"Adakah 'AKAL' suatu 'anugerah' atau 'kekangan' atau 'halangan' kepada kemajuan atau perkembangan 'kerohanian'?"
Perlu diingat!
"Akal adalah anugerah khusus oleh Tuhan kepada manusia". Kerja kita cuma melatihnya agar ia dapat "menjadi 'alat' atau 'mekanisme' yang sangat berguna untuk perkembangan kerohanian seseorang."
"Akal boleh membuat seseorang menjadi terbelenggu atau ia boleh menjadi pintu kepada kemajuan dan perkembangan apa jua lapangan."
"Kedudukan 'akal' seseorang adalah antara tubuh dan rohnya."
Akal sifatnya memang suka bergembira, berseronok sepanjang masa. Tetapi ia tidak tahu bagaimana hendak mencapai ke arahnya. Akal fikiran inginkan 'kasih sayang', tetapi tidak tahu bagaimana hendak mencarinya.
Tahukah tujuan kewujudan akal kita masing-masing? Tujuannya adalah "untuk mengetahui akan 'hakikat' siapakah kita sebenarnya". Tetapi 'akal fikiran' kita itu sendiri yang penuh dengan nafsu keinginan-keinginan yang melampau itulah yang merupakan 'kekangan dan halangan' untuk seseorang memahami 'ROH' atau 'sifat dalamannya sendiri'.
Itu semua kerana manusia lebih suka menghias luaran dirinya sahaja, daripada menghias 'diri dalaman' (Roh)nya yang terbiar dan tidak dipedulikan langsung.
Akal kita sering saja mengingatkan kita bahawa 'kita adalah tubuh badan'. Sebenarnya tidak. "Tubuh badan adalah 'ALAT' bagi 'ROH', yang tidak tahu bahawa tubuh badan adalah 'alat bagi Roh'". Maka tubuh badan itu yang dijaganya dan berseronok ke sana ke mari di dalam dunia yang sementara ini sehingga menyukarkan baginya untuk memahami perjalanan Roh, sebagai hakikat di sebalik tubuh badan. Justeru, gunakanlah 'AKAL' untuk tujuan 'perkembangan kerohanian', kuatkanlah 'kuasa perbandingan' bahawa "tubuh badan adalah 'ALAT' bagi 'ROH'.
Maka setelah kuat kuasa perbanding kita, bahawa tubuh badan sifatnya hanya sebentar atau sementara, yang kekal adalah 'ROH'. Justeru, hiasilah 'ROH' masing-masing dengan rukun-rukunnya agar akhlak atau moral sentiasa mempunyai nilai-nilai yang terpuji.
'AKAL' adalah merupakan "tempat pengaliran pelbagai idea', rantaiannya tidak akan putus-putus mengalir, ada saja celotehnya dan akan terus berceloteh. Kalau tidak percaya cuba pejamkan mata itu sebentar, jika kita cuba mengira pengalirannya, nanti kita akan sedar, hanya baru seminit, 20 corak pemikiran dan pelbagai idea melintasi di akal kita itu seperti "pelbagai idea kesukaan, suka, tidak suka, hendak itu, hendak ini", macam-macam perancangan yang bertentangan dan kesemuanya itulah yang menguasai akal dan penghidupan seseorang.
Perlu diingat! Jika akal kita terlampau sangat bergantung kepada hal-hal dunia, itu ertinya kita sudah 'terbelenggu'. Akal kita itulah punca 'perhambaan dan kemerdekaan'... yang dikatakan suka dan duka. Ingat! akal kita boleh keluar dan taksub kepada sesuatu objek, dan ia juga boleh meninjau dan meneroka jauh ke dalam, ke 'sumber asalnya'.
Dalam ertikata lain, kita manusia mampu mengurus dan merubah kualiti pemikiran kita masing-masing. Dengan menukar corak pemikiran kita, ertinya kita juga mampu mencorak penghidupan kita masing-masing.
