Sunday, September 12, 2010


Education is an ornament for man. It is his secret wealth. It Confers
prosperity and fame. It is the teacher of teachers. It is one's unfailing kinsman in foreign travel. It secures the respect of rulers more than wealth.

Education is the basis for leading a purposeful life in the physical world, in the realm of the mind and in society. It equips one with the mental strength and steadiness to face the challenges in life. It enables one to understand the myriad manifestation in nature.

It is only when one understands the powers of his mind that he can recognize the relationship between the world and the society. Real education should enable one to realize that mankind is one family.

It should help one to experience the unifying forces in society.

Unfortunately, education today is not promoting these objectives. We have no lack of intelligent men in the world today. There are any number of Scientists. It is because the intelligentsia and the Scientists have not been educated on the right lines that the world is plunged in chaos and disorder.

Education today is concerned mainly with "satisfying the senses" and "developing intellectual skill". Ignores the development of virtous qualities.

Despite the committees and commissions set up by Government to suggest reforms in education, no resolute efforts have been made to effect the necessary reforms. The main reason for this failure is the lack of unity. Unity is essential for any achievement. All the ills the nation is suffering from are due to the absence of unity and the preoccupation of ephemeral objectives. There is nothing that cannot be achieved through unity.

Education should promote discrimination and humility. The quantitative explosion in the number of educational institutions - schools, colleges and universities - has been accompanied by a corresponding decline in the quality of education. To have no respect for your betters, to be ungrateful to those who have fostered you, to revile even the teacher who taught you;
"Can this be called 'progress' in education?"

There is little evidence of morality in society. There is a general decline in character and conduct.
Can there be anything more unfortunate for the country? Most students are not aware of even the meaning of culture. Every country has their own culture... Is today unaware of the magnitude of its greatness.

Do you know that:
Culture refines the human spirit and makes one a complete human being... Today no attempt is made to understand the truth relating to the body, the mind and the Creator. Culture seeks to integrate the various aspects of daily life and develop a unified outlook.

Students should realize, culture is meant for all mankind to reveal to the world to path to the Devine.

Today, one finds that the virtues exhibited by illeterate villagers and uneducated folk in the rural areas are not to be seen among the educated urban population. In fact:
Wherever schools, courts and administrative offices have multiplied... that we witness an 'increasing' corruption, injustice and wickedness.

In seeking to lead a free and unrestrained life, people are falling prey to the desires of their senses. "Educational Institution, which should be heavens of peace and serenity", are haunted by fears of insecurity.

"The true aim of education is to prepare the student for a useful role in society with the help of the knowledge he has got and for leading an ideal life".

Science and technology have made great advances in recent years and have a prominent place in education. It is true that Science has helped to improve the conditions of living. But the harm it is doing outweights the benefit. Man has lost "peace of mind" and "the sense of security".

The growth of videos, radios, television, cinemas and air travel has been stupendous. But there is no sign in any growth in "Divine Vision".

With the result that daily life is becoming precarious.... Morality and justice have declined. This must be acribed mainly to the craze of aquiring modern Scientific gadgets.

Many middle class people, who have moderate incomes. Wish to acquire motor vehicles, TV sets and the likes which they cannot afford to buy from their regular incomes. "These leads to corruption and bribery".

Even "education has become expensive" and far beyond "the means of middle class earners", so, in addition, there is a tendency to show off before others, to appear to be better off than one really is.

This kind of ostentation is another cause of fall in moral standards among lawyers, doctors and other professional people. There is nothing wrong with Science as such. It is the way it is used that produces bad consequences.

In the reform of the educational system, it is necessary to ensure that students learn about the right use of Science. True education must enable one to gain ("realization of the Creator who creates their body and this universe").

Instead of emphasising this need, modern education creates many problems and dificulties for the students.

Acquiring a small fragment of knowledge, a student gets inflated notions of himself.
With this sort of conceit, he develops a contempt for his own culture. This is not what true education should aim at.

"Education should be divorced from job-hunting".

Its primary purpose should enable the educated person to lead an honourable and meaningful life in society.

