Friday, November 26, 2010


"What man should seek in not longevity in life but divinization of life?" He must developed his good qualities.

"The span of life is determined by Times"

It is virtue that has to be nourished. The character and conduct of a person are based upon his qualities.

Forgetting this truth, people go after changes in the external conditions of life.

Who is the guide and protector of the world?
"Only the good man is the protector of the world".

If there were no good people in the world, it would be a helpless world.


Man's life is determined by his qualities. The transformation of the world is related to the transformation of the individual. The world will change only when the individual changes. "When individuals are good, society also becomes good".

We tend to attach importance only to the external forms of social institutions. "We lay stress on the conditions prevailing in the political, economic, social and environmental spheres".

Change in these spheres alone are not enough. Mental and spiritual transformation is more essential.

Remember! "All wealth is impermanent and unreal".

Today we seek to accumulate all kinds of wealth by various activities. When these activities themselves are transient and evanescent, how can the wealth acquired by them be lasting? "All of them are impermanent and unreal".

Please bear in mind!... "There is only one permanent and immutable reality".... That is 'GOD'.


You may appear externally to be a great devotee or followers and claim that you are doing many things to please 'GOD'. But the truth cannot be hidden from 'GOD'. "You must consult your conscience and find out whether your devotion is genuine".

A friend of mine, the composer, sang many songs in which he hailed 'God' as his sole refuge and support. Later he had the realization that he had been trying to deceive 'God' by his words.

"Then a great change came over him, we should realize that we cannot please 'God' by our books our songs or by our learning and scholarship. Nor is it possible to please 'God' by intellectual eminence or clever tricks".

Please remember!

"The degree of everyone's (spiritual) attainment depends on the nature of his thoughts".

"Divine Grace is in proportion to the measure of your devotion. You can take from the vast ocean only the amount of water your vessel can contain".

"According to the purity of our actions, we will get the fruits thereof."

Our precious human birth can be redeemed only by developing human qualities and leading a righteous life.

You (the students) must make good use of the golden opportunity you have got now. Besides worldly education, cultivate meditation on 'God' and develop the inner vision.

Seeking only material gains.

Hence, today, even more than the teachers, it is the students who have to be exemplary and high minded. Teachers and students today do not live upto this ideal. "Students are self-seeking and self-centred. Likewise, the teachers also are self-regarding and self-seeking".

Students go to teachers only to get their desires fulfilled. When their wishes are satisfied, they feel content. Otherwise they are disappointed. They are even prepared to take up cudgets against teachers. The result is that harmonious relations between teachers and students do not develop.

What is most deplorable today is the indifference of students to their mental development, because they are concerned only about their narrow personal interests. They seek only material gains.

Please note!

Our life is not based entirely on food. It is based on the (Spirit). One who regards food as the basis of life, is an... "Ignorant of the truth". The one who realizes that the Spirit alone is everything in life is ... "The man of Higher Knowledge".

The man who regards food as the basis of everything... Is a 'sinner'. The man who seeks a spiritual life is a "pure devotee of GOD."

The foremost duty of students is to concentrate on their studies, behave in an exemplary manner in all their relations with the outside world, and seek to experience the 'Divine' internally as a spiritual discipline.

The nature of creation has to be understood. We have to view creation in relation to its... "Extraordinary magnificence". Next, our conduct has to be... 'Harmonious' and orderly.

"We have to realize that the whole universe is permeated by the (Spirit)".

"Our conduct should be such that no one can point finger of criticism at us. It should be blameless and pure."

"If the heart is also pure, one will not get immersed in the body-consciousness."

The body is doubtless an essential instrument for right living and its health and fitness should be safeguarded.

But our main concern should be to experience the Divine as the creator in everything in creation.

If the latter is ignored, physical existence alone will have no meaning.
Student should bear in mind the rules of right conduct that should govern their life. They are passing through the most precious and sacred period in their lives. This should be well used.