Caranya adalah dengan melatih akal kita, bukan ke arah kedukaan, putus asa, tetapi ke arah keriangan, kegembiraan dan kecemerlangan. Seperti kita melihat melalui akal kita sendiri, dengan akal yang baik, kita akan lihat 'Keagongan dan Kebesaran Tuhan". Justeru, melalui akal yang penuh 'keraguan', maka segala-galanya 'menjadi keraguan'. Oleh kerana di akal itulah juga pencipta segala pemasalahan, keperitan, kepedihan dan kesengsaraan.
Oleh itu 'hati-hatilah dengan akal'. Kawal dan ambil tahu akan sifat-sifat semulajadinya.
Di sini saya 'kategorikan 5 jenis akal' yang fungsinya berbeza-beza.
Sebelum itu perlu kita ketahui tentang :
"Akal Politik dan Akal Kerohanian".
Akal Politik;
"Akal orang seumpama ini, penglihatan dalamannya yang terpancar keluar adalah mencari kesilapan orang lain, suka menganalisis dan mengkritik orang, dan sikapnya suka merubah orang, kerana menyangka diri atau kelompoknya saja yang betul"...
Seperti apa yang sedang berlaku di tanahair kita dari sudut politik, sukar bersatu, masing-masing mengaku bijaksana, tahu segala-galanya, sehingga tiada tempat untuk dirujuk.
"Ingat! Kita semua ada akal begitu".
Akal Kerohanian;
"Akal Kerohanian, orang-orang ini suka meninjau ke dalam dirinya, jauh ke dalam, yang giat dan kuat berusaha untuk memperbetulkan dirinya sendiri".
Berbalik kita kepada "5 jenis akal dan fungsinya".
1. Kebingungan
2. Keresahan
3. Bercelaru
4. Fokus atau tumpuan
5. Benar-benar terkawal
Yang Pertama:
"Akalnya umpama orang suka mengantuk, tidak tahu hendak buat apa, tiada kuasa perbandingan yang kuat, mereka seumpama itulah orang-orang yang kebingungan".
Yang Kedua:
Kebanyakan akal orang seumpama ini "memang dinamik dalam keresahan". Keresahan di akalnya penuh dengan keinginan-keinginan, kerap berubah-ubah, inginkan sesuatu.
Yang Ketiga;
"Akal yang terserap dan diresapi apa jua keseronokan di sepanjang harinya" atau sudah agak lama, bercelaru, tidak mengira waktu, mengejar apa jua keseronokan, seperti terlebih makan, bermain-main dan sebagainya, tidak kisah atau tidak peduli apa-apa.
Yang Keempat;
"Suka fokus dan membuat penumpuan (A concentrated mind)". Objek penumpuannya sama ada hal-hal di luar atau dalaman. Tetapi pakar bedah hanya memberi tumpuan kepada hal-hal luaran. Tetapi akal orang-orang kerohanian, tumpuannya adalah hal-hal 'jauh ke dalam'. Orang-orang yang punya akal tumpuan (focused mind) sentiasa menyedari bahawa "Tuhan itulah yang Maha Berkuasa" dan akal orang-orang seumpama ini mampu sampai ke matlamat hidup dan tahu erti penghidupan.
Yang Kelima;
"Akal yang terkawal sepenuhnya.Ia hanya jika kita, seorang perenung, pemikir, hidupnya penuh seimbang". Untuk mencapai tahap istimewa yang penuh cemerlang ini, "sucikanlah 'AKAL' secara bersungguh-sungguh sehingga ia benar-benar suci, jelas, dan bersih, 'Cristal Clear'".
Nasihat saya; "Belajarlah memahami akan sifat-sifat semulajadi akal kita masing-masing, agar hidup kita sentiasa dalam kecemerlangan."
From Empty Hands,
A. Rahman bin Mahadi
Labis, Johore
016-602 0321
29 February 2012
Next Topic: 1. "Death Is Not The End Of Life"
2. "Memahami Tiga Dunia: Yang Kasar, Yang Halus, Sebab Akibat"
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Monday, February 13, 2012
One in a million may be concerned about knowing the purpose of life. Most people in the world do not know "the true significance of life... Many do not even seem to care about it."
