"Segala Puji Bagi Allah... Tuhan Pentadbir Alam".
Ertinya; Segala peraturan dan undang-undang di Universe ini dicipta oleh Allah; Dan setiap individu tertakluk kepada apa jua peraturan yang telah ditetapkanNya;
Sama ada ia seorang jutawan atau yang miskin dan papa kedana;
"Di bumi yang sedang kita berpijak, punya kuasa tarikan. Jika kita tergelincir, pasti kita akan terjatuh, dan mungkin kita tercedera."
Tubuh badan kita juga tertakluk kepada peraturan alam, maka kita semua perlu awas dan berhati-hati. Kita semua mesti berusaha untuk memahami apakah hakikat di sebalik dunia ini dicipta. Kalau kita menghalusi firmanNya:
"Segala Puji Bagi Allah; Tuhan Pentadbir Alam".
Itu ertinya; "Tidak Ada DUA Kuasa" di dunia ini, yang dihuni oleh semua manusia di universe ini; Kecuali "Allah Itulah Pemerintahnya". Jika kebenaran itu dapat kita fahami, maka buatlah penyelidikan terhadap apa saja di muka bumi ini, termasuklah di "tubuh masing-masing yang penuh dengan kekaguman dan keajaiban".
Sebagai contoh:
"Kenapa dan untuk tujuan apakah dunia ini wujud?"
Kewujudan alam dan peranannya adalah untuk membantu manusia, agar manusia sentiasa berada di kedudukan yang tertinggi sekali dalam segala ciptanNya... "Bagaikan Mahkota Yang Tempatnya Mesti Di Atas Kepala"; "Bagaikan Akal Yang Tempatnya Tinggi Di Kepala".
Fenomena di dalam setiap pencapaian seseorang itu, mestilah menyedari bahawa "Allah Yang Kekal dan Abadi" itulah yang mencipta segala ciptaan; Sama ada yang kasar atau halus, yang nampak dan yang ghaib.
Justeru, masa yang diberikan kepada manusia untuk menyelidik hanyalah "Dua Puluh Empat Jam" sahaja. Tidak pernah lebih dari itu. Jika kita asyik berkhayal dan berillusi di muka bumi ini, maka kita adalah dikategorikan "orang-orang yang merugi".
Mari ikuti sedikit singkapan untuk kita renungkan bersama. Apakah telah kita buat dan lakukan terhadap alam yang sedang kita huni? Dan apakah sikap kita terhadap alam dan Tuhan selaku Pencipta dengan segala kemudahan ciptaanNya?
Di muka bumi ini terdapat bukit dan gunung-ganang, serta pokok-pokok. Sedarkah kita bahawa bukit, gunung dan pokok-pokok itu telah membantu dan menolong manusia dengan mendirikan rumah, batu-batan yang diambil dari bukit-bukau, dijadikan tembok dan lantai tempat kita berpijak. Tengok di sekeliling, di sekitar rumah kita semua. Kayu-kayan juga membantu manusia untuk dijadikan kayu api. Dan setiap yang hidup, dari yang sekecil-kecil seperti semut; sehingga sebesar-besar seperti gajah; banyak membantu kita manusia dengan pelbagai dan caranya yang tersendiri.
Lembu mengeluarkan susu yang bersih kepada manusia. Kerbau pula sangat membantu manusia untuk membajak di bendang dan sawah padi. Lain-lain seperti ikan, kambing dan yang lain-lainnya, berkhidmat untuk manusia, dengan cara dan bakatnya yang tersendiri.
Jika kita semua nampak dengan jelas akan "cahaya yang menyuluh dan menyimbah ke seluruh pelusuk alam ini"; Maka adalah amat jelas bahawa segala benda yang dicipta oleh 'Pencipta', sangatlah membantu kita semua selaku manusia.
Sedarkah kita bahawa kita manusia memperoleh apa saja? Kita semua bagaikan 'terhutang' dan 'berhutang budi' terhadap alam yang sedang kita huni ini, dengan menikmati segala kemudahan melalui 'Nature' dengan pelbagai cara.
Tetapi apakah balasan kita terhadap alam yang telah banyak membantu manusia dengan pelbagai cara itu? Bagaimanakah pula kita selaku manusia terhadap Tuhan?
Ya!.. Kita "manusia semuanya mudah lupa terhadap Tuhan selaku pembekal terhadap apa jua kemudahan yang sedang kita nikmati".
