Monday, September 9, 2013


Pure thoughts hold the key to the purity of mind. Thoughts have an objective reality of their own. They deal with the characteristics associated with physical objects. "If a man has rose flower its' fragrance is carried by him wherever he goes...." Likewise, he will be carrying foul smell, wherever he goes. "It is the same with good or bad thoughts." They radiate their good or bad vibrations around them. "Thoughts have so much power that when they are directed towards great objectives they can be used to influenced the world." When the mind is filled with good thoughts, such as truth, love, forbearance and compassion, one's life filled with peace and serenity. If on the other hand, one allows thoughts of hatred, envy, anger and conceit to grow, life becomes a perpetual misery. Man is the only being endowed with the unique weapon of the mind. Whoever is able to master it, will be victorious in life. A slave of the mind cannot achieve happiness or peace. The body with all the sense organs, made up of the five elements, is the dwelling which the mind has established for its fulfillment. It is like an armor. "The mind is the basis of the body. It is the cause of all worldly activities and experiences." Please note: "A body without the mind is like a school without a teacher. A crop withering for want of water. Or an electric wire without current, and it is utterly useless and lifeless." Men are generally prone to regard the mind as intimately bound to the body. Believing that the body, a composite of the five elements... Is the real and permanent. They devote all their time and actions to its well-being. Life is wasted in pursuing mundane objects. Please remember!... "The highest realization consists in using the intelligence... In order to acquire (the higher wisdom). And conquering the mind through that wisdom (Realization of God is the highest wisdom)." This consummation is attained only through good thoughts. Good thoughts constitute the most precious possession. "They are charged with immense... power, purity and divinity." They are life-giving and life-sustaining. They will yield the desired fruits according to the way they are used. The mind, it should noted, "is not like a blank paper." It is a palimpsest which carries on it the imprint of the the experiences and actions of the past. The mind is the cause of man's bondage or liberation. If man can fill himself with good thoughts in any situation, his life will become sanctified. Hence, it is necessary for every one to see how he can cultivate good thoughts and make them govern his life and actions. The mind can be an instrument to gain success in any paths and in the struggles to gain the god of life. "If it is given a licence to foster any type of wish or conation, it is sure to plunge in bondage." The mind shapes life and the world where in one lives. Do people hope to get nutritious fruits? Why blame God when bitter seeds do not yield sweets fruits? Man is the only animal that imbibes and the smiles on the face is the blooming of the joy that fills the heart. It wafts away discontent and depression from other faces. Dear readers!... "May God bless you, may God shower his grace on you." From Empty Hands, A. Rahman bin Mahadi, Labis, Johore. 016-602 0321. 10 SEPTEMBER 2013. Next Topics: 1. "Mengawal Akal Dari Celoteh-Celotehnya". 2. "Good And Evil As Two Fruits".

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