Sunday, April 17, 2011



During World War II, millions of men died in Europe. Two years after that the war ended, the children that were born were predominantly males. What is the reason for this? It is the need for maintaining a balance between the ratio of men and women in the population. If such a balance is not maintained, the human race will be extinct.

"What is the power that maintains such a balance? It is the will of the Divine."

Whoever enquires deeply into the working of the Divine cannot fail to notice this. There is at the base of everything a power that is at work... "That is Divinity." Ignoring this, and placing his faith egoistically in some other power, man is falling a prey to unrest. He is a slave to his conceit as a doer and enjoyer... This is wrong.

Please remember!

"There is a principle that is the 'Prime Mover'."

There is a power which governs the Cosmic process, very few attempt to recognize this.
However, it may be asked, if God is controlling everything, what is the need for human effort?

"God is like the electric current. But even if the current is there, you must have a bulb to obtain light. It is only when the bulb is switched on to the current that the bulb will burn." - Another words;

"Human effort and Divine Grace should come together like the joining of the negative and positive ends of and electric circuit, to accomplish anything."

The way, the Divine works this creation or Nature is functioning is amazing beyond words. For instance, the carbon dioxide exhaled by man is being taken up by plants and the oxygen released by the plants is being inhaled by man. Who has made this mutually beneficial arrangement in Nature?

Poet-saints have sung the praise of the Lord Almighty in the following terms;

"Who has watered, manured and grown the small shrubs and the gigantic trees in the crevices of the rock in the mountains?"
"Who has painted the beautiful flowers, birds with such attractive colours?"
"Who has designed the wonderful combination of a green body and a red beak for the parrot?"

The Scientist may explain away all such things as the "LAW OF NATURE". But are these Scientists able to transcend Nature or to dispense with the materials available in Nature?


We are prone to take the creation for granted, thinking that it is but insentient Nature, thereby ignoring the 'Sentient Principle' that regulates nature and imparts a proper balance among its various constituents.

Scientists and technologists in pursuit of selfish interests as well as of name and fame, utterly disregard the security and welfare of the society and the nation. By upsetting the balance in Nature, which results in various accidents, calamities, losses and misery in the public at large... As what is happening in 'Japan... Earthquake, Tsunami'.

Please note!

For example; The oceans contain air needed by the earth for more than ten years. One lighting in the sky emits enough electricity required for the entire world for twenty years.

"By building gigantic nuclear plant, gigantic dams and storing huge quantities of water in one place, the earth goes down in that area and consequently goes up in another area, like a see saw."

The indiscriminate exploitation of natural resources by the Scientists and Technologists such as various types of mines for extracting minerals, such as;

"Mice, coal, petrol, and other oils results in imbalance and pollution of the five major elements, leading to catastrophies... like earth-quake, Tsunami, volcanoes, etc."

The rapid and excessive proliferation of industries, factories, automobiles, etc, with the attendant pollution of the atmosphere is reasonable for the increasing incidence of diseases like asthma, deafness, etc. However, Science per se is not bad;
"What is necessary is for man to put it to proper and judicious use."
"Please Ponders Over The Mysteries Or Secrets Of Nature".

The so-called 'creation' by the Scientists, whatever the Scientists claim as their 'creation' is only "derived from a combination of the basic materials found in Nature." For example, the Scientist produces water by combining... 'hydrogen and oxygen'.

Not this alone. The way the creation of Nature is functioning is amazing beyond words. For instance, the carbon-dioxide exhaled by man is being taken up by the plants and the oxygen released by the plants is being inhaled by man.

Who has made this mutually beneficial arrangement in Nature? Even the Scientists are in doldrums to understand fully such aspects of creation.

"What a contrast between the Scientist who swells up with pride on account of discovering but a minute fraction of the mystery of creation?"

And 'the Creator (GOD)' who is running the whole universe peacefully, silently, patiently, and lovingly without any pomp or pride!

