Sunday, September 27, 2009


The nation belongs to all.

Malaysia is a sacred and glorious country. It is our good fortune to be born in this land. You should realize the truth of the saying. "As you sow, so shall you reap." Hence all your actions should be pure and noble and such as would promote the well-being of nation and give you joy.

The entire gamut of human life-birth, growth and death is governed by our action. All the joy and sorrows man experiences, all his sins and merits, all the praise and blame he gets, flow from his actions. Man is thus bound by the operation of his deeds. Not realizing the relationship between; cause and effect, man indulges in actions which give pleasure for the moment. Please remember! When man reaps the consequences of his bad actions, he is immersed in misery.

Hence, before undertaking any action man has to follow the very sacred of the
scriptures that deal with God, man and universe. He should pray that he should be endowed with the strength and competence to perform good deeds which will produced good results.

The consequences of every action are implicit in the action itself. For instance;

There is a small seed. Its entire capacity
to grow into a big tree is
latent within it. The seed contains within it the potentiality of growing
into a tree with branches, flowers and fruits. There is an interval between
the planting of seed in the ground and its growing into a full fledged

Man has to realize the preciousness of human birth. It is highly unfortunate that people born in Malaysia do not realize that greatness of our culture. Please bear in mind...Wisdom are based on action.Wisdom is the fruit of action.

People are making no effort to understand the place of Right Actions in life. Everything that happens is the result of some action. Everything in creation is based upon action. Whether one believe in it or not.

Here is an example:

You feel hungry, The hunger is appeased after you take food. But there is a chain of events like putting the food in the mouth, masticating it sending it to the stomach, digesting it and distributing it to all parts of the body. After all these processes is hunger relieved. Taking food is action, relieving of hunger is the fruit of the action.

But between the action and the fruit, a number of events take place...please remember! These events may be immediate or spread over many years, or lifetimes. But the fruits of action are bound to be realized sometime or other. Therefore all actions have to be done in the right way. People should engage themselves in noble deeds and same as an ideal example to the nation.

For all the troubles and chaos in the world today it is our actions that are responsible. There is no meaning in blaming others. People should realized that bad thoughts in the mind affect every part of the human body,...just as a small stone cast on a pond generates ripples which cover the entire pond. Similarly good thoughts affect the entire body. Good thoughts lead to good actions, good speech, good hearing and seeing good things. When the thoughts are bad, the consequent action are equally bad.

But today, while we have considerable talk about ideals, they are not reflected in practical living. The truth of the Law of Action an Reaction can be verified from a simple experience. If you stand before a mirror, the image returns to you. If you assume a threatening posture before the mirror, the image reflects back in the same manner. Reflection, reaction and resound are three aspects of how actions operates. Each person suffers from the consequences of his own actions. How can any one escape the consequences of his actions? If this fact is realized men will not find fault with others, or blame others for their troubles.

The nation belongs to all. This truth should not be forgotten. Many people are undermining the reputation of this country by their actions. This amount to treason to the nation. All must protect the honour of the nation. They should united.

"Let us all live and strive together in harmony."

If people act together in concert, the nation will shine in all its glory, there is nothing they cannot achieve. Determination and unity are essential.

From Empty Hands,
A.Rahman Bin Mahadi
Labis, Johore

1 OCTOBER 2009


Man has to cultivate the spirit of inquiry. Man must live up to his convictions. Thinking, discriminating and practice - all three constitute the basic human characteristics. By the unity of these three, the light of (Spiritual Wisdom) illumines the heart. The mere presence of the light is not enough. We should seek to go forward with the help of that illumination. If, having this light we do not follow the path by it, we are as unseeing as the blind.

Books are not intended merely to be read. Sacred scriptures like Quran. The Bible, the Vedhas, the Granth Saheb and others are worshipped in shrines today. But no attempt is made to live up to their teachings.

"People are forgetting the purposes of
which these sacred books came into existence."

By a mere study of books no change can take place in our lives. What is studied must be put into practice. This means that it is not enough to browse through a book but one must study it...deeply, reflect on its contents and absorb its meaning so that one can practice. That is why all religious books have emphasized the doctrine of action. The entire universe is governed by action. In such context there is no purpose in indulging in intellectual speculation without putting knowledge into practice.

