Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Just a bird's eye view:

The politician means the desire to dominate, the desire to be number one. The politicians means ambition... The ambition mind. But no politician pays any attention, because politicians are interested in having a big following.

Your so-called political leaders, all need attention, all need their names and their photos continually in T.V.., in newspapers because:...

If newspapers forget anybody's name for a few months, people forget that man also. Now what do you know about... Hitler, Mahtama Ghandi, Richard Nixon, Josef Stalin, Benito Mussolini, Mao Tse-tung? Where is that poor fellow? One day he was the greatest, most powerful man in their country..., in fact in the world. Now you will only hear about him the day he dies, and that too will be on the third, fourth page of newspapers in a small column.

What happens to these well known and powerful people? Please note:

"When they lose people's attention, their personality starts disappearing."

I have known many political leaders in this country. Perhaps...ex-ministers...chief ministers, once they become,'ex' they are finished. Then nobody pays any attention to them, another words:
Nobody ask them to inaugurate bridges, railway lines, hospitals, school. No paper even bothers where they are, whether they are alive or dead. And there was a time when they were in newspapers everyday, on radios, on television.

It is not only our problem, that we are a beggar for attention, it is human reality. The present politicians is by-product of the whole past! The modern man is suffering from the past. The modern man is not suffering from his sins as the so-called religious preachers go on saying to you. You are suffering from the sins of centuries...but now things have come to a peak. Man is falling apart, killing each other. If you follow the past, you are on the verge of committing a global suicide.

And that's the political leaders are trying to do... All over the world:

"Preparing atom bombs, hydrogen bombs, super hydrogen bombs...pilling up bombs, one after another."

They already have to many! In fact, just ten years ago, they were already capable of killing each person seven times. Ten years ago they were ready to destroy this earth seven times...Although a person dies only once...You need not kill him twice, that will be unnecessary. But in case somebody survives, politicians have to take case, they plan perfectly...that is how things happen in the world now!

Now you will be surprised, they can destroy this earth 700 times...each single person can be killed 700 times. Now this is too much, and absolutely unnecessary.
Seven is okay...there are a few cunning people who may not die!

And still the race continues. Even poor countries are joining the race, hankering to join it...strawing, but they want atom bombs. Starving! But they want more power to kill and destroy. Please remember!

Just a bird's eye view and you can see the earth is preparing a global suicide, a total destruction, a total war. And remember again, this has nothing to do with modern man as such.

The modern man is only a victim of the whole past and until now the whole world go on praising the past. My advise is be expressive, intelligently, and no harm will happen to anybody from you. A man who cannot harm himself will never harm anybody. And a man who harm himself is a dangerous man in a way. If he is not even in love with himself he is dangerous, he can harm fact, he will harm.

When you love, you share all. When you love, you don't have any secrets. When you love, you have the heart utterly are available. But this happens... We are expert with words, we don't want to say that we don't love, so we make it look as if we love. Remember!

Whenever you disturb nature and start manufacturing atom bombs, misused power and manufacturing your own is crime...unforgivable.

From Empty Hands,
A.Rahman bin Mahadi
Tel: 016-6020321


Next Topic: - 'Politicians Have Been Driving The Whole World For Centuries...To Where...To What End?'

1 comment:

  1. Politicians are 'Selebrities Supremo'.Without them the world would not be colourful.They say one thing and do the other thing.They fight each other but at the same time they shout 'Love'....
    1.The Rich and Famous - POLITICIANS
    2.The Rich and Famous - SELEBRITIES
    To be Rich and Famous: Either be a Politician or a Selebrity.
    To elect our Representative:POLITICIAN or SELEBRITY?
    what happen to voters/supporters?.....
    pak uteh - 0 Messenger