Maka tidak usahlah kita hairan jika kita "menjadi mangsa dan ditimpa kesengsaraan". Semuanya itu adalah kerana; "Kita hanya tahu menerima" pelbagai nikmat kehidupan daripada 'Pembekal'(Allah). Tetapi kita "manusia langsung tidak menyumbang apa-apa terhadap alam dan Tuhan selaku Pencipta".
Semuanya itu merupakan "lambang atau sikap kita selaku manusia", yang "bertentangan dan tidak berhati perut". Malah kita "menyumbang kebaikan dengan kejahatan". Jauh sekali bagi kita dapat bersikap "membalas kebaikan dengan kebaikan!"
Jelas, kalau kita lihat bahawa kita "manusia tidak pernah belajar apa-apa terhadap alam di sekelilingnya", yang boleh diperoleh dan dipelajari.
Saudaraku pembaca!
Perkara yang paling penting dan yang boleh dipelajari dari sumber alam yang banyak kita nikmati adalah; "Belajarlah berkhidmat, membantu dan menolong dengan tidak mengharapkan balasan, seperti pahala, syurga, nama, kemegahan, keegoan, dan sebagainya". Buatlah "KERANA ALLAH" seikhlas-ikhlasnya.
Ingat! "Kita manusia tidak pernah dan tidak mampu menyumbang apa-apa terhadap alam... Maka itu, kita perlu beringat!"
Ramai orang bertanya; "Di manakah Tuhan itu?" Jika kita benar-benar 'celik akal' dan 'celik mata hati'... Jawapannya; "Ada pada Nature(Alam)".
Siapakah yang mencipta 'Empat Anasir' seperti Tanah, Api, Angin dan Air? Siapakah yang mencipta 'deria organ' kita yang sehingga kini tidak putus-putus berfungsi mengikut kaedah dan peranannya masing-masing?
'Musim' yang "datang dan pergi", juga banyak mengajar kita manusia. Justeru, saudaraku pembaca yang dikasihi!
"Alam ini mempamerkan bukti Kewujudan Tuhan". Alam ini tidak berhak mengikut perintah manusia, dan ia tidak akan ikut perintah manusia, ia hanya "berjalan dan berfungsi mengikut KEHENDAK TUHAN".
Seperti firman Tuhan:
"Segala Puji Bagi Allah Tuhan Pentadbir Alam".
---- BAIT ----
Keagongan, Kekuatan, dan Kebesaran Tuhan,
memanifestasikan Alam;
Mengagumkan, menghairankan,sangat menakjubkan;
Keindahan, berkhayal, maya, illusi, persembahan;
Bergelar ALAM!!!
Segala Puji BagiMu Allah!..
Bukan sahaja suci dan menghairankan,
Alam ku lihat mengembang, tumbuh, musnah;
Atau ...
Apa yang diberi, dikurnia, dan diambil semula,
sangatlah menakjubkan;
Bukanlah mudah bagiku memahami keajaiban Alam!
Ramai yang lahir ke dunia ini,
tetapi ramai yang tidak tahu tujuan kelahiran itu.
Lalai dan lupa akan tujuan kelahiran itu.
Maka bongkak dan sombonglah ia.
Apakah peranan yang telah kita lakukan
untuk lahir ke dunia ini?
Apakah peranan kita
untuk membolehkan kita bernafas?
Apakah peranan kita
agar kita dapat sedar semula
setelah kita ditidurkan?
Semua itulah yang dikatakan
dan diungkapkan,
setiap waktu dan ketika;
---- *** ----
From Empty Hands,
A.Rahman bin Mahadi
Labis, Johore
30 JUN 2010
Next Topic: 1. "Where Is Peace?"
2. "Civilization Has Not Happen Yet Hypocrisy Of A Barbarous Society"
3. "Gunakanlah Lima Pancaindera Secara Betul dan Bijaksana"
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Friday, June 18, 2010
The cosmos is the magnificent manifestation of the Divine. When you direct your vision on this vast creation you are filled with awe and wonder. At first sight what we see are inert objects like mountains, hills. We cannot see any sign of
consciousness in these objects.
The seconds category of objects are trees. There is a consciousness in them, but they cannot move from place to place. They are stationary.
The third category are living beings. Besides consciousness, these have the capacity of motion.
Man belongs to the fourth category. He has not only fully developed consciousness, but has another extraordinary, marvellous, quality.
"That is the supreme gift of speech".
Remember! Starting with the inert, we have the conscience, the mobile beings and the human species with the power of speech. If this progression in the creative process is rightly understood we can realize how important is the advent of man.
