Wednesday, October 27, 2010


'MARRIAGE' is "not simply lust and romance". Romance is not a bad thing in itself, but "it is emotional and has limitations".

There will be less disillusion and heartache in marriage if we understand that, from the illusions of romance, a deep and abiding love may emerge. Love is a passionate and abiding desire, on the part of two people, to produce together conditions under which each can express his or her real self and to produce together on intellectual soil and an emotional climate in which each can flourish for superior to what either could achieve alone.

In the past we heard of blissfully married couples who shared the sweetness of love earned through years of being together, for better or for worse. For most who have been long married couples, "happily ever after" did not just happen. Couples in long, happy marriages mentioned this fact of life when asked what made their relationships a success.

"We worked to keep the romance alive, we enjoyed our differences and learned from them".

We voiced our discontents freely and dealt with them right away instead of letting them build into thunderclouds. "But in a way, the thing all successful couples have in common what was reflected in this observation":

"Even when things were really bad, we were both too stubborn to quit".

Perhaps what characterizes modern couples with problems is that they want to work out too easily as it happens on television. "No, everything good must be earned through hard work".

"For many the road to marital longevity has not been smooth. The bumps included many things: Inability to have children, the death of a child, a disabled child, a difficult economic crisis and highly stressful career changes."

Although none of the couples surveyed said so specifically, it was obvious that two other factors were important to their marital success.

Firstly, even though some couples faced considerable differences in personality and sometimes carried heavy emotional baggage, they maintained respect for one another always and refrained from trying to remake their partners.

A wife once told her husband; "You married me for what I am? He retorted; "No, I married you for what you would become."

Now of course both parties were wrong because their expectations were different and they were unwilling to compromise.

Secondly, none of the marriages was marred by psychological disturbances too severe to preclude a true partnership.

There was a wife who always used to insult her husband even for a minor mistake stating; "You are a stupid man." The husband on the other hand was a very tolerant man. However, one day when he was scolded by the wife using the same word the husband retorted; "I think you are right. If I were not a stupid man, do you think that I would ever marry a woman like you?"

From that day onwards she did not repeat that insulting words.

To achieve a successful marriage, "couples also need to understand and accept the differences between the two genders".

Couples sometimes become frustrated with each other and wish that their partner was more like them. Knowing and being able to tolerate the differences between men and women helps a lot in marriage.

"A mate who is willing to weather the hard times and make the adjustments that come with children, job changes, financial difficulties or simply learning more about the person one is married to is real secret to a successful marriage."

Another saying on married life:

"Wife becomes a mistress to a young man, a companion to the middle aged and a nurse to old man."

Many couples with children are determined to stay together at least until their children are grown up. With just a little effort these years can be among the most fulfilling times in a marriage.

Marriage is a blessing but many people turn their married lives into misery and a curse. Poverty is not the main cause of an unhappy married life. "Both husband and wife must learn to share the pleasure and pain of everything in their daily lives. Mutual understanding is the secret of happy family life."

In a true marriage, man and woman think more of the partnership than they do of themselves individually, please remember!...

"Marriage is bicycle made for two, another word a feeling of security and contentment comes from mutual efforts."

And please also remember!

"A wife is not her husband's servant. She deserves respect as an equal."

Though a man is generally regarded even today as being the bread winner helping out with household chores do not demean his masculinity. At the same time, a nagging and grumpy wife is not going to make up for shortages in the home. Neither will her suspicion of her husband help to make a happy marriage.

"If her husband has shortcomings, only tolerance and kind words will get him to see light."

It is important in marriage to keep tolerance alive throughout and please note;

"Little things can mean a lot. Right understanding and moral conduct are the practical sides of wisdom."

From time immemorial,... "flowers have been considered the language of love".

They don't cost much. Wives, or for that matter all women, attach a lot of importance to birthdays and anniversaries, and caring husbands should never be too busy to keep love alive with tributes and attentions.

Trivialities such as these are at the bottom of most marital happiness. Wives do appreciate such little attentions from their courteous husbands and it is life long goodwill that keeps the home fire burning.

A carefully developed family affection is a simple formula that works both for keeping marriages together and bringing up children of good character.

"True love means being willing to value one's partner and being unwilling to devalue him or her in the presence of other people".

"This willingness has to spring from the heart". The key difference between marriages that work and those that do not is how much a couple value each other.

"Criticizing, putting down or belittling a spouse particularly in the presence of other people, erodes a relationship. And even this is not enough as each still has to value the other as if he or she is a rare gem".

Sometimes words are not necessary if there is understanding. An elderly father once confessed to his children that he loved their mother very much and told them to take care of her always, even after he was no more.

He confided to them that she was the best woman in the world and that the family was indeed lucky to have her around.

The wife, now in her 60's, has seven grown children and as many grandchildren. Yet she confessed that she never once heard the endearing words!...
"I love you", ever uttered or whispered to her... Not even a variation of it. The wife, who belongs to old school of Chinese philosophy, is quite content with her husband's own caring ways and concern for her happiness in their blissful married life.

"Her female intuition somehow tells her that deep down in his heart, he truly loves her and that she could not have been dealt a better deck of cards."

It is in the nature of some people not to speak out their feelings, but they care. We have to watch out for their actions. The next key to a harmonious marriage is to work towards achieving one's objective.

"It is the "Law of Nature" that if no effort is put into, for instance... A garden, weeds will grow instead of beautiful flowers. The same goes for marriage."

Faith, not necessarily in the religions sense, (though it helps tremendously if a couple shares similar religious beliefs) is another vital ingredient in a lasting relationship.


