Monday, December 27, 2010


Do children owe any legal liability to care for old and disabled parents? Unfortunately the answer is 'No'.

As parents age, it is inevitable that their bodies will gradually weaken and deteriorate in a variety of ways, making them increasingly susceptible to physical illnesses that can affect every organ in their system. As the realization grows that there is no escape, the aging individual must try to find some way to come to terms with the disturbing new reality.

Filial piety is an important factor in caring for the aged in our traditional Asian society. As Asians it has long been the norm for us to accommodate and nurse the aged parents in our own homes as far as possible.

Parents simply have to depend on the goodwill of their children. Although we are proud about our values, and cultural heritage, unfortunately the number of elderly citizen with no savings and abandoned by their families is growing in Asian.

The problem for us to consider is whether our values, including filial devotion and reciprocal of a breakdown in traditional family relations and a changed economic and demographic profile.

Cramped flats and sguatter houses are not places which are conducive to the accommodation of aged parents. There have been numerous in which old people have been neglected by their children or their relatives. This is a sad situation where good values and traditions are no longer practiced.

Welfare homes and their environment for the most part are also not places which are conducive to the accommodation of aged parents. Of all living alternatives, placement in and "Old Folks Home is without doubt the most sensitive issue often provoking guilt through self accusations of ingratitude", lack of devotion or filial piety and abandonment.

A nursing home, although somewhat expensive, offers the most satisfactory alternatives. Each person must decide for himself and understand that there are no perfect choices. While long term institutionalization is a painful issue, it is essential to provide appropriate care for a debilitated parent.

Placement in a nursing facility does not mean "putting your good parent away", or at least it shouldn't. Family involvement remains essential for proper care, from the first steps of choosing the facility, to maintaining an ongoing relationship with the staff. To regularly visiting the parent and involving him or her in family matters. They need cheering up and to know that there are people who really care for them.

Certain irresponsible persons with ill or aged parents get them admitted into third class wards of hospitals, leaving false addresses and just disappear from the scene. This indeed is a most cruel way of disposing of one's own aged parents.

A caring attitude as well as concern for the aged parents must prevail if the older generation is not to be adversely affected by the rapid socio-economic changes of urbanization and industrialization. It has to be realized that the aged are more affected by these changes and the degradation of moral values in society. It should also encompass the responsible manner in which the elderly are treated, cared for, respected and honoured.

This aspect of caring for the aged parents requires collective responsibility. It will also instill respect for the elderly as "there is no better institution to care for the aged parents other than the family itself".

In many discourses I always advised children and friends to pay special attention to father and mother.

Please remember! There is and old adage which says:

"Take good care of your parents for you will never know how much you miss them when they are gone."

From Empty Hands,
A. Rahman bin Mahadi
Labis, Johore

28 DECEMBER 2010

Next Topic: 1. "Pintu Pada Setiap Tubuh Badan Adalah Lima (5) Pancaindera Kita"

2. "Woman Has To Take Over The World Parliaments. War Could Be Stopped Without Any Difficulty"

Monday, December 20, 2010


Di penulisan ini saya cuma hendak berbicara atau mengenengahkan perkara nombor Satu dan nombor Dua sahaja iaitu:

1. "Akal Separuh Sedar" (The Subconscious Mind)
2. "Akal Sedar" (Conscious Mind)

Di muka bumi ini 'AKAL'lah "kuasa terhebat". Sesiapa yang pandai mengawal 'akalnya', merekalah yang menguasai 'kuasa' tersebut. Mereka seumpama ini mampu menundukkan semua 'akal' di bawah pengaruhnya.

Yang dikatakan "AKAL SEPARUH SEDAR" juga dikenali sebagai "AKAL YANG BERSIFAT NALURI", atau "AKAL SPONTAN" (Automatik).

Untuk pengetahuan fungsi "perkembangan akal", berfungsi mengikut fasa dan peringkat perkembangannya, bergantung juga kepada tubuh badan masing-masing dan cara ia beroperasi.

Ia bermula dari "Separuh Sedar" kepada "Kesedaran Yang Mudah". Perlahan-lahan ia berkembang kepada "Kesedaran Diri", sehingga mencapai tahap "KESEDARAN SECARA UNIVERSAL atau SEJAGAT".

Di alam semulajadi di peringkat paling rendah seperti "tumbuh-tumbuhan atau binatang-binatang", ia mengunakan "Akal Spontan" (Automatik) atau "Bersifat Naluri". Manusia seperti kita juga memilikinya, dan ia sangat membantu dalam "perkembangan hidupnya". "Tetapi 'Akal' manusia fungsinya lebih dari tahap tumbuhan-tumbuhan dan segala binatang".

Sekali imbas, kita menyangka "akal manusia" itulah yang banyak membuat kerja. Sedangkan ia cuma "kesedaran yang tidak seberapa" yang terpancar di 'akal' itu.

Jika kita menyingkap lebih mendalam dan lebih meluas lagi bahawa 'akal manusia' itu mempunyai "Tiga Tahap" atau "Tiga Tingkatan" cara ia berfungsi. Ianya adalah seperti yang disebutkan ini:

1. "Akal Separu Sedar"
2. "Akal Sedar" (Kesedaran)
3. "Akal Yang Melampaui Kesedaran"

Dan setiap lapangan, kesedaran tersebut sentiasa saja "menggelap dan melindungi" antara satu sama lain, sekejap meningkat naik, sekejap menurun, ia tidak ubah seperti "warna warni pelangi".

Kita manusia sebenarnya juga berkongsi lapangan "Akal Separuh Sedarnya" dengan binatang, ertinya, sama macam binatang. Dan ianya merupakan "Tahap Pertama Perkembangan Mental Manusia". "Akal Yang Bersifat Naluri" bukan saja berada pada manusia dan binatang, malah "terdapat juga pada tumbuh-tumbuhan", dan "dikesan juga ada pada mineral".

Di kalangan pokok-pokok dan binatang-binatang, 'manusia' adalah di tengah-tengah, manusia mentalnya akan mengembang "ke alam ilmu pengetahuan". Sehingga kini, bagaimana tinggi sekali pun "perkembangan akal manusia" itu, ia tetap juga masih menggunakan "Akal Separuh Sedarnya" mengikut tahap yang berbeza-beza.

Sebenarnya kita tidak boleh wujud "tanpa Akal Separuh Sedar", kita mesti belajar untuk menggunakannya sebagai "panduan secara bijaksana".

"Berakal fikiran" (intelek) adalah fasa atau peringkat "perkembangan Kedua", di mana manusia yang memiliki "Kesedaran Akalnya", ertinya "benar-benar berakal", yang mana manusia seumpama itu benar-benar bertamadun atau peradaban. Itu pun, perkembangan akalnya tidak seberapa. Memang kelihatan "perkembangan intelektual" terserlah dan tersohor, sebenarnya ia baru saja bermula.

"Jika kita membuat analisis, sebenarnya manusia itu cuma sedikit lebih tinggi darjatnya daripada binatang; Kerana fungsi 'akalnya' masih mirip 'kenaluriannya' seperti 'binatang', walaupun ia menerima cahaya yang masuk dan digelar 'intelek'".

Kerana majoriti di antara manusia adalah dibimbing oleh pemimpin politik atau diketuai oleh pemimpin yang bergelar "pemimpin masyarakat" atau setiap "kumpulan ada Ketuanya". Sebenarnya cara atau gaya begitu jangan dihairankan, itulah "naluri binatang" atau 'haiwan'. Kerana 'haiwan' pun ada 'Ketua' dan 'gembalanya'. Di mana sekumpulan binatang pun berpandu kepada 'Ketuanya'.

"Malah kita manusia lebih teruk dan lebih parah nalurinya daripada binatang, berada 'di bawah' dan 'lebih hina' daripada haiwan-haiwan tersebut.... Lihat saja pertelingkahan yang sedang berlaku muktakhir ini oleh 'Ketua-Ketua' politik, 'pengembala' selaku 'pemimpin' atau 'Ketua' kepada sesuatu 'kumpulan'".

"Mereka tidak pernah berada di paras "AKAL SEDAR", dan masih berada di paras "Akal Separuh Sedar". Malah lebih buruk dari itu."

Kalau binatang pun berpandu kepada 'Ketuanya', kita manusia pun ada 'Ketua', tetapi asyik bertelagah dan bertelingkah sesama sendiri. "Itulah indikasi bahawa puratanya cara memikirnya sangat cetek, tohor dan lembab". Bagaimanakah mereka hendak kita jadikan 'Pengembala' (Ketua)?

Cara memikirnya adalah secara 'Automatis' dalam hidup sehari-harinya.

Daya memikirnya sangat-sangat rendah. Naluri pemikiran seseorang seumpama itu adalah sama seperti binatang, pokok-pokok, yang bernaluri lazimnya: "Lahir, tumbuh mengembang, rosak, busuk, dan mati, adalah suatu proses secara 'automatik'".

Ianya adalah 'lazim' berlaku pada pokok-pokok, binatang dan manusia. Proses seumpama begitu adalah "fungsi Akal Yang Bersifat Naluri".

Sewaktu kewujudan tubuh badan, sama ada tubuh badan sepohon pokok, binatang, atau kita manusia, yang kerap berlaku kerja-kerja merawat, membaiki, mengganti, mengubah, pencernaan, penghadaman, penyerapan, penghapusan, pengedaran, atau sebagainya.... Semuanya itu dilakukan dan diketahui "sebahagian daripada 'Akal' itu". Semua itu adalah berlaku di lapangan "AKAL SEPARUH SEDAR" atau "AKAL YANG BERSIFAT NALURI".

Tanpa dengan ilmu 'KESEDARAN', ertinya "Tanpa Akal Sedar", maka seluruh organ tidak upaya dikawal dan cara berfungsinya adalah di bawah penguasa "Akal Separuh Sedar".

Ambil Ingatan!...

Ramai yang tidak upaya mengawal 'akal', kerana ia berada di ruang "Akal Separuh Sedar" dan ketidakupayaan itu adalah sebahagian daripada kerja-kerja "Akal Naluri" (macam binatang). Dan skala "perkembangan Akal Separuh Sedarnya" adalah ke arah "Kehaiwanan atau Kebinatangan". Pada haiwan, buat beberapa perkara baginya adalah penting untuk 'kewujudannya'.

Kerana 'binatang' tidak punya "Kuasa Kewarasan" atau "alasan untuk berhadapan dengan kewujudan", tidak seperti manusia yang mempunyai 'kewarasan' dan "Keindahan Kebijaksanaan".

Tetapi perangai dan tingkah laku manusia dewasa ini, seperti membuang anak, bercerai-berai, bertelingkah, bergaduh, membunuh, gila kuasa; juga "lambang dan indikasi" bahawa "Akal Separuh Sedarnya" tidak pernah menambah atau meningkat ke "AKAL SEDAR". Malah sentiasa saja berada di bawah "Akal Sedarnya" atau "Akal Nalurinya", macam 'binatang'.

Fungsi "Akal Naluri" ini, "pada binatang adalah untuk pertahanan dan melindungi dirinya" masing-masing. Tetapi 'naluri' yang ada pada manusia, seperti; "bergaduh, bertelingkah, bermusuh, membunuh", adalah lebih teruk dan "lebih hina" daripada binatang.

"Mereka yang dikata berpelajaran tinggi, berlatarbelakangkan pengajian agama, ahli Sains... Tetapi tetap; "AKAL NALURINYA" macam 'haiwan' yang tidak berpelajaran."