If one cannot command respect in society, of what value is his education?
Education should make a man recognized his obligations to his parents and others who have made him what he is...! Gratitude is a supreme virtue. If one cannot be grateful to his parents, his education is waste.

Dear students!
In the pursuit of your studies, you must place the interests of the nation above your personal interests. The "receiving of a degree is not the end of education". Your education will be worthwhile only when you lead exemplary lives in the service of society.


In ancient days high value was attached to educations and the students led simple lives. Their clothes and their manners were dignified. Today such simplicity and dignity are not to be seen among students or teacher generally.

Discipline is at a discount. More than ever it is essential for educated persons today to conduct themselves as men of honour and integrity and raise the moral level of the society.

Even in pursuing the spiritual path, the process should not be from "Nature to Spirit or God"; but from "Spirit or God to Nature". By seeking to master the forces of Nature through education, people tend to become "subjects of nature".

To all institution's, live up to the motto:
"Speak the truth: Be Righteous".

These injuctions must propperly understood. Adhering to 'Truth' means "living up to transcendental Truth which is the external verity that is true for all times - past, present and future".


The bonds of love that existed between the 'gurus' and the disciples in the past, do not exist today between "teachers and students". The 'guru' considered it his duty to teach the disciple what was most benificial for the latter and the disciple loved to render service to the 'guru' and carry out implicity his commands.

In those days the students were few and they received intensive instruction. Today the students are numerous and education is diluted.
"Far reaching reforms are needed in the educational system today".

The future progress and welfare of the nation depend upon how education is imparted. Students must be imbued with genuine... "Patriotism":

Starting with "love and reverence for the parents", students should "cultivate love and reverence for the Motherland".

And all education must be preparation for serving the nation.
To all policy makers, to all educationist and to all students:

Broden your vision. Cultivate the spirit of love. Being endowed with the human form, you must strive to develop human values and not stray away from the path of righteousness. Fill your minds with sublime thoughts and your hearts with divine feelings.

"Consider the entire society as your home only then you will realize genuine unity with all". Redeem your lives by revering your parents, honouring your teachers and developing a loving faith in 'God'. In this way, you can lead dedicated lives in the spirit of the injuntion of the Quran or Upanishad. Thereby you will grow in your self-esteem. Fill your life with 'joy'.

"Be happy - Make others happy - All will be happy".

Education must be regarded as sacred process and preparation of unselfish service to society. There are innumerable person in the world who are suffering from various physical and other disabilities. It is the duty of educated persons to serve them and help to relieve their suffering to the maximum extent possible.

This is the best form of service to the society. There is pollution in the air, in the water we use and impurity in so many things. You must use knowledge you acquire to purify what is impure.

Service to society must become the primary purpose of education. Students should devote their knowledge not only to earn a living, but to use their talents and energies in whatever walk of life they may be engaged, to render service to society in all ways open to them.

How can a student be regarded as a success if they cannot command respect in society. How can a student be regarded as a success if, at the end of the course, he knocks at the door of every office exhibiting the diploma he has secured, and clamouring like a beggar asking for jobs? Education has been conferred on him this disgraceful role. Can it claim that it has done its duty?

No. The educated person must serve the society, through sweat and toil. Education has to inspire youth to offer service, to sacrifice and to help. It must not inspire youth to amass money as its goal, and to travel farther and farther to earn and more of it.

What is the root-cause of all the disorder, chaos, crime, falsehood and violence that prevail in the country today? It is the behaviour of people contrary to the dignity of human nature that is responsible for the present situation. All the education that one receives has no relation to human values.

Please bear in mind:

Today, whatever prosperity one enjoys, whatever comforts one secures, all of them are derived from society. Some rules .... Code of duties have been laid down for ensuring that the wealth that is earned from society is devoted to benefit of society.

All one's action are based upon the tendencies of the mind. No change in any form of activity is possible unless the mind is changed.

From Empty Hands,
A.Rahman bin Mahadi
Labis, Johore


Next Topic: 1."Tuhan Mempamerkan Kuasanya Dengan Pelbagai Cara"
2. "Drug And Alcohol Abuse"

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