Sex is a natural instinct and if enjoyed within its proper boundaries can bring about great happiness. Sex helps to keep a marriage glowing, and is an important and vital area that keeps a marriage together. It creates intimacy, a shared experience between two people which no one is party too. It makes the relationship precious, and private.

The important thing to appreciate here is the fact that man and woman see sex differently. While men may view sex as an intense physical activity,... "women do not. For her, it involves an interaction with the man she loves, that is with his gentleness, his care and concern."

"Understanding the fact that women need intimacy and closeness makes the sexual activity a lot more meaningful and fulfilling".

Sex is much more than the gratification of an appetite. It is the basis of an intimate lifelong companionship, and "the means of bringing into the world children whom we love and cherish as long as we live".

Through the ages we have learned that love and mutual respect must be the basis of close intimacy between the sexes. Sex, like any other tendency in man, must be regulated by reason. Man, not being governed by instincts like lesser animals, would find his tendencies running wild were he not to regulate them with reason.

There is a saying; "Like fire, sex is a good servant but a bad master."

A society grows through a network of relationship which are mutually intertwined and inter-dependent. Every relationship is a wholehearted commitment to support and to protect others in a group or community.

Marriage plays a very important part in this strong web of relationships of giving support and protection. A good marriage should grow and develop gradually from understanding and not impulse, from true loyalty and not just sheer indulgence.

The institution of marriage provides a fine basis for the development of culture, delightful association of two individuals to be nurtured, and to be free from loneliness, deprivation and fear. In marriage, each partner develops a complementary role, giving strength and moral courage to each other, with each manifesting a supportive and appreciative recognition to the other's skills.

There must be no thought of man or woman being superior - each is complementary to the other, a partnership of equality, exuding gentleness, generosity, calm and dedication, and most important of all - "Self-Sacrifice".

From Empty Hands,
A.Rahman bin Mahadi
Labis, Johore

28 OCTOBER 2010

Next Topic: 1. "Malapetaka Alam dan Manusia"
2. "Businessmen Are Responsible For To-day's Corruption. So, Combine Morals With Business"

Monday, October 18, 2010


Turunnya wahyu Tuhan yang bergelar "Al-Quran" kepada nabi besar Muhammad S.A.W adalah untuk menunjuk jalan ke jalan ilmu pengetahuan yang tertinggi bagi kesejahteraan semua manusia.

Maka adalah amat perlu dan "penting untuk kita mendalami dan mentelaah isi kandungan Al-Quran tersebut". Di antara isi atau doktrinnya adalah "soal moral, akhlak, perbuatan atau tindakan kita".

Dan perlu kita semua renungkan "kenapa soal perbuatan dan tindakan" kita semua "diberi tekanan dan keutamaan di dalam hadis dan juga Al-Quran?"

Di sepanjang kehidupan kita semua, sewaktu hidup di dunia dari mula - "kelahiran, berkembang jadi dewasa dan kemudian mati". Dalam kita semua melalui proses tersebut sebelum mati, semuanya bergantung kepada kelakuan atau perbuatan kita, sama ada kita gembira, dukacita atau sengsara. Sama ada kita seorang yang baik atau sentiasa melakukan dosa. Sama ada kita orang yang disanjung, dipuja atau dihina - Ingat! "Semuanya itu mengalir dari perbuatan kita sendiri."

Demikian kita manusia semua terikat dan diikat oleh "kesan dan akibah" oleh perbuatan kita sendiri. Oleh kerana kita semua tidak memahami dan menyedari hubungan... "sebab dan akibah". Maka kita semua terjerat dengan hawa nafsu, kebodohan dengan berseronok tanpa batas terhadap keseronokan dunia yang bersifat sementara, oleh sebab itu ada pepatah mengatakan:

"Beritahu saya dengan siapa kamu bergaul, nanti saya beritahu kamu; Siapakah kamu?"
"Lihat apa yang kita tanam, nanti kita peroleh apa yang kita tuai."

Yang kita tuai adalah 'akibah' dari hasil perbuatan kita sendiri - sama ada baik atau jahat.

Untuk pengetahuan saudara pembaca yang dikasihi - Semua 'akibah' ada atau terkandung di dalam perbuatan kita sendiri - Ingat!

Justeru ingat! Sebelum kita melakukan sesuatu tindakan, jika berpandukan ajaran Al-Quran dengan segala nasihat dan ajaran yang terkandung di dalamnya, "nanti kita semua akan mendapat kekuatan, petunjuk serta cekap dalam melakukan apa jua tindakan dengan kuasa perbandingan yang kuat untuk membezakan mana yang hak dan mana yang batal, mana yang baik dan mana yang jahat".

"Jika kita berbuat baik, hasilnya juga adalah baik".
"Jika menanam benih yang masam, hasil dari tanaman kita itu juga akan masam".

Ambil ingatan!

"Akibat dari setiap tindakan kita itu, terkandung atau terpendam di dalam tindakan kita itu sendiri".

Ingat contoh ini:

Ada sebuji benih yang sangat kecil. Kemampuan benih yang kecil itu, mampu membesar menjadi sepohon pokok yang sangat besar. Dan kemampuan menjadi sepohon pokok yang besar itu tersembunyi di sebalik benih yang sangat kecil.

Dan benih yang kecil itu pula berpotensi tumbuh mengembang menjadi sepohon pokok dengan berbatang, bercabang, berbunga dan berbuah.

Kalau kita semua perhatikan 'di antara' menanam benih di dalam bumi, perkembangannya sehingga menjadi sepohon pokok yang besar... hairan! Dari manakah pokok itu terbit dan muncul?

