Saudaraku yang dikasihi!
Fahamkan dan halusi peringatan ini:
Hadirnya kita ke dunia ini, bukan saja untuk mensia-siakan pernafasan kita siang dan malam, membuncitkan perut dan menjadi pemuja tubuh badan sehinggalah kita sampai ke tahap tua bangka dan menyanyuk. Begitukah tujuannya untuk kita memenuhi tujuan kelahiran kita?
Anjing dan lain-lain binatang juga makan dan menyumbat perutnya siang dan malam, kemudian membiak generasi sepanjang tahun, bercucu-cicit sehingga tidak lagi mengenal pertalian keluarga.... Itu adalah binatang!!!... Bagaimana dengan kita manusia abad ini, membuang anak dan terberanak di sana sini?
Adakah kelahiran kita manusia boleh disamakan dengan kelahiran binatang yang tidak perlu mengenal pertalian persaudaraan?.... Yang muhrim dan yang bukan muhrim?
Jika kita semata-mata menjaga dan memupuk tubuh badan dan dijadikan keutamaan serta perlakuan seks menjadi matlamat dan penyudah kepada tujuan kewujudan ini, maka matlamat dan tujuan kelahiran manusia ke dunia ini adalah tidak bermakna dan tidak bererti apa-apa.
Jika tujuan hidup ini juga dijadikan aktiviti makan dan minum, bangun kemudian tidur dan sebagainya, maka apakah perbezaannya dengan anjing, lembu dan kambing? Berfikirlah dan kuatkan "Kuasa Perbandingan!".
Hidup yang semata-mata mengutamakan tubuh badan, namun apakah kurangnya dengan haiwan yang melata di muka bumi ini? Lembu kambing juga menguak dan menguap, bernafas masuk dan keluar.
Saudaraku pembaca yang dikasihi!
Kita semua patut menyoal diri... "Dari manakah aku datang? Dari apakah tubuh itu dicipta? Untuk tujuan apakah tubuh dicipta? Siapakah aku? Kenapakah aku dilahirkan sebagai manusia?"
Mereka yang tahu dan dapat menjawab prinsip tersebut, merekalah boleh digelar orang-orang yang cekap.... Ingat!
"Tanpa ilmu pengetahuan, semuanya adalah sia-sia."
Perlu diingat, "tubuh itu setiap saat menjalani proses perubahan.... Dari bayi kepada kanak-kanak, remaja, kemudian tua," semuanya sangat nyata berlaku di hadapan kita dan ianya berlaku kepada semua orang, ia berlaku siang dan malam sejak lama, tetapi bagi yang hendak memikir saja akan menyedari.
Dalam ertikata lain:
"Apa yang kita sedari, tubuh badan itu pada hari ini; ia tidak akan serupa lagi pada keesokan hari, bulan, tahun dan seterusnya lenyap dari muka bumi ini."
"Perlu diambil perhatian, bahawa 'tubuh badan' itu adalah tidak lebih sebagai 'saluran keluar' air kencing, najis, nanah, kahak, air ludah dan segala kekotoran."
'Tubuh badan' itu juga tempat menghuninya ulat-ulat, serangga, dan ia tempat 'penyimpan segala jenis penyakit' dan sebab itu "tubuh itu BUKANlah bersifat Kekal lagi Abadi."
Tubuh badan itu juga tidak ubah seperti 'pengangkut' yang berisi tulang, urat, saraf, darah dan daging, serta kerangka yang berbalutkan kulit. Namun perlu diberi perhatian dan keutamaan bahawa:
"Di tubuh yang berdaging, berurat, bersaraf, bertulang dan berlemak itu "terdapat sesuatu yang sangat SUCI, yang menggerakkan tubuh itu berjalan, ke sana ke mari, yang tidak diberi perhatian dan tumpuan sepenuhnya, yang mampu meninggalkan tubuh badan pada bila-bila masa, bila dikendakiNya."
Namun, walau sehodoh, seburuk, sehina mana sekali pun tubuh badan itu, ia tetap merupakan 'SUATU ALAT' untuk "menghubungkan kita kepada ALLAH, sebagai SATU TUJUAN dan MATLAMAT di akhir perjalanan hidup seseorang."
Kejarlah apa saja di dunia ini, "setiap kelahiran disudahi dengan kematian," sesuatu yang menakutkan sedang menanti di ambang pintu rumah kita. Kematian sentiasa menanti untuk meragut nyawa sesiapa saja.