Please understand the inner meaning of this creation.
One is the (seed) of the universe(cosmos). No seed exists without husk. Because the grain is covered by husk its parts are not visible to us. For the cosmos... nature is the husk.
The seed of divinity is within it (and enveloped by it). We cannot experience the seed of divinity within... as long as it is covered by the husk of Nature. We have to endevour to get at the truth about Nature. We have to seek the truth of every thing in our daily lives. For instance, what for has Nature come into beings?
Nature's role is to help man, the crowning achievement of the evolutionary process, to realize the Divinity immanent in creation.
Mountains help man to build houses by using stone slabs, quarried from them. Trees provide the timber for constructing houses and also firewood for domestic use. Among animate beings, every creature, from an ant to an elephant, is of assistance to man in one way or another.
Cows provide nourishing milk to man. Bullocks are useful for ploughing the fields and helping to grow food crops. All other creatures like birds, fish, sheep and others are serving man in different ways.
Seen in this light it will be clear that all things in creation are helpful to man in leading his life. Even the sun and the moon are serving man.
Thus man is deriving innumerable debts from Nature, and enjoying the amenities provided by Nature in various ways.
But what is the gratitude he is showing to Nature? What gratitude is he offering to the Divine? He is forgetting the Divine who is the provider of everything,
"That is the reason for his becoming a prey to various difficulties and calamities. While he is receiving countless gifts from Providence, he is offering nothing in return to 'NATURE' or 'GOD'.
This shows how unnatural and heartless is the behaviour of man. When we are enjoined to return good for evil, how unbecoming it is to fail even to return good for good?
Man is not learning the great lessons Nature is teaching him.
"The foremost lesson is doing service with no expectation of return".
People ask, "Where is God?" The answer is provided by Nature, by your body, by your breathe. Who is that has created the five elements, the life-breaths, the five sheaths, the five external sense organs and the five internal sense organs.
Which are all ceaselessly carrying on their functions according to their prescribed roles. The seasons in their regular cycle are teaching a good lesson to man.
Therefore Nature is the demonstrable proof for the existence of God. Nature is not any under obligation to any man... It takes no orders from any man, it operates according to the "Will of the Divine".
Do you think life is a result? Life is not a result; It is already there. It is a grace. Nothing is to be done to attain to it...
What have you done to be born?
What have you done so that you can breathe?
What have you done so that you can be conscious?
What have you done so that you can fall in love?
It has happened... It is a sheer grace, a gift.
So please imbibe and ruminate;
"The True Knowledge Consists In Understanding The Inner Meaning Of This Creation...."
From Empty Hands,
A. Rahman bin Mahadi
Labis, Johore
19 JUNE 2010
Next Topic: "Manusia Terhutang Kepada Alam dan Lupa Tuhan Selaku Pembekal Bagi Segala Kemudahannya"
consciousness in these objects.
The seconds category of objects are trees. There is a consciousness in them, but they cannot move from place to place. They are stationary.
The third category are living beings. Besides consciousness, these have the capacity of motion.
Man belongs to the fourth category. He has not only fully developed consciousness, but has another extraordinary, marvellous, quality.
"That is the supreme gift of speech".
Remember! Starting with the inert, we have the conscience, the mobile beings and the human species with the power of speech. If this progression in the creative process is rightly understood we can realize how important is the advent of man.
Please understand the inner meaning of this creation.
One is the (seed) of the universe(cosmos). No seed exists without husk. Because the grain is covered by husk its parts are not visible to us. For the cosmos... nature is the husk.
The seed of divinity is within it (and enveloped by it). We cannot experience the seed of divinity within... as long as it is covered by the husk of Nature. We have to endevour to get at the truth about Nature. We have to seek the truth of every thing in our daily lives. For instance, what for has Nature come into beings?
Nature's role is to help man, the crowning achievement of the evolutionary process, to realize the Divinity immanent in creation.
Mountains help man to build houses by using stone slabs, quarried from them. Trees provide the timber for constructing houses and also firewood for domestic use. Among animate beings, every creature, from an ant to an elephant, is of assistance to man in one way or another.
Cows provide nourishing milk to man. Bullocks are useful for ploughing the fields and helping to grow food crops. All other creatures like birds, fish, sheep and others are serving man in different ways.
Seen in this light it will be clear that all things in creation are helpful to man in leading his life. Even the sun and the moon are serving man.
Thus man is deriving innumerable debts from Nature, and enjoying the amenities provided by Nature in various ways.