Saudara pembaca yang dikasihi!

Segala apa yang kita lihat di dunia ini adalah hasil 'tindakan'. Dan semuanya punya awal dan akhir - suka - duka - juga punya awal dan akhir - permulaan atau kesudahan (natijah). Ianya tidak boleh dipisahkan.

"Untuk itu kita manusia mesti menyedari betapa setiap kelahiran adalah sangat bernilai".

Tetapi malangnya kita manusia tidak menyedari itu semua. Memahami "hukum sebab dan akibah" (The Law Of Cause And Effect) adalah sangat penting.

Hukum "kesan dan akibah" bukanlah sesuatu yang jauh dan terpencil, ia ada pada semua manusia. Ia "berkaitan dengan tindakan dan perbuatan kita sendiri".

Begitu juga dengan 'dosa', ia bukan sesuatu yang berada nun jauh entah di mana, ianya juga berkaitan dengan tingkah laku dan perbuatan kita semua.

Ketaatan, keikhlasan, kejujuran dan kasih sayang juga ada kaitan dengan perbuatan kita masing-masing.

Jika semua kebaikan yang disebutkan di atas itu boleh kita amalkan, maka kita adalah orang-orang yang bijak - "Yang baiklah akan terhasil kerana menanam benih-benih yang baik".

Kita manusia tidak mahu berusaha untuk memahami dan meletakkan diri masing-masing ke arah tindakan yang betul dalam hidup sehari-harinya. Kita semua patut menyedari "mengaku beragama saja tidak cukup". Tindakan dan perbuatan kita itulah patut diperhatikan, kerana apa jua yang berlaku, natijahnya adalah dari perbuatan atau tindakan kita masing-masing. Ingat!

"Segala-gala dalam 'ciptaan' ini adalah berasaskan tindakan dan perbuatan, dari situlah terbitnya akibah, dari tindakanlah terbitnya segala ciptaan".

Ikut contoh ini:

Jika kita 'lapar', kelaparan itu akan membuat kita "bertindak untuk makan". Tetapi 'rantaiannya' mestilah kita perlu "meletakkan makanan tersebut ke mulut" kita, kemudian mengunyahnya, kemudian menyalurkannya ke dalam perut, diikuti dengan mencerna, dan seterusnya barulah taburan dihantar ke seluruh bahagian tubuh badan. Setelah melalui semua proses tersebut, barulah kita "rasa kenyang".

"Mengambil makanan adalah 'tindakan' (kesan), 'kekenyangan' itulah 'AKIBAH atau HASILNYA'".

Ketahuilah, di antara "tindakan dan akibah", beberapa proses perlu berlaku, perlu diketahui akibahnya. Mungkin cepat atau ia mengambil masa bertahun-tahun lamanya, mungkin sepanjang hayat kita.

Segala tindakan kita itu pasti akan kita sedari, cuma lambat atau cepat saja. Oleh itu nasihat saya; "Berhati-hatilah dalam bertindak!", agar ianya - "sentiasa berada di jalan yang lurus dan betul" atau 'baik'. Kita semua sepatutnya melibatkan diri kita ke jalan yang mulia dan terpuji dan menjadi contoh yang unggul "untuk agama, bangsa dan negara".

Ingat! 'Akal' kita yang jahat akan merebak ke seluruh tubuh badan kita, ia seperti kata pepatah:

"Sebutir batu kecil jika dilontarkan ke dalam kolam, ia akan menerbitkan gelombang-gelombang kecil dan merebak ke seluruh kolam tersebut."

Begitu jugalah "akal yang baik", juga memberi "kesan ke seluruh tubuh badan" kita. Akal yang baik akan bertindak secara baik, bercakap yang baik-baik, mendengar yang baik-baik, menyentuh yang baik-baik, melihat yang baik-baik.

Jika semua "tindakan kita tidak baik", "akibat atau kesannya" juga adalah "tidak baik".

Kini kita boleh lihat semua orang dengar khutbah, mendengar ceramah, ditazkirahkan, dinasihatkan, tetapi dari segi amalan, kita semua 'gagal' mempraktiskannya.

Kalau kita ingin lihat "kebenaran akan tindakan dan tindak balasnya (akibah)", cuba berdiri di hadapan 'cermin'; kerana "cermin tidak pandai menipu". Cuma ia pandai 'meniru'.

Buatlah apa saja di hadapan cermin, ia akan tergambar di dalam cermin apa saja perlakuan kita itu. Jika kita cuba menggertak di hadapan cermin, ia juga akan menggertak kita semula.

Kita semua perlu mengetahui, di dunia ini ada "tiga aspek tindakan" yang digelar "refleksi, reaksi dan gemaan", yang semuanya itu beroperasi secara tidak kita sedari.

"Selamat merenung, mengamal, dan menghayati!..."

From Empty Hands,
A. Rahman bin Mahadi
Labis, Johore

19 OKTOBER 2010

Next Topic: 1. "Husband And Wife. Marriage Is A Bicycle Made For Two"
2. "Malapetaka Alam dan Manusia"

Saturday, October 16, 2010


In this world, 'birds' and 'beasts' lead regulated lives though they lack education; Why does man lack this sense though he is endowed with intelligence?
All religions teach only what is good; One should understand them properly and regulated one's life accordingly. If our minds are good, what wrong can we see in any religion?

Therefore no religion can ever be bad. That is why "the great scientist, Einstein" declared that:
"Religion without Science is lame, and Science without religion is blind".

