Wednesday, October 14, 2009


First put your own house in order. Create a cosmos there.., it is a chaos. In fact, before you have dropped your own problems, you cannot have the right perspective to understand the world's problem... Remember!

Your own home is in such a mess, your own inner being is in such a mess.., how can you have the perspective to understand vast problem? Start from there, because every other start will be a wrong start.

People who are in a tremendously confused state of mind start helping others, and start proposing solutions. These people have created more troubles in the world then they have solved... These are the real mischief-makers:

The politicians, the economist.., the so-called public servants. These are the real mischief-makers. They have not solved their own inner consciousness yet, and they are ready to jump on everybody else and solve everybody else's problems. In fact, in this way they are avoiding their own reality.., they don't want to face it. They want to remain engaged somewhere else with somebody else. This gives them something to do, it is a good distraction. Remember!

"You are the world problem.
You are the problem, and unless YOU are solved. Whatever you do
is going to make things more complicated."

First put your own house in order.
Yes, there are problem, I agree. There are great problem. Life is such a hell. Misery is there, poverty is there, violence is there, all kinds of madnesses are afloat, that's true.., but still I insist the problem arises in the individual soul.

The problem is there because individuals are in chaos. Overall chaos is nothing but a combined phenomenon, we have all poured our chaos into it.

The world is nothing, but a relationship; we are related which each other. We are the world problem, hence the world is neurotic. War is not born out of blue, we create it.., it is our pus that comes out, it is our chaos that takes the toll. The beginning has to be with us, we are the world problem.

As you are now, you cannot see the root of a problem, you see only the symptom. First, find out within yourself where the root is, and try hard to change the root, please imbibe;

Poverty is not a problem, is not a root.., greed is the root.., poverty is the outcome. You go on fighting with poverty and nothing will happen. Greed is the root, the greed has to be uprooted.

War is not the problem, individual aggressiveness is the problem.., war is just the sum total of individual aggression. You go on making protest marches and war is not going to be stopped. There are a few people who enjoy the fun, you can find them in any protest march.

War goes on, and if you look at these protesters, you will see these are very aggressive people. You will not see peace on their faces. They are ready to fight. Peace marches can any moment turn into riots. These are aggressive people, in the name of peace they are showing their aggression. They are ready to fight, if they had the atom bomb, they would drop the bomb, they would drop the bomb to create peace. That's what all the politicians say.., they say they fighting so that peace can prevail.

The problem is not war, and protest marches are not going to help... The problem is inner aggression in individuals. People are not at ease within themselves, hence war has to exist.., otherwise these people will go mad. Each decade a great war is needed to unburden humanity of its neurosis. You might be surprised to know that during the First World War, if you are aware of a strange phenomenon.., the proportion of people who went mad fell almost to nil. Suicides were not committed.

Murders were not done and people even stopped going mad.., that was strange.., what has that to do with war?

When war happened there is no story of all that.., strange! Maybe murders are not done because murderers have gone into army.., but what happened to people who commit suicide?.. Maybe they have also joined the army, but then what happened to people who go mad? Have they even stopped going mad?

Then again in Second World War the same thing happened, in a greater proportion.., and then the link was understood.., the association. Humanity goes on accumulating a certain quantity of neurosis, madness. Each decades, it has to throw it out. So, what is the definition of war?

"When there is war.., war means when
humanity has gone mad as a whole."

Then there is no point in trying to be privately mad, no need to go mad privately. What is the point?.. All mad!!!

When one nation is murdering another, and there is so much suicide and murder, what is the point of doing these things on your own? You can simply watch the TV and enjoy.., you can read it in the papers and have the thrill... Remember!

"The problem is not war.., the problem
is individual neurosis."

Change the root.., a radical transformation is needed; ordinary reformations won't do!!!...

Poverty does not exist because things are scarce,
poverty exists because people are hoarding, because people are greedy.

Remember! The earth has enough to give us. But we plan ahead, we hoard.., then trouble arises. If we live right now.., there is enough!

Just think of birds hoarding.., then a few birds will become rich and a few will become poor. Then the American birds will become richest and the whole world will suffer.
But they don't hoard, so there is no poverty. Have you ever seen a bird poor?.. Animal in the forest.., nobody is poor, nobody is rich. In fact, you don't even see fat birds and lean and thin birds. All the crows are almost alike, you cannot even recognize which is which... Why? They enjoy, they don't hoard.

Even to become fat means you are hoarding inside the body, that is a miserly mind:.. Misers become constipated. They cannot even throw out waste. They hoard, they control even defecation, they go on hoarding even rubbish... Hoarding is a habit with them. Please imbibe...

To live in the moment, to live in
the present, to live lovingly,
to live in friendship, to care .., then the world will be
totally different... The world has to change..,
the individual first has to change.., because the world
is nothing but a projected phenomenon of the
individual soul.

If not it is not going to help.., people keep on destroying people. These are the do-gooders.., avoid them. Meditative energy has to be released so people can enjoy the moment.