If thoughts are not translated into deeds they will develop into a kind of disease. A man who feels hungry and craves for food, if he does not get it, he will develop illness. Similarly, a man who feels thirsty and wants water, unless he makes efforts to secure water, he will become weak and collapse.

There are many examples to illustrate this truth.

You read many books and engage yourself in many devotional activities. You must ask yourself how far these studies and actions have helped to transform your lives. You will find that there has been no significant change.

It is because you do not seek that which should be sought, do not experience that which has to be experienced, you are plunged in grief and do not have peace of mind.

No spiritual effort is possible when one has dissipated one's physical and mental abilities. It is pity that people misuse these precious of their lives by falling into bad ways. So readers I expects you to develop all your human endowments and lead exemplary lives which will be an object-lesson to others by understanding the real meaning of the spiritual quest and do not regard the body as an end in itself.

Dear readers! Please follow attentively and deeply reflects on its contains and absorb its meaning, read repeatedly until it is digested.

Pertaining the following subject and please forward to the needed one who is blinded by ignorance.

Topic such as:


Friday, September 25, 2009


Politics has always existed, politicians have always existed. The politician only prunes the leaves. It has nothing to do with the roots...

But what has happened?

The world remains the same...sorry-go-round! In fact, misery goes on becoming multiplied every day. All these revolutionaries and radical politicians have only proved to be mischievous...with good intentions, of course, but intentions don't count at all...remember!

"What counts is consciousness!"

The politician has no consciousness, in fact, he is trying to avoid his inner problems, he is trying to escape from his own problems...and the easiest way to do so is to become concerned about world problems...economics, politics, history. Service to the poor, transformation of the condition of society, reformation. All these are strategies, for escaping from one's own problems...subtle strategies, dangerous, because one feels that one is doing something great, while one is simply being a coward. My advice is:

"First, face your own problems, encounter them,
first try to transform 'your' own being. Only a transformed person can
trigger the processes of transformation in other."

Politicians have been driving the whole world for what end? Is it not time enough that we should see the whole stupidity of the game? At least we are aware, fully aware of 5,000 years of politics, before the case must have been the same, but after 5,000 years of political games...what has happened? Man remains in the same darkness, in the same misery, in the same hell. Yes, politics goes on giving us hope...

A hope for a better tomorrow...which never comes. Tomorrow never born yet! In the hope of better tomorrow,

"Religions used to give this better tomorrow in the other world...
after death?.."

What is happening before death?..
You have sacrifice your today for tomorrow and tomorrow never born yet...what happen now?..

The people who sacrificed, sacrificed in vain. The people who were killed were really committing suicide, hoping that they were doing great service to humanity. Don't create more madness in the is already full of madness.

The whole world getting addicted to the idea of democracy. Democracy means...government by the people of the people, for the people - it is only in words. But democracy has not solved any problems; it has increased the problems. To me democracy has failed. The world remained the same...sorry-go-round.

The ignorant masses can be exploited very easily by very insignificant things. The current democracy by the people, of the people, for the people, how can the people have the power? They have to delegate the power to somebody.

So it is not the people who rule, but the people who are chosen by them. What are your grounds for choosing? How do you manage to choose? And are you capable of choosing the right people? Have you been trained, educated for a democratic life? No, nothing has been done.That's why my idea is that the days of democracy are over.

I have an idea that goes far ahead of democracy or a new kind of system is needed, base on merit.All over the world, they are thousands of universities. We in our country have hundreds of universities.

Why have ordinary, unknowledgeable, ignorant masses chosen people who will be holding tremendous power for five years in their hands?

Meritocracy means that only people who are educated in a certain area should be able to vote in that area. For example, only the educationists of the country should choose the education minister.

Then you will have the best education minister possible. For the finance minister, you should choose somebody who knows finance, somebody who knows the complexities of economics. But this choose is possible only for people who are trained in economics, in financial matters - and there are thousands of people who is chosen should be chosen by experts.