Orang-orang yang dikatakan 'terpelajar', 'pemimpin-pemimpin politik' dewasa ini; Kenapa kelihatan "tidak terurus AKAL fikirannya?" Semuanya kerana masih "Berakal Naluri", tidak mengembang ke "AKAL SEDAR".

'Naluri' suka bergaduh, menonjol 'KEEGOAN', gila kuasa, merupakan "cahaya kegelapan" masih menebal di benak otak yang bersifat 'naluri'.

Untuk memahami fungsi "Akal Naluri", Cuba faham begini:

Membuat 'sarang', bukan manusia. Membuat 'rumah', adalah manusia. 'Migrasi' sebelum musim dingin, adalah unggas dan lain-lain binatang. 'Berpindah rumah', adalah manusia. Binatang, manusia, juga mengasuh anak, makan, minum, buang air besar, tidur, jaga, berehat, berkumpulan - Semuanya itu adalah cara "Akal Separuh Sedar" berfungsi. Cara begitu adalah seiring dengan cara hidup 'kebinatangan'.

Selagi kita yang bergelar 'MANUSIA', tidak dapat melepasi "Akal Separuh Sedarnya". Akal yang tidak dapat mengembang ini, akan terus "bernaluri seperti binatang"..., cuma paras rupa dan bentuknya sahaja manusia.

Satu lagi fungsi "Akal Separuh Sedar" ini, ia kerap berfungsi secara 'spontan' atau 'automatis', dalam banyak hal. Maksudnya apabila kita mempelajari sesuatu dan menghafalnya sepenuh hati, dan berkemahiran; Kemudian kita menghantarkannya ke "Akal Separuh Sedar" kita, dengan... 'Cara berfikir'. Proses begitu adalah 'menafestasi' yang cukup tinggi bagi "AKAL SEDAR". Kerana ia dikaitkan dengan "perkembangan intelek".

Banyak di antara kerja harian kita masing-masing yang dilakukan secara 'spontan' atau 'automatik', adalah seperti "berjalan, memandu, bercakap, menjahit, atau sebagainya". Jika 'akal' kita tidak melakukan sesuatu, ia semakin "bertambah pasif". Dengan mengisi pelbagai ilmu yang dimasukkan ke "Akal Separuh Sedar" itu, maka sibuklah manusia itu dengan pelbagai urusan dunia dengan tipu daya, selagi ia tidak dapat mencapai tahap .... "AKAL SEDAR".

Untuk pengetahuan pembaca mengenai 'AKAL', kita masing-masing sebenarnya perlu tahu bahawa fungsi 'akal' ada 'TIGA' peringkat:

Pertama: Peringkat "Akal Separuh Sedar"
Kedua : Peringkat "Akal Sedar"
Ketiga : Peringkat "Melampaui Akal Sedar"

Di peringkat 'KETIGA', tidak saya huraikan di penulisan ini, kerana ia terlampau rumit dan terlalu subjektif. Kecuali mereka yang sudah dapat melepasi; "Akal Separuh Sedarnya" dan "Akal Sedarnya", secara jitu dan benar-benar faham sahaja boleh masuk ke tahap atau peringkat "Melampaui Akal Sedar".... MAAF!

From Empty Hands,
A. Rahman bin Mahadi
Labis, Johore

21 DECEMBER 2010

Next Topic: 1. "Pay Special Attention For Aged Parents (Father and Mother)"

2. "Pintu Pada Setiap Tubuh Badan, Adalah Lima (5) Pancaindera Kita"

Sunday, December 12, 2010


"The body, the senses, the mind, and the intellect are only the vestures put on by man".
Only when we understand the nature and significance of these adjuncts, can we make proper use of them. Likewise, the body is our garment.
"It is only when we know how to wear it and use it appropriately that we can make good use of it get the best out of it".

Please remember!

"The body is inert". Many may argue as to how the body can be called 'inert', when it is seen to be capable of growth.

"The answer to this doubt is that when you clean your house daily and go on dumping the sweepings in one place, it will grow into a big heap. Likewise, when you go on dumping into your body, various kinds of food so many times a day, your body, though insentient, will grow like the heap of garbage."

It should however be realize that the:
"body is able to function by way of eating, talking, walking and growing etc."

Because of the 'Consciousness' within it. In this respect the body may be compared to 'a car'.

"Eyes are like the headlights, tongue like the horn, and ears like the loud speakers. It is because of the battery inside the car that the above mentioned parts of the car are able to function. Similarly, the various organs of the inert body are able to function only because of "the Divine Power inside the body". "To cite another analogy, the inert iron fillings are able to move hither and thither when attracted by the power of magnet".

So also, the operation of all organs of the body, which are inert by themselves, is made possible by the presence of the "Divine Power" inside.

"It is a pity that we spend a lot of time, effort and money to beautify the transient and inert body, forgetting our real Divine, which is permanent and sentient".
Man is prone to three kinds of misconceptions in relation to his body.

"One is to mistake himself to be something which is not his real self".
"Another is to regard persons or objects that do not belong to him as his own".
"The third is to believe the evanescent to be the everlasting".

Man considers the body as his real self. If that is the case, why should he say,... "This is my body, because the owner is different from what he owns."

"For instance, when a man says, this is my shoes, he is apart from the shoes. Hence,how can one say that he is the body? This is the first and basic blunder."

Secondly, in worldly matters man is misled by the belief that he is the owner of various kinds of properties like houses, lands, vehicles, etc.

You build a house and call it yours, when you sell it, it is no longer yours. Likewise, you buy a car, and call it yours. When it is sold, it ceases to be yours. So, things are yours only as long as your own and use them. Forgetting that all these possessions are temporary, like fleeting clouds, you develop undue attachment for them. In fact, "nothing is yours, how can those which belong to the body be yours?"

All these "misconception are caused by the evil of Maya, delusion and the resultant sense of possessiveness and the aberrations of the mind."

Prior to marriage, no one can say, "who is the husband, and who is the wife?" Before birth, nobody can say, "who is the mother? And who is the child?" Only after marriage, you say, "this is my wife." It is only after birth, you declare - "he is my son." But these relationships are transient and not permanent and are based on the wrong identification of oneself with the body.

"Nobody brings with him, even a tiny piece of cloth at the time of birth, and nobody leaves his address even, at the time of death." If they are really yours, "why won't they give you their address at the time of final departure?...
Nothing belongs to you."

Forgetting your own reality and mistaking the unreal as the real in this illusory world, you are creating problems for yourself. You are always yourself only. You don't belong to anybody, nor does anyone belong to you. "There is only one thing that exists. 'THAT IS THE GOD'." We continue to believe wrongly that diversity is real - The right way to believe is ... "Unity in Diversity." You have to do your duty for your kith and kin. But while discharging your duties, you should never deviate from the spiritual path.

"One should recognize the fact that nothing belongs to him, whether it is mother, father, brother, kinsmen, house, etc." All these ephemeral things are related to the changing body which is the basis for all mental aberrations.

The body undergoes various changes due to food and other living habits. Whatever be such changes in the body the individuality (the Soul) remains unchanged. The "changes of name and form" such as .... "childhood, boyhood, manhood, and old age pertain to the body and are hence, illusory".

Please remember!

You should not, therefore, consider the body as real and permanent at all. "Nevertheless, it is your duty to ensure that the body is not subjected to diseases and is maintained as a fit instrument".
"As long as you sail in the river of life, you must see to it that the boat of your body does not develop holes or leaks thereby preventing water from entering into the boat".

The boat maybe in the water, but there should be no water in the boat. Remain in the world and attend to your duties, "but don't allow worries to enter your mind and make your body susceptible to all kinds of diseases".
"Consider, the body as only an instrument".

To keep this instrument of the body in good trim, you have to regulate your food and other habits. Also, look upon the body as your vesture of clothing, and resort to washing it clean from time to time, just as soiled clothes are cleaned by the washerman.

"All that the washerman does is to remove the dirt from the cloth enabling it to regain its original whiteness, so too, purity is natural to the human body".

"But it becomes dirty due to improper use, and therefore you should get it cleaned with the help of GOD as washerman, by resorting to such practices as prayer and 'LOVE OF GOD'."

The washerman alone can wash the clothes. So also, God alone - and none else - can cleanse your heart of its impurities. Never forget that this body is only an instrument or a garment.

"It is due to ignorance that you look upon the body as your real Self. Only when you get rid of this ignorance, will you shine as the effulgent 'Sun of Wisdom'."

Please note!

Although the human body is worthless in itself and is impermanent, it has to be carefully looked after, because it enshrines the "Divine (God is always with you)". This is man's primary duty, to understand that "God is always with him". Without a healthy and strong body, man will fall an easy victim to numerous ailments.

Please remember!

"The body is merely the foundation of life."

The body is a world in itself. It is the collective assemblage of many organs and limbs. Each organ has its own beauty, which has to be fostered. A weak and unhealthy body is incapable of any resolute action. Pure, noble and sublime ideas can emanate only from a strong and healthy body.

"All religions are agreed on this point."

Although the body is impermanent, special care should be taken to maintain it properly, because the "Divine Spirit" illumines the body. "Although the latter is composed of flesh, blood, faeces, urine and other foul-smelling and impure things."

Please remember!

"The Spirit is not subject to growth or decay. It is ever pure, precious and immutable. The splendour and effulgence of the selfless, stainless, eternal Spirit principle will in, no way be diminished by human body full of impurities."

"Although the body is a mere instrument" :

Its use has to be regulated according to prescribed standards and limits. And every object in the world is governed by certain regulations. It has rightly been said that we cannot achieve any success or progress without observing such discipline. The body too is governed by certain regulations:

"We should develop purity in our thoughts, feelings, looks, and actions. If, on the other hand, one uses his senses and limbs in impure ways, one's nature would degenerate from humane to demoniacal".

Our life can be compared to a business enterprise. The body's normal temperature is 98oF. If the temperature goes up to even 90oF, it is a symptom of disease. Our blood pressure, too is 120/80 mm. If it becomes more or less, it is considered as disease.

Even our eye can see light within a particular range. Any deviation from the range will result in damage to the retina. Similarly, our ears can hear sound within a range; beyond that limit, the ear-drums will be damaged. "Thus our body may be called a limited company". So a careful observance of these limits should / have to be made while making use of the body. Whether in the food we eat or water we drink, or the words we speak and hear, in fact, in all our living habits, moderation should be observed as the key-note. Exceeding the limits will entail danger.

Excessive eating or talking results in mental aberration. While moderate eating or talking is conducive to pleasantness in life. Therefore, the body should always be used in such a manner only which confers happiness in man's life.

Man's knowledge can be classified into 'five' categories.

The 'first' type of knowledge which is most widely prevalent now-a-days is bookish knowledge. "We are wasting our entire lives for acquiring such bookish knowledge which is merely superficial." On account of this, today the absence of "General knowledge" and commonsense has become obvious.

There two, namely, general knowledge and commonsense cannot be gained from books, but "only from various experience" in actual day-today's living, "especially through service to society".

The fourth one is "discriminative knowledge". This type of knowledge is now-a-days being used perversely for selfish ends. This is not the right use of discrimination. What is wanted is the kind of discrimination which keeps in view not the selfish individual good but the collective good of the society at large. Young people should particularly avoid justifying the wrong use of their discrimination for self interest.

