Monday, April 26, 2010


Man's mind is the cause of his pleasure and pain. (Mind is responsible for both bondage and liberation of man). When you insert the key into a lock and turn it to the left, the lock gets closed. When you turn it to the right, it opens. It is the same lock and the same key, but the side to which you turn the key matters.

Likewise the heart, the heart may be compared to a lock and the mind to the key. When the mind is turned towards the world, you are attached to the world and when it is turn 'Godward', you get detached and attain liberation. Today man is bound because his mind is turned towards the world.

Please remember! Out of all the living beings, the human birth is the rarest. Man is wasting such a divine and auspicious life. Human body is a gift of God, which has to be utilized to realize One's Self.

The body is an instrument for self-realization.

Just as ears, nose, hands, etc., are the limbs of the body, likewise the body
is the limb of society, society is the limb of the nature.

Please remember! "Body cannot exist if the limbs are separated from it". Likewise the country cannot exist if there is no unity among its 'limbs'.

Our grand-grand father considered their country as their 'VERY HOME'.

They would proudly proclaim that they belonged to their country (Malaysia). Unfortunately, such patriotic feeling is lacking today. People identify themselves with their respective states, saying, "I belong to Tamil Nadu, I belong to Singapore, etc."

By thinking in this sectarian way,...the spirit of unity is lost.

When a limb is cut off from the body, it leads to severe pain and loss of blood. The country also suffers the same fate if the various regions are separated from it. Please bear in mind. We are all Malaysian.

"Develop the feeling of nationality."

You belong to human race. So, develop human values. Today the world is fragmented as man has forgotten human values. Unity of the world can therefore be strengthened by developing human values.

You are a true human being whose thoughts, words and deeds are perfect harmony. Your life will be wrecked if your thoughts, words and deeds are in disharmony. Develop the spirit of oneness. All are one, be alike to everyone.

Different bulbs have different wattages and colours, but the current that flows through them is one and the same.

Jewels are many, but gold is ONE,
Cows are many, but milk is ONE 'colour'.

Beings are many, but BREATH is ONE.

Please take note. You are the embodiment of truth and love. So you should not hate or harm anybody. Hurting others amounts to hurting your own self.

From Empty Hands,
A. Rahman bin Mahadi
Labis, Johore

27 APRIL 2010

Next Topic: 1. "Mencontohi Keunggulan Ibu Bapa Zaman Dahulu".

2. "Good Mothers Are Nation's Pride".