Thursday, October 29, 2009


Kisah ini ditulis untuk seorang kawan saya yang sering bertelagah dengan isterinya. Beliau mempunyai tiga orang anak, hasil perkongsian berumah tangga. Katanya, boleh dikatakan setiap saat bagaikan mimpi ngeri. Dia meminta pendapat saya, lalu saya tuliskan di atas kertas ini untuk tatapannya dan sidang pembaca dengan pelbagai pandangan dan nasihat secara umum. Mungkin ada sedikit berat sebelah di mana ceritanya saja yang saya dengar, dengan tidak dapat pertimbangan daripada pihak isterinya.

Mari kita timbangkan bersama; sebagai kaum lelaki yang bergelar 'SUAMI', tanpa prajudis:

Saya katakan kepadanya; "Jangan lontarkan segala kesilapan atau kesalahan serta tanggungjawab kepada isteri. Pertama-tamanya, kitalah yang memilih untuk dijadikan ia sebagai'ISTERI'. Kenapa kita pilih dia yang sebegitu rupa yang sentiasa saja membuat kita rasa tercekik dan terancam?"

Ingat!.. Adakah kita terfikir, jika kita menceraikannya, kita tidak akan lagi memilih 'seorang lagi wanita yang sama jenisnya'? Kalau kita bertanya kepada ahli psikologi (penganalisis jiwa), katanya; kita akan tetap memilih 'perempuan yang sama'. Kita menyangka isteri kita saja punca segala permasalahan dan kesengsaraan. Itu petanda kita yang inginkan masalah itu, sebab itu kita yang memilihnya. Seperti kata pepatah:

"Perigi Tidak Mencari Timba...
Tetapi Timbalah Yang Mencari Perigi."

Justeru, siapakah 'PERIGI'
dan siapakah 'TIMBA'?

Ingat!.. Kita akan sekali lagi mencari'perigi'. Ertinya kita akan cari 'wanita yang sama' dan 'sejenis', ingat!..


Ia akan menjadi 'isteri' kepada 'suami', dan bakal menjadi 'ibu' kepada beberapa orang anak... 'Anak' tetap 'anak', sama ada daripada wanita yang pertama, kedua atau ketiga. Dalam erti kata lain, kita tetap akan tertarik kepada 'wanita yang sejenisnya'. Kecuali kita benar-benar dapat menggugur 'akal lama' kita sama sekali.

Terimalah akal kita itu, sebenarnya kita tetap dengan akal kita. Tentu kita berfikir, jika kita menceraikannya.., keadaan kita akan bertambah baik. Sebenarnya cara berfikir begitu amat silap... Sangat-sangat silap, kerana:

"Kita tidak faham atau tidak tahu
langsung mengenai ilmu psikologi"

(kajian mengenai fikiran dan peranannya serta ciri-cirinya).

Kita akan terperangkap lagi, kita akan sekali lagi mencari 'wanita lain' 'perempuan lain' untuk dijadikan 'ibu'. Anda akan menyesal, kita akan merinduinya, dia akan merindui kita... Ingat!.. Kita akan mencari 'jenis yang sama' iaitu 'perempuan', ingat itu!. Dan perhatikan akal kita itu.

Oleh itu bukan dia saja patut dipersalahkan, kita suami mesti juga ada kesilapannya. saya katakan kepada kawan saya itu, bahawa saya hanya mendengar cakapnya, dari sebelah pihak, daripada pihak isterinya, saya tidak tahu. Justeru, kata saya, adalah tidak adil bagi saya untuk menghakim, menghukum dan mengadil. Saya berkata lagi kepadanya, bahawa dia selaku suami, mungkin 50% betul... Tetapi bagaimana dengan isterinya yang 50% lagi?..

Justeru kata saya:
"Kamu tidak ubah seperti
menyimbah minyak ke api."

Saya menasihatkannya:

Jika kehidupan ini kelihatan sangat tidak bermakna dan hodoh, kenapa dilahirkan ketiga-tiga anak itu ke dunia ini? Siapakah yang bertanggungjawab ke atasnya? Kenapa dibawa ketiga-tiga 'roh' budak itu ke dunia ini? Di dunia yang penuh dengan permasalahan berkeluarga, di dalam dunia yang penuh dengan kepalsuan.., kenapa?

Tidakkah ada sedikitpun kasih sayang untuk anak-anak itu? Begitulah sebenarnya kita manusia, terus saja pandai melahirkan anak-anak tanpa memikir akan akibah dan natijahnya.

Kalaupun hidup kita ini dirasakan, bagaikan di dalam neraka, sekurang-kurangnya kita dapat melindungi anak-anak itu dari terjebak ke dalam kesengsaraan atau pertelingkahan kita. Kita patut menyelamatkannya!

Sekarang apakah yang telah terjadi?