Meditates makes the mind flowering:
If he is a painter.., he will become a greater painter. If he is a poet, then suddenly tremendous poetry will arise out of his soul. If he is a singer, for the first time he will sing a song that is close to his heart's desire. You start flowering the way existence always wanted you to function.., another words:

You start functioning the way, you were
born to function. You start functioning the way your
destiny wants you to function.

You don't bother whether it pays or not, whether it makes you more respectable or not.., you starts doing your thing. It makes you happy and that's enough. It makes you tremendously joyful.

But there are people who like to do things in a round-about way. They would like to change the world first. And then they will come to themselves. But let me tell you,;

"You will never be able to come to
yourself if you go that far."

Start where you are. You are part of this ugly world and by changing yourself, you are changing the world. What are you? A part of this ugly world. Why try to change your neighbor? He may not like it, he may not want it. If you have become aware that the world needs a great change, then you are the closest world to yourself!..

"Start from there!"..

From Empty Hands,
A.Rahman Bin Mahadi
Labis, Johore

18 OCTOBER 2009

Next Topic: 1. Take Every Effort To Remove Dirt
From Your Heart

2. What Exactly Is Mental Peace


  1. To : Empaty Hand

    1. Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan sifat-sifat AKAL?

    2. Apakah kaitan AKAL dengan diluar Kesedaran akal?

    3. Bagaimanakan caranya untuk kita membezakan pandangan AKAL dan pandangan HATI?

  2. 1. Wild animals are feared by men and driven by him into dark recesses of forests.The wonder is that; the wildness,the cruelty and the terror, inflicting attributes of these beast,are imbibed and exhibited by men himself!Shame......?

    2. 'Education' seems to harden hearts and squeeze out the feelings of pity and piety.Many species of animals are soft and tender in their habits and nature; - live on pure food and behave in a pure manner,so,they are adored and even worshiped by men.

    3. 'The world is reduced to a theater by man' for;- devotion to God and seers has become a histrionic performance.
    - You find people weeping in their heart of hearts,but,laughing their lives away.
    - We find people laugh in their heart of hearts,but,to all observers,- weeping profusely over their fate;- a play acted with the pit in view;- There is no sincerity!........

    4. "The Crisis of Character" - IS IT THE ROOT OF ALL TROUBLES???

    pak uteh - '0 Messenger'

  3. Kepada Bumi Nan Basah,

    1. Berhubung dengan tiga soalan anda;
    Pertama sekali kita perlu faham bahawa
    'Akal' latarbelakangnya adalah 'Dunia'.

    Sifat akal mesti digunakan untuk mengukuhkan ikatan...'Manusia, Tuhan dan Alam'. Ia juga untuk melerai sesuatu masalah perhambaan terhadap Keduniaan (menjadi hamba), jika kita tahu mekanismenya, ia akan memberi kesan kepada akal. Kita semua punya pilihan. Ia tidak lebih dari sebuah alat 'Pencipta!'..
    Salahkan 'pengguna', jangan salahkan 'alat'.
    Anda adalah 'pengguna'.., ingat!

    2. Sebutir berlian tetap punya nilai. Manusia tidak boleh bergelar 'manusia', jika tiada 'Akal'. Serupa juga gula tidak boleh bergelar 'gula', jika sudah hilang 'Kemanisannya'. Begitulah seseorang yang di luar 'kesedaran akalnya', akan hilang segala kesedaran, bagaikan tiada kemudi di dalam hidupnya. Ia bagaikan 'monyet' yang berlari ke sana ke mari.

    3. Untuk membezakan 'Akal' dan pandangan 'Mata Hati', diingatkan sekali lagi bahawa 'AKAL' berlatarbelakangkan 'DUNIA' semata-mata; dunia dengan segala isinya- 'KEBENDAAN'.

    Fahamkan begini:
    "The Visible Universe has an INVISIBLE BASE. 'Invisible Base' itulah MATA HATI."

    'Subjek' adalah 'Mata Hati' - 'Objek' adalah 'Akal', dunia dengan segala isinya.

  4. To My Dear Pak Uteh,

    1. A child's mind, is like a sponge, is ready to absorb every bit of information given, and like a parrot, ready to use all the words he hears. Much of what the mind if fed during formative years, whether it be beneficial or detrimental depend on discreation of the parents. Children are exposed to more pollution of the mind than they have ever been, and this needs to be closely watched. The cost is too great, fallen into the popular trend of the day burdening the tender brains of children with all sorts of lumber, bits of information that can never be put to use or facts that warps the strands of truth.

    So, our resolution is, children should grow in the awareness, if you want to see them blooming with bright colour with fresh fragrant and that is their thought, we may not realize it, it collects in the atmosphere, it is imperative for the parent to make an all-out effort to replace this negativity with positive thoughts.
    Failure to do this is what caused our children becoming polluted by thoughts.

    2. The crisis of character - is it the root of all trouble?

    All the crisis and conflicts in the world are due to men character. The collapse of human values in society have almost disappeared, reverence and respect for elders are totally absent. What we need today are 'noble and high-minded men and women'. Such persons will emerge in society only when there is purity of mind and morality in society. Only a society with a moral foundation can foster such noble persons. The nation will be prosperous only when there are such persons with noble minds and hearts.

    From Empty Hands,
