Thursday, September 3, 2009


Why man is said to be the zenith of creation? This is the purpose for which he has to struggled through stone and grass, tree, bird and beast. Hence man should not fritter away the precious prize he has won. He should not slide back into beast. He must move forward, he must become aware of his strength and weakness, and become clear about his goal, his path and his potentialities. He must act up to his worth and capacity.

There is a great deal of argument and agitation, because the currency has been devalued. Some say it is good step, some say it had to be done whether good or bad. Some argue it could have been avoided or postponed. But the net result has been anxiety and worry for all.

"More important however, and more to be deplored is the devaluation of man that has been taking place systematically in recent times."

The tragedy is that he has allowed themselves to rust; through neglect and he has forgotten the goal. The road he has traverse is also overgrown. with bramble, the signboards has disappeared.

Egoism is the seed for greed, envy, anger, malice, conceit and a host of other down-dragging tendencies. They cloud his intelligence. They divert the attention from truth and make the false appear as real. The real distorted as false. So it becomes essential to cleanse the mind of these, through regular spiritual discipline. Please remember! Scholarship or skill, however deep and varied have no cleansing power. They only add the alloys of pride and competition.

Learned man are not necessarily good nor are men with spiritual powers over nature, above pride, envy and greed. Remember!

Truth, Righteousness, Peace and Loves are the hall-marks of a purified heart.
The world is today in deep distress,because the common man and his leaders are all distracted by lower desires and lower motives which require only the lower skill and meaner impulses of man... This is what I call devaluation; he lives only at the animal level. Very few live even in the native human level.

Instead of transforming his heart, his home, his country and this world the abode of peace, what passeth understanding is that man has made the world an arena for the wild passions of anger and hate and greed.

When the mind is controlling the senses, you have lasting joy; when the senses are masters, you are dragged in the dust. This is the most tragic result of devaluation. Please imbibe!

"Every act, which lowers the authority of discrimination and honours the siren call of the senses, devalues man. Intelligence must be the Lord, the Master."

Man can blossom, perpetually happy, but is everywhere in misery. This is a tragedy: It is like the man who closed his eyes and stumbled along in the darkness. The source of happiness is in him; the source of light is in his eyes. Real education has to teach man how to tap this spring of joy and light. If this task is not undertaken by schools and colleges, it should be performed by parents and elders and all who are keen to prevent this devaluation.

Man must realize his pricelessness, he should not regard himself as a ... cheap nut or bolt that has no higher purpose in life; then, there will be effective production, economic consumption and resulting in peace, so there is no exploitation, deceit, greed, and cruelty, there will be no more 'devaluation' of man ... remember!

"Men is a diamond; but he is now treated by other men and by himself a piece of glass!"

From Empty Hands,
Labis, Johore
Tel: 016-6020321