Budak-budak itu membesar di depan mata seorang ayah dan ibu yang sudah tidak sehaluan lagi. Tahukah apa kesannya kepada anak-anak itu? Banyak yang dipelajarinya daripada kedua ibu bapanya. Dia akan terus saja 'mengabadikan' ke dalam otaknya selama-lamanya di dunia ini. Bila kedua ibu bapanya sudah tiada kelak, si anak akan atau mungkin mengikut jejak langkah kita yang jahil lagi bodoh itu, suatu penghidupan yang sangat sedih dan mengecewakan.

Saudaraku yang dikasihi!

Sama ada yang akan berkahwin, sudah berkahwin, yang akan bercerai atau yang sudah bercerai.., kalau tidak berlakunya perceraian, sekurang-kurangnya kita dapat menyelamatkan kehidupan ketiga-tiga anak tersebut, atau dapat menyelamatkan masa depan kemanusiaan. Ingat pepatah ini!..

"Bila kita melontar seketul batu ke dalam tasik yang sedang tenang 'keharmonian', batu itu akan jatuh ke dasar dan berehat di situ. Tetapi ombak atau gelombang kecil terus saja bergelombang menyusur tebing..."

Tetapi ingat! Lautan kehidupan tidak bertepi dan bertebing, maka gelombang hidup kita akan terus saja, terus-menerus dirasai oleh anak-anak dan kita selaku ibu bapalah penyebabnya!..

Itulah natijahnya... Sekurang-kurangnya kita patut berwaspada, tidak melahirksn anak. Masih tidak terlewat, bagi yang belum bercerai, bagi yang sudah terlanjur, laluilah hidup itu!.. Suka diingatkan.., kehidupan masih boleh diubah, bagi kita orang lelaki, jangan harapkan perubahan berlaku daripada pihak perempuan dahulu, itu pendekatan yang salah atau tidak betul.

Ada pepatah mengatakan:

"Kalau hendak mengubah atau berubah,
mulakanlah perubahan itu daripada diri sendiri".

Jadilah 'orang baru' dalam hidup berumah tangga, berhentilah dari melakukan kerja-kerja yang negatif atau tidak sepatutnya. Ceburilah kerja-kerja baru yang disukai dan menyenangkan diri kita, orang ramai dan keluarga kita sendiri. Jadilah orang baru dalam rumah tangga nanti kita sendiri akan kagum atau terkejut. Ingat! Bila kita jadi 'orang baru' dalam keluarga, isteri kita juga akan turut menjadi 'orang baru'... Ingat itu!.. Ia akan terpaksa.., untuk menyahut perubahan kita itu.

Mula-mula memang agak sukar, ia seolah-olah seperti bersama dengan 'suami baru'.
Tetapi lama kelamaan.., jika isteri sudah melihat kita sudah berubah.., boleh berubah!.. Kenapa tidak dia?

Ingat!.. Sebagai suami, jangan harap si isteri patut berubah.., ingat ini di dalam setiap 'perhubungan'... "Mulai Perubahan Daripada Diri Sendiri Dahulu!"... Nanti...

Kehidupan berumah tangga boleh berubah menjadi 'syurga'. Sebenarnya masih belum terlambat, yang sudah bercerai, kalau belum berkahwin boleh rujuk semula. Tetapi perlukan kekuatan, keberanian, untuk berubah. Cuma yang diperlukan adalah sedikit kesedaran daripada kedua-dua belah pihak!

Rombaklah sikap dan kelakuan kita, perhatikan sikap dan kelakuan itu, apa yang telah dilakukan dan dijalani selama ini.. Kita melakukan perkara-perkara yang sama saja sehinga kini... Si isteri begitu juga, ia tidak ubah sudah menjadi satu corak yang tidak boleh diubah...

Contoh dan perhatikan!...

Perhatikan suami atau isteri kita.., aktiviti hariannya sudah boleh diramal... Si suami sebelum pergi kerja, membuka surat khabar dan membaca, si isteri menyediakan secawan kopi, si isteri akan berkata sesuatu yang telah diulang-ulang sejak bertahun-tahun lamanya. Si suami demikian juga, beraksi dan respon yang sama. Ia seolah-olah telah tersusun, diatur atau diprogramkan dan bagaikan tidak boleh dirongkai, diubah atau diserak dan mengubah corak baru.

Buatlah sedikit perubahan.., kita selaku suami!... Nanti sesuatu akan berlaku, sangat berbeza!.. Esok lazimnya kita membaca surat khabar, jangan lagi duduk di kerusi yang sama, membaca surat khabar di waktu pagi. Ambil penyapu, sapu keliling rumah, cuba lihat apakah yang akan berlaku? Orang rumah kita akan terperanjat, dia tidak akan percaya apa yang terjadi kepada kita, senyumlah apabila kita melihat isteri kita. Peluk dan dakaplah ia, lihat apakah reaksinya?..