The health minister should be chosen by all the doctors, the surgeons, the medical experts, the scientists who are working in medical field. Then we will have the cream of our genius, and we can depend on this cream to make the life of all humanity more peaceful, more blissful, more rich.

This idea I call a meritocracy. And once you have chosen all the people, then these people can choose the president and the prime minister, or they can choose from the members of the parliament. And for the parliament we should also make gradations. For example, people who have at least a post-graduate degree should be able to vote. Just becoming twenty-one years old does not mean you are able to choose the right person.

At twenty-one years, you don't know anything about life and its complexities. At least a post-graduate degree should be held by those who choose the members of the parliament or the senate or whatever you call it. In this way, we can make an educated, refined, cultured government. Before the government happens, each nation should pass through a meritocracy. But, up to now, whatever has happened has been accidental. It will be created by us; and to create our country can be the greatest creation possible.

Politicians...and they are the cause of all the wars, they are the cause of all kinds of violence happening all over the world. These politicians are articulate, clever, cunning...mostly coming from the legal profession. They are saying there should be no discrimination between man and woman, between races, religions, political ideologies, there should be no discrimination. And who is making the discrimination? These are the same people who are making the declaration.

Dear readers!

I am not active in any politics. I am not interested in any power. I know by my own experience. I am simply saying whatsoever I see more clearly than all these blind politicians.

From Empty Hands,
A.Rahman Bin Mahadi
Labis, Johore



Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Just a bird's eye view:

The politician means the desire to dominate, the desire to be number one. The politicians means ambition... The ambition mind. But no politician pays any attention, because politicians are interested in having a big following.

Your so-called political leaders, all need attention, all need their names and their photos continually in T.V.., in newspapers because:...

If newspapers forget anybody's name for a few months, people forget that man also. Now what do you know about... Hitler, Mahtama Ghandi, Richard Nixon, Josef Stalin, Benito Mussolini, Mao Tse-tung? Where is that poor fellow? One day he was the greatest, most powerful man in their country..., in fact in the world. Now you will only hear about him the day he dies, and that too will be on the third, fourth page of newspapers in a small column.

What happens to these well known and powerful people? Please note:

"When they lose people's attention, their personality starts disappearing."

I have known many political leaders in this country. Perhaps...ex-ministers...chief ministers, once they become,'ex' they are finished. Then nobody pays any attention to them, another words:
Nobody ask them to inaugurate bridges, railway lines, hospitals, school. No paper even bothers where they are, whether they are alive or dead. And there was a time when they were in newspapers everyday, on radios, on television.

It is not only our problem, that we are a beggar for attention, it is human reality. The present politicians is by-product of the whole past! The modern man is suffering from the past. The modern man is not suffering from his sins as the so-called religious preachers go on saying to you. You are suffering from the sins of centuries...but now things have come to a peak. Man is falling apart, killing each other. If you follow the past, you are on the verge of committing a global suicide.

And that's the political leaders are trying to do... All over the world:

"Preparing atom bombs, hydrogen bombs, super hydrogen bombs...pilling up bombs, one after another."

They already have to many! In fact, just ten years ago, they were already capable of killing each person seven times. Ten years ago they were ready to destroy this earth seven times...Although a person dies only once...You need not kill him twice, that will be unnecessary. But in case somebody survives, politicians have to take case, they plan perfectly...that is how things happen in the world now!

Now you will be surprised, they can destroy this earth 700 times...each single person can be killed 700 times. Now this is too much, and absolutely unnecessary.
Seven is okay...there are a few cunning people who may not die!

And still the race continues. Even poor countries are joining the race, hankering to join it...strawing, but they want atom bombs. Starving! But they want more power to kill and destroy. Please remember!

Just a bird's eye view and you can see the earth is preparing a global suicide, a total destruction, a total war. And remember again, this has nothing to do with modern man as such.

The modern man is only a victim of the whole past and until now the whole world go on praising the past. My advise is be expressive, intelligently, and no harm will happen to anybody from you. A man who cannot harm himself will never harm anybody. And a man who harm himself is a dangerous man in a way. If he is not even in love with himself he is dangerous, he can harm fact, he will harm.