Siapakah yang mahu mengira, yang telah datang dan yang telah pergi meninggalkan kita siang dan malam? Sedangkan ada yang usianya lebih panjang daripada nabi-nabi. Namun nabi dan rasul-rasul juga tidak terlepas dari kematian.
Anak, isteri, suami, saudara-mara dan segala kemewahan dan kemakmuran merupakan mahligai yang tidak terbatas di muka bumi ini.... Itu semua adalah dengan 'Rahmat Tuhan' jua. Namun, tiada manusia yang akan berpuas dengannya. Bagi yang sedang menjalani 'Ilmu Kerohanian', 'objek-objek' keduniaan itulah penghalang dan kekangan. Justeru, buatlah pelepasan dari pergantungan tersebut yang tidak akan membawa kita ke mana-mana, malah akan membuat seseorang itu dilanda malapetaka dan kepedihan, pastinya membawa kita semua ke neraka jahanam.
Pakaikanlah dan beri makan tubuh badan itu secara sederhana dan berpatutan sebagai suatu keperluan untuk buat seketika sewaktu di dunia ini, agar ia dapat kita manfaatkan untuk mengangkat kita tinggi ke jalan kerohanian, sebagai suatu tujuan dan maksud kelahiran seseorang di muka bumi ini.
Apa gunanya mengejar kegembiraan yang bersifat sementara, jika kelahiran itu tidak diketahui tujuan dan maksudnya, malah dilanda kegelisahan dan permasalahan.
"Semua keseronokan yang bersifat keduniaan adalah tidak ubah seperti 'pancaran kilat' dan kemudian lenyap begitu sahaja di hadapan mata. Atau umpama 'riak dan gelombang-gelombang kecil di permukaan lautan yang sentiasa saja berubah-ubah."
Demikianlah diumpamakan kepada tubuh badan itu yang nikmatnya hanya dapat dirasai buat seketika. Saudaraku pembaca yang budiman lagi dikasihi!...
"Cuba renung dan fikir-fikirkanlah!"
Mengetahui dan menyedari bahawa tubuh badan kita, isteri, anak-anak, saudara-mara dan semua mereka yang berada di sekeliling kita, semuanya akan lenyap dan musnah, dan kita sendiri yang menyelenggara dan memikul mayat mereka ke kubur....
"Namun itu semua tidak menjadi pengajaran dan menginsafi apakah sebenarnya erti hidup di dunia ini pada realitinya."
Sikap dan perangai tetap juga tidak berubah, walaupun kerapkali berlakunya kematian terhadap mereka yang telah mendahului kita. Tiada yang paling singkat di dalam hidup ini, adalah 'HAYAT' kita. Sedangkan waktu berjalan mengira hari, minggu, bulan, dan tahun, tanpa mengabaikan tugas dan tanggungjawabnya walau setiap saat: Sebab itu dikatakan:
"Sesungguhnya Manusia itu memang di dalam kerugian, kerana mengabaikan waktu.
Saat kelahiran seseorang adalah juga saat yang mengorak langkah kita ke arah kekuburan. Jangan mengabaikan waktu dan saat yang sangat berharga, kerana di saat kematian menjengah dan menjenguk kita, adalah tidak ubah:
"Seperti nelayan menarik naik jaring-jaringnya dan terdapat ikan-ikan yang tersangkut di jaring saling berusaha untuk melepaskan diri, tetapi tiada daya, lesu, lemah, terjerat dan tercekik."
Oleh itu ambil peluang, sekarang, saat ini juga, jangan bertangguh lagi, gunakanlah tubuh badan itu sebaik-baiknya bagi memenuhi maksud dan tujuan kelahirannya.
Kewujudan tubuh badan kita bukanlah atas usaha susah payah ibu bapa kita, demikian sebaliknya. Kita hanya ditakdirkan dan bertuah menjadi manusia tanpa diminta dan diduga.... Justeru, janganlah diabai, disia-siakan begitu sahaja akan maksud dan tujuan 'PENCIPTA'.
Seseorang yang suka menangguh-nangguhkan waktu adalah orang yang jahil dan bodoh kerana melepaskan peluang keemasannya dan menyangka akan hidup bernafsu lagi di alam selepas kebangkitan.