But what is the gratitude he is showing to Nature? What gratitude is he offering to the Divine? He is forgetting the Divine who is the provider of everything,
"That is the reason for his becoming a prey to various difficulties and calamities. While he is receiving countless gifts from Providence, he is offering nothing in return to 'NATURE' or 'GOD'.
This shows how unnatural and heartless is the behaviour of man. When we are enjoined to return good for evil, how unbecoming it is to fail even to return good for good?
Man is not learning the great lessons Nature is teaching him.
"The foremost lesson is doing service with no expectation of return".
People ask, "Where is God?" The answer is provided by Nature, by your body, by your breathe. Who is that has created the five elements, the life-breaths, the five sheaths, the five external sense organs and the five internal sense organs.
Which are all ceaselessly carrying on their functions according to their prescribed roles. The seasons in their regular cycle are teaching a good lesson to man.
Therefore Nature is the demonstrable proof for the existence of God. Nature is not any under obligation to any man... It takes no orders from any man, it operates according to the "Will of the Divine".
Do you think life is a result? Life is not a result; It is already there. It is a grace. Nothing is to be done to attain to it...
What have you done to be born?
What have you done so that you can breathe?
What have you done so that you can be conscious?
What have you done so that you can fall in love?
It has happened... It is a sheer grace, a gift.
So please imbibe and ruminate;
"The True Knowledge Consists In Understanding The Inner Meaning Of This Creation...."
From Empty Hands,
A. Rahman bin Mahadi
Labis, Johore
19 JUNE 2010
Next Topic: "Manusia Terhutang Kepada Alam dan Lupa Tuhan Selaku Pembekal Bagi Segala Kemudahannya"
Friday, June 11, 2010
Saudaraku pembaca!
Di mana saja ceruk di planet, di mana saja anda sedang berada, mari renungkan bersama, apa yang telah dilakukan oleh ahli Sains dikatakan terpelajar, di mana jauh lebih rendah daripada seorang petani, nelayan, yang tidak tahu apa-apa tentang bahayanya penyalahgunaan Sains dan Teknologi.
Apa saja ciptaan pengeluaran manusia adalah bersifat sementara, yang tidak kekal, malah penuh kepalsuan, kemudian menjadi tidak berguna.
Dewasa ini ramai ahli Saintis telah melancarkan pelbagai satelit ke angkasa. Lambat laun pasti satelit tersebut akan berhenti berfungsi dan akan gugur jua sudahnya... Tiada siapa yang tahu bila?
Planet yang sedang kita huni dan berkongsi bersama dengan sejuta satu jenis makhluk telah dicipta oleh Tuhan bagi maksud kesejahteraan, kebajikan, kemudahan untuk manusia sejagat dan lain-lain makhluk dan bukan bertujuan untuk dimusnah dan dijahanamkan kerana kerakusan.
Tuhan mencipta alat atau universe ini untuk kesejahteraan dan menikmati segala keindahan yang ada buat sementara waktu.
Semua senjata pemusnah seperti bom atom, peluru berpandu, alat-alat di angkasa raya yang dicipta oleh ahli Saintis semata-mata untuk tujuan kemusnahan dan kehancuran.
Apakah tujuan di sebalik semuanya itu? Semuanya itu adalah kerana 'KEEGOAN'. Sifat keegoan dan keangkuhan yang terbit daripada perasaan itulah 'akar umbi' bagi segala-galanya. Kecenderungan untuk bersaing dan berlumba-lumba itulah puncanya.
Manusia masa kini lebih menumpukan kepada kekuatan fizikal dan mentalnya lebih dari segala-galanya dan menyalahgunakan kekuatan tersebut yang sepatutnya kekuatan tersebut digunakan untuk menguatkan mental dan fizikalnya untuk Tuhan.
Berapa lamakah kekuatan mental dan fizikal tersebut mampu bertahan?
Sedangkan kita semua tahu dengan "sekali bersin saja nyawa di badan boleh meninggalkan tubuh badan itu". Apalah gunanya kita menganggap tubuh badan itu sesuatu yang kekal? Ingat saudaraku pembaca! Janganlah kita berasa sombong dan angkuh akan kecantikan paras rupa, kekuatan kita sewaktu kita muda remaja. Keruntuhan, kemerosotan, kekecutan, usia tua kita sedang menanti kita di hadapan, akhirnya akan melenyapkan segala-galanya.
Dan sesuatu yang tidak kita duga juga boleh berlaku, sedang kita berasa kita tengah kuat dan bertenaga. "Usia tua kita sedang merayap masuk tanpa boleh ditahan oleh apa jua teknologi".