Dedicate all your thoughts and aspirations to 'GOD' and surrender yourselves to the "Will of the Divine".

Surrender may appear to be difficult. But it is not so. It is in fact like keeping your money in the bank. You will be able to draw money from the bank whenever you need it.

"Similarly when you have entrusted all your concerns to 'GOD', you can draw from 'Him' whatever you need".

What is it that stands in the way of this surrender?

It is your 'EGO' and your 'POSSESSIVENESS'. You do not have sufficient trust in the 'Lord' people desperately cling to their possessions saying:

"My money, My money", and so on.

They forget that when you surrender to the 'Divine', you acquire.... His grace, "sometime or the other your wealth will go". But once you have earned the grace of 'GOD', you can feel secure and satisfied. 'GOD' does not need your wealth....

But remember!

"He is always the one who steals the heart".

Not a stealer of wealth. It is you, who have to change from.
The stealer of heart to the stealer of wealth or otherwise.

"Man run hither and thither.
In search of food, of worldly goods,
Of position and pelf, name and fame;
But few seek to realize GOD"

"This is the truth declared unto you".
Men pursue intensively mundane studies.
"But do not seek to study the path of inner vision".

From Empty Hands,
A.Rahman bin Mahadi
Labis, Johore

27 NOVEMBER 2010

Next Topic: 1. "Melatih Akal Pemikiran, Air Muka Adalah Gambaran Akal"

2. "Knowledge About Body!"

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Boleh dikatakan setiap hari media massa melaporkan "pembuangan bayi" di sana sini. Terutama di tempat-tempat yang tidak sepatutnya; seperti di tong-tong sampah, di dalam semak, tandas, parit, longkang dan sungai tadahan sampah; dengan langsung tidak punya sifat 'perikemanusiaan'. Jauh sekali "nilai-nilai kasih sayang sebagai manusia".

Dengan tersiarnya berita-berita yang menyayat hati itu setiap hari, sangat mengejutkan masyarakat masa kini, sangat menyedihkan kita semua. Maka sudah sewajarnyalah kita semua rasa 'terpanggil' untuk bersama-sama "mencegah dan mengekang permasalahan" tersebut agar tidak berkembang biak dan menjadi suatu masalah yang mencemaskan semua orang.

Ada bayi-bayi yang dibuang dan dapat diselamatkan oleh pemungut sampah, oleh orang yang lalu lalang, imam masjid, tuan rumah tertentu, setelah bayi-bayi itu terdedah kepada anjing-anjing liar, tikus, semut serta cuaca panas dan sejuk.

Sangat menghairankan kita semua, betapa sanggupnya "seorang ibu" dari golongan 'manusia' membiar dan membuang anaknya, sedangkan "semua binatang yang sangat garang sifatnya", apabila mereka menjaga dan mengawal anak-anak kelahirannya; tetap jelas dilihat "belaian dan kasih sayang mereka terhadap anak-anak mereka".

Nasihat saya;

"Semua ibu bapa mesti dan perlu memahami sikap anak-anak mereka, mempastikan ibu bapalah tempat mengadu, sebaik saja mereka menghadapi masalah."

Mereka yang sudah terlanjur, sebenarnya memerlukan pertolongan atau bantuan, mereka perlu diberi 'kaunseling'. Kita selaku ibu bapa, jangan sekali-kali menunding jari antara satu sama lain, dan menuduh secara membuta tuli.

Dahulu kita orang-orang Timur, suka menuduh orang Barat bagaikan orang yang tidak bertamaddun. Apabila ada saja permasalahan sosial, di Baratlah tempat kita menunding jari. Ingat!.... "Walaupun anak-anak kita kian hari kian ke arah Barat" cara berfikirnya, sikapnya, gaya hidupnya.... Di sinilah bermulanya peranan ibu bapa.

