Monday, August 31, 2009


A Strange Kind Of World.

People all over the world strive to acquire power by accumulating. Wealth, authority or knowledge, but unfortunately, along with these, the insidious evil of egoism is also being accumulated. So man is fast becoming the enemy of mankind, he is fast losing humanity itself.

He becomes less of man and more and more of demon. Man prefers the short cut, the more comfortable and attractive material path and he suffers in despair, fear and hatred. Egoism is the root and crown of evil thoughts and tendencies.

Our country (or any other country, for that matter) can be saved not by political manipulations or military alliances, but only through the development of the consciousness in each one, spiritual science alone can cure him and save the world. Instead of trying to expend over the whole globe and universe.

Man should try to probe into his own inner world and remove the junk therein and set at rest the evil urges that raise their hoods there. World peace and prosperity can be accomplished only by such explores and pioneers. Please imbibe!

"Do not preach; but practice."

In politics, in the field of administration, in school and colleges, in spiritual institutions everywhere, we have a surfeit of preachers but a famine of practitioners.

Heroes on platforms prove themselves zeros when they deemed to the ground. So leaders of the world, there for, demonstrate in your own lives, how love can confer peace and joy, how all faiths lead to the same goal, how all men are brothers of one another.

We have in this country or any other country, plenty of scientist, scholars, spiritual teachers and seasoned politicians... But of what avail?

They work at cross-purposes, each one, unconcerned with the rest. One scientist is the rival of another one scholar is at logger heads with another expert in the same field. And of politicians is also at logger heads in the same arena.

My massage to all politicians... The less said the better. Please remember! When this vice of disunity rules, peace and prosperity can never be established in the country and all over the world in spite of all the progress in technology.

They can be developed only when mutual cooperation, friendly feeling, love and compassion grow in man's heart. The world can shine fresh and fair, green and grand, with festoons and flags on every doorstep only when these qualities are fostered by man.

Living has become very artificial. Men are moving in blind fear, not knowing what might happen to them at the next step. Men today inventing and testing weapons which can wipe out millions and injure even coming generations. But you feel proud of man's intelligence and cleverness! Some people even admire such inventors!

The world is full of people who suffer from insanity. Today we talk about peace in the world. How can that peace be found? How can you find peace in a world which is in "pieces"? Holding the atom bomb in one hand, is there any meaning in talking about peace? When you are haunted by fear how can you have peace?

Now the cry from the heart of everyone is for peace. Peace is what everyone seeks, please remember man is the synthesis of all the feelings, emotions and reactions that arise in his mind. The mind is the seat of all urges, desires and thoughts. When the mind is clean the world, recognized by it will also be clean. When the mind is turbid and riddled with fear, the world will appear miserable and depressing.

Many people blame the world, without knowing that the fault lies in themselves. Their thinking is crooked, their thought are not wholesome, their minds are restless; because they are too full of unfulfilled desires. Rich or poor, educated or uneducated, high or low, they see the world through the glasses of their own prejudices and predilections and they condemn or extol it in order to please themselves!

Seeing the advances made in science and technology, you have lost balance. Man has learned to walk on the moon, to live in the depths of the ocean, to penetrate into the deepest crusts of earth and let other men too to live on the surface of the earth. How can man achieve happiness and peace of mind, flying high or swimming deep? He has to carry his troubles and worries, fears and failings with him to those places also.

This is a tragedy; it is like the man who closed his eyes and stumbled along in the darkness. Now the wave of anxiety spreading over the world, the world today is like a garden with no water, a school with no teacher, overcome by inner foes, how can man succeed in over whelming the outer foes?

The world leader gather in Peace Conferences in order to plan wars. He ignores the principle of love that is the life- blood of the human community. He denies himself the boon of peace and rushes towards destruction. Destroying others... He destroys himself.

Everywhere there is dark cloud of anxiety, fear, discontent and agony, disturbing the rich as well as the poor nations of the world. Please remember the prosperity of the world does not descend from the sky. Nor does it emerge of its own accord from the earth.

We should recognize the world does not mean just the lifeless soil around us. The world consists of a conglomeration of people and it is what they make of it. To rectify the world and put it on proper path. we have to first rectify ourselves and our conduct.

If there is righteousness in the heart,
There will beauty in character;
When there is order in the nation,
There will be peace in the world.

So, be righteous. Avoid all prejudices against others on the basis of caste, creed, colour, status or degree of affluence.

From Empty Hands
Labis, Johore
Tel: 016-6020321