Sedangkan ada pepatah menyatakan:
"Bahawa di dunia inilah contoh di akhirat."
Jika tiada sedikit pun kebaikan yang dapat kita lakukan di dunia ini lagi, apakah akan terjadi di dunia satu lagi bila kita ditempatkan di sana kelak. Pastinya perangai, sikap dan tabiat kita sama.... Justeru, jangan dimimpikan!...
Kini kita boleh lihat dan saksikan, kelahiran yang sia-sia atau dalam ertikata lain, pembuangan bayi di sana sini boleh diumpamakan seperti kata pepatah:
"Air mani Si pendosa, Si lelaki berkeliaran di sana sini dan muncul di pintu rahim perempuan, menjadi sekujur tubuh manusia yang tanpa haluan arah dan tujuan."
Banyak lagi peristiwa pelik akan muncul dan berlaku, lebih liar, akan berkeliaran berupa manusia, tetapi lebih buas daripada binatang, tetapi langsung tidak mempunyai 'ikhsan' dan 'kasih sayang'.
Pelbagai jenis 'spesis' telah diciptakan.... "Tetapi 'MANUSIA'lah suatu ciptaan bagaikan 'mahkota' dari segala ciptaan." Hanya 'manusia'lah yang mampu berfikir...
"Siapakah yang menciptanya? Dari apakah ia terjadi?" Dan sebagainya.
Lain-lain spesis tidak memahami apa-apa. Mereka dilahirkan, kemudian 'MATI'... Tanpa perlu faham erti "esok, hari ini, dan hari lampau." Atau tiada perlu mengetahui bahawa wujudnya "YANG MAHA BERKUASA."
Jika kita asyik berseronok dengan kelahiran tubuh badan itu, dan menjaga serta menghias tubuh itu secara melampau-lampau dan mengejar kekayaan dunia, natijahnya:
"Kita sendirilah yang akan menerima penderitaannya."
Tahukah kita semua, kesempurnaan hidup selaku manusia adalah "kita perlu mendapatkan: Ilmu Pengetahuan yang tertinggi: Iaitu 'MENGENAL AKAN HAKIKAT DIRI SEBENAR DIRI," sehinggalah ke pernafasan kita yang terakhir.
Dalam ertikata lain:
"JANGAN MENDUAKAN TUHAN" (Realization of Non-Duality). "Itulah tujuan kehendakNya Tuhan."
"Sembahlah Tuhan dengan Ilmu Pengetahuan, beserta 'ROH', 'JIWA', dan 'HATI'.
Jika sembahyang yang dilakukan dirasakan telah sempurna, tetapi tetap 'menduakan Tuhan', itu ertinya kita belum lagi dapat mengnyahkan 'Keegoan dan Kejahilan' kita yang merupakan kekangan dan halangan untuk khusuk dan tawaduk.
Perlu diingat!
"Ilmu pengetahuan dan kejahilan, kedua-duanya masih lagi 'bersifat akal!' yang masih lagi mampu membuat seseorang itu berilusi dan membuat kesilapan."
"Oleh itu nyahkan 'Kejahilan' kerana ada pepatah mengatakan:
Adalah lebih baik mati dari hidup dalam Kejahilan."
Saudaraku yang dikasihi!
Ketahuilah sebenarnya setiap kelahiran punya tujuan; Tujuan Utama 'Kewujudan' kita manusia adalah: "Kita mesti mampu pergi melampaui 'Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Kejahilan' agar kita dapat capai tahap.... 'INSAN KAMIL MUKAMIL'.... 'Insan Yang Suci Lagi Sempurna'."
From Empty Hands,
A. Rahman bin Mahadi
Labis, Johore
016-602 0321
26 JUNE 2011
Next Topic: 1. "Health Care Is Not A Business"
2. "Istilah Berkahwin Dan Masalah Dalam Perkahwinan"
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Monday, June 6, 2011
There can be no body without the 'SENSES' nor senses without the body. These 'two' are inseparable and interdependence. Negative without positive, or positive without negative (in case of electric current) will serve no purpose.
Likewise, a body without senses, or senses without a body cannot function. Hence it is imperative for every person to take proper care of the body.
"Man should aspire and strive to become a master of the senses but not a slave of the senses".
The role of the senses is remarkable. The wonders performed by the Divine defy description. But the part played by the senses is even more marvelous indeed are the ways of the sense organs. "The senses are subtler than the body. Although the faculties of speech, touch, sight, hearing and taste as well as gas, bile and phlegm exist in the body."