Tetapi ibu bapa masa kini terlalu sibuk untuk mengambil tahu tentang anak-anak sendiri, dan pengabaian berlaku secara tidak disengajakan.

Sebaliknya kita selaku ibu bapa, patut meluangkan lebih masa agar kita dapat mendisiplin, melatih, memupuk, mendidik dan mengajar anak-anak untuk "membezakan mana yang baik dan mana yang jahat".

Kita perlu buat pendekatan secara 'kemanusiaan' dalam menangani permasalahan anak-anak yang belum matang, sudah menjadi ibu sebelum berkahwin secara sah, berpunca dari keluarga yang tidak bahagia, tidak sehaluan dengan ibu bapa mereka.

Bila ia berlaku kepada anak perempuan yang takut dihukum oleh ibu bapa dan masyarakat, maka ia menjadi 'stigma' kepada dirinya. Ia merasakan 'tiada tempat' untuk mengadu, bagi mendapatkan nasihat dan pertolongan.

Mereka yang telah sumbang, tercemar, terhina, sebenarnya telah pun membayar segala kesalahan yang selama ini terpikul di atas bahunya secara 'bersendiri' tanpa lagi punya pasangan.

Keluarga sudah tidak mahu menerimanya lagi. Masyarakat mengutuk dan menghinanya, akhirnya ia 'habis ikhtiar' dan mengambil 'jalan nekad'.

Saudaraku pembaca yang budiman lagi dikasihi.

Untuk mengatasi semua masalah yang sangat serius itu, semua ibu bapa mesti berusaha, semua agensi mesti bergabung tenaga, mengorak langkah dengan serius membendung "gejala yang meranapkan institusi kekeluargaan". Setiap pasangan mesti dilatih agar dapat menjadi 'keluarga bahagia' yang berpanjangan. Dan semua remaja sepatutnya telah tahu bertanggungjawab melalui program "pendidikan seks". "Kaunselor agama dan semua organisasi dakwah" perlu membantu kerajaan untuk berhadapan dan memerangi "penyakit sosial" yang sangat ketara muktakir ini.

From Empty Hands,
A. Rahman bin Mahadi
Labis, Johore

17 NOVEMBER 2010

Next Topic: 1. "What Man Should Seek Is Not Longevity In Life But Divinization Of Life"

2. "Melatih Akal Pemikiran, Air Muka Adalah Gambaran Akal"


What is the root-cause of all the disorder, chaos, crime, falsehood and violence that prevail in the country today?

It is the behaviour of people contrary to the dignity of human nature that is responsible for the present situation. All the education that one receives "has no relation to human values".

Whether it be in the sphere of political behaviour or social conduct, economic activity or spiritual pursuits, all one's action are based upon the tendencies of the mind. No change in any form of activity "is possible unless the mind is changed".

That is why the wise man always proclaimed the mind is the cause of bondage and the liberation of men.

Please bear in mind -
"One who wants to change others must first change himself".
"The heart is like a lock and the mind is like a key."

There is no use blaming the government for all the evils prevailing today. The people are responsible for "the injustice, the wickedness, the falsehood and the corruption prevalent in any country".

"The people cannot disown their responsibility for the actions of a government which has been placed in power by their votes".

Whether a government is a good or bad depends on the people themselves. There is widespread talk in the country about corruption. Many come and ask me; "Sir! When will corruption end in this country? Who is responsible for this corruption?"
Is it the government?"

"No, it is the businessmen who are directly responsible for this corruption."

For their own selfish reasons and private gain businessmen have been financing those in power and making them more and more powerful.

To all businessman out there - If you businessman live up to your right principles, all this corruption can be ended in a moment. It is true that there is no one who does not desire wealth. Please note - An old proverb says:

"That even a dying person will get up, if he sees somebody offering money."

It is not surprising if, when bribes are offered, officials do not refuse them. It is for businessman to set a limit to their business and their profits and utilize their abilities for the promotion of public good....

