Tuesday, October 20, 2009


A farmer who wants to raise a crop in the field has to remove, at the outset, the weeds from his field. If different types of weeds grow, the crop will be affected adversely.., remember!.. Removing the weeds is an essential precondition for getting a good crop.
In the same way, a 'spiritual aspirant' has to remove from his heart the various manifestation of 'malice, desire, greed, anger, hatred and jealousy.'..Remove these weeds!

If we invite some great man, such as a saint or a learned person to our house, some preparations will have to be made at home, to make it presentable.
We have to clean the house and surroundings before the guest comes to our house.
A house which is not clean lacks sacredness and great people would not go to such places. In the same way, if we invited a minister or governor to our village, we would clean the road and decorate the path and keep everything fit and proper for receiving the eminent visitor.

"If we take so much care and precaution
when we invite a person who has only a temporary position."

How much more clean should we keep our heart when we invite the very 'Creator' and the protector of the world 'Himself' to enter!

It is only when we purify our heart that God will be able to enter it... So, make every effort to remove the dirt from your heart. Whatever scriptures, Quran one may study or pilgrimages , one may make, unless one succeeds in getting rid of the impurities in the heart, life will remain worthless and meaningless. Remember! Purification of the heart is the essence of all scriptural or the teaching of the Quran and it is the basic goal of life.


Take another example: These days when one goes on a picnic, one takes a mirror, a comb and a handkerchief. Why do they take these thing? On the way, the wind may blow their hair out of place, and they may need a mirror, and a comb to tidy it. When they get hot and tired, there may be some sweat on the face, so they take a handkerchief to wipe it off. These three things help maintain one's looks. Remember! In the same way.., if you want to correct the disturbed beauty of the mind and the heart, you have to take certain things.

Remember also!

Whether our hair is dishevelled or not, is shown by the mirror. To find out whether our mind or heart is disturbed or not... devotion acts as the mirror. These mirror also must be clean. If the mirror is clean, it will be easy to see whether there is impurity in the heart or not. When we recognize that the heart or mind is disturbed, we have to correct it; for this purpose, we need the comb of wisdom. The cloth which we wipe the dirt from our heart (detachment). This removes all the dirt, in the journey of life, wherever we go, we need to have devotion, wisdom and detachment.

No spiritual study can help to purify one's heart unless one makes the effort himself. Then only you can get rid of evil qualities like ego, selfishness and pride. Every action done without ego leads to divinity. Ignoring this truth, man indulges in meaningless actions. People recite the Quran, Geetha, Bible, achieve proficiency in expounding it, but do not live up to the message.

Without putting it into practice, please remember!..

"Heaven and hell are not far away places,
they are related to one's actions, mind and heart."

If you make an honest examination of the impure state of your heart and the kind of double life you are leading, you will be able to get rid of your bad thoughts in a moment.
But what people are doing now is to conceal their heart and thoughts... But extremely, yes! Well-dressed and move about as impeccable person. Of what use is such conduct? We attach importance to external appearance of the body and value respect shown to it.

Please understand!..

One who cares only for the body and ignores, the state of the heart is only...
'A two-legged animal'.

From Empty Hands,
A.Rahman Bin Mahadi
Labis, Johore

23 OCTOBER 2009

Next Topic: "What Exactly Is Mental Peace"