The senses exercise extraordinary control over all of them equally. Joy and sorrow, heat and cold etc., are experienced only when the sense organs come in contact with external objects. Without the sensory objects, the senses cannot function even for a moment.
All the activities of the senses are oriented towards the objects in the environment. It is possible for us to comprehend or describe the myriad facets of sense organs and their activities.
The senses are also called 'measuring instruments'. How is this measuring done by the sense organs?
Take a fruit, for instance. Which of the senses has the capacity to determine whether it is sweet or sour? Which is the sense organ that measures or decides the taste of an objects? It is the 'TONGUE'.
"The 'tongue' determines the taste of an eatable, decides whether it is good or bad and makes it known to all concerned."
"Which organs is capable of declaring whether a picture is attractive or ugly? The 'EYE' alone is the measuring tool for this purpose."
Similarly, the power to determine whether an object is fragrant or foul-smelling is 'vested in the nose'.
Likewise, it is 'the ear' that can discriminate between a melodious musical note and a discordant one. Thus, the sense organs are endowed with the capacity to measure and determine the particular quality or characteristic of different sense objects.
"Today it is the duty of every person to control the horse like senses."
"Only then can he be called "a Hero in the true sense. Whatever rituals are may perform, whatever Scriptures, Quran, Bible, he might have mastered, if he has no control over his senses, all these accomplishments are worthless."
The 'SENSES' (measuring instruments). It indicates that the limit to what can be experienced by each sense organ, has been prescribed by the 'GOD'.
For instance, the eye can only see, but cannot hear. The mouth can only speak, but cannot see. Thus each organ has been endowed by 'GOD' with a specific talent only. Those who use these organs according to the divinely prescribed functions will alone be acting up to the will of the Divine.
Those who violate the prescribed limits will be transgressing the Divine will, thereby becoming liable for punishment.
It is only by properly using the 'God-given' senses for the purposes for which they are intended that man can rise to "Divine height".
Just because you have the sense organs, you should not use them as you please:
"They are like horses yoked to a chariot. You must know how to handle them properly so that the chariot can run smoothly and safely along the right road to the ultimate goal of life. The horses must be in front of the chariot."
"Today, on the contrary, the horses are placed behind the chariot. This is leading to dangerous consequences. If, on the plea that the senses be respected and given a place of honour, you place the horse (senses) inside the chariot, how can the chariot move at all?"
While fostering the senses, no effort is being made to bring them under control internally.
This amounts to feeding a horse excessively and unduly fattening it, but not giving it adequate work. This is sure to have untoward results. Today we are pampering the senses but not giving them any work. "That is why they are running amuk, spelling disaster to the master himself." The sense should be put to right use as ordained by 'GOD', otherwise, man will have to suffer from lack of peace.
Please note:
"The senses also have been compared to (animals). The word 'animal' means "the one whose vision is externally oriented."
"The one having inner vision, is master of the senses, but not a slave of the senses."
It is a pity that today's man has become a slave of the senses. There are several ways of taming the senses and putting them on proper path. In this connection, it is important to avoid pampering the senses.
If you investigate carefully about the 'birth place' of the sense pleasures, "you will find that they have their origin in sorrow only."
That is why every sense pleasure carries with it "the sting of sorrow." The pleasure derived from the senses is momentary and "ultimately ends up in grief only."
"Desires arise this moment and subside the next moment."
"Desire this moment and digest next moment!"
Pleasure and pain in quick succession! By thus contemplating on the momentary and deceptive nature of the so-called sense-pleasures, we can develop discrimination and detachment and keep the senses under check.
Another important point you should note is that;
"If the senses are kept busy in the right way, there will be no trouble from them. Otherwise, you will become their slave."
'Worldly persons' "look only at the superficial and external aspects of things and actions." But Lord does not see things that way. He is "free from hatred or envy, likes or dislikes."
When these are attributed to the Lord, "they are a reflection of your own feelings."
'GOD' "is like a clean mirror." What you see there in is but a mere reflection of your own actions and postures, grin for a grin, smile for a smile, salute for a salute, and so on.
You are punished or rewarded by your own actions. Hence no one is entitled to question "the action of GOD". Accusing 'GOD' of favouritism to some and indifference to some others... Who has the authority to dictate to 'GOD' how He could conduct Himself?