Thereby stressing the need for judicious combination of Science and religion to serve the needs of humanity.

Today's man has learn to fly in the air like birds, and swim in the sea like fish. "But he has not learnt how to live as man on earth".

Science can teach man such things as flying in the air and swimming in the sea; "However, it is only religion but not science, that can teach him how to live as man on the earth".

So, if Science were to foster the all-round development of man, "it has to seek the aid of religion".
"Religion does not mean blind adherence to some benefits".

On the other hand, "religion helps man to attain the goal of human life based on discrimination and sacred values".

"All religions emphasize human values".

Religion is of immense help in fostering the integral development of the human personality. It underlines the unity in diversity.
True religion teaches the harmony, the essence as well as the goal of all religions is the attainment of the purity of mind and heart.

"Every religion has its own precepts and principles."

"But no religion preaches hatred, untruth or unrighteousness".
"Speak the truth."
"Practice righteousness."

Read Quran, read Bible or your Upanishaths. Similar sacred injunctions are to be found in all the other religions too.

Thus all religions emphasize the human values and serve as beacons for the proper progress and development of mankind.

But the present-day men in general, and the youth in particular, have forgotten our age-old culture and sacred values and are bidding good bye to God,.... "having been enticed by the modern Science and technology".

However, with the passage of time, scientists themselves are veering round to the view that the universe is being guided and "governed by some divine power".

The innumerable stars and planets in the universe are whirling at tremendous speeds. If they are to deviate even slightly from their orbits or their speeds, it would result in universal holocaust... "Who has ordained them to adhere to their speeds and orbits?"

To-day's Scientists are creating artificial satellites which are orbiting around the earth.
But these satellites are crashing down or catching fire in a few days or months, where as the planets in God's creation are "orbiting regularly since time immemorial, without any crashing, or catching fire".

As we all know, light travels at the rate of 186,000 miles per second. Even with such a tremendous speed, it takes lakhs of years for light to travel around the families or constellations of the sun and stars.

In the Milky Way that is visible to us, there are innumerable stars unknown to us. The light from some of the stars has not yet reached the earth, despite the lapse of aeons since their creation. Even Scientists are in doldrums to understand fully such aspects of creation.

"What a contrast between the Scientist who swells up with pride on account of discovering but a minute fraction of the mystery of creation, and the 'Creator' (GOD) who is running the whole universe peacefully, silently, patiently and lovingly without any pomp or pride!"

Not this alone. "The way this creation or Nature is functioning is amazing beyond words".

For instance:
The carbon-dioxide exhaled by man is being taken up by the plants and the oxygen released by the plants is being inhaled by man. Who has made this mutually beneficial arrangement in Nature?

Poet-Saints, have sung the praise of the Lord Almighty in the following terms;
"Who has watered, manured and grown the small shrubs and the gigantic trees in the crevices of the rocks in the mountains?"

"Who has painted the beautiful peacock and its tail with such attractive colours?"
"Who has designed the wonderful combination of a green body and a read beak for the parrot?"

The Scientist may explain away all such things as the "Law of Nature". But are these Scientists able to transcend Nature or to dispense with the materials available in Nature?


Whatever the Scientists claim their 'creation' is only derived from the combination of the basic materials found in Nature. For example:

The Scientist produces water by combining hydrogen and oxygen. But then, which Scientist has produced or created hydrogen and oxygen?
These elements are produced by sunlight. In the same manner whatever the Scientist may produce "is based only on the permutation and combination of the already existing materials in Nature".

"This fact is conveniently ignored by most Scientists."

When one ponders over the mysteries or secret of Nature, even a fool will have to admit the existence of a divine power behind all these wonderful phenomena.

Let us consider another example. There are nearly 5.08 billion human beings in the world.

"But it is amazing that in such a huge population, no two persons look exactly alike. Which creator except 'GOD' can do this extraordinarily wonderful feat!"

The goods manufactured by the modern creators are all alike because they come out of the same world. What a striking contrast?

So, we has human or students should therefore, try to understand the mysteries of creation.


We are prone to take the creation for granted, thinking that it is but insentient Nature, thereby ignoring the "Sentient Principle" that regulates nature and imparts a proper balance among its various constituents.

"Scientists and Technologists in pursuit of selfish interests as well as of name and fame, utterly disregard the security and welfare of the society and the nation".

"By upsetting the balance in Nature, which results in various accidents, calamities, losses and misery to the public at large".

For example:

"The oceans contained air needed by the earth for more then ten years,
One lightning in the sky emits enough electricity required for the entire world for twenty years"

By building gigantic dams and storing huge quantities of water in one place, the earth goes down in that area and consequently goes up in another area,... like a see-saw.
The indiscriminate exploitation of natural resources by the Scientists and Technologists such as various types of mines for "extracting minerals, mice coal, petrol and other oils results in imbalance and pollution of the five major elements," leading to catastrophes like earth-quakes, and volcanoes, etc.

The rapid and excessive proliferation of industries, factories, automobiles, etc; with the attendant pollution of the atmosphere is responsible for the increasing incidence of diseases like "asthma, deafness, pneumonia and typhoid" etc. However, science per se is not bad; what is necessary is for man to put it to proper and judicious use.

"We must have faith in 'GOD'S' existence" :

Man of to-day have implicit faith and unquestioning belief in what the Scientists say; but, however much you may din into their ears, they have no faith in God's existence. "One simple reason for this is that in the dictionaries of all the languages, you find the words 'GOD' among other words".