When you love, you share all. When you love, you don't have any secrets. When you love, you have the heart utterly are available. But this happens... We are expert with words, we don't want to say that we don't love, so we make it look as if we love. Remember!

Whenever you disturb nature and start manufacturing atom bombs, misused power and manufacturing your own is crime...unforgivable.

From Empty Hands,
A.Rahman bin Mahadi
Tel: 016-6020321


Next Topic: - 'Politicians Have Been Driving The Whole World For Centuries...To Where...To What End?'

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Primarily 'RELIGION' is a value which is 'trans-social' and inward, - having a good influence on individuals, group, and nations in general; Yet it has secondary role partly malefic as history of nations proves in many instances.

Needless to say how many wars were fought on religious grounds by nations and how many riots still take place between one religious group and another. What exactly is the cause and how to improve and gain from religion.

"But what is happening today?

Without understanding any principle of religion, many get bigoted and dogmatic and peace and quiet Life of Society is disturbed. Although this is due to a microscopic minority in society, yet life becomes dangerous as these, hold society to ransom with mistaken concepts of religion. Majority however know well and practice religion. sincerely and enjoy mental peace and happiness, which is the object of religion.

Abuse of Religion:

It is argued that religion cannot answer demands of modern scientific world; it is a bar to social and economic progress! To what extent is this true needs some consideration. Science has so much advanced now that we enjoy facilities never even dreamt of by our ancestors a century ago: Facilities like television, telephone. Flights to planets etc. With all these are we really happier than our forefather? Behind this 'progress of science' is a deep fear. Fear of nuclear war that can wipe off nations in a wink. How true are the words of Dr.Albert Einstein (a famous scientist who said):

"Religion without Science is blind and science without a religion is lame."

Science can teach man fly in the air like bird, but he has not learnt how to live as man on the earth. Science can teach man such things, however it is only religion but not science, that can teach him how to live as man on the earth.

So if science were to foster the all-round development of man, it has to seek the aid of religion. Religion does not mean blind adherence to some beliefs. On the other hand, religion helps man to attain the goal of human life based on discrimination and sacred values.

Therefor no religion can ever be bad. That is why the great scientist Einstein declared that religion without science is blind, thereby stressing the need for a judicious combination of science and religion to serve the needs of humanity.

Religion is of immense help in fostering the integral development of human personality. It underlines the unity in diversity. True religion teaches the harmony and unity of all religions. The essence as well as the goal of all religions is the attainment of the purity of mind and heart. Every religion has its own precepts and principle. But no religion preaches hatred, untruth or unrighteousness.

Another words for 'RELIGION' (to bind). Bind what? It binds by rules and regulation so that we may not degenerate. Surely the aim of religion is not negative; i.e. to prevent degeneration; but positive (that is; to make us happier). But what is happening to-day? Man's tragedy:

It is a tragedy of man that our living is not guided by Divine Light. Oh Man! How low you have fallen? You are thinking every moment of sense pleasures which activate your inner sense and draw them after sense objects. As a result, the mind become restless, agitated and loses its poise completely. Where is,then divine joy and peace of the soul for you? Instead, the mind is filled with wicked passions, frustrations, humiliation, jealousy and hatred another words.

The switch of spiritual light is put off. As a result, we fall further down from the human to the animal. Today's illness in society is mostly... Due to more oral sermons not only practice them not, but do the exact opposite i,e, the wicked think one, talk another and do the third.

One is like a ship without mariner compass or a car driven in unknown land with no road map! Remember! Religions as a guide prescribes do's and don't to serve like the two banks of a turbulent stream, to guide common impulses on the right track of benefit of society. Whatever the name of religion, it has the following four main principle: Truth, Righteousness, Universal Love and Peace.

It is common knowledge that nations have prospered where the people observe principle codes of religion and those who did not, have perished and suffered - whether they are headed by kings or social leaders of political heroes. For, do we not know that many Kings. Dictators and Politicians come and go; and please remember!

The great prophets of religion are still honoured and remembered? Thus peace and prosperity are the immediate gains of proper practice of religion.

Benefits of Religion:

There are two groups who need no religion at all. Firstly those who have no rules nor regulations except to follow own impulses - irrespective of consequence to society.