Mungkin kita jarang memeluknya sejak begitu lama. Kita jarang melihat ke matanya secara telus dan ikhlas. malam ini duduklah berhadapan dengannya, renunglah matanya, pastinya dia menganggap kita sudah tidak betul, tetapi jangan dirisaukan. Dekati dan pegang tangannya dengan penuh ghairah. Kalau kita tidak boleh melakukannya, berpura-puralah melakukannya, tetapi dengan penuh ghairah, mulakanlah dengan senyuman tanpa apa-apa sebab.., nanti isteri akan mula bertanya dan hairan.

Sejak lama kita tidak pernah memegang tangannya. Ingat tak, sudah berapa lama agaknya? Pernahkah kita ajak dia berjalan-jalan di taman, bila bulan sedang mengambang di bawah jutaan bintang? Ingatlah!.. Dia isteri kita adalah juga seorang perempuan yang bergelar manusia. Dia perlukan belaian dan kasih sayang.

Tetapi kebanyakan lelaki yang bergelar 'suami', menjadikan isteri sebagai 'hamba rumah tangga'. Ingat! "Pernahkah kita menghormatinya sebagai insan, yang juga perlu dihormati?"

"Pernahkah kita duduk di sisinya sekali sekala, diam-diam sambil memegang tangannya, jangan berkata apa-apa, cuma sentuhan rasa dan perasaan."

Tetapi saudara pembaca!..

"Suami isteri lazimnya cuma ada satu saja
jenis perhubungan, iaitu: Bertengkar atau Berkelahi!"


Jangan berfikir hanya isteri kita saja yang bersalah, mungkin juga ada kesalahan, tidak dinafikan!.. Walau bagaimanapun, berilah mereka peluang dan ruang, sedikit erti dan makna yang sangat bermakna dalam hidupnya. berilah mereka sedikit rasa dan erti hidup yang ia inginkan.

Tahukah kita?..

"Apakah yang sangat-sangat diperlukan dalam hidup ini?" Jawapannya adalah,'KEPERLUAN'!.. Berilah mereka 'keperluan' itu yang diinginkannya. Kecualilah kalau masing-masing sudah saling tidak memerlukan atau tidak ada keinginan, maka tidak berertilah hidup masing-masing, 'seperti padang pasir yang kering kontang'.

Ingat saudara pembaca!..

Tubuh badan, jika tiada siapa membelaikannya, atau tidak dibelai, ia akan 'mengering dan mengecut'. Tubuh itu akan kelihatan hodoh, jika tidak ada yang membelai dan memupuk serta menghargainya, tak ubah seperti 'rumah usang yang tiada penghuni'.

Nanti si suami dalam senyap-senyap memerhati, 'kenapa isteri aku kelihatan tidak cantik?' Semuanya itu kerana kita 'tidak mencipta' dan tidak pandai membelai bahawa:

"sekuntum bunga hanya akan berkembang
cantik dan indah jika iklimnya bersesuaian dan pandai menjaganya."

Dalam erti kata lain:

Jika kita menyintai seseorang, seseorang itu akan kelihatan cantik dan indah!., ibarat apa jua logam boleh bertukar menjadi emas. Lihatlah air muka orang yang mempunyai sifat kasih sayang!., air mukanya berseri.., 'AURA'nya berubah, mukanya menjadi bersinar, bercahaya dan berseri, darahnya mengalir ke muka, matanya menjadi berkilau penuh keajaiban!..

Memang!.. Kasih sayang memang punuh dengan 'KEAJAIBAN'. Masih tidak terlambat!., yang bercerai boleh rujuk semula, yang hendak retak boleh ditampal, yang terdedah boleh ditutup, apa saja masih belum terlambat, kecuali yang sudah mati!.. Itu namanya: 'Bercerai nyawa daripada tubuh'.

Justeru, Apakah perkara penting untuk membuat seorang isteri itu bahagia?
Hanya ada 'DUA' perkara penting:

1. Beri dia kebebasan memikir dengan caranya
2. Biar dia peroleh apa yang diinginkannya

Pandangan ini boleh diaplikasikan bagi kedua-dua pihak (suami dan isteri) untuk 'KETENANGAN dan KESEJAHTERAAN BERUMAH TANGGA'.

Pembaca yang dikasihi!..

Sila panjangkan risalah ini kepada rakan-rakan, suami atau isteri yang sedang bertelingkah atau yang ingin bercerai atau yang sedang bercadang untuk berkahwin, dan yang sudahpun bercerai, agar penulisan ini akan dapat membuat mereka 'bertaut kembali' demi kesejahteraan anak-anak dan kerukunan rumah tangga.


'Empty Hands',
A. Rahman Bin Mahadi
Labis, Johor


Next Topic: 'PATIENCE... The Heart Of
Spiritual Practice'

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Mental peace means, the mind should be freed from bad thoughts and filled with sacred thoughts. This calls for control over all the sense organs.

