Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Primarily 'RELIGION' is a value which is 'trans-social' and inward, - having a good influence on individuals, group, and nations in general; Yet it has secondary role partly malefic as history of nations proves in many instances.

Needless to say how many wars were fought on religious grounds by nations and how many riots still take place between one religious group and another. What exactly is the cause and how to improve and gain from religion.

"But what is happening today?

Without understanding any principle of religion, many get bigoted and dogmatic and peace and quiet Life of Society is disturbed. Although this is due to a microscopic minority in society, yet life becomes dangerous as these, hold society to ransom with mistaken concepts of religion. Majority however know well and practice religion. sincerely and enjoy mental peace and happiness, which is the object of religion.

Abuse of Religion:

It is argued that religion cannot answer demands of modern scientific world; it is a bar to social and economic progress! To what extent is this true needs some consideration. Science has so much advanced now that we enjoy facilities never even dreamt of by our ancestors a century ago: Facilities like television, telephone. Flights to planets etc. With all these are we really happier than our forefather? Behind this 'progress of science' is a deep fear. Fear of nuclear war that can wipe off nations in a wink. How true are the words of Dr.Albert Einstein (a famous scientist who said):

"Religion without Science is blind and science without a religion is lame."

Science can teach man fly in the air like bird, but he has not learnt how to live as man on the earth. Science can teach man such things, however it is only religion but not science, that can teach him how to live as man on the earth.

So if science were to foster the all-round development of man, it has to seek the aid of religion. Religion does not mean blind adherence to some beliefs. On the other hand, religion helps man to attain the goal of human life based on discrimination and sacred values.

Therefor no religion can ever be bad. That is why the great scientist Einstein declared that religion without science is blind, thereby stressing the need for a judicious combination of science and religion to serve the needs of humanity.

Religion is of immense help in fostering the integral development of human personality. It underlines the unity in diversity. True religion teaches the harmony and unity of all religions. The essence as well as the goal of all religions is the attainment of the purity of mind and heart. Every religion has its own precepts and principle. But no religion preaches hatred, untruth or unrighteousness.

Another words for 'RELIGION' (to bind). Bind what? It binds by rules and regulation so that we may not degenerate. Surely the aim of religion is not negative; i.e. to prevent degeneration; but positive (that is; to make us happier). But what is happening to-day? Man's tragedy:

It is a tragedy of man that our living is not guided by Divine Light. Oh Man! How low you have fallen? You are thinking every moment of sense pleasures which activate your inner sense and draw them after sense objects. As a result, the mind become restless, agitated and loses its poise completely. Where is,then divine joy and peace of the soul for you? Instead, the mind is filled with wicked passions, frustrations, humiliation, jealousy and hatred another words.

The switch of spiritual light is put off. As a result, we fall further down from the human to the animal. Today's illness in society is mostly... Due to more oral sermons not only practice them not, but do the exact opposite i,e, the wicked think one, talk another and do the third.

One is like a ship without mariner compass or a car driven in unknown land with no road map! Remember! Religions as a guide prescribes do's and don't to serve like the two banks of a turbulent stream, to guide common impulses on the right track of benefit of society. Whatever the name of religion, it has the following four main principle: Truth, Righteousness, Universal Love and Peace.

It is common knowledge that nations have prospered where the people observe principle codes of religion and those who did not, have perished and suffered - whether they are headed by kings or social leaders of political heroes. For, do we not know that many Kings. Dictators and Politicians come and go; and please remember!

The great prophets of religion are still honoured and remembered? Thus peace and prosperity are the immediate gains of proper practice of religion.

Benefits of Religion:

There are two groups who need no religion at all. Firstly those who have no rules nor regulations except to follow own impulses - irrespective of consequence to society.

The other are and these are very very few who, having controlled their impulses and emotions, serve Society at large, day and night, to make common man, happier. In between these two groups, majority in society need religion.

From Empty Hands,
Labis, Johore

Tel: 016-6020321



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