Saturday, October 16, 2010


In this world, 'birds' and 'beasts' lead regulated lives though they lack education; Why does man lack this sense though he is endowed with intelligence?
All religions teach only what is good; One should understand them properly and regulated one's life accordingly. If our minds are good, what wrong can we see in any religion?

Therefore no religion can ever be bad. That is why "the great scientist, Einstein" declared that:
"Religion without Science is lame, and Science without religion is blind".

Thereby stressing the need for judicious combination of Science and religion to serve the needs of humanity.

Today's man has learn to fly in the air like birds, and swim in the sea like fish. "But he has not learnt how to live as man on earth".

Science can teach man such things as flying in the air and swimming in the sea; "However, it is only religion but not science, that can teach him how to live as man on the earth".

So, if Science were to foster the all-round development of man, "it has to seek the aid of religion".
"Religion does not mean blind adherence to some benefits".

On the other hand, "religion helps man to attain the goal of human life based on discrimination and sacred values".

"All religions emphasize human values".

Religion is of immense help in fostering the integral development of the human personality. It underlines the unity in diversity.
True religion teaches the harmony, the essence as well as the goal of all religions is the attainment of the purity of mind and heart.

"Every religion has its own precepts and principles."

"But no religion preaches hatred, untruth or unrighteousness".
"Speak the truth."
"Practice righteousness."

Read Quran, read Bible or your Upanishaths. Similar sacred injunctions are to be found in all the other religions too.

Thus all religions emphasize the human values and serve as beacons for the proper progress and development of mankind.

But the present-day men in general, and the youth in particular, have forgotten our age-old culture and sacred values and are bidding good bye to God,.... "having been enticed by the modern Science and technology".

However, with the passage of time, scientists themselves are veering round to the view that the universe is being guided and "governed by some divine power".

The innumerable stars and planets in the universe are whirling at tremendous speeds. If they are to deviate even slightly from their orbits or their speeds, it would result in universal holocaust... "Who has ordained them to adhere to their speeds and orbits?"

To-day's Scientists are creating artificial satellites which are orbiting around the earth.
But these satellites are crashing down or catching fire in a few days or months, where as the planets in God's creation are "orbiting regularly since time immemorial, without any crashing, or catching fire".

As we all know, light travels at the rate of 186,000 miles per second. Even with such a tremendous speed, it takes lakhs of years for light to travel around the families or constellations of the sun and stars.

In the Milky Way that is visible to us, there are innumerable stars unknown to us. The light from some of the stars has not yet reached the earth, despite the lapse of aeons since their creation. Even Scientists are in doldrums to understand fully such aspects of creation.

"What a contrast between the Scientist who swells up with pride on account of discovering but a minute fraction of the mystery of creation, and the 'Creator' (GOD) who is running the whole universe peacefully, silently, patiently and lovingly without any pomp or pride!"

Not this alone. "The way this creation or Nature is functioning is amazing beyond words".

For instance:
The carbon-dioxide exhaled by man is being taken up by the plants and the oxygen released by the plants is being inhaled by man. Who has made this mutually beneficial arrangement in Nature?

Poet-Saints, have sung the praise of the Lord Almighty in the following terms;
"Who has watered, manured and grown the small shrubs and the gigantic trees in the crevices of the rocks in the mountains?"

"Who has painted the beautiful peacock and its tail with such attractive colours?"
"Who has designed the wonderful combination of a green body and a read beak for the parrot?"

The Scientist may explain away all such things as the "Law of Nature". But are these Scientists able to transcend Nature or to dispense with the materials available in Nature?


Whatever the Scientists claim their 'creation' is only derived from the combination of the basic materials found in Nature. For example:

The Scientist produces water by combining hydrogen and oxygen. But then, which Scientist has produced or created hydrogen and oxygen?
These elements are produced by sunlight. In the same manner whatever the Scientist may produce "is based only on the permutation and combination of the already existing materials in Nature".

"This fact is conveniently ignored by most Scientists."

When one ponders over the mysteries or secret of Nature, even a fool will have to admit the existence of a divine power behind all these wonderful phenomena.

Let us consider another example. There are nearly 5.08 billion human beings in the world.

"But it is amazing that in such a huge population, no two persons look exactly alike. Which creator except 'GOD' can do this extraordinarily wonderful feat!"

The goods manufactured by the modern creators are all alike because they come out of the same world. What a striking contrast?

So, we has human or students should therefore, try to understand the mysteries of creation.


We are prone to take the creation for granted, thinking that it is but insentient Nature, thereby ignoring the "Sentient Principle" that regulates nature and imparts a proper balance among its various constituents.

"Scientists and Technologists in pursuit of selfish interests as well as of name and fame, utterly disregard the security and welfare of the society and the nation".

"By upsetting the balance in Nature, which results in various accidents, calamities, losses and misery to the public at large".