Any dictionary contains only words which refer to things existing in the world such as birds, beasts and other living beings, as well as inanimate objects. Non-existing things do not have a place in the dictionary.

"The very fact that the words 'GOD' occurs in all dictionaries is enough to prove the existence of God".

Even if you have not seen or experienced some of the things included in the dictionary, there are another who have experienced them.

So, based on your limited experience you cannot deny the existence of anything mentioned in the dictionary. If you have not experienced God, there are other people who have experience Him and that is why the word 'God' finds a place in the dictionary.

About fifty years back, Scientists believed that there is no greater power than the atomic energy. They expressed the fear that if the atomic power is further split, it will to disaster. But now after exploring and experimenting during the last fifty years, the Scientists have been able to discover that there are greater powers than the atomic power.

Similarly, persons who presently have no experience of God may have such experience, say, after ten years, the power of God is all-pervading. You must firmly believe this. Without faith in God, human life would go in vain. To all Scientists out there - Along with "Physical Sciences" you should also try to understand the "Spiritual Science" to some extent at least.

From the moment of birth, man is engaged in a variety of activities for pre serving his way of life and achieving his goals. At birth, man, as a child has no bad qualities and is wholly innocent.

But as time passes, because of the type of food he consumes and the changes in his lifestyle, and the kind of association he develops, his dress and manners undergo changes. Along with these, he develops likes and dislikes. After getting 'educated', "they become very bad educated Scientists", he develops 'EGO' and 'PRIDE', passion and other bad qualities from head to foot. They acquire a strong hold over him.

As a consequence, he starts deluding himself that he is all-knowing and that there is none other 'Scientist' greater than him. Filled with the arrogance, he looks with contempt on others.

Today man appears to relish only pleasures derived from the senses. Every man is filled with various desires. As he grows, the surging vigour of manhood makes him headstrong. He fails to realize the true purpose of education... He develops ambition to become a "great Scientists" and "create destructive weapons", to become a great scholar, he is caught up in the bewildering maze of desires. As a result, he becomes a slave of his impure desire and "forgets his true human worth".

While birds and animals are content to live on whatever they can get, man alone has insatiable desires and is filled with greed. There should be a limit to one's acquisitiveness and desires.

"Excess of anything is harmful and should be avoided".

However, what we notice among the Scientist today is rampant selfishness and self-centredness. While they want to be respected and honoured by others, they will themselves show no respect or regard to others.

In the cosmic exhibition, you are seeing, hearing and experiencing, innumerable things. Your experience depression, confusion and disappointment... You have no contentment.

Please remember!

"Lack of contentment is the true loss. The man who is not content is continually experiencing loss".

There is no limit to desires. One feels hungry, another is thirsty. If the thirsty is offered water, he is not satisfied, he wants a cool drink. When he is given a cool drink, he is not satisfied, he wants ice cream. And so on... He is not satisfied with anything. There is no end to desires for material things in the world.

My advise!

"Don't cause pain, harm and unhappiness."
"Let all the worlds be happy."

"Righteousness is that which sustains the world, that which upholds the world."

Every object in the world has got certain unique qualities. The quality that is the vital essence of the objects reveals its 'righteousness'. For instance, it is the basic quality of fire to burn - burning is its 'righteousness'. When the fire losses its capacity to burn, it ceases to be fire and becomes mere charcoal. Sweetness is the inherent quality of sugar. If sugar loses its sweetness, it is no longer sugar but sand. The flower has natural quality of exuding fragrance. If there is no fragrance in it, it is no a flower.

"Without cultivating good qualities, can a person be a true human being at all?"

From Empty Hands,
A. Rahman bin Mahadi
Labis, Johore

16 OKTOBER 2010

Next Topic: 1. "Kesan dan Akibah"
2. "Husband And Wife. Marriage Is A Bicycle Made For Two"

Thursday, October 7, 2010


'Alam' (nature) umpama 'IBU'. Prinsipnya seperti 'keperempuanan'. Ia lebih menarik daripada seorang perempuan cantik, kerana perempuan sendiri tertarik terhadapnya 'alam'.

'Alam' merupakan "guru yang agung". Jika kita enggan mempelajari sesuatu daripadanya secara beradab dan baik, ia akan menghukum kita dengan
"menampar ke telinga kita dan menghantuk kepala kita".

Kita lihat alam, kita katakan ianya "Dunia Kebendaan". Dalam kepelbagaiannya pada setiap benda di dalamnya terdapat "keunikannya yang tersendiri".

Lihatlah "Kecantikan dan Keagongan Tuhan" melalui alam.

Untuk melihat kecantikan pandangan alam di sekeliling kita, janganlah dilihat dengan "mata kasar" atau "mata kebendaan"... Lihatlah ia melalui "mata dalaman" atau "mata hati". "Kerja-kerja seni oleh Tuhan, selaku pelukis seni alam, sehingga menakjubkan semua orang tentang pelukisnya".
Pendidikan yang diperolehi oleh semua manusia adalah melalui alam, dengan menganalisis dan mengkajinya secara mendalam. Sebab itu dikatakan alam umpama 'IBU'.
Tidakkah; "Di ribaan seorang Ibulah, Si anak itu nmempelajari seni penghidupan?"

Serupa juga 'alam' mengajar, mendidik, mengasuh manusia, bagaimana hendak maju dan berjaya, dengan bekerja keras untuk mencapai "ketenangan dan kesejahteraan" untuk semua.

"Berilah kebahagiaan, kesejahteraan, kasih sayang dan ketenangan kepada semua orang di muka bumi ini."