The Divine, after creation, did not keep all powers within Himself but gave them to mankind. It is true. 'GOD' is the 'Creator'. He created everything in the Universe. He did not retain within His hands the responsibilities relating to the Creation. He gave to human beings all capacities. But He laid down a condition relating to the use of these capacities.

"Man are free to lives as they like. They can utilize all the material objects in creation. There can be no objection to this from anyone not even from GOD."

But, the Divine has declared that there is no escape from the consequences of one's action... "This has to be properly understand."

"No one can go against the laws of Nature."

For instance; The wind blows; Rains fall, heavy downpour. The people who were effected by the deluge, prayed to the Lord:

"Oh Lord! We and our houses, our cattle are suffering from this downpour, Save us from the rain." The Lord replied:

"I cannot stop this rain. What ever has to happen in nature has to go on. But I have the right to protect you from its adverse effects,.... please note:
RAIN COMES ACCORDING TO THE LAWS OF NATURE. These natural phenomena should go on in their respective ways. But, I will not stop the rain."

Now, the wind has the power to blow out a lamp. "The Divine has endowed the lamp with the power to shed light. The powers of the wind and of the light are derived from 'GOD'."

"But it is foolish for anyone to order the wind not to blow out the lamp. What one can do is to protect the lamp from the blast of wind by fixing a chimney. And this is within human capacity:"

Through these examples, you should learn how to regulate the forces of Nature and not seek to go against natural laws. It follows that man has the freedom to enjoy the things provided by the 'Creator'.

But man should exercise his discrimination to determine what are beneficial for him and what are not fit to be used. Because all things are available, one should not use them as he likes for the simple reason that each use is accompanied by its natural consequences, "One cannot avoid these consequences."

"If you are prepared to face the consequences, like what is happening in Japan now and will followed by other countries letter on... You can act as you want."

What is happening, however, is enjoyment of something relish and later bemoaning the adverse after-effects... This is the mark of mental weakness.

Nature is like a mirror. It reflects your action. Standing before a mirror. The image in the mirror, reflects your actions. If you attempt to hit the image, the reflection will hit back, and please remember:

"Whatever your thought, that you become."

Another words; "Hence, in the realm of natural phenomena, whatever action you do will be followed by consequences which are inescapable, some time or other."


Reminder to all Scientist and ruler all over the world:

When you perform any action, you do not think about the long-term consequences. "You are preoccupied with the concerns of the moment. But when the final results come you are frightened. Whether results are pleasant or unpleasant they are inescapable."

Please remember this:

"If sugar is dissolved in water, even if you think it is poison, it will only do you good. But if poison is put into water and you drink it, thinking that it is sugarcane juice, it will be fatal."

"If you regard something bad as good and action it, the results are bound to be bad."

And please remember:


"The one who boasts about his achievements should recognize equally that he is author of his misfortunes."

Not only that. The ruler who pursues an 'unrighteous policy', the entire state is ruined. The people as well as their ruler perish. By succumbing to bad counsel and evil ways, you are leading your Kingdom and your Dynasty to disaster. This is not proper.

Another words:

"Those who are blind, deaf or dumb and those who are insane and those of unsteady mind have no right to rule. When any such person is a ruler, he causes universal ruin."

The world is governed by these principles:

1. Reaction
2. Reflection
3. Resound

Hence all Scientist should see that your 'action' and your 'vision' are right. Because human life has become a plaything in the hands of selfish Scientist. Scientist has lost their wisdom, when wisdom is lost, everything is lost - honour, wealth, position and life itself. Scientific knowledge without wisdom is of no use. Along with Science these should be discrimination, if not "as a Scientist you are lacking the eyes of Wisdom."

From Empty Hands,
A. Rahman bin Mahadi
Labis, Johore
016-602 0321

17 APRIL 2011

Next Topic: 1. Alam Mencari Perseimbangan"

2. "Religion Has Not Happened To The World Yet"

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