"It is difficult to combine business with morality".

Therefore, the first requisite is to install morality in the heart and, with faith in the Divine, engage oneself in business. If this is done, the nation will benefit from the business man's effort and he will be serving society.

Today everyone talks only about what he wants. He says: "I want this, I want that." If he loses anything, he bemoans his loss. The whole life is spent in acquisition and losing and there is no peace of mind.

"Businessman have to understand the basis of human relations and cultivate harmony and understanding". Unless such a broad-minded approach is developed, businessman will not experience the bliss of the Divine.

Please remember!

How long can the pleasure derived from education, wealth, health or position last?
Like the lamp that sheds its light on all alike, you must cultivate love towards all.

While remaining in the world of business, you must keep this high goal in view and carry on your business, what ever it may be.

"Do not regard all your various possessions, houses, vehicles, wealth, etc., as permanent. There have been great emperors in the past who ruled over vast empires. When they passed away, what did they take with them?" Posterity does not care even to remember their names.

What you cannot take with you does not really belong to you. You are filled with fear, like the ticketless traveller who gets into the train. In the journey of life, if you want to travel with fear, you must have the ticket of good conscience. If you adhere to right conduct, you will have no need to fear any one.


The world attracts man in multifarious ways, but it will not allow man's thoughts or intelligence to go beyond its own limits. Content with the satisfaction "derived from the physical world, man does not consider what is in store for him in the future. He devotes all his energies, physical and mental, and all his resources to achieving material comforts, power position and honour, but makes no attempt to show his gratitude to the society from which he derives all these comforts, wealth and position".

For right living, righteousness and character are essential. "The divine is the life-breath of man". The fulfillment of live consists in dedicating all one's energies to these objectives. Man, however does not have faith in the divine.

Because man covers his mind in a cloak of ignorance, blinkers his eyes with egoism, and closes his heart with the doors of pride.

"He forgets the Lord who created him and protects him".

Such a man is unable to listen to any teaching. He worships at the mosque, shrine, church of the sense organs. As his desires go on mounting, he is unable to listen to what is wholesome for him. He is no relish for the company of the good.

"He has no awareness of the transcience of life. He does not realize that his life and all that he enjoys may pass away in a moment. He does not recognize the passing nature of both joy and sorrow, pleasure and pain, success and failure."

Obsessed with the acquisition of wealth and power, he does not realize Divinity that is his essential nature..... "Immersed in ignorance, he wastes his life in the pursuit of impermanent things."


"Thirst for wealth has no limit, it is insatiable."

Please understand, "Thirst and desire."

It is natural for man to have desires and thirst. But there is a difference between desire and thirst. It is natural for man, not to be content with what they have, but to desire for more and more goods and more and more comforts. But in seeking fulfillment of such desires, one should take care not to cause any harm or suffering to others. Thirst is different from desire. It is no limit. It is insatiable.

"One should earn his living by just means."

The code of righteousness lays down for men regulatory path. "Like the effulgence of the rays of sun, illumines the path which men should follow for the welfare and progress of society".

Among the laws of 'code of duties' is 'justness'.
Justness is most important. Rectitude means that one should earn his living by just means and be example to others by just living.

Please note!

"Justness consists in making no difference between oneself and others - Whatever may happen to oneself or one's relations. Whatever difficulties one may have to face, one should not swerve from the path of rectitude".

Please remember!

"Justness is like the mariner's compass. In whatever way you put it, the needle will point only towards the North".

Hence, the ideal human life should be one in which rectitude forms the basis for every action.

Please ruminate!

Today, whatever prosperity one enjoys, what ever comforts one secures, all of them are derived from society. "Some rules of conduct have been laid down for ensuring that the wealth that is earned from society is devoted to benefit of society".

In the process of acquiring wealth one may be guilty of some lapses. "It is to make amends from such lapses that one must practice charity."