The other are and these are very very few who, having controlled their impulses and emotions, serve Society at large, day and night, to make common man, happier. In between these two groups, majority in society need religion.

From Empty Hands,
Labis, Johore

Tel: 016-6020321



Sunday, September 13, 2009


Discipline is the mark of intelligent living. Parents should not allow children to fall away from their control and wander about without compass or anchor. Many parents feed and fondle their children, and then, in the name of freedom, leave them to find their own friends and pleasures.

They take them to films regardless of the impression they create on their tender minds. They entertain the friends of their children without inquiring into their antecedents of habit, not knowing that they will have to rue their action one day. They thus declare by their actions that day are the enemies of their own progeny!

Discipline trains you to put up with the disappointments; you will know that the path of life has both ups and down, that every rose has its thorn. Now, people want roses without thorns. Life has to one saga of sensual pleasure, a picnic all the time. When this does not happen, you turn wild and start blaming others. If each one cares for his own pleasures how can society progress? How can the weak survive?

You must examine every act to find out whether it will cause pain to others; if it does, withdraw from it. Do not do the others what you do not like others to do unto you ... Remember!

'This is called the Golden Rule'.

Yes, it is the best test for distinguishing right from wrong. If another person has with him what you like to have, do not make him miserable by snatching it from him. Would you like something you like, to be snatched away from you by another?

Discipline simply means systematic and methodical way of doing what ought to be done at the proper time with full faith and conscious compulsion. Such wholehearted self application to work, to ensure the maximum chances of success.

Why should there be Discipline?

Generally speaking, man by nature is neither active nor slothful, but both. In the absence of any urge to survive, he would be lazy. It is therefore essential that the works always in a disciplined way, lest lazy feelings overcome him any time to the detriment of one and all.

Discipline teaches us to do the right thing, at the right time, in the right manner. Discipline thus ensures not only good actions but living in harmony with others too. In the absence of discipline, social life would be full of conflicts and violence like that among beasts, please remember!

"Discipline serves as bounds to a rushing torrential river of work to direct it towards the objective in quiet and peaceful way."

Why is duty tagged to discipline?

If one is thirsty, one needs water promptly. If consequence of delays in simple matters thus is harmful, how much worse would be that if one considers delays in society, with many persons and multifarious duties that may be generally interdependent.

Discipline must taught. They must develop a broad outlook, they must cultivate clean, healthy habits. Discipline is important in order to progress in learning and even more so in dealing with others. An indisciplined person is a danger to society; any moment he may run amuck . Man must recognize what limits, regulations and do's and dont's are laid down by the sages in order to ensure social security and individual advancement.

From Empty Hands,
Labis, Johore
Tel: 016-6020321



Thursday, September 10, 2009


Why are doors erected?

To regulate the entry and exit of persons. But is the irony of the present 'Dark Age' that the door is kept open for the entry of all kinds of undesirable creatures. Man's mind is kept open for the entry of evil thoughts.

The door should be barred against the inroads of egoism and acquisitive impulses. Remember! "The door (of the mind) should be kept sacred." People participate in religious injunction. This is doubtless a good act, but it is only an auxiliary element in spiritual discipline. Yes! people take part in... Religious injunction, but are they transforming their attitudes as a result? No. All the animal qualities like bad feelings remain along with participation in religious injunction. Without getting rid of such attitudes, the continuous participation in religious injunction or performing worshiping is of no value. Another words, without removing the animal nature all participation in religious injunction continues to be a sinner.

Congregational chant or repetition of holy names should be used as a means for overcoming the animal nature. And performing of worship should lead to the elimination of animal qualities. Remember!

"Without the conquest of animal nature, all forms of external worship are of no use!"

You readers can observe in our country and the world at large. These people, the so called religious men. These people expatiate on the greatness of their scripture. Bible or Quran and praise the glory God. But it is not merely to be used as texts for reading. Of what use is it merely to read those scriptures as a routine ritual without practising their teachings?

But today, even eminent scholars treat these scriptures or the so called Quran only as a texts for (ritualistic recitation). Because of the mistaken notions of these scholars that young people today have fail to grasp the inner meaning of the scriptures.