The ears should be trained to listen only to matters relating to the Divine and to eschew evil gossip. The eyes should be told to see glory of God. The mind should be restrained from restlessness. They should reduce their worldly concerns, this will help to purify their minds. Take into your head all that is useful... After that transmit in to the heart. That will generate real energy.

Please remember! What is received in the head comes and goes, the mind seeks happiness. But this happiness is temporary. It is satisfaction of needs and desires as they arise from time to time. You are hungry, you take food and you feel happy. But this lasts only for a few hours till you feel hungry again. This kind of happiness comes and goes. This process relates to the mind (head). But the heart is concerned with securing lasting bliss.

So, "follow the heart" - not "the head" (mind). That is the way how to secure mental peace.
Dear Readers!
You must understand the difference between the head and the heart. The mind is content to carry out temporary obligations. The heart is concerned with what is permanent. Once bliss is secured all the head or mind seeks such as "mental peace" will also be got.

"Prayer is for the mind... For mental peace".
What food is for the body? Just as wholesome food gives health and strength
to the body, prayer purifies the mind and strength the spirits:

Material progress alone cannot bring mental peace. It is a mistake to seek an unending series of pleasures and comforts in life... Real mental peace cannot be found that way without experiencing difficulties and troubles one cannot know the value of peace and pleasure.

Man thinks that the more he has of worldly goods the happier he would be. But , as desires grow, disappointments and troubles also increase, attachments and ambitions. The world is suffering from numerous troubles because these people their mental is in trouble, they set no limits to their desires.

Please understand! Nature has prescribed limits for everything - for the temperature of the body, the capacity of the eye to tolerate light or for ear to listen to sound. When these limits are crossed, harm is caused to the mental organs concerned.

Mind of man should undergo transformation that is 'IT' (Inner Transformation). The mind or mental of man must promote not bondage but liberation. It must turn Godward, and inward, not worldward and outward, please remember!. The mind plays many tricks to please you and give you a great opinion about yourselves. It revels in hypocrisy, riding on two horses at the same time.

For mental peace, the proper control of the mind, which is the cause of both happiness and sorrow, is necessary, and please bear in mind, this control cannot be achieved by merely reading the Quran or any Scriptures or practising certain rituals. Mere scholarship or the acquisition of knowledge about the external world will not lead to mental peace. If one is engaged all the time in the acquisition of information, when is he to undertake the task of transformation?

You can try one beautiful experiment; just put some sand on a plate and then when somebody is playing music, put your plate with the sand on top of it... You will be surprised to see that every sound makes a change in the pattern of the sand on the plate. It goes on changing with every sound.

Classical music will put all the sand in a very silent, very harmonious state; it will create a pattern of harmony.

The same sand, the same plate and any stupid kind of modern music - from jazz to the skinheads - and you will be surprised that your sand is in a chaos. It loses all harmony. It loses all peacefulness and patterns are created which show immediately to anybody disharmony or mental discord.

A man of mental peace or a man of silence moves with a certain field of energy around him, and if you are receptive, his vibe starts touching your heart.

Man has been given two boons (happiness and peace). Every person in the world, from a king to a beggar, desires only these two. But what is the happiness that he should seek? Is it physical, mental, or material pleasure? Men are not sure about what kind of happiness they want and wherefrom they can get it. If it is sensory pleasure that they want, they will find that these are only momentary and that they are weakened at the end.

This is not pleasure at all. What about mental peace? People consider freedom from worry as peace, please remember that there can be no (pleasure) without (peace).

How is mental peace to be secured?
"Only when desires are reduced
will peace be secured.
As desires grow, peace is lost."

"Your mind is your battlefield."

From Empty Hands,
A.Rahman Bin Mahadi
Labis, Johore

27 OCTOBER 2009

PENTING Untuk Membuat Seorang Isteri
Itu Gembira?"

2. "Patience Is The Heart Of
Spiritual Practice"

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


A farmer who wants to raise a crop in the field has to remove, at the outset, the weeds from his field. If different types of weeds grow, the crop will be affected adversely.., remember!.. Removing the weeds is an essential precondition for getting a good crop.
In the same way, a 'spiritual aspirant' has to remove from his heart the various manifestation of 'malice, desire, greed, anger, hatred and jealousy.'..Remove these weeds!

If we invite some great man, such as a saint or a learned person to our house, some preparations will have to be made at home, to make it presentable.
We have to clean the house and surroundings before the guest comes to our house.
A house which is not clean lacks sacredness and great people would not go to such places. In the same way, if we invited a minister or governor to our village, we would clean the road and decorate the path and keep everything fit and proper for receiving the eminent visitor.

"If we take so much care and precaution
when we invite a person who has only a temporary position."

How much more clean should we keep our heart when we invite the very 'Creator' and the protector of the world 'Himself' to enter!