Understand the body which liable to decay. At the time of birth, the body is a lump of flesh and blood. As it grows, it attains beauty and enters the stage of adolescence and adulthood, "when it becomes puffed up with the pride of beauty and vigour ect."

In due course it is overtaken by the ravages of old age, resulting in loss of vitality and susceptibility to diseases. Thus, the body is subject to many a change. Use the body with discrimination to achieve the purpose for which it is meant. Just because you have this body, you should not use it according to your whims and fancies. Forgetting the fact that the body has a 'Soul' which should, therefore, be used for sacred purposes.

Please remember!

There can be no body without the senses nor senses without the body. These two are inseparable and interdependence. Negative without positive, or positive without negative (in the case of electric current) will serve no purpose. Likewise, a body without senses, or senses without a body cannot function. Hence it is imperative for every person to take proper care of the body.

"A healthy mind has a healthy body."

Look at the galaxy, the Sun, the Moon, the Earth, all the planets move around their own axes, and also around one another. Their movements are all governed by natural laws. They never try to break the laws. They are rhythmically helping mankind selflessly. But on the contrary, man breaks natural laws and harm mankind. That is why man at ... dis - ease is called 'diseased'.

From Empty Hands,
A. Rahman bin Mahadi
Labis, Johore

13 December 2010

Next Topic: 1. "Memahami Apa Yang Dikatakan Akal Separuh Sedar".

2."Pay Special Attention For Aged Parents (Father and Mother)"

Saturday, December 4, 2010


"Orang-orang yang tidak berpenyakit bukan bererti ia orang-orang yang sihat".
"Orang-orang yang sihat adalah orang-orang yang sihat fizikalnya, akalnya , emosinya, kemasyarakatannya dan kerohaniannya."


"Jika dikatakan seseorang itu tanpa penyakit, itu bukan bererti ia orang sihat."

Lihat rata-rata di dunia ini, masyarakatnya, pemimpinnya, di negara kita sendiri, ramai yang sedang dilanda "penyakit otak". Kini manusia sedang "berperang dengan akalnya", sehingga sanggup memusnahkan tubuh badannya, saudara maranya yang sejenis dengannya di muka bumi ini. Sebab itulah "ia berpenyakit".

Manusia bukan saja berperang sesamanya, malah ia telah mencemar, menceroboh dan memperkosa alam sekitarnya.... Dalam ertikata lain, "alam di sekelilingnya juga secara senyap-senyap sedang menjauhkan dirinya dari manusia. Sesiapa yang sedar, akan dapat merasakannya".

Manusia kini sibuk menghias dan menggemukkan tubuh badannya, juga sibuk berseronok-seronok tanpa memberi tumpuan waktu dan masa untuk ... 'AKALNYA'.

"Tanpa ingin memahami sifat AKAL dan tujuannya. Manusia hilang kearifan dan kebijaksanaan, ROHnya kering kehausan. ROH yang tidak dipupuk dan disiram".

Manusia akan kehilangan tenaga, akan sentiasa berfikir salah, menyimpang dan akan "mengalirkan getaran elektromagnetik yang negatif". Apabila elektromagnetik yang positif mengalir di akal fikiran masing-masing; seperti kasih sayang, tidak mementingkan diri, maka suhu panas (stress) tubuh badan kita masing-masing akan menurun. Seseorang itu akan berasa lega dan tenang.

Ambil perhatian saudara pembaca yang dikasihi!

'Akal' sifatnya sentiasa "berkeinginan, ingin tahu, ingin cepat dan suka mendesak serta menakluk apa saja"... Proses begitulah digelar:

"Akal dengan segala kecelotehannya".

Akal tidak tahu duduk diam, perangainya seperti; "monyet, kuda, gasing, ombak, gelombang, dan lain-lain".

Tengok dekat-dekat segala sifat yang disebutkan di atas, amati dan rasakanlah di akal fikiran masing-masing.

Untuk pengetahuan pembaca!

Kita semua patut berhati-hati dan "waspada terhadap semua tindakan kita yang datangnya dari akal masing-masing". Ia bagaikan 'penguasa', pemerintah yang sangat pandai memujuk dan merayu ke arah segala yang negatif".

Ambil tahu, bahawa akal kita masing-masing adalah mekanisme yang mudah menerima tetamu yang tidak diundang... Sekurang-kurangnya "sehari semalam sebanyak 50 juta tetamu masuk dan keluar". "Lebih banyak masuk daripada yang keluar". Kalau ia keluar, keluarnya dengan sangat perlahan, kata pepatah;

"Seperti Awan Yang Berarak Lalu".

"Lima Puluh Juta Tetamu" (50 juta) 'tetamu' yang dimaksudkan adalah; "segala yang lampau diingat kembali, 'esok' yang tidak menentu dan belum pasti, sudah dirancang masuk ke akal pada saat ini" dan 'saat ini' kita sedang berhadapan dengan pelbagai masalah. Masalah seperti hutang kereta, rumah, dan sebagainya, masalah anak-anak, isteri, suami, adik, kerja, harta kekayaan dan lain-lain yang mengganggu dan menyumbat akal fikiran kita masing-masing".

"Mungkinkah kita semua boleh sembahyang secara khusuk?" Jawapannya ada pada diri masing-masing, jangan berbohong kepada diri sendiri.

Sebab itu kita lihat ramai orang di sekeliling kita tidak tenang dan tidak tenteram.
Zahirnya saja kita nampak seseorang itu tenang, tetapi 'akalnya' dikocak, ketidaktenteraman. Jika kita tidak mahu belajar dan "memahami sifat-sifat akal" dengan segala latarbelakangnya; tiada siapa dapat hidup tenang , tenteram dan bahagia.

"Akal fikiran yang baik" dapat mengangkat dan meninggikan martabatnya sebagai "seorang manusia" dan menggunakan seluruh tenaganya untuk kesejahteraan semua manusia dan seluruh kewujudan di sekelilingnya.

Kapal di laut yang sedang belayar menempuh ombak besar; sebenarnya dipandu dan berpandukan 'kompas' untuknya bergerak mengikut keinginan dan kemahuan yang terurus dan terarah secara betul melalui 'kompas' yang bergelar 'AKAL'.

Tanpa kompas, risiko kapal tersebut besar, kemungkinan akan 'tersadai' dilambung ombak, terhempas dan melanggar ketulan ais yang terapung di permukaan lautan (icebergs).

Kita "manusia perlu melayari hidupnya di lautan penghidupannya", di daratan atau di lautan, dengan "satu tujuan yang baik untuk kesejahteraan semua penghidupan di dunia ini".

Seseorang boleh merasa di dalam dirinya, bagaimana sukar sekalipun, "ia tetap sedar yang ia punya akal yang membezakan dirinya dengan haiwan melata". Ertinya:

"Kita manusia dibekalkan 'AKAL' untuk membuat perbandingan".


"Air muka kita adalah 'potret atau gambaran akal'. Atau boleh juga dikatakan air muka kita adalah 'acuan akal'."

"Di air muka itulah boleh kita lihat... perasaan seseorang, keputusan dan keinginannya."

Contoh begini:

"Alat pemain piring hitam 'gramophone', dalam rakaman tersebut terkandung... perkataan, nyanyian dan bunyi-bunyian. Ia hanya boleh didengar, tetapi tidak boleh dilihat".

Tetapi yang terkandung di dalam akal fikiran kita; "umpama akal yang jahat, seperti amarah, kebencian, cemburu, putus asa, sombong dan ego". Atau "akal yang baik, seperti kebenaran, ikhlas, kasih sayang, amalan belas kasihan." Semuanya itu "boleh dilihat melalui air muka masing-masing", walaupun ia tidak boleh didengar.


"Air muka kita yang baik atau yang jahat, adalah 'acuan' atau 'potret akal', yang boleh dilihat melalui air muka masing-masing".

Setiap apa yang kita terima melalui akal kita masing-masing akan membentuk jalur pemikiran. Ia tidak ubah seperti kita menampal sesuatu ingatan atau amaran di papan kenyataan, di air muka kita masing-masing lalu menghebah atau tersebar kepada yang berkenaan atau ada kaitan dengannya.

Apa yang terpapar di akal fikiran kita, tidak dapat atau tidak boleh diselindung atau disembunyikan. Jika kita berusaha juga untuk menyembunyikan, kita memang benar-benar orang yang bodoh atau dungu dan kita tidak ubah seperti kata pepatah:

"Kita tidak ubah berkelakuan seperti seekor 'burung kasuari' (ostrichs), bila ia dikejar oleh seseorang atau sesuatu,... ia akan membenamkan kepalanya ke pasir, lalu menganggap dirinya 'selamat' dari dibunuh atau terbunuh oleh musuhnya".

Tetapi tubuhnya yang besat itu menarik perhatian musuhnya, itu tidak disedari olehnya. Pastinya ia terperamgkap dan terbunuh juga akhirnya.

"Akal fikiran yang baik" atau 'jahat', sebenarnya boleh "tergambar pada air muka" masing-masing dengan sangat jelas.

Tahukah kita bahawa "Akal fikiran kita masing-masing kesannya terhadap sesuatu 'kesedaran' adalah sangat halus, lebih halus daripada arus pengaliran elektrik?"

Terangnya memang suatu keperluan dan ia mempunyai motif, nama dan rupa. Ia "mewarnai arus pemikiran" dengan jelas dan nyata dengan pelbagai corak dan cara. Akal kita semua, "sebelum baligh, adalah suci dan bersih, langsung tiada contengan atau lakaran". Tetapi lama kelamaan, "dengki dan kotoran dunia mula melekat dan melekap dengan pelbagai kepalsuan". Semuanya itu terpulang kepada "bimbingan, keadaan dan persekitaran".

'Akal fikiran' jika tidak dilatih dan dikawal, ia cepat 'membiakkan' sesuatu yang negatif, ia cepat menokok dan menambah. Ia adalah "suatu kuasa yang sangat tajam dan kuat, dan boleh memusnahkan tuannya sendiri".

"Akal sangat giat dan aktif".

Ia menggiatkan mata, lidah, hidung, dan seluruh persepsi organ dan tindakan. Akallah yang memulakan segala kegiatan, apa yang difikirkannya dan "ia mudah menangkap dan terpengaruh".

Ingat saudara pembaca!

"Akal ada penyaksi yang tidak dapat dilihat, ia merupakan pemerhati yang sangat berminat dan ingin mengambil tahu". Ia dikatakan:

"Seperti permaisuri yang terkurung di dalam sebuah istana, memerhati gelagat lelaki dan apa saja di luar sana melalui sebuah lobang tingkap yang kecil (biji mata)".

Dari manakah akal fikiran itu berasal? Ia terbit dari 'keegoan' kita masing-masing. 'Aku'.., 'Aku'.., 'Aku tahu', 'Aku pandai'..., yang datangnya atau terbitnya dari dalam diri masing-masing. Semuanya bertunas, bercambah dari akal fikiran yang 'Egois' lagi "jahil tentang Kebesaran atau Keagongan Allah".

Justeru, kita semua perlu berhati-hati dan waspada terhadap 'Akal Fikiran' kita, sama ada ia boleh mengangkat kita ke martabat 'insaniah' atau kepada 'haiwan yang melata'.

Perlu diketahui bahawa "perjalanan akal adalah lebih pantas daripada perjalanan cahaya". Ertinya; 'Kedua-duanya' mestilah pandai mengawalnya.