This concern is the first step in the journey towards the ultimate goal. Most of the people get contentment... in eating, sleeping, dressing and rearing a big family as the main aim of living.
My beloved friends! All these are undoubtedly necessary to some extent. But they alone cannot contribute to peace of mind or fullness in life. Please note; The phenomenon of the external world is what the eyes see, the ears hear, and the mind cognizes. And please remember; "All these are sensory phenomena."
Beyond the senses is the 'MIND' and greater than the 'mind' is the 'INTELLECT'. The 'intellect' is governed by the 'GOD'. It is man's destiny to realize the 'GOD'.
Among the sense organs, the most powerful is the mouth (which has the power of speech and of consuming food). When the mouth is under the control of the mind, all other senses can be controlled. Speech should be restrained as much as possible. Then, the attention of the mind should be directed towards..."the intellect (which has the power of discrimination)".
When the intellect is turned towards the GOD, it begins to recognize the
all persuading Spirit.
The inextricble connection between the phenomenal world outside and the world of consciousness "inside eludes the understanding of ordinary people." Immersed in the desire for enjoying worldly pleasures, "they do not attempt to discover the boundless joy to be derived from the inner Spirit"
This is because all the sense organs are open only to experiences from outside. It is not surprising that the "common man is a subject to the outward vision."
"Only a few develop the inner vision and enjoy spiritual bliss."
Is it the Body that derives joy from looking at a thing of beauty? Or is the Spirit?
What is it that relishes the food that is consumed?
The Body or the Spirit?
What is that which enjoys fragrance or is moved by companionship?
Enquiring in this manner, it will be found that the Spirit is the enjoyer and not the physical body.
And please remember!
"The body by itself is gross and is incapable of experiencing joy. It must be realized the Spirit transcends the mind and the intellect and persuades the entire cosmos."
The Spirit is the basis for the cognition of the external world and experiencing the inner world.
And also please understand:
"Music and literature, physics and chemistry, botany and zoology... All these different branches of knowledge are "related to the phenomenal."
"They belong to the category of the lower knowledge. People devote their lives mainly of these studies."
And please remember!
"Only Knowledge of the Spirit is the Supreme Knowledge."
Worldly Knowledge is pursued mainly for earning a living. But even worldly knowledge exists to point the way to spiritual awareness.
"Without Spiritual Knowledge, all other knowledge is valueless."
Every man has to question whether each moment of his life is diverted to a purpose and goal of life.... and please note:
"Eating, drinking, sleeping and passing away cannot be called the meaning of human life."
All these are common to birds and beasts. What is the uniqueness of man?
He is endowed with faculties which can enable him to rise above the animal to the human and to the Spirit level.
The universe is permeated by the Spirit. Even if you are unable to see it. The Spirit is present in everything.
All our senses function because of the Consciousness that operates in every being. Without the consciousness, man would be an insentient creatures.
The universe contains innumerable objects. In all of them, the one unchanging 'eternal principle is the God'. It is the power of this eternal principle which sustains the evanescent and ever-changing objects in the universe.
"Existing, shinning and pleasing are three indices of the Divine."
The body is impermanent. But is the abode of the indewelling Soul (Spirit). Hence the body should be cared for in the same way in which 'an iron' safe which is of little value in itself, is safeguarded for the sake of the valuables kept in it.
What is that binds man to the illusory world? It is not family or property. "These can be given up when one wishes to do so."
But what are most difficult to renounce 'are attachment and hatred'. As long as these are dominant in man, he cannot realize his true self. And as long as man remains unaware of his true self he is in bondage.
"For man in bondage, there is no freedom from suffering or worry."
From Empty Hands,
A. Rahman bin Mahadi
Labis, Johore.
