Friday, January 29, 2010


To all my non-Muslim readers all over the world. Please pay attention, be a master to yourself:
Understand the topic profoundly and please imbibe:

Don't explore the world - explore your nature, because by exploring the world you may have many possessions, but you will not be a master. However, by exploring yourself, you may not have many possessions, but you will be a master. It is better to be a master of yourself than to be a master of the whole world.

First, understand what is that "meditation" going to achieve? What is it supposed to do? You will remain the same person, accumulating money, competitive in the market place. The meditation may help in making them a little more relaxed, so that they or you can do this nonsense even better.

You can repeat a mantra, you can do a certain meditation, it can help you a little bit here and there - but it can only help you to remain whatever you are. Remember!... But it is not a transformation!

"Meditations are for those who are really daring. Who are ready to
change their very pattern of life - who are ready to stake
everything... Because in fact you don't have anything to stake:
Only your unhappiness, your misery. But people cling even to that".

Please remember! That our mind is accustomed to accumulating, tensions, anxieties, worries. It will do its work. Tomorrow morning, you will find that you are the same person. There is no single person who is freed from all tension through meditation. If you are a true, authentic meditator:

"You must have experience of relaxing into the universal? Life forces, merging,
meeting and experiencing the eternal, the endless, the deathless".

Please follow:

"Meditation is not an effort that your chemistry which is ready to say no,
should say, yes!"

Meditation simply ignores mind, pain has never entered. Bliss is simply the very atmosphere beyond the mind.

Once a person has touched something beyond he has a new power. He can yes, although his body chemistry is saying no. The body is a servant. Just wake up your master, and the body is a servant, the mind is a servant. And once the master is there... and the master is never negative, and that is beyond its nature. It is intrinsic to your being to be creative.

You are coming from the universal creativity, you are born out of it. You are part of it, you are still connected with it. You cannot live a single second without the connection. Yes, can be said, and the mind with all its chemistry will remain silent. Please remember! Before the master, it has no power. All the power is derive from the master. But the master was asleep, now the master is awake and is not ready to give anything to destructiveness, to death.

"No represent death",
"Yes, is the heartbeat of life".

So I am not saying that your mind has to say yes. No, I am saying you have to go beyond the no - saying mind. And once you have gone beyond, it is not a question of saying yes - you are yes. Your being is nothing but a totality of acceptance, with gratitude.

The original is within you, and the original has no words. It is
absolute silence, but totally positive.

"You are on the sunlit peak - the mind is in the dark valley".

"MEDITATION" - in short, is putting your mind aside.

So, the people who say that meditation is a discipline of the mind are absolutely wrong. It is not a discipline of the mind; because if you discipline the mind - remember!

It is going to become stronger. It is better to put it aside when it is weaker, undisciplined. Once it is disciplined, it is going to give you a tough fight.

So, it is more difficult for somebody who has been practicing concentration, because "CONCENTRATION" is a mind phenomenon. Yes, it gives you a better mind, more penetrating. But to put aside this mind will be very difficult. First, you have given it strength, you have given it a certain crystallization.

"Concentration" is not "meditation", because "concentration is a discipline of the mind". "Meditation" is putting the mind aside".

Don't gives the wrong idea to the words "meditation" as if you are meditating - "Upon Something" - As if it is an activity - not much different from concentration.

"You are concentrating on something, you are contemplating on something, you are meditating on something - but you are always concerned with something".

So, what "meditation" is? - Is dropping all objects, dropping anything on which you can concentrate: Dropping everything, nothing is left - Only the one who was contemplating.

The pure awareness is "meditation", awareness is "dhyana". Meditation means a state of being where there is no thought, no object, no dream, no desire, nothing - "just emptiness". In that emptiness what happen? You come to know yourself. You discover the truth. You discover your "subjectivity"... It is perfect silence.

Dear friends!

There are methods to put aside the mind, just as there are methods to discipline the mind. But in the West and more so in America ... because if the West is bad. America is worse. I have been looking at America books. All the books that are best sellers in America are somehow concerned with how to increase your willpower how to influence people and win friends, how to grow rich, mind over power... But they are all talking about the discipline of the mind.