"Berkelakuan baiklah terhadap 'alam', melalui; pemikiran, kata-kata, dan perbuatan."

Alam adalah "Lukisan Ciptaan Tuhan", yang terbentang luas di hadapan "Galeri Tuhan", agar kita menyedari "Keagongan dan KebesaranNya".

Dunia yang sedang dihuni, "akan terhenti pada suatu hari nanti". Walaupun tiada siapa yang boleh meramal; "Bilakah dunia ini terjadi?" Tetapi ia mempunyai "asas realiti". Walaupun dunia ini 'maya' (illusi), tetapi di sebaliknya "ada kebenaran yang Hak", yang merentasinya, "yang tidak kelihatan dengan mata kasar", seperti;

"Seutas benang yang merentasi sekalung bunga, yang kelihatan hanyalah bunga-bunganya yang menjadi pujian dan pujaan ramai".


Perubahan seseorang manusia adalah berasaskan "perubahan akal fikiran". Apabila proses perubahan akal fikiran berlaku, negara akan turut berubah, apabila negara berubah, dunia juga akan turut berubah, maka "perubahan mental perlu berlaku" pada setiap peringkat individu.

"Akal fikiran manusia semuanya, perlulah diselubungi dengan kasih sayang".

"Akal fikiran" manusia adalah suatu 'entiti' yang sangat menakjubkan. Apabila ia dipenuhi dengan "kasih sayang dan kebijaksanaan"... ia akan membuat seseorang itu "sangat suci dan baik". Jika ia berkeadaan
'jahil', natijahnya; "hanya akan menjadikan seseorang itu agen kehancuran dan kemusnahan". Sudah diperkatakan sejak lama:

"Akal fikiran itulah yang akan membuat seseorang itu menjadi hamba atau memperolehi kemerdekaan daripadanya".

Apa-apa jua perubahan yang ingin kita lakukan, sama ada dalam lapangan pendidikan atau apa jua, "akal fikiran" itulah "yang perlu diubah" terlebih dahulu.

"Tidak acuh atau tidak peduli, berkawan dengan orang-orang yang buruk kelakuan, tidak menghormati orang, angkuh, sombong, benci-membenci, dan cemburu".

Kesemuanya yang di atas itulah sifat-sifat yang "merendahkan martabat manusia", turun ke paras 'kebinatangan'. Untuk menghindarkan semua sifat-sifat jahat itu, adalah perlu bagi seseorang merenung dan memikir-mikir tentang... "MOTIVASI ALAM", yang mana banyak terdapat perkara-perkara baik yang boleh dijadikan iktibar dan pelajaran dari burung-burung dan lain-lain binatang seperti cacing, dan lain-lain serangga.

Seekor binatang biasanya dipandang hina dan keji, adalah 'keldai'. Tetapi terdapat beberapa kebaikan yang boleh dipelajari oleh manusia pada keldai tersebut.

"Nilai kesabaran yang terdapat pada 'seekor keldai', tidak terdapat pun pada seorang manusia. Apa jua beban yang dilonggokkan di atas belakangnya, dipikulnya dengan kesabaran. Ia juga sabar disebat punggungnya dengan tidak menghiraukan kesakitan. Walaupun ia dalam keadaan lapar dan kehausan, air mukanya tetap tenang. Justeru, manusia perlu belajar nilai-nilai kesabaran dari seekor keldai".

'Semut' pula sejenis serangga yang amat halus, banyak perkara yang boleh dipelajari darinya. Seekor semut mempunyai "kemampuan menjangka dan bersiap sedia". Dengan pengetahuan menjangka akan tibanya musim hujan, maka semut-semut tersebut sudah mula mengumpul makanan "tiga bulan" lebih awal.

'Labah-labah' pula, apa yang boleh kita pelajari darinya ialah; "sifat iltizam dan kesungguhan". Tidak kira berapa kali sekalipun sarangnya koyak atau musnah, ia tetap juga akan meneruskan membuat semula dengan tidak pernah berasa bosan atau jemu.

'Anjing' pula, selalu disifatkan sebagai binatang yang terabai dan tidak dipedulikan. Tetapi "sifat taat dan patuhnya", tidak terdapat pada binatang-binatang lain. Jika ia diberi sedikit makanan oleh seseorang, orang itu akan dihormatinya, iaitu dengan menggoyang-goyangkan ekornya dengan penuh kasih sayang. Sifat begitulah yang sukar diperolehi pada manusia sekarang ini. Malah dianggapnya seperti "melepaskan anjing tersepit". Adakah "pelajaran tinggi melangit membawa apa-apa makna?"

From Empty Hands,
A. Rahman bin Mahadi
Labis, Johore

08 OKTOBER 2010

Next Topic: 1. "Contrast Between Scientists And Creator And Scientists Upset The Balance In Nature"
2. "Kesan Dan Akibah"

Friday, October 1, 2010


More than one-third of our young adults currently use illicit drugs. The use of illegal drugs has grown to such proportions that it has "become a national crisis".

Drug and alcohol abuse is "an illness that has touched countless lives and families all over the world."

"It is the unsung war in my country 'Malaysia' in America and other countries all over the world".

There is no visible enemy to attack.
There is evidence of dying, the injured, or bombed-out buildings. "This enemy destroys from the inside-out".

"This enemy is self-inflicted and self-destructive."

The victims of this war are - men, women and children. Alcohol and drugs have eaten away their self-respect and destroyed the character. They are not physically dead, "but nevertheless they are dying within, a death of degeneration".

They become incompetent and lay lame in the arms of an uncaring society.
This illness is like a plague the has spread from child to child, adult to adult. The symptoms are related to... apathy.

