Monday, July 15, 2013


Every human being want happiness which seemingly is the chief object of life. People hanker after money to live well, to eat well, make palatial houses, own cars, enjoy cinemas, dances, etc., - pleasures of the senses. But due to misinterpretation by the outer or lower mind all the suffering is due to identification with the body. One gets enlarged in these transitory pleasures and gets forgetful of the mine of pleasures, the spring from which all the pleasures arise. "The primary cause is ignorance". Another words.. "We suffer when we do not know." Suppose one wants to go home but there is darkness due to which the path was not known. This applies exactly to the path of our 'Real Home' in this life. There is suffering as long as we do not know the path due to ignorance. All suffering vanishes when we understand the path of... 'Knowledge'. "The highest suffering is death", because one may be suffering from any ailment... The prayer is that it should end in recovery and not death. "One who understands the life process, considers death as only a change in the life process and a change of garment only." Please take not!... "This earth is only a school where one comes to attend a class to learn lessons of life and all the kicks of life, and suffering are necessary lessons for further advancement from one birth and life after death." Please Remember! "The pleasures of the senses are like wood to the fire; The more it is used, the higher is the flame and it wants more and more." Similarly the thirst of desire wants more and more the pleasure of the senses and always remain unsatisfied. But one who understands and gives up his desire get the highest permanent... bliss. The inextricable connection between the phenomenal world outside and the world of consciousness inside eludes the understanding of ordinary people. Immersed in the desire for enjoying worldly pleasures, they do not attempt to discover the boundless joy to be derived from the inner Spirit. this is because all the sense organs are open only to experiences from outside. "It is not surprising that the common man is a subject to the outward vision. Only a few develop the inner vision and enjoy Spirit bliss." Please contemplate; It is the Body derives joy from looking at a thing of beauty? Or is it the Spirit? What is it that relishes the food that is consumed? The Body or the Spirit? What is that which enjoys fragrance or is moved by companionship? "Enquiring in this manner, it will be found that it is the 'Spirit' that is the enjoyer and not the physical body." The body by itself is gross and is incapable of experiencing joy. It must be realized that the Spirit transcends the mind and the intellect and pervades the entire cosmos. So the Spirit is the basis for the cognition of the external world and experiencing the inner world. Only Knowledge of the Spirit is 'The Supreme Knowledge'. Worldly knowledge is pursued mainly for earning a living. But even worldly knowledge exists to point the way to spiritual awareness. Without spiritual knowledge, all other knowledge is valueless. Every man has to questions whether each moment of his life is diverted to a purpose of goal of life. Eating, drinking, sleeping, and passing away cannot be called the meaning of human life. All these are common to birds and beasts. "What is the uniqueness of man?" He is endowed with faculities which can enable him to rise above the animal to the human. Understand the meaning (existing, shining, and pleasing) are the attributes of the Spirit. Existing indicates - permanence. Shining indicates - Ominscience. Pleasing is the state of unalloyed bliss. The three attributes of the Spirit are changeless and has no form or name. Even if you are unable to see it, "the Spirit is present in everything" Particularly in our body but the body is impermanent.To those "who understand and realize this can enter in the Kingdom of God - Bliss of Spirit." From Empty Hands, A. Rahman bin Mahadi. Labis, Johore. 016-602 0321/017-716 1330. 16 JULAI 2013. Next Topic: 1. "Tujuan Penghidupan Ini". 2. "The Mind Is Not Like A Blank Paper"

Monday, July 8, 2013


Ternyata di sekeliling kita manusia semuanya sedang berhadapan dalam era kegelapan, seperti; 'ketidakadilan, kebuasan, ketidakjujuran, tidak berperikemanusiaan, tidak bermoral'. Kecuali seseorang itu dapat hidup untuk makan, untuk meneruskan kehidupannya. 80 hingga 90 peratus manusia tidak memahami apakah TUHAN itu, apakah yang dikatakan 'Ilmu Kerohanian'? Di pemikirannya diisi dan dipenuhi dengan hal-hal KEDUNIAAN. Semuanya itu kerana akal fikirannya tidak punya 'TENAGA' untuk melakukannya. Semuanya kerana majoriti di antara manusia di muka bumi ini hidup di bawah paras kemiskinan, berpenyakit, dan yatim. Kebanyakan mereka seumpama ini yang mengalami masalah sosial, dan sosio ekonomi, mati tanpa mengetahui 'ilmu Kerohanian', jauh sekali untuk mengetahui 'TUHAN ITU APA?' DAN ENTAH DI MANA? Maka akan lahir ramai manusia yang akal fikirannya 'tidak terurus', kalau ada pun yang dikatakan 'bijak dan terpelajar', hanya akan melahirkan 'bijak pandai yang jahat', mencipta pelbagai senjata pemusnah untuk membunuh dan dibunuh. Itulah yang akan dihadapi oleh manusia abad-abad yang akan datang!.... From Empty Hannds, A.Rahman bin Mahadi Labis, Johore Tel: 016-602 0321 9 JULAI 2013 Next Topic: 1. "Bliss Of Spirit" 2. "Tujuan Penghidupan Ini"