It is only when we purify our heart that God will be able to enter it... So, make every effort to remove the dirt from your heart. Whatever scriptures, Quran one may study or pilgrimages , one may make, unless one succeeds in getting rid of the impurities in the heart, life will remain worthless and meaningless. Remember! Purification of the heart is the essence of all scriptural or the teaching of the Quran and it is the basic goal of life.


Take another example: These days when one goes on a picnic, one takes a mirror, a comb and a handkerchief. Why do they take these thing? On the way, the wind may blow their hair out of place, and they may need a mirror, and a comb to tidy it. When they get hot and tired, there may be some sweat on the face, so they take a handkerchief to wipe it off. These three things help maintain one's looks. Remember! In the same way.., if you want to correct the disturbed beauty of the mind and the heart, you have to take certain things.

Remember also!

Whether our hair is dishevelled or not, is shown by the mirror. To find out whether our mind or heart is disturbed or not... devotion acts as the mirror. These mirror also must be clean. If the mirror is clean, it will be easy to see whether there is impurity in the heart or not. When we recognize that the heart or mind is disturbed, we have to correct it; for this purpose, we need the comb of wisdom. The cloth which we wipe the dirt from our heart (detachment). This removes all the dirt, in the journey of life, wherever we go, we need to have devotion, wisdom and detachment.

No spiritual study can help to purify one's heart unless one makes the effort himself. Then only you can get rid of evil qualities like ego, selfishness and pride. Every action done without ego leads to divinity. Ignoring this truth, man indulges in meaningless actions. People recite the Quran, Geetha, Bible, achieve proficiency in expounding it, but do not live up to the message.

Without putting it into practice, please remember!..

"Heaven and hell are not far away places,
they are related to one's actions, mind and heart."

If you make an honest examination of the impure state of your heart and the kind of double life you are leading, you will be able to get rid of your bad thoughts in a moment.
But what people are doing now is to conceal their heart and thoughts... But extremely, yes! Well-dressed and move about as impeccable person. Of what use is such conduct? We attach importance to external appearance of the body and value respect shown to it.

Please understand!..

One who cares only for the body and ignores, the state of the heart is only...
'A two-legged animal'.

From Empty Hands,
A.Rahman Bin Mahadi
Labis, Johore

23 OCTOBER 2009

Next Topic: "What Exactly Is Mental Peace"

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


First put your own house in order. Create a cosmos there.., it is a chaos. In fact, before you have dropped your own problems, you cannot have the right perspective to understand the world's problem... Remember!

Your own home is in such a mess, your own inner being is in such a mess.., how can you have the perspective to understand vast problem? Start from there, because every other start will be a wrong start.

People who are in a tremendously confused state of mind start helping others, and start proposing solutions. These people have created more troubles in the world then they have solved... These are the real mischief-makers:

The politicians, the economist.., the so-called public servants. These are the real mischief-makers. They have not solved their own inner consciousness yet, and they are ready to jump on everybody else and solve everybody else's problems. In fact, in this way they are avoiding their own reality.., they don't want to face it. They want to remain engaged somewhere else with somebody else. This gives them something to do, it is a good distraction. Remember!

"You are the world problem.
You are the problem, and unless YOU are solved. Whatever you do
is going to make things more complicated."

First put your own house in order.
Yes, there are problem, I agree. There are great problem. Life is such a hell. Misery is there, poverty is there, violence is there, all kinds of madnesses are afloat, that's true.., but still I insist the problem arises in the individual soul.

The problem is there because individuals are in chaos. Overall chaos is nothing but a combined phenomenon, we have all poured our chaos into it.

The world is nothing, but a relationship; we are related which each other. We are the world problem, hence the world is neurotic. War is not born out of blue, we create it.., it is our pus that comes out, it is our chaos that takes the toll. The beginning has to be with us, we are the world problem.

As you are now, you cannot see the root of a problem, you see only the symptom. First, find out within yourself where the root is, and try hard to change the root, please imbibe;

Poverty is not a problem, is not a root.., greed is the root.., poverty is the outcome. You go on fighting with poverty and nothing will happen. Greed is the root, the greed has to be uprooted.

War is not the problem, individual aggressiveness is the problem.., war is just the sum total of individual aggression. You go on making protest marches and war is not going to be stopped. There are a few people who enjoy the fun, you can find them in any protest march.

War goes on, and if you look at these protesters, you will see these are very aggressive people. You will not see peace on their faces. They are ready to fight. Peace marches can any moment turn into riots. These are aggressive people, in the name of peace they are showing their aggression. They are ready to fight, if they had the atom bomb, they would drop the bomb, they would drop the bomb to create peace. That's what all the politicians say.., they say they fighting so that peace can prevail.

The problem is not war, and protest marches are not going to help... The problem is inner aggression in individuals. People are not at ease within themselves, hence war has to exist.., otherwise these people will go mad. Each decade a great war is needed to unburden humanity of its neurosis. You might be surprised to know that during the First World War, if you are aware of a strange phenomenon.., the proportion of people who went mad fell almost to nil. Suicides were not committed.