Certainly, if you discipline the mind, you are a better competitor, you can fulfill your ambition more easily. You can manipulate people more easily, you can exploit people more easily, you can use others as a means to your end.

Friedrich Nietzsche has written a book, Will-to-Power. That is the very essence of the Western effort: Will-to-Power. Will-to-Power needs first you should have willpower. And willpower is another name for your mind disciplined, crystallized.

To me, these methods won't do, you have to learn methods to put the mind aside. It is already too powerful; don't make it more powerful, because you are feeding your own enemy. It is already crystallized. Your school, your college your university, they are all doing that.

To put the mind aside is very simple. Disciplining the mind are very difficult. To train the mind for concentration is very difficult, because it goes on revolting, it goes on falling back into its old habits:

"You pull it again and it escapes. You bring it again to the subject you were concentrating on and suddenly you find you are thinking of something else, you have forgotten what you are concentrating upon... It is not an easy job".

But to put it aside is very simple thing - not difficult at all. All you have to do is to watch. Whatsoever is going on in your mind - don't interfere, don't try to stop it. Do not do anything, because whatsoever you do will become a discipline. So my advise is:

Do not do anything at all - just watch.

Watching is not a doing. Just as you watch the sunset or the clouds in the sky or the people passing on the street:

"Watch the traffic of thoughts and dreams, nightmare - relevant - irrelevant, consistent, inconsistent, anything that is going on, and it is always rush hour. You simply watch; You stand by the side unconcerned".

This simple methodology of watching the mind, that you have nothing to do with it... Most of its thoughts are not yours but from your parents, your teachers, your friends, the books, the movies, the television, the newspapers.
"Just count how many thoughts are your own", and you will be surprised that not a single thought is your own. All are from other sources. All are borrowed - either dumped by others on you, or foolishly dumped by yourself upon yourself... But nothing is yours.

The mind is there, functioning like a computer, literally it is a bio-computer. You will not get identified with a computer. If the computer gets hot, you won't get hot. If the computer gets angry and starts giving signals in four letter words, you will not be worried. You will see what is wrong. Where something is wrong... But you remain detached.

Just a small knack... I cannot even call it a method because that make it heavy; I call it a knack. Just by doing it, one day suddenly you are able to do it. Many times you will fail, it's nothing to be worried about... No loss, it is natural. But just doing it, one day it happens.

Once it happened, once you have even for a single moment become the watcher, you know how to become the watcher - the watcher on the hills, far away. And the whole mind is there deep down in the dark valley, and you are not to do anything about it.

The most strange thing about the mind is, if you become a watcher it starts disappearing. Just like the light disperses darkness, watchfulness disperses the mind, its thoughts, its whole paraphernalia.

So, please understand.., meditation is simply watchfulness, awareness. And that reveals - it is nothing to do with inventing. It invents nothing; It simply discovers that which is there.

And what is there? You enter and you find infinite emptiness, so tremendously beautiful, so silent, so full of light, so fragrant, that you have entered into the "Kingdom of God".

And once you have been in this space, you come out and you are a totally new person, a new man. Now you have your original face. All masks have disappeared. You will live in the same world, but not in the same way. You will be among the same people but not with the same attitude, and the same approach.

"You will live like a lotus in water, in the water,
but absolutely untouched by water".

The person who is meditating has the greatest possibility of reaching the highest peaks of intelligence because in meditator he is doing the greatest possible work that a man is capable of - and that is realizing oneself, knowing "who I am", entering into the deepest interiority of one's subjectivity is the greatest work for intelligence.

Then you cannot even count Albert Einstein, Gautama Buddha's and Muhammad. Intelligence - "It is beyond calculation, beyond measurements".

And if you are a meditator, as your meditation goes on becoming more luminous, your intelligence will be growing to the last breath of your life. Not only that, ever after the last breath your intelligence will continue to grow. Please remember! Intelligence is the quality of your awareness - more aware, more intelligent.

And if you are totally aware, you as intelligent as this whole existence is.
Will be continued about - "A statue of meditation".

From Empty Hands,
A.Rahman bin Mahadi
Labis, Johore

30 JANUARY 2010

Next Topic: 1. "Memahami Ciri-Ciri Orang Sufi Guru Ketuhanan dan Orang Mistik"

2. "Know The Secret Of The Five Elements"

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