Bila badan atau tubuh mula membongkok, menunduk, kedutan di muka jelas menyerlah, mata mula kabur. Bergelarlah kita 'Si Tua Bangka', menjadi sasaran, sindiran, dan usikan oleh si remaja yang akan menjadi usikan 'Si Monyet Tua'.
Apakah yang akan tinggal lagi selepas itu?
Semuanya tertakluk kepada perubahan dimamah usia, rosak, musnah dan hancur di dunia ini. Sama ada objek fizikal atau setiap individu, semuanya tidak kekal dan abadi... Ingat!.. Tiada apa atau siapa yang kekal dan abadi.
Hanya "ROH YANG SUCI LAGI MENYUCIKAN" saja yang kekal abadi. Kesucian adalah sifat semulajadi kita manusia. Tetapi jika kita manusia cuba mencemari penghidupan kesuciannya sendiri, itu ertinya kita telah menurun dan menjatuhkan "martabat kemanusiaan" kita yang sangat tinggi daripada segala ciptaan di dunia yang sedang kita huni ini.
From Empty Hands,
A.Rahman bin Mahadi
Labis, Johore
12 JUNE 2010
Next Topic: 1. "True Knowledge Consists In Undersatanding The Inner Meaning Of This Creation"
2. "Manusia Terhutang Kepada Alam dan Lupa Tuhan Selaku Pembekal Bagi Segala Kemudahannya"
Di mana saja ceruk di planet, di mana saja anda sedang berada, mari renungkan bersama, apa yang telah dilakukan oleh ahli Sains dikatakan terpelajar, di mana jauh lebih rendah daripada seorang petani, nelayan, yang tidak tahu apa-apa tentang bahayanya penyalahgunaan Sains dan Teknologi.
Apa saja ciptaan pengeluaran manusia adalah bersifat sementara, yang tidak kekal, malah penuh kepalsuan, kemudian menjadi tidak berguna.
Dewasa ini ramai ahli Saintis telah melancarkan pelbagai satelit ke angkasa. Lambat laun pasti satelit tersebut akan berhenti berfungsi dan akan gugur jua sudahnya... Tiada siapa yang tahu bila?
Planet yang sedang kita huni dan berkongsi bersama dengan sejuta satu jenis makhluk telah dicipta oleh Tuhan bagi maksud kesejahteraan, kebajikan, kemudahan untuk manusia sejagat dan lain-lain makhluk dan bukan bertujuan untuk dimusnah dan dijahanamkan kerana kerakusan.
Tuhan mencipta alat atau universe ini untuk kesejahteraan dan menikmati segala keindahan yang ada buat sementara waktu.
Semua senjata pemusnah seperti bom atom, peluru berpandu, alat-alat di angkasa raya yang dicipta oleh ahli Saintis semata-mata untuk tujuan kemusnahan dan kehancuran.
Apakah tujuan di sebalik semuanya itu? Semuanya itu adalah kerana 'KEEGOAN'. Sifat keegoan dan keangkuhan yang terbit daripada perasaan itulah 'akar umbi' bagi segala-galanya. Kecenderungan untuk bersaing dan berlumba-lumba itulah puncanya.
Manusia masa kini lebih menumpukan kepada kekuatan fizikal dan mentalnya lebih dari segala-galanya dan menyalahgunakan kekuatan tersebut yang sepatutnya kekuatan tersebut digunakan untuk menguatkan mental dan fizikalnya untuk Tuhan.
Berapa lamakah kekuatan mental dan fizikal tersebut mampu bertahan?
Sedangkan kita semua tahu dengan "sekali bersin saja nyawa di badan boleh meninggalkan tubuh badan itu". Apalah gunanya kita menganggap tubuh badan itu sesuatu yang kekal? Ingat saudaraku pembaca! Janganlah kita berasa sombong dan angkuh akan kecantikan paras rupa, kekuatan kita sewaktu kita muda remaja. Keruntuhan, kemerosotan, kekecutan, usia tua kita sedang menanti kita di hadapan, akhirnya akan melenyapkan segala-galanya.
Dan sesuatu yang tidak kita duga juga boleh berlaku, sedang kita berasa kita tengah kuat dan bertenaga. "Usia tua kita sedang merayap masuk tanpa boleh ditahan oleh apa jua teknologi".
Bila badan atau tubuh mula membongkok, menunduk, kedutan di muka jelas menyerlah, mata mula kabur. Bergelarlah kita 'Si Tua Bangka', menjadi sasaran, sindiran, dan usikan oleh si remaja yang akan menjadi usikan 'Si Monyet Tua'.
