror" - "it only reflects", it can only give you a shadow experience; "Never the real", "never the original". It is like a lake, and you can see the full moon in the lake reflected, but the reflection is not the real moon. And if you start thinking that the reflection is the real moon, you will never find the real moon, please understand.

"When the deluded in a mirror look" ;
"They see a face, not a reflection".

From Empty Hands,
A.Rahman bin Mahadi
Labis, Johore

20 Disember 2009

Next Topic: 1. "Memahami Akar Umbi Perkataan
AGAMA Dan Fungsi Sebenar-benarnya"

2. "Thinking Is Always Divisive.
It Divides".