Wednesday, March 10, 2010


The difference between a vision and an illusion is very delicate and fragile, but it is very big.

But remember!
The dream is a mind phenomenon and it happens in your mind. It happens because you repress, and what ever is repressed comes up in the night when the conscious represser is asleep. Then the unconscious releases itself in dreams. Please understand -
"Dream is the language of the unconscious. Through the dream, the unconscious is doing many things".

One is Catharsis, second is Giving Messages To The Conscious. If you don't hear, the same dream will be repeated again.

Mind is full of repressions which need release. There is a certain capacity - you cannot hold more than that. Dreams are your unfulfilled desires, your repress longing, your incomplete experience. But remember, they are of the mind.

The vision is when the mind has gone, when the mind is in a state of silence and stillness. When there is not even a small stir of thoughts. Remember!

"The lake of the mind is absolutely calm and quiet - you can see not
through the mind but from a totally different source".

The wise man called it, 'The third eye'... It simply symbolic.
When the two eyes which function for the mind are closed and the mind is no longer working. Suddenly you start seeing with a clarity that you never had before.

Remember! It has nothing to do with your repressions, nothing to do with unfulfilled desires, nothing to do with your repressed instincts. If has something to do with coming future. It is your clarity that has given you the opportunity to have a glimpse into the future.

If your vision goes on deepening, your vision will go on becoming more and more clear, in detail.

Please understand!

The vision is possible any time - day, night, waking, asleep. And please note the dream is possible only in sleep. The dream belongs to your small mind. The vision belongs to the universal mind. And please remember!

The vision is an indication that are coming closer to home. The dream (illusion) is an indication you are going farther from home.

One strange thing;
It simple to make the distinction:
"Dreams are always in black and white".
"Vision are technicolor".

So, if you forget everything else, you can remember this much. Because dreams are very ancient. They don't know the new technology. They are still working with old photography and old plates, and every things is dim and dark.

But VISIONS are absolutely radiant and clear and full of color. After dreams, you will find yourself tired. After seeing a vision, you will find yourself so full of energy..., because the vision has been a contact with existence itself.

Existence has refueled you, has given you more life because you have deserved it by going deeper in it.

To all my friends, don't be a dreamer, O.K!

"A dream is indicative of a sick mind, a sick psychology".
"A vision comes out of your inner health".

From Empty Hands,
A.Rahman bin Mahadi
Labis, Johore

10 March 2010

Next Topic: 1. "Bagi Yang Bermasalah - Kenapa Kita Bermasalah-Ikuti Puncanya"

2. "The Mind Is Like A Mirror"