Melatih dan mengawal 'akal', mestilah bijak, kerana jika asyik mengikut tingkah dan kehendaknya saja, kita akan jatuh ke tahap 'kebinatangan'. "Gunakanlah kuasa perbandingan" untuk "mengawal kerakusan akal".

Mengawal akal perlukan 'kemahiran dan kepakaran', tetapi ia bukan kerja mudah.

Buat saya, selaku penulis dan "pengkaji sifat deria dan akal", akal sifatnya sangat 'licik'. Untuk pengetahuan pembaca:

"Saya lebih percaya seseorang itu boleh menelan air selautan dengan sekali teguk, dari mempercayai seseorang itu boleh mengawal akal fikirannya."

Namun apapun, carilah cara dan mekanismenya, jika tidak, kita akan terjebak dengan seribu satu macam masalah.

From Empty Hands,
A. Rahman bin Mahadi
Labis, Johore

5 December 2010

Next Topic: 1. "Knowledge About Body"

2. "Memahami Apa Yang Dikatakan Akal Separuh Sedar"

Friday, November 26, 2010


"What man should seek in not longevity in life but divinization of life?" He must developed his good qualities.

"The span of life is determined by Times"

It is virtue that has to be nourished. The character and conduct of a person are based upon his qualities.

Forgetting this truth, people go after changes in the external conditions of life.

Who is the guide and protector of the world?
"Only the good man is the protector of the world".

If there were no good people in the world, it would be a helpless world.


Man's life is determined by his qualities. The transformation of the world is related to the transformation of the individual. The world will change only when the individual changes. "When individuals are good, society also becomes good".

We tend to attach importance only to the external forms of social institutions. "We lay stress on the conditions prevailing in the political, economic, social and environmental spheres".

Change in these spheres alone are not enough. Mental and spiritual transformation is more essential.

Remember! "All wealth is impermanent and unreal".

Today we seek to accumulate all kinds of wealth by various activities. When these activities themselves are transient and evanescent, how can the wealth acquired by them be lasting? "All of them are impermanent and unreal".

Please bear in mind!... "There is only one permanent and immutable reality".... That is 'GOD'.


You may appear externally to be a great devotee or followers and claim that you are doing many things to please 'GOD'. But the truth cannot be hidden from 'GOD'. "You must consult your conscience and find out whether your devotion is genuine".

A friend of mine, the composer, sang many songs in which he hailed 'God' as his sole refuge and support. Later he had the realization that he had been trying to deceive 'God' by his words.

"Then a great change came over him, we should realize that we cannot please 'God' by our books our songs or by our learning and scholarship. Nor is it possible to please 'God' by intellectual eminence or clever tricks".

Please remember!

"The degree of everyone's (spiritual) attainment depends on the nature of his thoughts".

"Divine Grace is in proportion to the measure of your devotion. You can take from the vast ocean only the amount of water your vessel can contain".

"According to the purity of our actions, we will get the fruits thereof."

Our precious human birth can be redeemed only by developing human qualities and leading a righteous life.

You (the students) must make good use of the golden opportunity you have got now. Besides worldly education, cultivate meditation on 'God' and develop the inner vision.

Seeking only material gains.

Hence, today, even more than the teachers, it is the students who have to be exemplary and high minded. Teachers and students today do not live upto this ideal. "Students are self-seeking and self-centred. Likewise, the teachers also are self-regarding and self-seeking".

Students go to teachers only to get their desires fulfilled. When their wishes are satisfied, they feel content. Otherwise they are disappointed. They are even prepared to take up cudgets against teachers. The result is that harmonious relations between teachers and students do not develop.

What is most deplorable today is the indifference of students to their mental development, because they are concerned only about their narrow personal interests. They seek only material gains.

Please note!

Our life is not based entirely on food. It is based on the (Spirit). One who regards food as the basis of life, is an... "Ignorant of the truth". The one who realizes that the Spirit alone is everything in life is ... "The man of Higher Knowledge".

The man who regards food as the basis of everything... Is a 'sinner'. The man who seeks a spiritual life is a "pure devotee of GOD."

The foremost duty of students is to concentrate on their studies, behave in an exemplary manner in all their relations with the outside world, and seek to experience the 'Divine' internally as a spiritual discipline.

The nature of creation has to be understood. We have to view creation in relation to its... "Extraordinary magnificence". Next, our conduct has to be... 'Harmonious' and orderly.

"We have to realize that the whole universe is permeated by the (Spirit)".

"Our conduct should be such that no one can point finger of criticism at us. It should be blameless and pure."

"If the heart is also pure, one will not get immersed in the body-consciousness."

The body is doubtless an essential instrument for right living and its health and fitness should be safeguarded.

But our main concern should be to experience the Divine as the creator in everything in creation.

If the latter is ignored, physical existence alone will have no meaning.
Student should bear in mind the rules of right conduct that should govern their life. They are passing through the most precious and sacred period in their lives. This should be well used.

Dedicate all your thoughts and aspirations to 'GOD' and surrender yourselves to the "Will of the Divine".

Surrender may appear to be difficult. But it is not so. It is in fact like keeping your money in the bank. You will be able to draw money from the bank whenever you need it.

"Similarly when you have entrusted all your concerns to 'GOD', you can draw from 'Him' whatever you need".

What is it that stands in the way of this surrender?

It is your 'EGO' and your 'POSSESSIVENESS'. You do not have sufficient trust in the 'Lord' people desperately cling to their possessions saying:

"My money, My money", and so on.

They forget that when you surrender to the 'Divine', you acquire.... His grace, "sometime or the other your wealth will go". But once you have earned the grace of 'GOD', you can feel secure and satisfied. 'GOD' does not need your wealth....

But remember!

"He is always the one who steals the heart".

Not a stealer of wealth. It is you, who have to change from.
The stealer of heart to the stealer of wealth or otherwise.

"Man run hither and thither.
In search of food, of worldly goods,
Of position and pelf, name and fame;
But few seek to realize GOD"

"This is the truth declared unto you".
Men pursue intensively mundane studies.
"But do not seek to study the path of inner vision".

From Empty Hands,
A.Rahman bin Mahadi
Labis, Johore

27 NOVEMBER 2010

Next Topic: 1. "Melatih Akal Pemikiran, Air Muka Adalah Gambaran Akal"

2. "Knowledge About Body!"

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Boleh dikatakan setiap hari media massa melaporkan "pembuangan bayi" di sana sini. Terutama di tempat-tempat yang tidak sepatutnya; seperti di tong-tong sampah, di dalam semak, tandas, parit, longkang dan sungai tadahan sampah; dengan langsung tidak punya sifat 'perikemanusiaan'. Jauh sekali "nilai-nilai kasih sayang sebagai manusia".

Dengan tersiarnya berita-berita yang menyayat hati itu setiap hari, sangat mengejutkan masyarakat masa kini, sangat menyedihkan kita semua. Maka sudah sewajarnyalah kita semua rasa 'terpanggil' untuk bersama-sama "mencegah dan mengekang permasalahan" tersebut agar tidak berkembang biak dan menjadi suatu masalah yang mencemaskan semua orang.

Ada bayi-bayi yang dibuang dan dapat diselamatkan oleh pemungut sampah, oleh orang yang lalu lalang, imam masjid, tuan rumah tertentu, setelah bayi-bayi itu terdedah kepada anjing-anjing liar, tikus, semut serta cuaca panas dan sejuk.

Sangat menghairankan kita semua, betapa sanggupnya "seorang ibu" dari golongan 'manusia' membiar dan membuang anaknya, sedangkan "semua binatang yang sangat garang sifatnya", apabila mereka menjaga dan mengawal anak-anak kelahirannya; tetap jelas dilihat "belaian dan kasih sayang mereka terhadap anak-anak mereka".

Nasihat saya;

"Semua ibu bapa mesti dan perlu memahami sikap anak-anak mereka, mempastikan ibu bapalah tempat mengadu, sebaik saja mereka menghadapi masalah."

Mereka yang sudah terlanjur, sebenarnya memerlukan pertolongan atau bantuan, mereka perlu diberi 'kaunseling'. Kita selaku ibu bapa, jangan sekali-kali menunding jari antara satu sama lain, dan menuduh secara membuta tuli.

Dahulu kita orang-orang Timur, suka menuduh orang Barat bagaikan orang yang tidak bertamaddun. Apabila ada saja permasalahan sosial, di Baratlah tempat kita menunding jari. Ingat!.... "Walaupun anak-anak kita kian hari kian ke arah Barat" cara berfikirnya, sikapnya, gaya hidupnya.... Di sinilah bermulanya peranan ibu bapa.

Tetapi ibu bapa masa kini terlalu sibuk untuk mengambil tahu tentang anak-anak sendiri, dan pengabaian berlaku secara tidak disengajakan.

Sebaliknya kita selaku ibu bapa, patut meluangkan lebih masa agar kita dapat mendisiplin, melatih, memupuk, mendidik dan mengajar anak-anak untuk "membezakan mana yang baik dan mana yang jahat".

Kita perlu buat pendekatan secara 'kemanusiaan' dalam menangani permasalahan anak-anak yang belum matang, sudah menjadi ibu sebelum berkahwin secara sah, berpunca dari keluarga yang tidak bahagia, tidak sehaluan dengan ibu bapa mereka.

Bila ia berlaku kepada anak perempuan yang takut dihukum oleh ibu bapa dan masyarakat, maka ia menjadi 'stigma' kepada dirinya. Ia merasakan 'tiada tempat' untuk mengadu, bagi mendapatkan nasihat dan pertolongan.

Mereka yang telah sumbang, tercemar, terhina, sebenarnya telah pun membayar segala kesalahan yang selama ini terpikul di atas bahunya secara 'bersendiri' tanpa lagi punya pasangan.

Keluarga sudah tidak mahu menerimanya lagi. Masyarakat mengutuk dan menghinanya, akhirnya ia 'habis ikhtiar' dan mengambil 'jalan nekad'.

Saudaraku pembaca yang budiman lagi dikasihi.

Untuk mengatasi semua masalah yang sangat serius itu, semua ibu bapa mesti berusaha, semua agensi mesti bergabung tenaga, mengorak langkah dengan serius membendung "gejala yang meranapkan institusi kekeluargaan". Setiap pasangan mesti dilatih agar dapat menjadi 'keluarga bahagia' yang berpanjangan. Dan semua remaja sepatutnya telah tahu bertanggungjawab melalui program "pendidikan seks". "Kaunselor agama dan semua organisasi dakwah" perlu membantu kerajaan untuk berhadapan dan memerangi "penyakit sosial" yang sangat ketara muktakir ini.

From Empty Hands,
A. Rahman bin Mahadi
Labis, Johore

17 NOVEMBER 2010

Next Topic: 1. "What Man Should Seek Is Not Longevity In Life But Divinization Of Life"

2. "Melatih Akal Pemikiran, Air Muka Adalah Gambaran Akal"


What is the root-cause of all the disorder, chaos, crime, falsehood and violence that prevail in the country today?

It is the behaviour of people contrary to the dignity of human nature that is responsible for the present situation. All the education that one receives "has no relation to human values".

Whether it be in the sphere of political behaviour or social conduct, economic activity or spiritual pursuits, all one's action are based upon the tendencies of the mind. No change in any form of activity "is possible unless the mind is changed".

That is why the wise man always proclaimed the mind is the cause of bondage and the liberation of men.

