Sunday, October 25, 2009


Mental peace means, the mind should be freed from bad thoughts and filled with sacred thoughts. This calls for control over all the sense organs.

The ears should be trained to listen only to matters relating to the Divine and to eschew evil gossip. The eyes should be told to see glory of God. The mind should be restrained from restlessness. They should reduce their worldly concerns, this will help to purify their minds. Take into your head all that is useful... After that transmit in to the heart. That will generate real energy.

Please remember! What is received in the head comes and goes, the mind seeks happiness. But this happiness is temporary. It is satisfaction of needs and desires as they arise from time to time. You are hungry, you take food and you feel happy. But this lasts only for a few hours till you feel hungry again. This kind of happiness comes and goes. This process relates to the mind (head). But the heart is concerned with securing lasting bliss.

So, "follow the heart" - not "the head" (mind). That is the way how to secure mental peace.
Dear Readers!
You must understand the difference between the head and the heart. The mind is content to carry out temporary obligations. The heart is concerned with what is permanent. Once bliss is secured all the head or mind seeks such as "mental peace" will also be got.

"Prayer is for the mind... For mental peace".
What food is for the body? Just as wholesome food gives health and strength
to the body, prayer purifies the mind and strength the spirits:

Material progress alone cannot bring mental peace. It is a mistake to seek an unending series of pleasures and comforts in life... Real mental peace cannot be found that way without experiencing difficulties and troubles one cannot know the value of peace and pleasure.

Man thinks that the more he has of worldly goods the happier he would be. But , as desires grow, disappointments and troubles also increase, attachments and ambitions. The world is suffering from numerous troubles because these people their mental is in trouble, they set no limits to their desires.

Please understand! Nature has prescribed limits for everything - for the temperature of the body, the capacity of the eye to tolerate light or for ear to listen to sound. When these limits are crossed, harm is caused to the mental organs concerned.

Mind of man should undergo transformation that is 'IT' (Inner Transformation). The mind or mental of man must promote not bondage but liberation. It must turn Godward, and inward, not worldward and outward, please remember!. The mind plays many tricks to please you and give you a great opinion about yourselves. It revels in hypocrisy, riding on two horses at the same time.

For mental peace, the proper control of the mind, which is the cause of both happiness and sorrow, is necessary, and please bear in mind, this control cannot be achieved by merely reading the Quran or any Scriptures or practising certain rituals. Mere scholarship or the acquisition of knowledge about the external world will not lead to mental peace. If one is engaged all the time in the acquisition of information, when is he to undertake the task of transformation?

You can try one beautiful experiment; just put some sand on a plate and then when somebody is playing music, put your plate with the sand on top of it... You will be surprised to see that every sound makes a change in the pattern of the sand on the plate. It goes on changing with every sound.

Classical music will put all the sand in a very silent, very harmonious state; it will create a pattern of harmony.

The same sand, the same plate and any stupid kind of modern music - from jazz to the skinheads - and you will be surprised that your sand is in a chaos. It loses all harmony. It loses all peacefulness and patterns are created which show immediately to anybody disharmony or mental discord.

A man of mental peace or a man of silence moves with a certain field of energy around him, and if you are receptive, his vibe starts touching your heart.

Man has been given two boons (happiness and peace). Every person in the world, from a king to a beggar, desires only these two. But what is the happiness that he should seek? Is it physical, mental, or material pleasure? Men are not sure about what kind of happiness they want and wherefrom they can get it. If it is sensory pleasure that they want, they will find that these are only momentary and that they are weakened at the end.

This is not pleasure at all. What about mental peace? People consider freedom from worry as peace, please remember that there can be no (pleasure) without (peace).

How is mental peace to be secured?
"Only when desires are reduced
will peace be secured.
As desires grow, peace is lost."

"Your mind is your battlefield."

From Empty Hands,
A.Rahman Bin Mahadi
Labis, Johore

27 OCTOBER 2009

PENTING Untuk Membuat Seorang Isteri
Itu Gembira?"

2. "Patience Is The Heart Of
Spiritual Practice"