Apakah yang akan tinggal lagi selepas itu?
Semuanya tertakluk kepada perubahan dimamah usia, rosak, musnah dan hancur di dunia ini. Sama ada objek fizikal atau setiap individu, semuanya tidak kekal dan abadi... Ingat!.. Tiada apa atau siapa yang kekal dan abadi.
Hanya "ROH YANG SUCI LAGI MENYUCIKAN" saja yang kekal abadi. Kesucian adalah sifat semulajadi kita manusia. Tetapi jika kita manusia cuba mencemari penghidupan kesuciannya sendiri, itu ertinya kita telah menurun dan menjatuhkan "martabat kemanusiaan" kita yang sangat tinggi daripada segala ciptaan di dunia yang sedang kita huni ini.
From Empty Hands,
A.Rahman bin Mahadi
Labis, Johore
12 JUNE 2010
Next Topic: 1. "True Knowledge Consists In Undersatanding The Inner Meaning Of This Creation"
2. "Manusia Terhutang Kepada Alam dan Lupa Tuhan Selaku Pembekal Bagi Segala Kemudahannya"
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
While talking of doctors, take my advise;
"Doctor Do It For The Sake Of God"
I must also say that doctors who fight for the patient's purse or tries to grab a patient before a rival appropriates him is a danger to society. The doctor who despises other doctors or sticks to his own patient, cures irrespective of the experience of failure, who is guided more by his whims, fancies and prejudices or who considers the patient's caste rather than his disease as more important, such men are also dangerous.
Doctors among you have been alloted the duty of going round and discovering persons likely to need your attention must be extra cordial and considerate!.. Don't bark questions at the patients, have patience while listening to their stories as half the cure is effected by kindness, softness and sympathy. There is a saying, very old, as old as a mountain.
It is in that spirit and with that reverence that people come to you and receive the drugs you give.
Live up to that estimate of your service! Nowadays, doctors have lost the art of soft, sweet speech; learn to speak with compassion; have in your bag the medicines necessary for the treatment of all types of illnesses.
Do not delay of drift, for want of a drug. Doctors are not aware of the distress they cause by neglect or by short temper; nurses are not aware of the pain they cause by angry words, or even by a gesture of contempt or resentment! Imagine what such a gesture can do for you, if you were in that position - and avoid it. Always try to put yourselves in the position of the other and judge your action against the background. Then you will not be wrong.
Be pure in word and deed and keep impure thoughts away. Give them all the help you can, all the service they need; do not with hold the sweet word, the supporting hand, the assuring smile, the comforting company and the consoling conversation.
If you do not serve man, who is your kith and kin, with the same feelings, impulses and instincts as you, who is before you, alive and gladly accepting with a smile of gratitude, how can you serve 'GOD' who is far above and beyond you, so different and distant, so potent and mysterious? Train yourselves for the sake of 'GOD' by serving man.
Private doctors, among you can serve the poor by treating them without insisting on payment, give the poor, all the attention and care that you lavish on the rich,... paying patients.
Do it for the sake of 'GOD' (sacrifice). Feel that it is the worship you are offering Him:
THE LAWYERS... among you can help those, who for who want of a skilled advocate, have to go undefended or have to suffer at the hands of unscrupulous men. And please remember! Do not publish these acts of sympathy; do them spontaneously without fanfare. That is more precious than demonstrating your service with the help of headlines and photographs. These reduce the worth of the deeds compassion.
You must be uncomfortable, when those around you are unhappy when you ease their discomfort. You are making them happy and making yourself happy, is it not?
Similarly, you must be happy, when those around you are happy. Help others as much as lies in your power, if you cannot give them adequately, at least, fell the agony.
"Alas!!! How much is the suffering they undergo! God, relieve it soon." Pray thus with all your heart.
Today all the fields like education, medicine, music, literature etc; have become business-oriented.
It is your good fortune that you have become doctors. Please remember! Sacrifice is the hallmark of a true doctor. So, doctors should have the spirit of sacrifice. They should be compassionate and considerate towards the poor. They are many poor people who are losing their lives as they cannot afford costly treatment.
Doctors, your love alone can sustain such lives. The more you develop the spirit of sacrifice in you. The greater will be the word's progress.
Hospital are meant to serve the poor and not to earn money. Private doctors, what is the point in earning crores of dollar when one has to ultimately leave the world empty handed? So, spend all your earnings for the welfare of the poor. Do not put them to suffering for your greed of money. Do not extort money from the poor.
