Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Mind is like a mirror... It only reflect. It can only give you a shadow experience: Never the real, never the original. It is like a lake, and you can see the full moon in the lake reflected, but the reflection is not the real moon. And if you start thinking that the reflection is the real moon, you will never find the moon.

When the deluded in a mirror look;
They see a face, not a reflection.

What is the difference in seeing a face and not a reflection. When you start seeing the face in the mirror, you are deluded, you are thinking;
"That is my face." That is your face - that is just the reflection of your face. In the mirror there can be no real face, only reflections.

Mind is a mirror! It reflects reality, but if you start believing in that reflection, you are believing in untruth, in the image. And that very belief will become a barrier. My friend, if you want to know the truth, put the mind aside... Otherwise it will go on reflecting and you will go on looking at the reflection. My advise, put the mind aside! If you really want to know the real, then go against the reflection.

For example, you see the full moon reflected in the lake. Now, where are you going to seek the full moon? Are you going to dive deep into the lake to find the moon? Then you will never find it. You may even miss yourself. If you really want to see the real moon, then go against the reflection, just in the diametrically opposite direction - then you will find the moon. Don't go in the mind; go diametrically opposite to the mind.

Mind analyzes; you synthesize. Mind believes in logic; don't believe in logic. Mind is very calculative, mind is very cunning; you be innocent. Go in the opposite direction! Mind asks for proofs, reasons - don't ask for proofs and reasons, that is the meaning of trust: Go into the opposite direction.

Mind is the great doubter. If you doubt, you go into the mind. If you don't doubt, you go against the mind. Doubt not!

Life is to be lived, not to be doubted. Life is to be trusted. Go hand in hand with trust, and you will find truth: Go with doubt and you will go astray.

The search for truth is the search in the opposite direction of the mind because "MIND IS A MIRROR", it reflects.

And to put the mind aside, is what meditation is all about; to put the thoughts aside, thinking aside, meditation aside, is what meditation is all about.

So, to all spiritual seekers, if you want to look into reality without thoughts reflecting it, "put your mind aside - master your mind", and then only you can become "master mind".

Because truth is here now, then you are truth, and all is truth... Remember! It is not an easy task, because "Mind is the great faculty of delusion, illusion of dreaming."

From Empty Hands,
A.Rahman bin Mahadi
Labis, Johore

31 MARCH 2010

Next Topic: 1. "Prinsip Kasih Sayang Ketuhanan dan Kasih Sayang Terhadap Dunia
Dengan Segala Isinya"

2. "Understand The Principle Of Unity In Diversity"

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