Life consists of a constant interchange of pleasure and pain, joy and sorrow, heat and cold.

"Happiness is an interval between two pains."

The sour rind that covers an orange protects the sweet juice inside....
"We must look upon pain, anxiety and sorrow as the protecting cover for the peace and bliss that is experienced later".

It is a mistake to seek an unending series of pleasures and comforts in life. Real happiness cannot be found that way. Without experiencing difficulties and troubles one cannot know the value of peace and pleasure.

"When desires are controlled, genuine happiness is experienced".

Man thinks that the more he has of worldly goods the happier he would be. But, has desires grow, disappointments and trouble also increase. There should be a limit to our desires, attachments and ambition. The world is suffering from numerous troubles because of 'BRIBERY' people set no limits on their desires.

Please remember!

"Nature has prescribed limits for everything".

For the temperature of body, the capacity of the eye tolerate light or for the ear to listen to sound. When these limits are crossed, harm is caused to organ concerned.

Life itself is like a limited company. All actions in it should be growned by the limits applicable to each of them "when desires are controlled", genuine happiness is experienced. Even in practising charity, limits should be observe...

Please note!

"One's gifts should not exceeds one's financial capacity: Nor should they be below one's capacity."

In the former case, one will face financial troubles. In the latter, one will be with holding from those need what is due to them. Charity is not limited to money alone.

"One must share one's physical, mental and spiritual resources with those in need in society."

It is through such sharing and sacrifice that the awareness of the spirit is achieved.

Charity should not be indiscriminate. He should be rendered according to the needs of the case:

"The hungry must be fed - The naked must be clothed."

Although one may know how much good can be derived through (sacrifice), one does not make any sacrifice. One may aspire for wealth, but one should only seek what one is entitled or competent to get.

"A bank cashier handles 'millions' everyday, but he is entitled only to his salary. He should not desire for more money that what he can earn legitimately".

Excessive wealth carries with it many dangers. Human values are forgotten by the affluent. As long as there is wealth the evils resulting from it are not realized. "It is only when it is lost that one begins to realize one's follies".

It is better to be forewarned and learned to lead a righteous and upright life from the beginning.

"Wealth may come and go".

"Morality is what one should cultivate."
What is morality? It is right conduct in accordance with time and place.
Utilize the wealth for right ends.

Please follow this avenues for the utilization of wealth or earnings.

1. One fourth should be used for personal use and for supporting the family.
2. Another fourth should be used for charitable and religious purposes.
3. A third quarter should be spent on other living things like animals, birds, etc.
4. The remaining fourth should be offered for supporting the state.

It is only when one's wealth is utilized in this manner will it be really beneficial and meaningful.

From Empty Hands,
A. Rahman bin Mahadi
Labis, Johore

17 NOVEMBER 2010

Next Topic: 1. "Masalah Pembuangan Anak Atau Ibu Yang Tidak Pernah Berkahwin"

2. "What Man Should Seek Is Not Longevity In Life But Divinisation Of Life"

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


"MANUSIAlah suatu ciptaan yang sangat 'MULIA' di sisi TUHAN". Suatu ciptaan yang sangat 'unik' di antara semua makhluk di universe ini.


"MANUSIA ertinya seseorang yang dikurniakan 'AKAL' boleh berfikir".

Dunia ini memang diciptakan untuk manusia. Dari perspektif itulah manusia itu boleh memperolehi apa jua yang diingini, kerana dialah sejenis makhluk yang 'TERPILIH' dan apa jua kewujudan di universe ini adalah semata-mata untuk kegunaan, kemudahan, keperluan, permainan untuk kesukaan manusia.

Dengan istilah atau definisi 'MANUSIA' itulah maka ia bertanggungjawab secara terus terhadap segala... "kegilaan, kerakusan, pencerobohan, kemusnahan dan pencabulan alam sekitarnya, tanpa memikir dan menimbang 'HAK' makhluk lain yang bersama-sama berkongsi dan menghuni universe ini".