Please remember! It is not money that you are wresting, but their lives. Lead a life suffused with love, compassion and sacrifice. Sacrifice alone can lead to spirituality.
"Divine Grace Is Essential For Cure".
Medicines on their own cannot cure diseases: It is Divine Grace That Cures. Only sacrifice can win "God's Grace". Do not satisfied by merely filling your own belly, try to appease the hunger of others too.
Undertake such activities which will benefit the poor. Hospitality does not merely stand for architectural beauty. Beauty has no value if there is no bliss. You can experience bliss only when you give happiness to the poor. The poor are suffering as they cannot afford to buy medicines. Make every effort to give happiness to all.
Please note;
Develop spiritual outlook and treat the patients with love and care and make them happy and healthy:
"Without God's Grace, even the pulse cannot beat. You are under
mistaken nation that mere medicine can cure that diseases."
If that were the case, what happened to all those Kings and rich men who had access to best medical facilities? So, along with medicine, one should have Divine Grace too. Medicine and Divine Grace are like... negative and positive, respectively.
Diseases can be cured only when both these come together. So, along with taking medicines, one should also pray for Divine Grace. Without Divine Grace, human body cannot be sustained.
Human body is most wonderful and mysterious. Do you not know, who is responsible for the pulse beat? Who is making the heart pump blood? All this happens become of Divine Will. Divine Power is responsible for the growth of the body. So, there is no point in merely feeding the body and sustaining it unless it is used to serve the poor.
Sacrifice, Impart health and happiness to the poor, that should be your aim in life (one attains merit by serving others and commits sin by harming them). I bless you all 'doctor' so that you may attain the deservedness to see the happiness of the poor.
The heart is the most important part in the body. If the heart goes strike, the body becomes lifeless. Who has endowed the heart with such capacity?
Is it scientist, the engineer or any man-made machine which makes it perform such a stupendous task? Know that, it is only the Divine Power that is the basis for all this. Man cannot accomplish even a small task without the help of Divine Power.
Today man has lost self-confidence and does not have faith in God. So, first of all, man should foster self-confidence without which life becomes meaningless. Man today is not concerned with the welfare of the world. So, all friends out there;
"Welfare of the whole world should be our motto".
Please contemplate:
A blind person cannot see the travails of others;
Nor can a deaf person be moved by the groans of a man in pain.
The sight of suffering softens the heart;
Stories of distress urge one to rush to the rescue.
But education, as imparted now, renders men indifferent,
Blind and deaf, in fact, to the suffering of others.
From Empty Hands,
A. Rahman bin Mahadi
Labis, Johore
10 JUNE 2010
Next Topic: 1. "Manusia Menyalahgunakan Planet Tempat Kediamannya Sendiri"
2. "True Knowledge Consists In Understanding The Inner Meaning Of This Creation"
"Doctor Do It For The Sake Of God"
I must also say that doctors who fight for the patient's purse or tries to grab a patient before a rival appropriates him is a danger to society. The doctor who despises other doctors or sticks to his own patient, cures irrespective of the experience of failure, who is guided more by his whims, fancies and prejudices or who considers the patient's caste rather than his disease as more important, such men are also dangerous.
Doctors among you have been alloted the duty of going round and discovering persons likely to need your attention must be extra cordial and considerate!.. Don't bark questions at the patients, have patience while listening to their stories as half the cure is effected by kindness, softness and sympathy. There is a saying, very old, as old as a mountain.
It is in that spirit and with that reverence that people come to you and receive the drugs you give.
Live up to that estimate of your service! Nowadays, doctors have lost the art of soft, sweet speech; learn to speak with compassion; have in your bag the medicines necessary for the treatment of all types of illnesses.
Do not delay of drift, for want of a drug. Doctors are not aware of the distress they cause by neglect or by short temper; nurses are not aware of the pain they cause by angry words, or even by a gesture of contempt or resentment! Imagine what such a gesture can do for you, if you were in that position - and avoid it. Always try to put yourselves in the position of the other and judge your action against the background. Then you will not be wrong.
Be pure in word and deed and keep impure thoughts away. Give them all the help you can, all the service they need; do not with hold the sweet word, the supporting hand, the assuring smile, the comforting company and the consoling conversation.
If you do not serve man, who is your kith and kin, with the same feelings, impulses and instincts as you, who is before you, alive and gladly accepting with a smile of gratitude, how can you serve 'GOD' who is far above and beyond you, so different and distant, so potent and mysterious? Train yourselves for the sake of 'GOD' by serving man.