Murders were not done and people even stopped going mad.., that was strange.., what has that to do with war?

When war happened there is no story of all that.., strange! Maybe murders are not done because murderers have gone into army.., but what happened to people who commit suicide?.. Maybe they have also joined the army, but then what happened to people who go mad? Have they even stopped going mad?

Then again in Second World War the same thing happened, in a greater proportion.., and then the link was understood.., the association. Humanity goes on accumulating a certain quantity of neurosis, madness. Each decades, it has to throw it out. So, what is the definition of war?

"When there is war.., war means when
humanity has gone mad as a whole."

Then there is no point in trying to be privately mad, no need to go mad privately. What is the point?.. All mad!!!

When one nation is murdering another, and there is so much suicide and murder, what is the point of doing these things on your own? You can simply watch the TV and enjoy.., you can read it in the papers and have the thrill... Remember!

"The problem is not war.., the problem
is individual neurosis."

Change the root.., a radical transformation is needed; ordinary reformations won't do!!!...

Poverty does not exist because things are scarce,
poverty exists because people are hoarding, because people are greedy.

Remember! The earth has enough to give us. But we plan ahead, we hoard.., then trouble arises. If we live right now.., there is enough!

Just think of birds hoarding.., then a few birds will become rich and a few will become poor. Then the American birds will become richest and the whole world will suffer.
But they don't hoard, so there is no poverty. Have you ever seen a bird poor?.. Animal in the forest.., nobody is poor, nobody is rich. In fact, you don't even see fat birds and lean and thin birds. All the crows are almost alike, you cannot even recognize which is which... Why? They enjoy, they don't hoard.

Even to become fat means you are hoarding inside the body, that is a miserly mind:.. Misers become constipated. They cannot even throw out waste. They hoard, they control even defecation, they go on hoarding even rubbish... Hoarding is a habit with them. Please imbibe...

To live in the moment, to live in
the present, to live lovingly,
to live in friendship, to care .., then the world will be
totally different... The world has to change..,
the individual first has to change.., because the world
is nothing but a projected phenomenon of the
individual soul.

If not it is not going to help.., people keep on destroying people. These are the do-gooders.., avoid them. Meditative energy has to be released so people can enjoy the moment.

Meditates makes the mind flowering:
If he is a painter.., he will become a greater painter. If he is a poet, then suddenly tremendous poetry will arise out of his soul. If he is a singer, for the first time he will sing a song that is close to his heart's desire. You start flowering the way existence always wanted you to function.., another words:

You start functioning the way, you were
born to function. You start functioning the way your
destiny wants you to function.

You don't bother whether it pays or not, whether it makes you more respectable or not.., you starts doing your thing. It makes you happy and that's enough. It makes you tremendously joyful.

But there are people who like to do things in a round-about way. They would like to change the world first. And then they will come to themselves. But let me tell you,;

"You will never be able to come to
yourself if you go that far."

Start where you are. You are part of this ugly world and by changing yourself, you are changing the world. What are you? A part of this ugly world. Why try to change your neighbor? He may not like it, he may not want it. If you have become aware that the world needs a great change, then you are the closest world to yourself!..

"Start from there!"..

From Empty Hands,
A.Rahman Bin Mahadi
Labis, Johore

18 OCTOBER 2009

Next Topic: 1. Take Every Effort To Remove Dirt
From Your Heart

2. What Exactly Is Mental Peace

Sunday, October 11, 2009


To become a mother is one of the greatest responsibilities in the world. Men or a father are a little freer in their way because they cannot take the responsibility of becoming a mother. Women have more responsibility.

So many women want to be mothers but they don't know how to be...remember!

"Once the relationship between the mother and the child goes wrong, the child's whole life goes wrong... because that is his "first CONTACT" with the world, his first relationship, everything else will be in continuity with it. And if the first step goes wrong, the whole life goes wrong... Please imbibe and be serious about it."

One should become a mother knowingly. You are taking on one of the greatest responsibilities that human being can take.
Men are a little freer in that way because they cannot take the responsibility of becoming a mother. Women have more responsibility... So;

"Become a mother, but don't take it for
granted that just being a woman one is necessarily a
mother,..that is wrong and fallacy."

"Motherhood is a great art, you have
to learn it. So start learning about it... Now!"

A few things I would like to say to you as mother and father... being a parents...

First never treat the child as yours;
Never possess the child... The child comes through you, but it is not yours. God has only used you as a vehicle... 'POSSESSION'. Remember!

"LOVE, but never possess the child".

If the mother , the father starts possessing the child, then the life is destroyed. The child starts becoming a prisoner. You are destroying his personality and you are reducing him to a thing or a commodity.