The users lose interest in work, achievement, pride of self, and or country. They lose human dignity. They live in a state of depression and confusion when "artificial 'high' has died." Their thought and desires are driven by unfulfilled habit, the need to feel 'high' again.

"Today man is pursuing unrestrained sense craving. These pursuits drags man's mind into a gutter."

This war is unsung because it has a stigma - the stigma of shame and failure. Parents, teachers, priests and minister "often hide the illness when it touches their families, schools, or congregation." To sing out is an "announcement to the world that perhaps they have failed."

"These people are the character builder", the role models, of our nation. They feel responsible for the decline and decay of character that is self-evident in our country today. No individual, supportive of moral values wants to see the destruction of morality "that is associated with drug and alcohol abuse".

As long as we support the habit through silence, greater members of people become victims.

"More than one-third of American young adults currently use illicit drugs."
"More than five million American currently use cocaine."

The U.S. Surgeon General estimates the member of young people under 18 who are involved regularly with some form of illicit drugs to be in the millions.

Malaysian adults currently use illicit drugs keep on increasing, has grown to such proportions that it has become a national crisis. It is a hidden habit.

The welfare of the nation ultimately depends upon the quality and nature of individual.

Therefore, reforming the individual is of primary importance. Reforming the individual has two aspects:

First: "Weed out the evil thoughts and bad habits"
Second: "Cultivate good habit".

Who is responsible for this illness in Malaysia?
America or any other countries?

Moms, dads, brothers, sisters, uncles, and aunts, the Malaysian family, the American family or any other family. This excludes no-one.
We share this responsibility equally because it is destroying our world family.


Please remember!

Drug and alcohol abuse is a plague. "It doesn't choose or select its victims". No one is spared because they're a good parent, go to church, go to mosque, go to synagogue weekly, attend good schools, religious, or live in a certain location. It spreads to every household.

"It's like the darkness of night and falls on every home".

It is painful to watch someone destroying themselves. Who wants to admit their child has a serious problem, has broken the law, or injured another?
Parents only one the best for their children and "looking at our child's mistakes automatically requires self analysis". Reluctance or refusal to do the latter is often the barrier that keeps the closed on the facts.

Please note:

"Drug are deceptive, debilitating and dangerous, and they have deleterious consequences".

I repeat again...
"It is painful to watch someone destroying themselves."

When it is your child, the pain is intensified. For a mother, it is unbreakable. A mother's life is devoted to caring for the needs of her child and solving their problems. If the child has a bodily injury, one applies soothing medication and love.

But how does one help when their child grows-up and dosen't want it?
A home should be a place where you can rest from the turmoil and negativity that exist in society. The atmosphere should be somewhat harmonious and "filled with love, peace and understanding".

The purpose of our home "is to strengthen, renew, refurbish and refresh" us so that upon rising each morning, we can face the world with equanimity.

"It is possible for a single individual alone to achieve peace? If there is chaos and unrest all around you, how can you alone have peace? If there is no peace in the home or in the community, how can you have peace? Your peace is dependent on peace in family, in the society, and in the world".

You cannot be indifferent to the state of the environment in which you live. One who wishes to dig a well for pure water will choose a spot far from polluted or saline areas. If you want to achieve peace, you have to see that the atmosphere around you is conducive to peace.

This means that you have to cultivate the feeling that your individual peace is intimately related to the peace of the world.

Currently every home is in a turmoil, everybody is unhappy and would take their feelings out on everyone at home. Everybody prayed for it to become a loving home, filled with peace. And everybody knew this world be a reality someday. But my advise is, "please don't wait - do it now, redress and correct your family now," don't wait... "We live in instant society".

"We have instant cameras, instant food, instant news, even instant marriage and divorce".

Today, uncontrolled living habits and unrestrained social behavior are extolled as signs of freedom. It is really only freedom to slide down into the animal behavior from which man has arisen.

Spend your time in good company. When we make an inquiry as to what is the meaning of good company, we will come to understand it by saying that it is friendship with good people. You may ask what is the benefit that we will get out of such good company? "Man's good as well as bad features receive their final shape when he mixes with other members of the society". If you spend your time in bad company and wander about the streets like stray dogs, whistling like foxes, you will only be wasting your life... Please note! "Time wasted is life wasted".

The future of the country depends upon the condition and quality of the students. Students may be described as the very roots of the nation. Therefore, we must pour water of the divine force into the very roots. Students may also be compared to the creepers bearing flowers. If we allow these creepers to grow as they please, they grow in a wild and disorderly manner without beauty and symmetry. Therefore, we must prune each creeper so that its shape may be beautiful and it may not grow in a wild fashion without any beauty. The beauty of life depends upon our good habits. The period of student days is so sacred and most important in life.

So, the students must be disciplined in their minds and habits and must fill their minds with pure thoughts and try to enforce and put into practice all those good thoughts in day-today life and in their day-to-day activities. Only then can they attain the right stage of development.

"A better quality of life is much more than the material standard of living." Our children need a safe environment to live in.

Love must be regulated and directed by intelligence and discrimination or else it may cause even injury and defeat.

Please follow this advise:

"If someone in your family needs help... Get it!"
"If someone in your family needs to be informed... Do it!"
"If your child's behaviour is suspicious... Investigate it!"
"If your neighborhood is promoting prevention... Support it!"

Remember!... "If you hide addiction... IT STAYS!"

It is significant to note that drug trafficking have "even surpassed international oil trading as money spinner and is second only to arms trade".