They do not get a compelling vision of spiritual truths. All the religious propaganda that is carried on today is totally divorced from practice, few understood the inner meaning of their scriptures. All their lives were spent in external observances.

"This was a great mistake. These were meaningless practices."

What does (animal nature) mean?

Animal nature refers to (one's way of life). Everyone has to get rid of egoism. Today's man has learnt to fly in the air like birds, and swim in the sea like fish. But he has not learnt how to live as man on the earth.

But the present day men in general and the youth in particular, have forgotten our age-old culture and sacred values and bidding good bye to scriptures and God, having been enticed by modern science and technology.

Examine for a moment how various objects in creation are conducting themselves. For instance, a tree bears sweet fruits. But it does not enjoy the fruits itself. It offers them to others for enjoyment. What a spirit of sacrifice is displayed by the tree. The cow does not consume the milk it produces, but offers it to its calf and to others.

But man, despite all his intelligence and knowledge, does not exhibit this sense of sacrifice. He keeps all that he earns for the benefit of himself.

Today, in the world,the most disease to which man is selfishness. Remember! If selfishness grows, he loses his radiance and vitality.

To all readers, please remember! Our entire life is bound up with spiritual, whatever one says, whatever one does, whatever one thinks, all of it is related to the spirit. The good deeds by external instruments of the body cannot be deemed spiritual.

The very first thing one has to do is to destroy the animal nature in man. Without eliminating the animal nature, all ritual and act of worship are of no avail. Of what use is it to foster one's animal instincts, while doing acts of charity or conforming to religious injunctions?

Performing external rituals without subduing the animal nature, men are only pursuing wrong courses. However much one may contemplate on God, from time to time he is a prey to hatred and attachment. These two animal propensities have to be got rid of at the outset.

From Empty Hands,
Labis, Johore
Tel: 016-6020321


Next Topic: - 'DISCIPLINE' -

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Today, we have factions everywhere - at home, between husband and wife, in the school, between teacher and pupil; in society, between group and group. This is deterioration, indeed!
'The co-ordinated effort of all the organs of the body is essential for healthy life'. Fraternal feelings, ethical conduct and the sense of fellowship are the qualities which elevate human nature. People do not strive to cultivate these qualities. People should realize that bad thoughts in the mind effect every part of the human body, just as a small stone cast on a pond generates ripples which cover the entire pond. Similarly good thoughts affect the entire body.

For all the troubles and chaos in the world today it is our own actions that are responsible. There is no meaning in blaming others. Each person suffers from the consequences of his own actions. How can any one escape the consequences of his actions? If this fact is realized men will not find fault with others, or blame others for their troubles.

'Every product is the result of action'.

The stream of man's life is marked by different stages. In each stage man falls a prey to vices like egoism jealousy and falsehood instead of cultivating truth, righteousness and humility. A life, which should be holy and pure, is turned into poison, is converted into worthless and evil life.

A life without morality is utterly useless. The prestige of any community depends upon its morals.
If morality is absent, the community comes to grief. Whether it is nation, a society, or an individual, when they conduct themselves contrary to morality, the civilization which they have fostered for a long time will come to ruin.

In human life today selfishness and self-interest have assumed prodigious proportions. Whatever he does, whatever he sees, whatever he studies man makes it subserve selfish interests. Human life has become a plaything in the hands of selfishness.

In this 'Age of Faction', marked by fights between mother and daughter, father and son, teacher and pupil, brother and brother. It tosses man about from birth to death, it inflict on him uprisings and down falls, many illnesses and morbidities. It draws the reason of man into the whirlpools of doubt.

Man has fallen into ignorance egoism and greed, because he has forgotten his real nature, he has not realized this; he runs after low vulgarizing pleasures and entangles himself in falsehood injustice and violence.

Man has to cure himself of these by the remedies, he must regulate his ways of living and follow the regimen of faith and devotion. Keep the heart pure, unsullied by evil or vice, let the foul bats of hatred and greed fly away from the cavity of your hearts; let the clean air of mutual co-operation and help render the cavity safe and sweet.

Dear readers!