Sebagai contoh:

Telah berlaku perkara-perkara tragik yang tidak diingini di mana banyak spesis binatang-binatang telah lenyap dan pupus, dibunuh tanpa sebab, tanpa belas kasihan, semata-mata kerana keseronokan atau tujuan perniagaan dan perdagangan.

Tidak cukup dengan bahan-bahan tumbuhan yang boleh dijadikan pakaian seperti kapas, dan lain-lain, untuk tujuan menutup aurat atau tubuh badannya; Maka "kulit binatang" yang tidak berdosa, menjadi "mangsa kerakusan" manusia.

Definisi 'manusia' sebenarnya berbeza dengan binatang. Ertinya manusia "bukan binatang", kerana hanya manusia saja mampu mengembangkan 'akal'nya dengan segala 'kebijaksanaannya'. Ertinya ia mampu mengukuhkan "kuasa perbandingannya dengan jitu dan kuat".

"Maka Manusia Itulah Yang Dimaksudkan Yang Mempunyai Akal Untuk Berfikir".

Maka tujuan 'Agama' itulah membuatkan seseorang itu boleh dibantu dan ditolong agar ia lebih 'rasional' "agar bertimbang rasa dan berperikemanusiaan".

Dengan pertimbangan begitulah manusia boleh mengangkat diri "tinggi sedarjat" untuk memahami perhubungannya dengan alam dan yang berkongsi dengannya, agar dapat hidup secara 'harmonis'. Agar masing-masing dapat mencapai matlamat dan memahami: "Kenapakah 'universe' ini dicipta dengan begitu indah dan menarik untuk dihuni buat sementara?"

"Kemudian kita pejamkan mata kita masing-masing buat selama-lamanya dengan penuh senyum dan kepuasan".

"Apakah tujuan manusia dicipta?"
"Apakah tujuan penempatannya di dunia ini?"
"Apakah ia diperlukan di dunia ini buat selama-lamanya?"

Adakah tujuannya ke dunia ini semata-mata untuk makan dan minum sebagai asas penghidupannya sahaja?

Rumah untuk berlindung dari hujan dan panas semata-mata?
Atau... Hanya untuk mengembangbiakkan baka dari generasi ke generasi.

Tidakkah ia hendak mengetahui akan "hakikat dirinya"?
Tidakkah kita hendak melihat atau tidakkah kita memikir dan hendak memikir?


"Terdapatkah sepohon pokok yang besar di dalam sebiji benih yang kecil?... Mustahil!"
"Tetapi di dalam sebiji benih yang kecil terdapat sepohon pokok yang besar!..."
"Kalau tidak percaya, cubalah tanam, semai, pupuk, baja dan siram!..."
"Butakah kita semua?"

Di dalam sejarah penghidupan manusia di muka bumi ini, ramai yang menyangka sistem pemikiran manusia sudah berkembang! Sebenarnya tidak!

Hanya dengan 'beragama' sahaja akal fikiran akan mengembang secara rasional, kemas, teratur dan penuh sopan serta pertimbangan.

Saudaraku pembaca yang dikasihi!

Untuk menjawab segala soalan, lazimnya kita manusialah yang patut bertanya pada diri sendiri kerana kita semua dikurniakan "akal fikiran".

Justeru, kita manusia sepatutnya meningkatkan kesedaran. Tidakkah kita melihat dengan "penaklukan dan penguasaan Sains dan Teknologi" bagaikan dapat sanjungan dan tepukan gemuruh di seluruh pelusuk dunia, tetapi "natijah keburukannya lebih banyak dari kebaikannya". Adalah sangat cemas dan mendukacitakan manusia dan alam demi masa depan generasi akan datang.... "Suatu petanda malapetaka yang disediakan dan menanti generasi kita akan datang".