016-602 0321
13 February 2012
Next Topics: 1."Guna Akal Untuk Tujuan Perkembangan Kerohanian"
2. "Death Is Not The End Of Life"
This concern is the first step in the journey towards the ultimate goal. Most of the people get contentment... in eating, sleeping, dressing and rearing a big family as the main aim of living.
My beloved friends! All these are undoubtedly necessary to some extent. But they alone cannot contribute to peace of mind or fullness in life. Please note; The phenomenon of the external world is what the eyes see, the ears hear, and the mind cognizes. And please remember; "All these are sensory phenomena."
Beyond the senses is the 'MIND' and greater than the 'mind' is the 'INTELLECT'. The 'intellect' is governed by the 'GOD'. It is man's destiny to realize the 'GOD'.
Among the sense organs, the most powerful is the mouth (which has the power of speech and of consuming food). When the mouth is under the control of the mind, all other senses can be controlled. Speech should be restrained as much as possible. Then, the attention of the mind should be directed towards..."the intellect (which has the power of discrimination)".
When the intellect is turned towards the GOD, it begins to recognize the
all persuading Spirit.
The inextricble connection between the phenomenal world outside and the world of consciousness "inside eludes the understanding of ordinary people." Immersed in the desire for enjoying worldly pleasures, "they do not attempt to discover the boundless joy to be derived from the inner Spirit"
This is because all the sense organs are open only to experiences from outside. It is not surprising that the "common man is a subject to the outward vision."
"Only a few develop the inner vision and enjoy spiritual bliss."
Is it the Body that derives joy from looking at a thing of beauty? Or is the Spirit?
What is it that relishes the food that is consumed?
The Body or the Spirit?
What is that which enjoys fragrance or is moved by companionship?
Enquiring in this manner, it will be found that the Spirit is the enjoyer and not the physical body.
And please remember!
"The body by itself is gross and is incapable of experiencing joy. It must be realized the Spirit transcends the mind and the intellect and persuades the entire cosmos."
The Spirit is the basis for the cognition of the external world and experiencing the inner world.
And also please understand:
"Music and literature, physics and chemistry, botany and zoology... All these different branches of knowledge are "related to the phenomenal."
"They belong to the category of the lower knowledge. People devote their lives mainly of these studies."
And please remember!
"Only Knowledge of the Spirit is the Supreme Knowledge."
Worldly Knowledge is pursued mainly for earning a living. But even worldly knowledge exists to point the way to spiritual awareness.
"Without Spiritual Knowledge, all other knowledge is valueless."
Every man has to question whether each moment of his life is diverted to a purpose and goal of life.... and please note:
"Eating, drinking, sleeping and passing away cannot be called the meaning of human life."
All these are common to birds and beasts. What is the uniqueness of man?
He is endowed with faculties which can enable him to rise above the animal to the human and to the Spirit level.
The universe is permeated by the Spirit. Even if you are unable to see it. The Spirit is present in everything.
All our senses function because of the Consciousness that operates in every being. Without the consciousness, man would be an insentient creatures.
The universe contains innumerable objects. In all of them, the one unchanging 'eternal principle is the God'. It is the power of this eternal principle which sustains the evanescent and ever-changing objects in the universe.
"Existing, shinning and pleasing are three indices of the Divine."
The body is impermanent. But is the abode of the indewelling Soul (Spirit). Hence the body should be cared for in the same way in which 'an iron' safe which is of little value in itself, is safeguarded for the sake of the valuables kept in it.
What is that binds man to the illusory world? It is not family or property. "These can be given up when one wishes to do so."
But what are most difficult to renounce 'are attachment and hatred'. As long as these are dominant in man, he cannot realize his true self. And as long as man remains unaware of his true self he is in bondage.
"For man in bondage, there is no freedom from suffering or worry."
From Empty Hands,
A. Rahman bin Mahadi
Labis, Johore.
016-602 0321
13 February 2012
Next Topics: 1."Guna Akal Untuk Tujuan Perkembangan Kerohanian"
2. "Death Is Not The End Of Life"
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