Private doctors, among you can serve the poor by treating them without insisting on payment, give the poor, all the attention and care that you lavish on the rich,... paying patients.
Do it for the sake of 'GOD' (sacrifice). Feel that it is the worship you are offering Him:
THE LAWYERS... among you can help those, who for who want of a skilled advocate, have to go undefended or have to suffer at the hands of unscrupulous men. And please remember! Do not publish these acts of sympathy; do them spontaneously without fanfare. That is more precious than demonstrating your service with the help of headlines and photographs. These reduce the worth of the deeds compassion.
You must be uncomfortable, when those around you are unhappy when you ease their discomfort. You are making them happy and making yourself happy, is it not?
Similarly, you must be happy, when those around you are happy. Help others as much as lies in your power, if you cannot give them adequately, at least, fell the agony.
"Alas!!! How much is the suffering they undergo! God, relieve it soon." Pray thus with all your heart.
Today all the fields like education, medicine, music, literature etc; have become business-oriented.
It is your good fortune that you have become doctors. Please remember! Sacrifice is the hallmark of a true doctor. So, doctors should have the spirit of sacrifice. They should be compassionate and considerate towards the poor. They are many poor people who are losing their lives as they cannot afford costly treatment.
Doctors, your love alone can sustain such lives. The more you develop the spirit of sacrifice in you. The greater will be the word's progress.
Hospital are meant to serve the poor and not to earn money. Private doctors, what is the point in earning crores of dollar when one has to ultimately leave the world empty handed? So, spend all your earnings for the welfare of the poor. Do not put them to suffering for your greed of money. Do not extort money from the poor.
Please remember! It is not money that you are wresting, but their lives. Lead a life suffused with love, compassion and sacrifice. Sacrifice alone can lead to spirituality.
"Divine Grace Is Essential For Cure".
Medicines on their own cannot cure diseases: It is Divine Grace That Cures. Only sacrifice can win "God's Grace". Do not satisfied by merely filling your own belly, try to appease the hunger of others too.
Undertake such activities which will benefit the poor. Hospitality does not merely stand for architectural beauty. Beauty has no value if there is no bliss. You can experience bliss only when you give happiness to the poor. The poor are suffering as they cannot afford to buy medicines. Make every effort to give happiness to all.
Please note;
Develop spiritual outlook and treat the patients with love and care and make them happy and healthy:
"Without God's Grace, even the pulse cannot beat. You are under
mistaken nation that mere medicine can cure that diseases."
If that were the case, what happened to all those Kings and rich men who had access to best medical facilities? So, along with medicine, one should have Divine Grace too. Medicine and Divine Grace are like... negative and positive, respectively.
Diseases can be cured only when both these come together. So, along with taking medicines, one should also pray for Divine Grace. Without Divine Grace, human body cannot be sustained.
Human body is most wonderful and mysterious. Do you not know, who is responsible for the pulse beat? Who is making the heart pump blood? All this happens become of Divine Will. Divine Power is responsible for the growth of the body. So, there is no point in merely feeding the body and sustaining it unless it is used to serve the poor.
Sacrifice, Impart health and happiness to the poor, that should be your aim in life (one attains merit by serving others and commits sin by harming them). I bless you all 'doctor' so that you may attain the deservedness to see the happiness of the poor.
The heart is the most important part in the body. If the heart goes strike, the body becomes lifeless. Who has endowed the heart with such capacity?
Is it scientist, the engineer or any man-made machine which makes it perform such a stupendous task? Know that, it is only the Divine Power that is the basis for all this. Man cannot accomplish even a small task without the help of Divine Power.
Today man has lost self-confidence and does not have faith in God. So, first of all, man should foster self-confidence without which life becomes meaningless. Man today is not concerned with the welfare of the world. So, all friends out there;
"Welfare of the whole world should be our motto".
Please contemplate:
A blind person cannot see the travails of others;
Nor can a deaf person be moved by the groans of a man in pain.
The sight of suffering softens the heart;
Stories of distress urge one to rush to the rescue.
But education, as imparted now, renders men indifferent,
Blind and deaf, in fact, to the suffering of others.
From Empty Hands,
A. Rahman bin Mahadi
Labis, Johore
10 JUNE 2010
Next Topic: 1. "Manusia Menyalahgunakan Planet Tempat Kediamannya Sendiri"
2. "True Knowledge Consists In Understanding The Inner Meaning Of This Creation"
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