The lucrative trade in drugs has made its distribution widespread and caused serious sosio-economic problem in both developed and developing nations. Drug traffickers are in fact known to be using complex corporate structures and dealing in intricate business transactions involving banks, trust companies, financial institutions and real estate firms.


During the early 1960s, the 'hippie' subculture swept the West making a deep impact on human civilization. A typical 'hippie' was seen as a young unkempt person wearing gaudy coloured casual clothes and long hair, advocating freedom of thought and expression, and rejecting many of the conservative standards and values of society... Smoking cannabis (ganja) was their favourite form of drug abuse.

Our local youths copied this lifestyle to a certain extent. Although with hindsight, we can say that the hippie movement did have some positive effects, its permissiveness paved the way for the greatest scourge mankind has even known: "Drug Abuse".

When drugs are abused, the result can be devastating - for the abuser, for those who care about him or her, and for society at large? Dependence on commonly abused drugs has become one of the leading public health problems. The escalating drug toll is quiet unacceptable... In terms of "wasted lives, distabilized families, and rising crime rates, quite apart from the high costs of funding research programs, rehabilitation centres and specialized law-enforcement agencies."

The severe harm addiction causes the human body and the difficulty of overcoming the problem are beyond doubt.

Repeated use of drugs can cause the user to become dependent on them. Physical dependence on a drug like heroin, for example; is characterized by increasing tolerance to the drug - that is, the user has to take ever larger doses in order to achieve the same degree of drug - induced euphoria, or 'high'. And this of course makes the withdrawal symptoms, (the often severe physical reactions the user may experience when denied the drug) much worse. Traditionally, drug addiction has been defined as physical dependence.

Today, the term drug addiction usually refers to a behavioral pattern marked by compulsive use of a drug and a preoccupation with getting it.

"Drug abuse" has been rated as "one of the world's greatest enemies". Society has ascribed the cause of this scourge to the moral degradation of our youths who have strayed from their normal family home environment to be enticed by influences outside the home. "Many use drugs as a means to escape from unhappy home situations."

Parents who are too busy to attend to the social and spiritual needs of their adolescent children often neglect them to the extent of driving them to seek solace in drug addiction. The lack of proper parental guidance and supervision and the low regard for values of life, such as morality and spirituality has to a large extent contributed to this negative state of affairs. Many addicts began with no intention what soever of becoming addicted but they were sadly mistaken when they became enslaved to the habit.

Drug abusers invariable progress on to hard drugs and 'mainliners' live under the perpetual threat of an overdose. The common habit of sharing needles to 'fix' or inject drugs into one's body system by hard-core 'mainliners', is "one of the principle causes of the spread of AIDS" now threatening the country.

According to reports a vast majority (98.8%) of addicts are men, with more than 80% of them aged 20 and 39 years. More than 41% of addicts cought the habit because of peer pressure, 36.8% were seeking pleasure on their own initiative, while 15.6% took drugs out of curiosity. Others became addicted to overcome mental stress (40%), as a result of medical treatment (1%) by accident (0.4%) and (0.1%) as sexual stimulant.

How can parents tell if their in the adolescent age group (12 to 21 years) are on drugs? Millions of parents are quite rightly concerned about this problem and worry about the appeal of drugs to youngster.

What they are obviously concerned about is illicit drug use? Your suspicious that one of your children is involved in drug-taking may be aroused by an unexpected change in his or her behaviour patterns. He or she may appear confused, have slurred speach, become aggressive, paranoid or depressed, suffer weight loss, display red eyes, drowsiness, reveal declining performance at school, etc.

If face with irrefutable evidence, it is best not to over dramatise the situation but to get the help of trained counsellors who will best know how to handle the situation.

"The worst action, would be to deny that the problem exists."


The term 'alcoholic' is hard to define exactly since people have different reactions to alcohol and the way they use it. It usually takes 10 to 15 years of drinking five or more drinks a day (less for woman) for a person to develop what might be called the full alcohol syndrome - that is, a state of physical dependence with serious damage to health and social relationship. In essence, alcoholism is not measured by the amount of alcohol consumed, but rather by the way a person uses alcohol to deal with life's problem, and its effects on one's physical well-being.

Alcoholism is a chronic illness which manifests itself as a disorder of behaviour. It is characterized by the repeated drinking of alcoholic beverages, to an extent that exceeds customary social customs.

Chronic alcohol abuse can damage all vital organs in the body. One of alcohol's most damaging effects is on the brain and mental disorders.

Pubs have mushroomed all over towns and are luring our youths to indulge in the drinking habit. Certain undesirable shows are known to take place in pubs and discos contrary to the license issued to such establishments exposing to the risk of the premises being raided by the police.

For person in the lower rungs of the social scale, toddy provides the much needed solace for them to relax. Quite a number of them however imbibe the brew in excess and as a result become drunk and boisterous thus creating domestic violence at home.

Many from the low income group also indulge in drinking 'samsu' distilled from rice. But what worries the authorities is the consumption of cheap illicit 'samsu' (distilled under most unhygienic conditions) by unwary drinkers, leading to many cases of death, that had occurred arising from drinking such toxic brews.

To experience worldly pleasure there must be an external object or partner but to gain mental happiness, it is not necessary to drink alcohol.

From Empty Hands,
A. Rahman bin Mahadi
Labis, Johore

02 OCTOBER 2010

Next Topic: 1. "Dunia Dan Sains Penghidupan - Proses Perubahan Terhadap Manusia"
2. "Contrast Between Scientists And Creator And Scientists Upset The Balance In Nature"