For example:

"The oceans contained air needed by the earth for more then ten years,
One lightning in the sky emits enough electricity required for the entire world for twenty years"

By building gigantic dams and storing huge quantities of water in one place, the earth goes down in that area and consequently goes up in another area,... like a see-saw.
The indiscriminate exploitation of natural resources by the Scientists and Technologists such as various types of mines for "extracting minerals, mice coal, petrol and other oils results in imbalance and pollution of the five major elements," leading to catastrophes like earth-quakes, and volcanoes, etc.

The rapid and excessive proliferation of industries, factories, automobiles, etc; with the attendant pollution of the atmosphere is responsible for the increasing incidence of diseases like "asthma, deafness, pneumonia and typhoid" etc. However, science per se is not bad; what is necessary is for man to put it to proper and judicious use.

"We must have faith in 'GOD'S' existence" :

Man of to-day have implicit faith and unquestioning belief in what the Scientists say; but, however much you may din into their ears, they have no faith in God's existence. "One simple reason for this is that in the dictionaries of all the languages, you find the words 'GOD' among other words".

Any dictionary contains only words which refer to things existing in the world such as birds, beasts and other living beings, as well as inanimate objects. Non-existing things do not have a place in the dictionary.

"The very fact that the words 'GOD' occurs in all dictionaries is enough to prove the existence of God".

Even if you have not seen or experienced some of the things included in the dictionary, there are another who have experienced them.

So, based on your limited experience you cannot deny the existence of anything mentioned in the dictionary. If you have not experienced God, there are other people who have experience Him and that is why the word 'God' finds a place in the dictionary.

About fifty years back, Scientists believed that there is no greater power than the atomic energy. They expressed the fear that if the atomic power is further split, it will to disaster. But now after exploring and experimenting during the last fifty years, the Scientists have been able to discover that there are greater powers than the atomic power.

Similarly, persons who presently have no experience of God may have such experience, say, after ten years, the power of God is all-pervading. You must firmly believe this. Without faith in God, human life would go in vain. To all Scientists out there - Along with "Physical Sciences" you should also try to understand the "Spiritual Science" to some extent at least.

From the moment of birth, man is engaged in a variety of activities for pre serving his way of life and achieving his goals. At birth, man, as a child has no bad qualities and is wholly innocent.

But as time passes, because of the type of food he consumes and the changes in his lifestyle, and the kind of association he develops, his dress and manners undergo changes. Along with these, he develops likes and dislikes. After getting 'educated', "they become very bad educated Scientists", he develops 'EGO' and 'PRIDE', passion and other bad qualities from head to foot. They acquire a strong hold over him.

As a consequence, he starts deluding himself that he is all-knowing and that there is none other 'Scientist' greater than him. Filled with the arrogance, he looks with contempt on others.

Today man appears to relish only pleasures derived from the senses. Every man is filled with various desires. As he grows, the surging vigour of manhood makes him headstrong. He fails to realize the true purpose of education... He develops ambition to become a "great Scientists" and "create destructive weapons", to become a great scholar, he is caught up in the bewildering maze of desires. As a result, he becomes a slave of his impure desire and "forgets his true human worth".

While birds and animals are content to live on whatever they can get, man alone has insatiable desires and is filled with greed. There should be a limit to one's acquisitiveness and desires.

"Excess of anything is harmful and should be avoided".

However, what we notice among the Scientist today is rampant selfishness and self-centredness. While they want to be respected and honoured by others, they will themselves show no respect or regard to others.

In the cosmic exhibition, you are seeing, hearing and experiencing, innumerable things. Your experience depression, confusion and disappointment... You have no contentment.

Please remember!

"Lack of contentment is the true loss. The man who is not content is continually experiencing loss".

There is no limit to desires. One feels hungry, another is thirsty. If the thirsty is offered water, he is not satisfied, he wants a cool drink. When he is given a cool drink, he is not satisfied, he wants ice cream. And so on... He is not satisfied with anything. There is no end to desires for material things in the world.

My advise!

"Don't cause pain, harm and unhappiness."
"Let all the worlds be happy."

"Righteousness is that which sustains the world, that which upholds the world."

Every object in the world has got certain unique qualities. The quality that is the vital essence of the objects reveals its 'righteousness'. For instance, it is the basic quality of fire to burn - burning is its 'righteousness'. When the fire losses its capacity to burn, it ceases to be fire and becomes mere charcoal. Sweetness is the inherent quality of sugar. If sugar loses its sweetness, it is no longer sugar but sand. The flower has natural quality of exuding fragrance. If there is no fragrance in it, it is no a flower.

"Without cultivating good qualities, can a person be a true human being at all?"

From Empty Hands,
A. Rahman bin Mahadi
Labis, Johore

16 OKTOBER 2010

Next Topic: 1. "Kesan dan Akibah"
2. "Husband And Wife. Marriage Is A Bicycle Made For Two"

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