Please bear in mind -
"One who wants to change others must first change himself".
"The heart is like a lock and the mind is like a key."

There is no use blaming the government for all the evils prevailing today. The people are responsible for "the injustice, the wickedness, the falsehood and the corruption prevalent in any country".

"The people cannot disown their responsibility for the actions of a government which has been placed in power by their votes".

Whether a government is a good or bad depends on the people themselves. There is widespread talk in the country about corruption. Many come and ask me; "Sir! When will corruption end in this country? Who is responsible for this corruption?"
Is it the government?"

"No, it is the businessmen who are directly responsible for this corruption."

For their own selfish reasons and private gain businessmen have been financing those in power and making them more and more powerful.

To all businessman out there - If you businessman live up to your right principles, all this corruption can be ended in a moment. It is true that there is no one who does not desire wealth. Please note - An old proverb says:

"That even a dying person will get up, if he sees somebody offering money."

It is not surprising if, when bribes are offered, officials do not refuse them. It is for businessman to set a limit to their business and their profits and utilize their abilities for the promotion of public good....

"It is difficult to combine business with morality".

Therefore, the first requisite is to install morality in the heart and, with faith in the Divine, engage oneself in business. If this is done, the nation will benefit from the business man's effort and he will be serving society.

Today everyone talks only about what he wants. He says: "I want this, I want that." If he loses anything, he bemoans his loss. The whole life is spent in acquisition and losing and there is no peace of mind.

"Businessman have to understand the basis of human relations and cultivate harmony and understanding". Unless such a broad-minded approach is developed, businessman will not experience the bliss of the Divine.

Please remember!

How long can the pleasure derived from education, wealth, health or position last?
Like the lamp that sheds its light on all alike, you must cultivate love towards all.

While remaining in the world of business, you must keep this high goal in view and carry on your business, what ever it may be.

"Do not regard all your various possessions, houses, vehicles, wealth, etc., as permanent. There have been great emperors in the past who ruled over vast empires. When they passed away, what did they take with them?" Posterity does not care even to remember their names.

What you cannot take with you does not really belong to you. You are filled with fear, like the ticketless traveller who gets into the train. In the journey of life, if you want to travel with fear, you must have the ticket of good conscience. If you adhere to right conduct, you will have no need to fear any one.


The world attracts man in multifarious ways, but it will not allow man's thoughts or intelligence to go beyond its own limits. Content with the satisfaction "derived from the physical world, man does not consider what is in store for him in the future. He devotes all his energies, physical and mental, and all his resources to achieving material comforts, power position and honour, but makes no attempt to show his gratitude to the society from which he derives all these comforts, wealth and position".

For right living, righteousness and character are essential. "The divine is the life-breath of man". The fulfillment of live consists in dedicating all one's energies to these objectives. Man, however does not have faith in the divine.

Because man covers his mind in a cloak of ignorance, blinkers his eyes with egoism, and closes his heart with the doors of pride.

"He forgets the Lord who created him and protects him".

Such a man is unable to listen to any teaching. He worships at the mosque, shrine, church of the sense organs. As his desires go on mounting, he is unable to listen to what is wholesome for him. He is no relish for the company of the good.

"He has no awareness of the transcience of life. He does not realize that his life and all that he enjoys may pass away in a moment. He does not recognize the passing nature of both joy and sorrow, pleasure and pain, success and failure."

Obsessed with the acquisition of wealth and power, he does not realize Divinity that is his essential nature..... "Immersed in ignorance, he wastes his life in the pursuit of impermanent things."


"Thirst for wealth has no limit, it is insatiable."

Please understand, "Thirst and desire."

It is natural for man to have desires and thirst. But there is a difference between desire and thirst. It is natural for man, not to be content with what they have, but to desire for more and more goods and more and more comforts. But in seeking fulfillment of such desires, one should take care not to cause any harm or suffering to others. Thirst is different from desire. It is no limit. It is insatiable.

"One should earn his living by just means."

The code of righteousness lays down for men regulatory path. "Like the effulgence of the rays of sun, illumines the path which men should follow for the welfare and progress of society".

Among the laws of 'code of duties' is 'justness'.
Justness is most important. Rectitude means that one should earn his living by just means and be example to others by just living.

Please note!

"Justness consists in making no difference between oneself and others - Whatever may happen to oneself or one's relations. Whatever difficulties one may have to face, one should not swerve from the path of rectitude".

Please remember!

"Justness is like the mariner's compass. In whatever way you put it, the needle will point only towards the North".

Hence, the ideal human life should be one in which rectitude forms the basis for every action.

Please ruminate!

Today, whatever prosperity one enjoys, what ever comforts one secures, all of them are derived from society. "Some rules of conduct have been laid down for ensuring that the wealth that is earned from society is devoted to benefit of society".

In the process of acquiring wealth one may be guilty of some lapses. "It is to make amends from such lapses that one must practice charity."

Life consists of a constant interchange of pleasure and pain, joy and sorrow, heat and cold.

"Happiness is an interval between two pains."

The sour rind that covers an orange protects the sweet juice inside....
"We must look upon pain, anxiety and sorrow as the protecting cover for the peace and bliss that is experienced later".

It is a mistake to seek an unending series of pleasures and comforts in life. Real happiness cannot be found that way. Without experiencing difficulties and troubles one cannot know the value of peace and pleasure.

"When desires are controlled, genuine happiness is experienced".

Man thinks that the more he has of worldly goods the happier he would be. But, has desires grow, disappointments and trouble also increase. There should be a limit to our desires, attachments and ambition. The world is suffering from numerous troubles because of 'BRIBERY' people set no limits on their desires.

Please remember!

"Nature has prescribed limits for everything".

For the temperature of body, the capacity of the eye tolerate light or for the ear to listen to sound. When these limits are crossed, harm is caused to organ concerned.

Life itself is like a limited company. All actions in it should be growned by the limits applicable to each of them "when desires are controlled", genuine happiness is experienced. Even in practising charity, limits should be observe...

Please note!

"One's gifts should not exceeds one's financial capacity: Nor should they be below one's capacity."

In the former case, one will face financial troubles. In the latter, one will be with holding from those need what is due to them. Charity is not limited to money alone.

"One must share one's physical, mental and spiritual resources with those in need in society."

It is through such sharing and sacrifice that the awareness of the spirit is achieved.

Charity should not be indiscriminate. He should be rendered according to the needs of the case:

"The hungry must be fed - The naked must be clothed."

Although one may know how much good can be derived through (sacrifice), one does not make any sacrifice. One may aspire for wealth, but one should only seek what one is entitled or competent to get.

"A bank cashier handles 'millions' everyday, but he is entitled only to his salary. He should not desire for more money that what he can earn legitimately".

Excessive wealth carries with it many dangers. Human values are forgotten by the affluent. As long as there is wealth the evils resulting from it are not realized. "It is only when it is lost that one begins to realize one's follies".

It is better to be forewarned and learned to lead a righteous and upright life from the beginning.

"Wealth may come and go".

"Morality is what one should cultivate."
What is morality? It is right conduct in accordance with time and place.
Utilize the wealth for right ends.

Please follow this avenues for the utilization of wealth or earnings.

1. One fourth should be used for personal use and for supporting the family.
2. Another fourth should be used for charitable and religious purposes.
3. A third quarter should be spent on other living things like animals, birds, etc.
4. The remaining fourth should be offered for supporting the state.

It is only when one's wealth is utilized in this manner will it be really beneficial and meaningful.

From Empty Hands,
A. Rahman bin Mahadi
Labis, Johore

17 NOVEMBER 2010

Next Topic: 1. "Masalah Pembuangan Anak Atau Ibu Yang Tidak Pernah Berkahwin"

2. "What Man Should Seek Is Not Longevity In Life But Divinisation Of Life"

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


"MANUSIAlah suatu ciptaan yang sangat 'MULIA' di sisi TUHAN". Suatu ciptaan yang sangat 'unik' di antara semua makhluk di universe ini.


"MANUSIA ertinya seseorang yang dikurniakan 'AKAL' boleh berfikir".

Dunia ini memang diciptakan untuk manusia. Dari perspektif itulah manusia itu boleh memperolehi apa jua yang diingini, kerana dialah sejenis makhluk yang 'TERPILIH' dan apa jua kewujudan di universe ini adalah semata-mata untuk kegunaan, kemudahan, keperluan, permainan untuk kesukaan manusia.

Dengan istilah atau definisi 'MANUSIA' itulah maka ia bertanggungjawab secara terus terhadap segala... "kegilaan, kerakusan, pencerobohan, kemusnahan dan pencabulan alam sekitarnya, tanpa memikir dan menimbang 'HAK' makhluk lain yang bersama-sama berkongsi dan menghuni universe ini".

Sebagai contoh:

Telah berlaku perkara-perkara tragik yang tidak diingini di mana banyak spesis binatang-binatang telah lenyap dan pupus, dibunuh tanpa sebab, tanpa belas kasihan, semata-mata kerana keseronokan atau tujuan perniagaan dan perdagangan.

Tidak cukup dengan bahan-bahan tumbuhan yang boleh dijadikan pakaian seperti kapas, dan lain-lain, untuk tujuan menutup aurat atau tubuh badannya; Maka "kulit binatang" yang tidak berdosa, menjadi "mangsa kerakusan" manusia.

Definisi 'manusia' sebenarnya berbeza dengan binatang. Ertinya manusia "bukan binatang", kerana hanya manusia saja mampu mengembangkan 'akal'nya dengan segala 'kebijaksanaannya'. Ertinya ia mampu mengukuhkan "kuasa perbandingannya dengan jitu dan kuat".

"Maka Manusia Itulah Yang Dimaksudkan Yang Mempunyai Akal Untuk Berfikir".

Maka tujuan 'Agama' itulah membuatkan seseorang itu boleh dibantu dan ditolong agar ia lebih 'rasional' "agar bertimbang rasa dan berperikemanusiaan".

Dengan pertimbangan begitulah manusia boleh mengangkat diri "tinggi sedarjat" untuk memahami perhubungannya dengan alam dan yang berkongsi dengannya, agar dapat hidup secara 'harmonis'. Agar masing-masing dapat mencapai matlamat dan memahami: "Kenapakah 'universe' ini dicipta dengan begitu indah dan menarik untuk dihuni buat sementara?"

"Kemudian kita pejamkan mata kita masing-masing buat selama-lamanya dengan penuh senyum dan kepuasan".

"Apakah tujuan manusia dicipta?"
"Apakah tujuan penempatannya di dunia ini?"
"Apakah ia diperlukan di dunia ini buat selama-lamanya?"

Adakah tujuannya ke dunia ini semata-mata untuk makan dan minum sebagai asas penghidupannya sahaja?

Rumah untuk berlindung dari hujan dan panas semata-mata?
Atau... Hanya untuk mengembangbiakkan baka dari generasi ke generasi.

Tidakkah ia hendak mengetahui akan "hakikat dirinya"?
Tidakkah kita hendak melihat atau tidakkah kita memikir dan hendak memikir?


"Terdapatkah sepohon pokok yang besar di dalam sebiji benih yang kecil?... Mustahil!"
"Tetapi di dalam sebiji benih yang kecil terdapat sepohon pokok yang besar!..."
"Kalau tidak percaya, cubalah tanam, semai, pupuk, baja dan siram!..."
"Butakah kita semua?"