The actions of the 'GOD' are always full of love and entirely free from selfishness and therefore totally taintless. That is why God has several appellations like:
"Attributeless, taintless, eternal, pure, enlightened free, etc."
Please remember! As you think, so you become. You look at the world through coloured glasses and wrongly attribute those colours to the world... God does not purity or impurity. It is all in our vision only. It is our defective vision that makes you see defects which do not exist in creation.
And please note:
"The defects which you attribute to the senses are, in fact, the defects in your own thought processes and feelings, if the senses are properly used, they will offer you the right impressions."
However, some stubborn people given to vain argumentation, blame God for giving an outgoing orientation to man's senses. They argue that God has given the 'EYES' with doors which open to the outside world; 'EARS' which can hear external sounds; And 'NOSES' that can only inhale the air from outside.
They contend, therefore, that the fault lies with the creator only and not with them. They try to justify their senserous behaviour, by saying; "Toerr is human."
Such misleading rationalisation is a travesty of truth and is worthy of strong condemnation, especially when it is indulged in by the youth.
"If animals behave wrongly, it is quite understandable, because they are not endowed with the faculty of discrimination to control and guide their senses."
"But if man, who is blessed by GOD with the power of discrimination, takes to the wrong path, yielding to his senses, it is highly unpardonable. How paradoxical and rediculous it is to be born as a man and to behave as an animal."
Behave, therefore, as befits a human being.
An eminent poet sang thus about the havoc that the senses are capable of:
"If the head harbours wicked thoughts the tongue indulges in calumny, if the eyes are keen to observe others lapses, if the ears are alert to overhear other, if the mind and heart are bent upon deceiving others,.... at the very sight of these monstrosities justice and fair play will not survive at all."
From Empty Hands,
A.Rahman bin Mahadi
Labis, Johore
016-602 0321
06 JUNE 2011
Next Topic: 1. "Betapa Pentingnya Dilahirkan Sebagai Manusia"
2. "Health Care Is Not A Business"
Likewise, a body without senses, or senses without a body cannot function. Hence it is imperative for every person to take proper care of the body.
"Man should aspire and strive to become a master of the senses but not a slave of the senses".
The role of the senses is remarkable. The wonders performed by the Divine defy description. But the part played by the senses is even more marvelous indeed are the ways of the sense organs. "The senses are subtler than the body. Although the faculties of speech, touch, sight, hearing and taste as well as gas, bile and phlegm exist in the body."
The senses exercise extraordinary control over all of them equally. Joy and sorrow, heat and cold etc., are experienced only when the sense organs come in contact with external objects. Without the sensory objects, the senses cannot function even for a moment.
All the activities of the senses are oriented towards the objects in the environment. It is possible for us to comprehend or describe the myriad facets of sense organs and their activities.
The senses are also called 'measuring instruments'. How is this measuring done by the sense organs?
Take a fruit, for instance. Which of the senses has the capacity to determine whether it is sweet or sour? Which is the sense organ that measures or decides the taste of an objects? It is the 'TONGUE'.
"The 'tongue' determines the taste of an eatable, decides whether it is good or bad and makes it known to all concerned."
"Which organs is capable of declaring whether a picture is attractive or ugly? The 'EYE' alone is the measuring tool for this purpose."
Similarly, the power to determine whether an object is fragrant or foul-smelling is 'vested in the nose'.
Likewise, it is 'the ear' that can discriminate between a melodious musical note and a discordant one. Thus, the sense organs are endowed with the capacity to measure and determine the particular quality or characteristic of different sense objects.
"Today it is the duty of every person to control the horse like senses."
"Only then can he be called "a Hero in the true sense. Whatever rituals are may perform, whatever Scriptures, Quran, Bible, he might have mastered, if he has no control over his senses, all these accomplishments are worthless."
The 'SENSES' (measuring instruments). It indicates that the limit to what can be experienced by each sense organ, has been prescribed by the 'GOD'.
For instance, the eye can only see, but cannot hear. The mouth can only speak, but cannot see. Thus each organ has been endowed by 'GOD' with a specific talent only. Those who use these organs according to the divinely prescribed functions will alone be acting up to the will of the Divine.
Those who violate the prescribed limits will be transgressing the Divine will, thereby becoming liable for punishment.
It is only by properly using the 'God-given' senses for the purposes for which they are intended that man can rise to "Divine height".