Only a thing can be possessed... that is without life;
"A house can be possessed... a car,
a shoes ect."

Remember! Never a person. So, this is a first lesson.
Get ready for it:

Before a child comes you should be able to greet him as an independent being, as a person in his own right, not just your child.

And the second thing:
Treat the child as you would treat a...

Never treat a child like a child. Treat a child with deep respect. God has chosen you to be a 'HOST'. The child is very fragile... helpless. Remember!

It is very difficult to respect the child, but it is very easy to humiliate the child. Humiliation comes very easy because the child is helpless and cannot do anything... Cannot retaliate cannot react. So, treat the child as a grown-up and with great respect. Once you respect the child, you don't try to impose anything your ideas on him. You don't try to impose anything on the child. You simply give him a freedom... freedom to explore the world. You help him to become more and more powerful in exploring the world but you never give him directions. Remember!

"You are giving him energy, you give
him protection, you give him security.. All that he needs,
but you help him to go farther away from you to explore
the world."

And of course in freedom the wrong is also included. It is very difficult for a mother to learn that when you give freedom to a child it is not freedom only to do good. So make the child... 'alert'... intelligent.

Never give him any commandments... nobody keeps them, and people become hypocrites. So, if you really love the child, then one thing has to be remembered:

"Never , never help him in any way,
or forcing him in any way to become a hypocrite."

And the third thing:

Be natural... listen to nature. Whatsoever is natural is good... If your mind is good, nothing wrong with this world. Even if sometimes it is very difficult for you, very uncomfortable for you... because you have not been brought up according to nature. We now being a parents. Our parents were not bringing up with real art, 'LOVE'... It was just an accidental thing. Don't repeat the same mistakes. Many times you will feel very uneasy...

Never interfere with the child, let nature take its own course. You are there to facilitate whatsoever nature is unfolding... Remember!

"You are not to direct nature...
be natural, you are just to be as a help."

So, this three things... Start meditating. Before the child is born, you should go as deeply as possible. When the child is within your womb, whatsoever you are doing continuously goes as a vibration to the child...Example:

If you are angry, your stomach has a tension of anger. The child immediately feels it. When you are sad, your stomach has an atmosphere of sadness. Immediately the child feels dull... depressed. The child totally depends on you. Whatsoever is your mood is the mood of the child.

That's why I say that to be a mother is a great responsibility... The mother have to sacrifice much.

If from the very beginning anger, hatred, conflict, enters into the child's mind.., then you are causing hell for him, he will suffer...

"Then it is better not to bring a child
into the world. Why bring a child into suffering?"

The world is tremendous suffering. In the first place bringing a child into this world is a very risky affair. But even if you want that.., at least bring a child who will be totally different in this world. Who will not be miserable, who will at least help the world to be a little more celebrating.., that will bring a little more festivity into the world.., a little more laughter.., love, life.

Dear Readers!
Please forward to all your friends the so called father and mother. Also to prospect husband and wife for the betterment of their home not the house. My next coming article I will talk more about.., home and house.
Please follow!

From Empty Hands,
A. Rahman Bin Mahadi
Labis, Johore

14 OCTOBER 2009

Next Topic: "You Are The World Problem.
You Are The Problem. You Make Things More Complicated"


Be ready for the click. Night and day. With the name ever tripping on the tongue and the glory always radiant in the mind. Be ever ready. It is no mean achievement to get the "Name of the Lord" on one's tongue at the last moment.

How sad it is that this human life. Precious as an invaluable diamond that cannot be priced at all, has been cheapened to the standard of a worn-out worthless coin! There is no use repenting after wasting time without profit, without meditating on God or practicing and spiritual discipline to realize the Almighty... Follow!

What is the use in planning a well, when the house has caught fire? When is it to be dug? When will water become available? When is the fire to be extinguished?.. It is an impossible task?

If at the very start, there was a well ready, how helpful it would be on such critical occasions!.. Remember!

"Beginning to contemplate on God during the last moments is like beginning to dig the well." So;

If from now on, one equips himself by the contemplation of God off and on, it will stand him in good stead when the end approaches. Start today the spiritual discipline that has to be done tomorrow!.. Start now! The spiritual discipline that has to be done today!.. One does not know what is in store the next moment. Therefore, there should be no delay in engaging one-self in the spiritual discipline that has to be done!

But people in their foolishness continue to postpone in a world from which, today or tomorrow... they are bound to depart.

Therefore, awake soon.
Try to know the essence of everything, the eternal Truth.

Try to experience the Love which is the Over...self itself. Discriminate at every turn, accepting what is true and discarding at rest. Instead of getting enslaved to the evanescent and the false and wasting precious time in their pursuit, dedicate every minute to the discovery of Truth, the contemplation of the ever-lasting,...ever true-Lord.

Such dedication is the real function of the Soul.