Di dalam sejarah penghidupan manusia di muka bumi ini, ramai yang menyangka sistem pemikiran manusia sudah berkembang! Sebenarnya tidak!

Hanya dengan 'beragama' sahaja akal fikiran akan mengembang secara rasional, kemas, teratur dan penuh sopan serta pertimbangan.

Saudaraku pembaca yang dikasihi!

Untuk menjawab segala soalan, lazimnya kita manusialah yang patut bertanya pada diri sendiri kerana kita semua dikurniakan "akal fikiran".

Justeru, kita manusia sepatutnya meningkatkan kesedaran. Tidakkah kita melihat dengan "penaklukan dan penguasaan Sains dan Teknologi" bagaikan dapat sanjungan dan tepukan gemuruh di seluruh pelusuk dunia, tetapi "natijah keburukannya lebih banyak dari kebaikannya". Adalah sangat cemas dan mendukacitakan manusia dan alam demi masa depan generasi akan datang.... "Suatu petanda malapetaka yang disediakan dan menanti generasi kita akan datang".

Mari kita sama-sama meningkatkan kesedaran, bagi yang sudah menyedari betapa 'kehancuran' dan 'kemusnahan' besar - menanti kita semua, atas nama 'kemajuan' Sains dan Teknologi.

Tahukah kita? "sehingga sekarang 'alam' telah banyak bersabar" dan terus saja mengharap agar 'manusia' dapat memikir... bahawa "alam ini adalah dicipta untuk manusia!"

Adakah ianya hendak dibuat sesuka hati, diteroka, diperkosa, dan dimusnahkan, untuk memuaskan "keinginan yang tidak akan pernah memuaskan segala kegelojohan manusia, dengan segala ketamakan dan kebuasannya?"

"Sedarkah kita, Semua indikasi atau petanda "sebagai ingatan" kepada semua manusia bahawa masa depan manusia selaku penghuni alam, tidak akan dapat hidup selesa dan aman?" Kerana masa untuk kehancuran dan kemusnahan sudah menghampiri kita semua, sebagai "tindakbalas alam terhadap perlakuan manusia".

Untuk memahami kenapa kita ditempatkan dan dipilih sebagai 'MANUSIA', di universe ini, saya ingin mengenengahkan pandangan saya terhadap alam ini, untuk kita kongsikan bersama, bahawa "alam ini mesti dilihat dan mesti difahami sebagai suatu 'ALAM' yang mempunyai ruang yang luas".

Dan seluruh universe itu boleh dikategorikan kepada 'TIGA' kumpulan:

- "Alam yang dihuni oleh seluruh kehidupan".
- "Alam dan pelbagai elemen".
- "Seluruh ruang".

Maka kita boleh melihat "manusia adalah makhluk yang paling istimewa" itu kewujudannya dibentuk begitu rupa untuk menikmati seluruh keindahan di dalam "galeri ciptaan Tuhan", yang bergelar 'DUNIA'.

"Manusia bukan saja kelihatan kerdil, malah tenaga serta hayatnya juga sangat pendek".

"Manusia bukan saja 'manusia' di alam ini, malah ia juga sejenis makhluk yang dikurniakan 'AKAL' dan 'kebijaksanaan' di universe ini".

Dari segi biologinya, manusia adalah sejenis makhluk yang lemah, kalau dibandingkan dengan lain-lain makhluk kecil atau besar.

"Lain-lain makhluk di alam in seperti binatang, dilahirkan dan dibekalkan sekali bersamanya sejenis senjata khusus melindung dan mempertahankan diri untuk keselamatan dirinya. Contoh; kalau ular dengan siongnya, harimau dan kucing dengan taringnya, ikan dengan sengatnya dan lain-lain".

Manusia tidak dibekalkan dengan senjata fizikal, tetapi "ketajaman AKALnya" lebih tajam dari segala senjata. Manusia adalah 'AKAL'nya. Ianya adalah "lebih tajam dari segala yang tajam". Tetapi "penyalahgunaan 'akal'nya untuk membuat senjata pemusnah, telah menyalahertikan dirinya sebagai MANUSIA".

Tujuan dicipta "manusia dengan AKAL, sebenarnya adalah untuk KEROHANIAN dan KESEJAHTERAAN sejagat", BUKAN untuk disalahguna dan menjadi 'pemusnah' terhadap "alam dan segala isinya".

Sebab itulah manusia di suruh 'beragama', diturunkan 'RASUL' dan 'NABI' sebagai "rahmat bagi sekalian alam".

Ingatlah saudaraku yang budiman:

Semua kehidupan di planet dunia ini berkongsi "kuasa penghidupan" dan bergongsi 'ketenagaan' yang saling bergantung antara satu sama lain.

D dunia ini, kita semua berkongsi 'gunatenaga' yang tidak kita sedari, yang membentuk pelbagai rupa tenaga yang tidak berkesudahan.

Sumber tenaga yang selalu disalahgunakan oleh manusia adalah seperti; tamak haloba, kebencian, iri hati, cemburu, hasad dengki, ilusi dan kepalsuan.

"Setiap sesuatu bergantung kepada setiap sesuatu atau saling memerlukan untuk terus hidup".

Setiap orang tidak boleh melihat "dirinya shajalah yang lebih, yang kuat, yang tahu", kerana tubuh badan masinga-masing memerlukan makanan atau antara kata lain, "tubuh badan itu perlu bergantung kepada pemakanan". Dalam ertikata lain, ia bergantung kepada pemakanan seperti; tumbuh-tumbuhan seperti sayur-sayuran, segala bahan-bahan mentah yang boleh dimakan.

Justeru, "dari manakah kekuatan tenaga seseorang" itu diperolehi? Kalau tidak daripada pemakanannya, seperti air dan oksigen atau sebagainya, untuk 'kewujudannya'.

Dalam masa yang sama, "AKAL FIKIRAN" kita juga wujud bergantung kepada pemakanan, kerana kewujudan 'akal' juga bergantung kepada "data deria", di mana ia diperolehi dari dunia luar terhadap sesuatu benda dan juga daripada seseorang.

Saudaraku pembaca yang dikasihi!

Seluruh dunia ini mesti dilihat sebagai suatu jaringan yang sangat besar dan hebat, jika salah satu saja di antara jaringan tersebut tersentuh dan bergoyang, maka seluruh jaringan tersebut akan 'bergoyang' dan 'bergetar'.

Kita manusia sebenarnya "terhutang budi, kesetiaan dan kewajipan kepada 'dunia' atau 'alam'" selaku penghuni, kerana tubuh badan dan 'akal'nya bergantung sepenuhnya kepada 'alam' yang banyak berbudi dan berjasa kepadanya sejak turun temurun.

Oleh itu sikap dan kelakuan kita terhadap 'alam', "janganlah angkuh dan sombong". Kita manusia sepatutnya "merendah diri, tunduk syukur dan berterima kasih". Dunia ini bukan hanya dicipta untuk kita manusia sahaja, dan tidak semestinya dunia ini mesti tunduk kepada kita manusia.

'Alam' tidak memihak kepada sesiapa, sama ada ia beragama atau tidak, sama ada kita Islam, Kristian, atau Hindu. Alam juga tidak mengenal sama ada kita seorang yang zalim atau baik hati, alam hanya bersikap 'natural'.

Justeru, janganlah kita rakus dan mengaut segala-galanya dari dunia itu untuk kepentingan kita sendiri. Kawal dan hormatlah terhadap alam dan segala penghidupan selaku "teman penghidupan" yang dihuni bersama sejak lama.

Kita perlu menghormati lain-lain penghidupan sebagai tetamu yang perlu dihormati, bukannya:

"Seperti kita bermain daun terup, yang menang mengaut semuanya".

Di dalam dunia, ada 'TIGA' bentuk kelahiran:

1. Penghidupan yang lahir melalui haba:
2. Yang lahir melalui telur dan rahim:
3. Kelahiran secara spontan dalam lapangan kewujudan yang tidak kesampaian 'akal' untuk memahaminya.


Kita manusia di dunia ini "terlampau kerdil" dan "tidak pernah kekal", walaupun kita seorang "ahli falsafah, tokoh agama, Sains, pakar jiwa, seni, arkitek, sasterawan, politik dan sebagainya".

Oleh itu, jangan besar kepala, angkuh dan sombong. Ambil tahu asal usul kita yang sebenar serta tahu membezakan mana yang 'HAK' dan mana yang 'BATIL'.


From Empty Hands,
A. Rahman bin Mahadi
Labis, Johore

10 NOVEMBER 2010

Next Topic: 1. " Businessmen Are Responsible For To-day's Corruption. So Combine Moral With Business"

2. "Masalah Pembuangan Anak Atau Ibu Yang Tidak Pernah Berkahwin"

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


'MARRIAGE' is "not simply lust and romance". Romance is not a bad thing in itself, but "it is emotional and has limitations".

There will be less disillusion and heartache in marriage if we understand that, from the illusions of romance, a deep and abiding love may emerge. Love is a passionate and abiding desire, on the part of two people, to produce together conditions under which each can express his or her real self and to produce together on intellectual soil and an emotional climate in which each can flourish for superior to what either could achieve alone.

In the past we heard of blissfully married couples who shared the sweetness of love earned through years of being together, for better or for worse. For most who have been long married couples, "happily ever after" did not just happen. Couples in long, happy marriages mentioned this fact of life when asked what made their relationships a success.

"We worked to keep the romance alive, we enjoyed our differences and learned from them".

We voiced our discontents freely and dealt with them right away instead of letting them build into thunderclouds. "But in a way, the thing all successful couples have in common what was reflected in this observation":

"Even when things were really bad, we were both too stubborn to quit".

Perhaps what characterizes modern couples with problems is that they want to work out too easily as it happens on television. "No, everything good must be earned through hard work".

"For many the road to marital longevity has not been smooth. The bumps included many things: Inability to have children, the death of a child, a disabled child, a difficult economic crisis and highly stressful career changes."

Although none of the couples surveyed said so specifically, it was obvious that two other factors were important to their marital success.

Firstly, even though some couples faced considerable differences in personality and sometimes carried heavy emotional baggage, they maintained respect for one another always and refrained from trying to remake their partners.

A wife once told her husband; "You married me for what I am? He retorted; "No, I married you for what you would become."

Now of course both parties were wrong because their expectations were different and they were unwilling to compromise.

Secondly, none of the marriages was marred by psychological disturbances too severe to preclude a true partnership.

There was a wife who always used to insult her husband even for a minor mistake stating; "You are a stupid man." The husband on the other hand was a very tolerant man. However, one day when he was scolded by the wife using the same word the husband retorted; "I think you are right. If I were not a stupid man, do you think that I would ever marry a woman like you?"

From that day onwards she did not repeat that insulting words.

To achieve a successful marriage, "couples also need to understand and accept the differences between the two genders".

Couples sometimes become frustrated with each other and wish that their partner was more like them. Knowing and being able to tolerate the differences between men and women helps a lot in marriage.

"A mate who is willing to weather the hard times and make the adjustments that come with children, job changes, financial difficulties or simply learning more about the person one is married to is real secret to a successful marriage."

Another saying on married life:

"Wife becomes a mistress to a young man, a companion to the middle aged and a nurse to old man."

Many couples with children are determined to stay together at least until their children are grown up. With just a little effort these years can be among the most fulfilling times in a marriage.