Just because you have the sense organs, you should not use them as you please:
"They are like horses yoked to a chariot. You must know how to handle them properly so that the chariot can run smoothly and safely along the right road to the ultimate goal of life. The horses must be in front of the chariot."
"Today, on the contrary, the horses are placed behind the chariot. This is leading to dangerous consequences. If, on the plea that the senses be respected and given a place of honour, you place the horse (senses) inside the chariot, how can the chariot move at all?"
While fostering the senses, no effort is being made to bring them under control internally.
This amounts to feeding a horse excessively and unduly fattening it, but not giving it adequate work. This is sure to have untoward results. Today we are pampering the senses but not giving them any work. "That is why they are running amuk, spelling disaster to the master himself." The sense should be put to right use as ordained by 'GOD', otherwise, man will have to suffer from lack of peace.
Please note:
"The senses also have been compared to (animals). The word 'animal' means "the one whose vision is externally oriented."
"The one having inner vision, is master of the senses, but not a slave of the senses."
It is a pity that today's man has become a slave of the senses. There are several ways of taming the senses and putting them on proper path. In this connection, it is important to avoid pampering the senses.
If you investigate carefully about the 'birth place' of the sense pleasures, "you will find that they have their origin in sorrow only."
That is why every sense pleasure carries with it "the sting of sorrow." The pleasure derived from the senses is momentary and "ultimately ends up in grief only."
"Desires arise this moment and subside the next moment."
"Desire this moment and digest next moment!"
Pleasure and pain in quick succession! By thus contemplating on the momentary and deceptive nature of the so-called sense-pleasures, we can develop discrimination and detachment and keep the senses under check.
Another important point you should note is that;
"If the senses are kept busy in the right way, there will be no trouble from them. Otherwise, you will become their slave."
'Worldly persons' "look only at the superficial and external aspects of things and actions." But Lord does not see things that way. He is "free from hatred or envy, likes or dislikes."
When these are attributed to the Lord, "they are a reflection of your own feelings."
'GOD' "is like a clean mirror." What you see there in is but a mere reflection of your own actions and postures, grin for a grin, smile for a smile, salute for a salute, and so on.
You are punished or rewarded by your own actions. Hence no one is entitled to question "the action of GOD". Accusing 'GOD' of favouritism to some and indifference to some others... Who has the authority to dictate to 'GOD' how He could conduct Himself?
The actions of the 'GOD' are always full of love and entirely free from selfishness and therefore totally taintless. That is why God has several appellations like:
"Attributeless, taintless, eternal, pure, enlightened free, etc."
Please remember! As you think, so you become. You look at the world through coloured glasses and wrongly attribute those colours to the world... God does not purity or impurity. It is all in our vision only. It is our defective vision that makes you see defects which do not exist in creation.
And please note:
"The defects which you attribute to the senses are, in fact, the defects in your own thought processes and feelings, if the senses are properly used, they will offer you the right impressions."
However, some stubborn people given to vain argumentation, blame God for giving an outgoing orientation to man's senses. They argue that God has given the 'EYES' with doors which open to the outside world; 'EARS' which can hear external sounds; And 'NOSES' that can only inhale the air from outside.
They contend, therefore, that the fault lies with the creator only and not with them. They try to justify their senserous behaviour, by saying; "Toerr is human."
Such misleading rationalisation is a travesty of truth and is worthy of strong condemnation, especially when it is indulged in by the youth.
"If animals behave wrongly, it is quite understandable, because they are not endowed with the faculty of discrimination to control and guide their senses."
"But if man, who is blessed by GOD with the power of discrimination, takes to the wrong path, yielding to his senses, it is highly unpardonable. How paradoxical and rediculous it is to be born as a man and to behave as an animal."
Behave, therefore, as befits a human being.
An eminent poet sang thus about the havoc that the senses are capable of:
"If the head harbours wicked thoughts the tongue indulges in calumny, if the eyes are keen to observe others lapses, if the ears are alert to overhear other, if the mind and heart are bent upon deceiving others,.... at the very sight of these monstrosities justice and fair play will not survive at all."
From Empty Hands,
A.Rahman bin Mahadi
Labis, Johore
016-602 0321
06 JUNE 2011
Next Topic: 1. "Betapa Pentingnya Dilahirkan Sebagai Manusia"
2. "Health Care Is Not A Business"
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