The spending of time is illusory appetites, on the other hands... is the drag of the world. One should not fall a victim to the poisonous attractions of worldly luxuries, or the wild of seductive beauty. One day, all these fascinating scenes will vanish as a story unfolded in dream!

From Empty Hands,
A. Rahman Bin Mahadi
Labis, Johore

12 OCTOBER 2009

Next Topic: 1. Bringing A Child Is Very
Risky Affair, So How To Become Mother Or Father
2. You Are The World Problem. You Are The Problem.
You Make Things More Complicated

Friday, October 9, 2009


Dear Readers!

I have told you often that besides your parents, your teachers and your elders, you have to also revere your deeds...for deeds elevate us or drag us down. They chain us to both, birth and death or they deliver us from that chain, they result in joy or grief, prosperity or poverty, gain or loss, pleasure or pain.

You must realize that your enthusiasm or despair, success or failure, are but the consequences of your actions. While engaged in action, you come up against certain law of nature which you cannot overstep.

If you loosen your hold on something you have in your will fall down. Similarly, if you slip while ascending a ladder you will fall, irrespective of your caste, creed or status...remember!

The law does not differentiate!

In every deed or act God is present as the invisible motivator, in every minute thing that you handle or manipulate.

So try to elevate yourselves by doing good, seeking good and having the good of others in mind.

See the good in others and the faults in yourselves.

"Make your heart pure!".

From Empty Hands,
A. Rahman Bin Mahadi
Labis, Johor

10 OCTOBER 2009

Next Topic: "How Sad It Is That This Human Life. Precious As An Invaluable Diamond That Cannot Be Priced At All"

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Today's man is an easy prey for attachment and hatred. He is overwhelmed by the possessive nature and filled with ego. Just look at the state he is and what he is doing!

He consider himself to be the most important being in the world. He deludes himself with the feeling that there is no one greater than he. Because of this delusion he has lost his power of discrimination, and so he has not even been able to reflect on his own confused state.

He considers that it is he who is doing everything. He thinks that he can hire the whole world and do with it as he pleases. But it is not he who is running his heart, lungs and the world. He does not have that power, who is the creator of this world, who is the protector of this world...the one who is the "Lord of this world"...only he has the power and authority to run it.

For this entire movable and immovable world, there is only one..."Master". That is an all-important truth that every human being must recognize.

From Empty Hands,
A.Rahman Bin Mahadi
Labis, Johore.

6 October 2009

Next Topic: - The Law Does Not Differentiate -

Sunday, October 4, 2009


In the world, we are continually experiencing the same round of days and nights. You perform the same ablutions and indulge in the same process of filling the stomach. Thus you go on from year to year.

But what efforts are you making to lead a purposeful and ennobling life? You are going through the same mill of experiences again and again. If you go on in this way,...what is the worth of your life?..What is its primary purpose? Few care to enquire into this basic question.

Hence what we have to examine is how we can lead an ideal, bliss filled, spiritually-oriented life which will serve an example to others. But most people never recognize the basic purpose of life. They seem to consider that the sole aim of life is to acquire wealth eat and drink and enjoy material comforts. This surely cannot be the main purpose of life. To recognize the primacy of human birth among living beings and yet fail to realize the true goal of his life.

Man needs a healthy body for a healthy mind, filled with good thoughts. It must be recognized that sports and music have been designed to confer health and happiness on man. But physical fitness alone is not enough.

Mental health is equally important. Please remember! Together with the gross physical body everyone has a "Subtle body...soul". One has to take good care of this subtle body also. For this, spiritual exercises will have to be performed which will help one to realize the Divine.

Al-Quran, Scriptures of any religions are guides for practical living... of what avail is it merely to know how the Quran or Scriptures have described, but this book lore is not reflected in his life. He is like a blind man who hears about the existence of the world. But cannot see it. There is no difference between this physically blind man and the spiritually blind person who merely studies the Quran or the Scriptures. The Quran or the Scriptures are intended to provide guides for practical living and not merely to be learnt by rote.

How much love and goodness is there in you?
When there is no 'Love and Goodness', how God can be understood? Remember!

For understanding anything subjective experience is essential.

In the fast-flowing river, a small fish is able to swim freely and joyously, without fear of the depth a swift flow of the river. But in the same river, a big elephant is likely to be swept away by the current. One should know how to keep afloat in the current and protect oneself.

A tiny ant, for instance, is able to get at the sugar that is mixed with sand, because it has the ability to distinguish between..."sand and the sweet sugar in the mixture", another animal or man, however big it may be if it does not possess this ability, it cannot separate the sugar from the sand. Likewise, if man has experienced the bliss of the Divine, will he go after worldly pleasures?

So, realize the true goal of your life.

From Empty Hands,
A. Rahman Bin Mahadi
Labis, Johore

5 OCTOBER 2009

Next Topic: - "If There Is No Peace Of Mind,
What Is The Use Having Learned So Many Thing?"