Marriage is a blessing but many people turn their married lives into misery and a curse. Poverty is not the main cause of an unhappy married life. "Both husband and wife must learn to share the pleasure and pain of everything in their daily lives. Mutual understanding is the secret of happy family life."

In a true marriage, man and woman think more of the partnership than they do of themselves individually, please remember!...

"Marriage is bicycle made for two, another word a feeling of security and contentment comes from mutual efforts."

And please also remember!

"A wife is not her husband's servant. She deserves respect as an equal."

Though a man is generally regarded even today as being the bread winner helping out with household chores do not demean his masculinity. At the same time, a nagging and grumpy wife is not going to make up for shortages in the home. Neither will her suspicion of her husband help to make a happy marriage.

"If her husband has shortcomings, only tolerance and kind words will get him to see light."

It is important in marriage to keep tolerance alive throughout and please note;

"Little things can mean a lot. Right understanding and moral conduct are the practical sides of wisdom."

From time immemorial,... "flowers have been considered the language of love".

They don't cost much. Wives, or for that matter all women, attach a lot of importance to birthdays and anniversaries, and caring husbands should never be too busy to keep love alive with tributes and attentions.

Trivialities such as these are at the bottom of most marital happiness. Wives do appreciate such little attentions from their courteous husbands and it is life long goodwill that keeps the home fire burning.

A carefully developed family affection is a simple formula that works both for keeping marriages together and bringing up children of good character.

"True love means being willing to value one's partner and being unwilling to devalue him or her in the presence of other people".

"This willingness has to spring from the heart". The key difference between marriages that work and those that do not is how much a couple value each other.

"Criticizing, putting down or belittling a spouse particularly in the presence of other people, erodes a relationship. And even this is not enough as each still has to value the other as if he or she is a rare gem".

Sometimes words are not necessary if there is understanding. An elderly father once confessed to his children that he loved their mother very much and told them to take care of her always, even after he was no more.

He confided to them that she was the best woman in the world and that the family was indeed lucky to have her around.

The wife, now in her 60's, has seven grown children and as many grandchildren. Yet she confessed that she never once heard the endearing words!...
"I love you", ever uttered or whispered to her... Not even a variation of it. The wife, who belongs to old school of Chinese philosophy, is quite content with her husband's own caring ways and concern for her happiness in their blissful married life.

"Her female intuition somehow tells her that deep down in his heart, he truly loves her and that she could not have been dealt a better deck of cards."

It is in the nature of some people not to speak out their feelings, but they care. We have to watch out for their actions. The next key to a harmonious marriage is to work towards achieving one's objective.

"It is the "Law of Nature" that if no effort is put into, for instance... A garden, weeds will grow instead of beautiful flowers. The same goes for marriage."

Faith, not necessarily in the religions sense, (though it helps tremendously if a couple shares similar religious beliefs) is another vital ingredient in a lasting relationship.


Sex is a natural instinct and if enjoyed within its proper boundaries can bring about great happiness. Sex helps to keep a marriage glowing, and is an important and vital area that keeps a marriage together. It creates intimacy, a shared experience between two people which no one is party too. It makes the relationship precious, and private.

The important thing to appreciate here is the fact that man and woman see sex differently. While men may view sex as an intense physical activity,... "women do not. For her, it involves an interaction with the man she loves, that is with his gentleness, his care and concern."

"Understanding the fact that women need intimacy and closeness makes the sexual activity a lot more meaningful and fulfilling".

Sex is much more than the gratification of an appetite. It is the basis of an intimate lifelong companionship, and "the means of bringing into the world children whom we love and cherish as long as we live".

Through the ages we have learned that love and mutual respect must be the basis of close intimacy between the sexes. Sex, like any other tendency in man, must be regulated by reason. Man, not being governed by instincts like lesser animals, would find his tendencies running wild were he not to regulate them with reason.

There is a saying; "Like fire, sex is a good servant but a bad master."

A society grows through a network of relationship which are mutually intertwined and inter-dependent. Every relationship is a wholehearted commitment to support and to protect others in a group or community.

Marriage plays a very important part in this strong web of relationships of giving support and protection. A good marriage should grow and develop gradually from understanding and not impulse, from true loyalty and not just sheer indulgence.

The institution of marriage provides a fine basis for the development of culture, delightful association of two individuals to be nurtured, and to be free from loneliness, deprivation and fear. In marriage, each partner develops a complementary role, giving strength and moral courage to each other, with each manifesting a supportive and appreciative recognition to the other's skills.

There must be no thought of man or woman being superior - each is complementary to the other, a partnership of equality, exuding gentleness, generosity, calm and dedication, and most important of all - "Self-Sacrifice".

From Empty Hands,
A.Rahman bin Mahadi
Labis, Johore

28 OCTOBER 2010

Next Topic: 1. "Malapetaka Alam dan Manusia"
2. "Businessmen Are Responsible For To-day's Corruption. So, Combine Morals With Business"

Monday, October 18, 2010


Turunnya wahyu Tuhan yang bergelar "Al-Quran" kepada nabi besar Muhammad S.A.W adalah untuk menunjuk jalan ke jalan ilmu pengetahuan yang tertinggi bagi kesejahteraan semua manusia.

Maka adalah amat perlu dan "penting untuk kita mendalami dan mentelaah isi kandungan Al-Quran tersebut". Di antara isi atau doktrinnya adalah "soal moral, akhlak, perbuatan atau tindakan kita".

Dan perlu kita semua renungkan "kenapa soal perbuatan dan tindakan" kita semua "diberi tekanan dan keutamaan di dalam hadis dan juga Al-Quran?"

Di sepanjang kehidupan kita semua, sewaktu hidup di dunia dari mula - "kelahiran, berkembang jadi dewasa dan kemudian mati". Dalam kita semua melalui proses tersebut sebelum mati, semuanya bergantung kepada kelakuan atau perbuatan kita, sama ada kita gembira, dukacita atau sengsara. Sama ada kita seorang yang baik atau sentiasa melakukan dosa. Sama ada kita orang yang disanjung, dipuja atau dihina - Ingat! "Semuanya itu mengalir dari perbuatan kita sendiri."

Demikian kita manusia semua terikat dan diikat oleh "kesan dan akibah" oleh perbuatan kita sendiri. Oleh kerana kita semua tidak memahami dan menyedari hubungan... "sebab dan akibah". Maka kita semua terjerat dengan hawa nafsu, kebodohan dengan berseronok tanpa batas terhadap keseronokan dunia yang bersifat sementara, oleh sebab itu ada pepatah mengatakan:

"Beritahu saya dengan siapa kamu bergaul, nanti saya beritahu kamu; Siapakah kamu?"
"Lihat apa yang kita tanam, nanti kita peroleh apa yang kita tuai."

Yang kita tuai adalah 'akibah' dari hasil perbuatan kita sendiri - sama ada baik atau jahat.

Untuk pengetahuan saudara pembaca yang dikasihi - Semua 'akibah' ada atau terkandung di dalam perbuatan kita sendiri - Ingat!

Justeru ingat! Sebelum kita melakukan sesuatu tindakan, jika berpandukan ajaran Al-Quran dengan segala nasihat dan ajaran yang terkandung di dalamnya, "nanti kita semua akan mendapat kekuatan, petunjuk serta cekap dalam melakukan apa jua tindakan dengan kuasa perbandingan yang kuat untuk membezakan mana yang hak dan mana yang batal, mana yang baik dan mana yang jahat".

"Jika kita berbuat baik, hasilnya juga adalah baik".
"Jika menanam benih yang masam, hasil dari tanaman kita itu juga akan masam".

Ambil ingatan!

"Akibat dari setiap tindakan kita itu, terkandung atau terpendam di dalam tindakan kita itu sendiri".

Ingat contoh ini:

Ada sebuji benih yang sangat kecil. Kemampuan benih yang kecil itu, mampu membesar menjadi sepohon pokok yang sangat besar. Dan kemampuan menjadi sepohon pokok yang besar itu tersembunyi di sebalik benih yang sangat kecil.

Dan benih yang kecil itu pula berpotensi tumbuh mengembang menjadi sepohon pokok dengan berbatang, bercabang, berbunga dan berbuah.

Kalau kita semua perhatikan 'di antara' menanam benih di dalam bumi, perkembangannya sehingga menjadi sepohon pokok yang besar... hairan! Dari manakah pokok itu terbit dan muncul?

Saudara pembaca yang dikasihi!

Segala apa yang kita lihat di dunia ini adalah hasil 'tindakan'. Dan semuanya punya awal dan akhir - suka - duka - juga punya awal dan akhir - permulaan atau kesudahan (natijah). Ianya tidak boleh dipisahkan.

"Untuk itu kita manusia mesti menyedari betapa setiap kelahiran adalah sangat bernilai".

Tetapi malangnya kita manusia tidak menyedari itu semua. Memahami "hukum sebab dan akibah" (The Law Of Cause And Effect) adalah sangat penting.

Hukum "kesan dan akibah" bukanlah sesuatu yang jauh dan terpencil, ia ada pada semua manusia. Ia "berkaitan dengan tindakan dan perbuatan kita sendiri".

Begitu juga dengan 'dosa', ia bukan sesuatu yang berada nun jauh entah di mana, ianya juga berkaitan dengan tingkah laku dan perbuatan kita semua.

Ketaatan, keikhlasan, kejujuran dan kasih sayang juga ada kaitan dengan perbuatan kita masing-masing.

Jika semua kebaikan yang disebutkan di atas itu boleh kita amalkan, maka kita adalah orang-orang yang bijak - "Yang baiklah akan terhasil kerana menanam benih-benih yang baik".

Kita manusia tidak mahu berusaha untuk memahami dan meletakkan diri masing-masing ke arah tindakan yang betul dalam hidup sehari-harinya. Kita semua patut menyedari "mengaku beragama saja tidak cukup". Tindakan dan perbuatan kita itulah patut diperhatikan, kerana apa jua yang berlaku, natijahnya adalah dari perbuatan atau tindakan kita masing-masing. Ingat!

"Segala-gala dalam 'ciptaan' ini adalah berasaskan tindakan dan perbuatan, dari situlah terbitnya akibah, dari tindakanlah terbitnya segala ciptaan".

Ikut contoh ini:

Jika kita 'lapar', kelaparan itu akan membuat kita "bertindak untuk makan". Tetapi 'rantaiannya' mestilah kita perlu "meletakkan makanan tersebut ke mulut" kita, kemudian mengunyahnya, kemudian menyalurkannya ke dalam perut, diikuti dengan mencerna, dan seterusnya barulah taburan dihantar ke seluruh bahagian tubuh badan. Setelah melalui semua proses tersebut, barulah kita "rasa kenyang".

"Mengambil makanan adalah 'tindakan' (kesan), 'kekenyangan' itulah 'AKIBAH atau HASILNYA'".

Ketahuilah, di antara "tindakan dan akibah", beberapa proses perlu berlaku, perlu diketahui akibahnya. Mungkin cepat atau ia mengambil masa bertahun-tahun lamanya, mungkin sepanjang hayat kita.

Segala tindakan kita itu pasti akan kita sedari, cuma lambat atau cepat saja. Oleh itu nasihat saya; "Berhati-hatilah dalam bertindak!", agar ianya - "sentiasa berada di jalan yang lurus dan betul" atau 'baik'. Kita semua sepatutnya melibatkan diri kita ke jalan yang mulia dan terpuji dan menjadi contoh yang unggul "untuk agama, bangsa dan negara".