Modes of behavior have been laid down and proved beneficial by centuries of practice. These have to be observed with modifications to suit the conditions of today. We are developing in each department of life, but pity it is that we are not developing the unique qualities of human beings. You find around you injustice, irregularities, immorality and untruth with all their devilish attributes and atrocities.
Develop the Inner awareness, the consciousness of the Divine. Expand Love and understanding, both will equip them for transforming society. The nation and all mankind will derive benefit therefrom. Please remember!

"The very word human or humane is used to denote kindness."

To all readers!

This articles hopefully will be meaningful to all those who read it, it offers hope and confidence. I' am inviting you to experiencing a new rhythm in life about existence that always a mystery. In the next following topic I will reveal something which will cuts through your mind and pierces your heart with a soft shiver of "Yes, this is it!"

So put your mind aside and open the curtains of your heart just a little and wait and see... You will listen with a thirsty heart ever since your door and windows are not only closed but nailed shut. This articles it may not be significant to you today - but it can be significant any day, any moment. It may be lying unconscious in you.

I' am answering you all and I' am answering those questions which you are not asking.

It is not a question of your asking. I know what are bound to be, inevitable, the questions of an unconscious human being. Because I have been through the same dark night.

Please follow ... please prolong to all your friends the following topic about wisdom, about life and death are like two wings of existence.

From Empty Hands,
Labis, Johore
Tel: 016-6020321



Thursday, September 3, 2009


Why man is said to be the zenith of creation? This is the purpose for which he has to struggled through stone and grass, tree, bird and beast. Hence man should not fritter away the precious prize he has won. He should not slide back into beast. He must move forward, he must become aware of his strength and weakness, and become clear about his goal, his path and his potentialities. He must act up to his worth and capacity.

There is a great deal of argument and agitation, because the currency has been devalued. Some say it is good step, some say it had to be done whether good or bad. Some argue it could have been avoided or postponed. But the net result has been anxiety and worry for all.

"More important however, and more to be deplored is the devaluation of man that has been taking place systematically in recent times."

The tragedy is that he has allowed themselves to rust; through neglect and he has forgotten the goal. The road he has traverse is also overgrown. with bramble, the signboards has disappeared.

Egoism is the seed for greed, envy, anger, malice, conceit and a host of other down-dragging tendencies. They cloud his intelligence. They divert the attention from truth and make the false appear as real. The real distorted as false. So it becomes essential to cleanse the mind of these, through regular spiritual discipline. Please remember! Scholarship or skill, however deep and varied have no cleansing power. They only add the alloys of pride and competition.

Learned man are not necessarily good nor are men with spiritual powers over nature, above pride, envy and greed. Remember!

Truth, Righteousness, Peace and Loves are the hall-marks of a purified heart.
The world is today in deep distress,because the common man and his leaders are all distracted by lower desires and lower motives which require only the lower skill and meaner impulses of man... This is what I call devaluation; he lives only at the animal level. Very few live even in the native human level.

Instead of transforming his heart, his home, his country and this world the abode of peace, what passeth understanding is that man has made the world an arena for the wild passions of anger and hate and greed.

When the mind is controlling the senses, you have lasting joy; when the senses are masters, you are dragged in the dust. This is the most tragic result of devaluation. Please imbibe!

"Every act, which lowers the authority of discrimination and honours the siren call of the senses, devalues man. Intelligence must be the Lord, the Master."

Man can blossom, perpetually happy, but is everywhere in misery. This is a tragedy: It is like the man who closed his eyes and stumbled along in the darkness. The source of happiness is in him; the source of light is in his eyes. Real education has to teach man how to tap this spring of joy and light. If this task is not undertaken by schools and colleges, it should be performed by parents and elders and all who are keen to prevent this devaluation.

Man must realize his pricelessness, he should not regard himself as a ... cheap nut or bolt that has no higher purpose in life; then, there will be effective production, economic consumption and resulting in peace, so there is no exploitation, deceit, greed, and cruelty, there will be no more 'devaluation' of man ... remember!

"Men is a diamond; but he is now treated by other men and by himself a piece of glass!"

From Empty Hands,
Labis, Johore
Tel: 016-6020321