Mari kita sama-sama meningkatkan kesedaran, bagi yang sudah menyedari betapa 'kehancuran' dan 'kemusnahan' besar - menanti kita semua, atas nama 'kemajuan' Sains dan Teknologi.

Tahukah kita? "sehingga sekarang 'alam' telah banyak bersabar" dan terus saja mengharap agar 'manusia' dapat memikir... bahawa "alam ini adalah dicipta untuk manusia!"

Adakah ianya hendak dibuat sesuka hati, diteroka, diperkosa, dan dimusnahkan, untuk memuaskan "keinginan yang tidak akan pernah memuaskan segala kegelojohan manusia, dengan segala ketamakan dan kebuasannya?"

"Sedarkah kita, Semua indikasi atau petanda "sebagai ingatan" kepada semua manusia bahawa masa depan manusia selaku penghuni alam, tidak akan dapat hidup selesa dan aman?" Kerana masa untuk kehancuran dan kemusnahan sudah menghampiri kita semua, sebagai "tindakbalas alam terhadap perlakuan manusia".

Untuk memahami kenapa kita ditempatkan dan dipilih sebagai 'MANUSIA', di universe ini, saya ingin mengenengahkan pandangan saya terhadap alam ini, untuk kita kongsikan bersama, bahawa "alam ini mesti dilihat dan mesti difahami sebagai suatu 'ALAM' yang mempunyai ruang yang luas".

Dan seluruh universe itu boleh dikategorikan kepada 'TIGA' kumpulan:

- "Alam yang dihuni oleh seluruh kehidupan".
- "Alam dan pelbagai elemen".
- "Seluruh ruang".

Maka kita boleh melihat "manusia adalah makhluk yang paling istimewa" itu kewujudannya dibentuk begitu rupa untuk menikmati seluruh keindahan di dalam "galeri ciptaan Tuhan", yang bergelar 'DUNIA'.

"Manusia bukan saja kelihatan kerdil, malah tenaga serta hayatnya juga sangat pendek".

"Manusia bukan saja 'manusia' di alam ini, malah ia juga sejenis makhluk yang dikurniakan 'AKAL' dan 'kebijaksanaan' di universe ini".

Dari segi biologinya, manusia adalah sejenis makhluk yang lemah, kalau dibandingkan dengan lain-lain makhluk kecil atau besar.

"Lain-lain makhluk di alam in seperti binatang, dilahirkan dan dibekalkan sekali bersamanya sejenis senjata khusus melindung dan mempertahankan diri untuk keselamatan dirinya. Contoh; kalau ular dengan siongnya, harimau dan kucing dengan taringnya, ikan dengan sengatnya dan lain-lain".

Manusia tidak dibekalkan dengan senjata fizikal, tetapi "ketajaman AKALnya" lebih tajam dari segala senjata. Manusia adalah 'AKAL'nya. Ianya adalah "lebih tajam dari segala yang tajam". Tetapi "penyalahgunaan 'akal'nya untuk membuat senjata pemusnah, telah menyalahertikan dirinya sebagai MANUSIA".

Tujuan dicipta "manusia dengan AKAL, sebenarnya adalah untuk KEROHANIAN dan KESEJAHTERAAN sejagat", BUKAN untuk disalahguna dan menjadi 'pemusnah' terhadap "alam dan segala isinya".

Sebab itulah manusia di suruh 'beragama', diturunkan 'RASUL' dan 'NABI' sebagai "rahmat bagi sekalian alam".

Ingatlah saudaraku yang budiman:

Semua kehidupan di planet dunia ini berkongsi "kuasa penghidupan" dan bergongsi 'ketenagaan' yang saling bergantung antara satu sama lain.

D dunia ini, kita semua berkongsi 'gunatenaga' yang tidak kita sedari, yang membentuk pelbagai rupa tenaga yang tidak berkesudahan.

Sumber tenaga yang selalu disalahgunakan oleh manusia adalah seperti; tamak haloba, kebencian, iri hati, cemburu, hasad dengki, ilusi dan kepalsuan.