Ingat! 'Akal' kita yang jahat akan merebak ke seluruh tubuh badan kita, ia seperti kata pepatah:

"Sebutir batu kecil jika dilontarkan ke dalam kolam, ia akan menerbitkan gelombang-gelombang kecil dan merebak ke seluruh kolam tersebut."

Begitu jugalah "akal yang baik", juga memberi "kesan ke seluruh tubuh badan" kita. Akal yang baik akan bertindak secara baik, bercakap yang baik-baik, mendengar yang baik-baik, menyentuh yang baik-baik, melihat yang baik-baik.

Jika semua "tindakan kita tidak baik", "akibat atau kesannya" juga adalah "tidak baik".

Kini kita boleh lihat semua orang dengar khutbah, mendengar ceramah, ditazkirahkan, dinasihatkan, tetapi dari segi amalan, kita semua 'gagal' mempraktiskannya.

Kalau kita ingin lihat "kebenaran akan tindakan dan tindak balasnya (akibah)", cuba berdiri di hadapan 'cermin'; kerana "cermin tidak pandai menipu". Cuma ia pandai 'meniru'.

Buatlah apa saja di hadapan cermin, ia akan tergambar di dalam cermin apa saja perlakuan kita itu. Jika kita cuba menggertak di hadapan cermin, ia juga akan menggertak kita semula.

Kita semua perlu mengetahui, di dunia ini ada "tiga aspek tindakan" yang digelar "refleksi, reaksi dan gemaan", yang semuanya itu beroperasi secara tidak kita sedari.

"Selamat merenung, mengamal, dan menghayati!..."

From Empty Hands,
A. Rahman bin Mahadi
Labis, Johore

19 OKTOBER 2010

Next Topic: 1. "Husband And Wife. Marriage Is A Bicycle Made For Two"
2. "Malapetaka Alam dan Manusia"

Saturday, October 16, 2010


In this world, 'birds' and 'beasts' lead regulated lives though they lack education; Why does man lack this sense though he is endowed with intelligence?
All religions teach only what is good; One should understand them properly and regulated one's life accordingly. If our minds are good, what wrong can we see in any religion?

Therefore no religion can ever be bad. That is why "the great scientist, Einstein" declared that:
"Religion without Science is lame, and Science without religion is blind".

Thereby stressing the need for judicious combination of Science and religion to serve the needs of humanity.

Today's man has learn to fly in the air like birds, and swim in the sea like fish. "But he has not learnt how to live as man on earth".

Science can teach man such things as flying in the air and swimming in the sea; "However, it is only religion but not science, that can teach him how to live as man on the earth".

So, if Science were to foster the all-round development of man, "it has to seek the aid of religion".
"Religion does not mean blind adherence to some benefits".

On the other hand, "religion helps man to attain the goal of human life based on discrimination and sacred values".

"All religions emphasize human values".

Religion is of immense help in fostering the integral development of the human personality. It underlines the unity in diversity.
True religion teaches the harmony, the essence as well as the goal of all religions is the attainment of the purity of mind and heart.

"Every religion has its own precepts and principles."

"But no religion preaches hatred, untruth or unrighteousness".
"Speak the truth."
"Practice righteousness."

Read Quran, read Bible or your Upanishaths. Similar sacred injunctions are to be found in all the other religions too.

Thus all religions emphasize the human values and serve as beacons for the proper progress and development of mankind.

But the present-day men in general, and the youth in particular, have forgotten our age-old culture and sacred values and are bidding good bye to God,.... "having been enticed by the modern Science and technology".

However, with the passage of time, scientists themselves are veering round to the view that the universe is being guided and "governed by some divine power".

The innumerable stars and planets in the universe are whirling at tremendous speeds. If they are to deviate even slightly from their orbits or their speeds, it would result in universal holocaust... "Who has ordained them to adhere to their speeds and orbits?"

To-day's Scientists are creating artificial satellites which are orbiting around the earth.
But these satellites are crashing down or catching fire in a few days or months, where as the planets in God's creation are "orbiting regularly since time immemorial, without any crashing, or catching fire".

As we all know, light travels at the rate of 186,000 miles per second. Even with such a tremendous speed, it takes lakhs of years for light to travel around the families or constellations of the sun and stars.

In the Milky Way that is visible to us, there are innumerable stars unknown to us. The light from some of the stars has not yet reached the earth, despite the lapse of aeons since their creation. Even Scientists are in doldrums to understand fully such aspects of creation.

"What a contrast between the Scientist who swells up with pride on account of discovering but a minute fraction of the mystery of creation, and the 'Creator' (GOD) who is running the whole universe peacefully, silently, patiently and lovingly without any pomp or pride!"

Not this alone. "The way this creation or Nature is functioning is amazing beyond words".

For instance:
The carbon-dioxide exhaled by man is being taken up by the plants and the oxygen released by the plants is being inhaled by man. Who has made this mutually beneficial arrangement in Nature?

Poet-Saints, have sung the praise of the Lord Almighty in the following terms;
"Who has watered, manured and grown the small shrubs and the gigantic trees in the crevices of the rocks in the mountains?"

"Who has painted the beautiful peacock and its tail with such attractive colours?"
"Who has designed the wonderful combination of a green body and a read beak for the parrot?"

The Scientist may explain away all such things as the "Law of Nature". But are these Scientists able to transcend Nature or to dispense with the materials available in Nature?


Whatever the Scientists claim their 'creation' is only derived from the combination of the basic materials found in Nature. For example:

The Scientist produces water by combining hydrogen and oxygen. But then, which Scientist has produced or created hydrogen and oxygen?
These elements are produced by sunlight. In the same manner whatever the Scientist may produce "is based only on the permutation and combination of the already existing materials in Nature".

"This fact is conveniently ignored by most Scientists."

When one ponders over the mysteries or secret of Nature, even a fool will have to admit the existence of a divine power behind all these wonderful phenomena.

Let us consider another example. There are nearly 5.08 billion human beings in the world.

"But it is amazing that in such a huge population, no two persons look exactly alike. Which creator except 'GOD' can do this extraordinarily wonderful feat!"

The goods manufactured by the modern creators are all alike because they come out of the same world. What a striking contrast?

So, we has human or students should therefore, try to understand the mysteries of creation.


We are prone to take the creation for granted, thinking that it is but insentient Nature, thereby ignoring the "Sentient Principle" that regulates nature and imparts a proper balance among its various constituents.

"Scientists and Technologists in pursuit of selfish interests as well as of name and fame, utterly disregard the security and welfare of the society and the nation".

"By upsetting the balance in Nature, which results in various accidents, calamities, losses and misery to the public at large".

For example:

"The oceans contained air needed by the earth for more then ten years,
One lightning in the sky emits enough electricity required for the entire world for twenty years"

By building gigantic dams and storing huge quantities of water in one place, the earth goes down in that area and consequently goes up in another area,... like a see-saw.
The indiscriminate exploitation of natural resources by the Scientists and Technologists such as various types of mines for "extracting minerals, mice coal, petrol and other oils results in imbalance and pollution of the five major elements," leading to catastrophes like earth-quakes, and volcanoes, etc.

The rapid and excessive proliferation of industries, factories, automobiles, etc; with the attendant pollution of the atmosphere is responsible for the increasing incidence of diseases like "asthma, deafness, pneumonia and typhoid" etc. However, science per se is not bad; what is necessary is for man to put it to proper and judicious use.

"We must have faith in 'GOD'S' existence" :

Man of to-day have implicit faith and unquestioning belief in what the Scientists say; but, however much you may din into their ears, they have no faith in God's existence. "One simple reason for this is that in the dictionaries of all the languages, you find the words 'GOD' among other words".

Any dictionary contains only words which refer to things existing in the world such as birds, beasts and other living beings, as well as inanimate objects. Non-existing things do not have a place in the dictionary.

"The very fact that the words 'GOD' occurs in all dictionaries is enough to prove the existence of God".

Even if you have not seen or experienced some of the things included in the dictionary, there are another who have experienced them.

So, based on your limited experience you cannot deny the existence of anything mentioned in the dictionary. If you have not experienced God, there are other people who have experience Him and that is why the word 'God' finds a place in the dictionary.

About fifty years back, Scientists believed that there is no greater power than the atomic energy. They expressed the fear that if the atomic power is further split, it will to disaster. But now after exploring and experimenting during the last fifty years, the Scientists have been able to discover that there are greater powers than the atomic power.

Similarly, persons who presently have no experience of God may have such experience, say, after ten years, the power of God is all-pervading. You must firmly believe this. Without faith in God, human life would go in vain. To all Scientists out there - Along with "Physical Sciences" you should also try to understand the "Spiritual Science" to some extent at least.

From the moment of birth, man is engaged in a variety of activities for pre serving his way of life and achieving his goals. At birth, man, as a child has no bad qualities and is wholly innocent.

But as time passes, because of the type of food he consumes and the changes in his lifestyle, and the kind of association he develops, his dress and manners undergo changes. Along with these, he develops likes and dislikes. After getting 'educated', "they become very bad educated Scientists", he develops 'EGO' and 'PRIDE', passion and other bad qualities from head to foot. They acquire a strong hold over him.

As a consequence, he starts deluding himself that he is all-knowing and that there is none other 'Scientist' greater than him. Filled with the arrogance, he looks with contempt on others.

Today man appears to relish only pleasures derived from the senses. Every man is filled with various desires. As he grows, the surging vigour of manhood makes him headstrong. He fails to realize the true purpose of education... He develops ambition to become a "great Scientists" and "create destructive weapons", to become a great scholar, he is caught up in the bewildering maze of desires. As a result, he becomes a slave of his impure desire and "forgets his true human worth".

While birds and animals are content to live on whatever they can get, man alone has insatiable desires and is filled with greed. There should be a limit to one's acquisitiveness and desires.

"Excess of anything is harmful and should be avoided".

However, what we notice among the Scientist today is rampant selfishness and self-centredness. While they want to be respected and honoured by others, they will themselves show no respect or regard to others.

In the cosmic exhibition, you are seeing, hearing and experiencing, innumerable things. Your experience depression, confusion and disappointment... You have no contentment.

Please remember!

"Lack of contentment is the true loss. The man who is not content is continually experiencing loss".

There is no limit to desires. One feels hungry, another is thirsty. If the thirsty is offered water, he is not satisfied, he wants a cool drink. When he is given a cool drink, he is not satisfied, he wants ice cream. And so on... He is not satisfied with anything. There is no end to desires for material things in the world.

My advise!

"Don't cause pain, harm and unhappiness."
"Let all the worlds be happy."

"Righteousness is that which sustains the world, that which upholds the world."

Every object in the world has got certain unique qualities. The quality that is the vital essence of the objects reveals its 'righteousness'. For instance, it is the basic quality of fire to burn - burning is its 'righteousness'. When the fire losses its capacity to burn, it ceases to be fire and becomes mere charcoal. Sweetness is the inherent quality of sugar. If sugar loses its sweetness, it is no longer sugar but sand. The flower has natural quality of exuding fragrance. If there is no fragrance in it, it is no a flower.

"Without cultivating good qualities, can a person be a true human being at all?"

From Empty Hands,
A. Rahman bin Mahadi
Labis, Johore

16 OKTOBER 2010

Next Topic: 1. "Kesan dan Akibah"
2. "Husband And Wife. Marriage Is A Bicycle Made For Two"