Monday, November 2, 2009


Of all the noble characteristics that you must possess, none is more vital than patience or forbearance. Patience is the heart of all spiritual practice. It is the one quality which all spiritual aspirants must achieve in our life-time.

For truly wise, for the great sages and great souls, patience is their very splendor, their sacrifice, their righteousness... It is their wisdom, their immeasurable love.

Patience is the essence of nonviolence, compassion, and happiness. Patience is the very mark of all great beings. Truly patience is everything. Without patience it is not possible to realize the truth of the 'GOD'.

Patience cannot be learned by studying books. It cannot even be acquired by the teaching of a 'GURU'. It is not something which can be purchased in the bazaar. It is only by faithfully sticking to your spiritual practice, when you are under trying circumstances, that you will be able to acquire patience. It is when you are under test, in situations which are full of problems and difficulties, that the cultivation of patience takes place. Under those trying circumstances, weaknesses which are hidden within you will show their ugly heads. They will manifest in you as..;
'anger, fear, arrogance, hatred and many other evils that cover your essential truth'.

It is at such times that you must recognize these weaknesses and rise above them. Whatever action you must undertake that is appropriate to the situation, remember!., your inner state must be unaffected and rooted in unwavering peace and love. This is the practice of patience or forbearance...

If you have not developed patience then you will suffer a lot of unhappiness and lack of peace in your life. Without patience you may take to harmful and evil ways. Therefore, it is essential that you recognize the importance of patience. All the education, strength and renown that you may have acquired will be of no use to you if you do not have forbearance.

Lack of patience has made great scholars lose their prestige. Lack of patience is the most frequent reason for the loss of kingdoms by ruling kings.
Patience is the shining jewel that decorates a human being. If this quality is lost, you will suffer innumerable problems and sorrows.

Therefore, develop patience, it is essential for your spiritual progress. Without this quality you will come to ruin. Cultivate patience by the arduous practice of putting yourself to the test in very difficult circumstances. Patience is your vital protection. When you are equipped with patience you will not be troubled by grief or difficulties by problems or unexpected situations.

There is nothing extraordinary about returning good for good, but doing good in return for bad is an extraordinary quality. What is meant by doing good at all times, no matter whether it is right or wrong action that is directed towards you?

When you are established in your essential truth, when you are in touch with your reality, you cannot, but give the proper response under all circumstances, and it will come from the infinite reservoir of goodness and love. The practice of such a virtue requires a great deal of skill and courage, and a deep commitment to essential truth of the 'ONE GOD', present in all hearts...

Please imbibe!...

However much other people may criticize you, however much they may undermine and condemn you, you should never lose patience, you should remain unperturbed and continue to enjoy inner peace.

When others admonish you, what will you lose. But if because of weakness, you lose patience and forget your truth, then you are subject to endless suffering, and you lose everything.

You must have patience, but at the same time, you should know under what circumstances and in what manner to use them. There are situations in which you must temper your outward expression of patience. You need to use your discrimination to know how and when to express the quality of patience.., which should be ever firmly established in your heart.

Patience are indicators of your inward state. Consider the ability to exercise patience in difficult circumstances as a test. It is in these times that the negative qualities buried within you will rear their heads and will tend to manifest their selves in wrongful or harmful actions.

My friends!..

Welcome such difficult situations as challenges and opportunities to expose and destroy these negative qualities. You do this through your patience, and restraint, when otherwise your impulse would have been to use words or actions to harm. It is only after you achieve patience and established them firmly within you, that you will develop the inner peace and equanimity that is needed in order to understand the true principles of spirituality.

There are many negative qualities which must be completely shunned by you. In particular, you should not have any attachment, any hatred or any jealousy within you. If you have any attachment,'any hatred and jealousy, even in the smallest measure, you will not be able to progress spiritually'.

Attachment, 'hatred and jealousy, and their hand-maiden anger, are the great enemies'. They are the opposites of patience. We will take up these negative qualities next and learn how to completely uproot them.


From Empty Hands,
A. Rahman Bin Mahadi


Next Topic:

1. "Kematian Adalah Suatu Misteri, Bukannya Masalah"

2. "Aging And Maturity"