"Setiap sesuatu bergantung kepada setiap sesuatu atau saling memerlukan untuk terus hidup".

Setiap orang tidak boleh melihat "dirinya shajalah yang lebih, yang kuat, yang tahu", kerana tubuh badan masinga-masing memerlukan makanan atau antara kata lain, "tubuh badan itu perlu bergantung kepada pemakanan". Dalam ertikata lain, ia bergantung kepada pemakanan seperti; tumbuh-tumbuhan seperti sayur-sayuran, segala bahan-bahan mentah yang boleh dimakan.

Justeru, "dari manakah kekuatan tenaga seseorang" itu diperolehi? Kalau tidak daripada pemakanannya, seperti air dan oksigen atau sebagainya, untuk 'kewujudannya'.

Dalam masa yang sama, "AKAL FIKIRAN" kita juga wujud bergantung kepada pemakanan, kerana kewujudan 'akal' juga bergantung kepada "data deria", di mana ia diperolehi dari dunia luar terhadap sesuatu benda dan juga daripada seseorang.

Saudaraku pembaca yang dikasihi!

Seluruh dunia ini mesti dilihat sebagai suatu jaringan yang sangat besar dan hebat, jika salah satu saja di antara jaringan tersebut tersentuh dan bergoyang, maka seluruh jaringan tersebut akan 'bergoyang' dan 'bergetar'.

Kita manusia sebenarnya "terhutang budi, kesetiaan dan kewajipan kepada 'dunia' atau 'alam'" selaku penghuni, kerana tubuh badan dan 'akal'nya bergantung sepenuhnya kepada 'alam' yang banyak berbudi dan berjasa kepadanya sejak turun temurun.

Oleh itu sikap dan kelakuan kita terhadap 'alam', "janganlah angkuh dan sombong". Kita manusia sepatutnya "merendah diri, tunduk syukur dan berterima kasih". Dunia ini bukan hanya dicipta untuk kita manusia sahaja, dan tidak semestinya dunia ini mesti tunduk kepada kita manusia.

'Alam' tidak memihak kepada sesiapa, sama ada ia beragama atau tidak, sama ada kita Islam, Kristian, atau Hindu. Alam juga tidak mengenal sama ada kita seorang yang zalim atau baik hati, alam hanya bersikap 'natural'.

Justeru, janganlah kita rakus dan mengaut segala-galanya dari dunia itu untuk kepentingan kita sendiri. Kawal dan hormatlah terhadap alam dan segala penghidupan selaku "teman penghidupan" yang dihuni bersama sejak lama.

Kita perlu menghormati lain-lain penghidupan sebagai tetamu yang perlu dihormati, bukannya:

"Seperti kita bermain daun terup, yang menang mengaut semuanya".

Di dalam dunia, ada 'TIGA' bentuk kelahiran:

1. Penghidupan yang lahir melalui haba:
2. Yang lahir melalui telur dan rahim:
3. Kelahiran secara spontan dalam lapangan kewujudan yang tidak kesampaian 'akal' untuk memahaminya.


Kita manusia di dunia ini "terlampau kerdil" dan "tidak pernah kekal", walaupun kita seorang "ahli falsafah, tokoh agama, Sains, pakar jiwa, seni, arkitek, sasterawan, politik dan sebagainya".

Oleh itu, jangan besar kepala, angkuh dan sombong. Ambil tahu asal usul kita yang sebenar serta tahu membezakan mana yang 'HAK' dan mana yang 'BATIL'.


From Empty Hands,
A. Rahman bin Mahadi
Labis, Johore

10 NOVEMBER 2010

Next Topic: 1. " Businessmen Are Responsible For To-day's Corruption. So Combine Moral With Business"

2. "Masalah Pembuangan Anak Atau Ibu Yang Tidak Pernah Berkahwin"