Thursday, August 11, 2011


Basically, man should be healthy at the following levels:


The highest and most important level through which the human being functions "is the Mental and Spiritual Level."
As a general definition for this plane, we can say:

"The mental plane of an individual registers changes in understanding or consciousness where, as mental level..." Thinks, Criticizes, Compares, Calculates, Classifies, Creates, Synthesizes, Conjectures, Visualizes, Plans, Describes, Communicates, Etc.

Disturbances of these functions, in turn, constitutes symptoms of "Mental Illness."

The mental level is the most crucial level for the human being. "It is the mental and spiritual content of a person which is the true essence of that person."

If the inner tools of attaining a higher consciousness are disturbed, "the very central idea of the possibility of an 'Evolution in Consciousness' is lost."

Where then the meaning of life?

A person can continue to live, be happy, and be of creative service to others and to himself, even with a crippled body, body with limbs lost, even with sight of hearing lost. If it were possible to have and absolutely... "Healthy Mind, we would see people who live continually in spiritual bliss," daily revealing new creative ideas expressed in a very clear way, and be always of service to others.

Such people would be living constantly in the clearness of light, and be never in the confusions of spiritual darkness.

The three indispensable qualities that should accompany the different functions of mind are:

1. Clarity
2. Rationality, coherence and logical sequence.
3. Creative service for the good of others as well as for the good of oneself

All these three qualities must be present, "but the third is of prime importance."

That is the quality of creative service. The same applies to the master criminal who is highly intelligent and plans a theft or a murder with the utmost degree of clarity and rationality of thinking.

Yet this person is ill in the Deepest regions of his being, because he is "pursuing Selfish Goals" at the expense of other people. Such mentality pervades our modern world to an extreme degree and is the root cause of the problems of; "Competition, Violence, Alcohol, and Drug Abuse, Poverty and War." Rather, there is a continuous graduation - a mental degeneration starting from "Selfishness and Possessiveness" leading into what can eventually be clearly defined as 'Insanity'.

Disturbing "Thoughts or Feelings", can disrupt very deeply the health of a person. "A sudden Grief, a sudden Fear, a Sudden Communication of Bad News" can lead the organism for the rest of the life.

Please note!

If we probe into the source of "Mental or Emotional" sufferings, we can easily known that such suffering arises from two basic sources;

"Broken Ambition" and "broken Attachments." These are other ways of saying "Selfishness and Acquisitiveness."

Thus, the conclusion can be drown that if a person wishes to avoid mental and emotional suffering, he should cultivate "Selfless, Humble, Altruistic qualities and Love All."


Emotional level is that level of human existence which registers changes in emotional states. The range of emotional expressions can be very wide:

"Love/Hatred, Joy/Sadness, Calmness/Anxiety, Trust/Anger, Courage/Fear," etc.

And please remember this level is very individual.
Feelings play a very important role in each human being. Feelings, according to their quality can be defined as "Positive or Negative."

Positive feelings are those, tending to draw the individual towards a state of 'Happiness'. Whereas, Negative are those tending to draw the individual towards a state or experiences negative feelings, the more unhealthy he or she is on this level. "In order to measure the degree of emotional disturbance of a person, find out how much, in his waking state," he is occupied with negative feelings such as "Apathy, Irritability, Anxiety, Anguish, Depression, Suicidal thoughts, Jealousy, Hatred, Envy, etc."

The most healthy and emotionally evolved people experience some of the most profound states known to mankind:

"Mystical Experiences, Ecstasy, Pure Love, Religion, Devotion" and a wide range of sublime feelings, difficult to describe.


In the physical body, "Freedom from Pain" is the sign of state of well-being.

1. The physical body and its organs constitute the least important plane of the human being:
The body also maintains a hierarchy of importance as to its organs and functions.

"An in fact of the Brain" will be of more importance than that of an "in fact of the Heart" which, in turn, is of more importance than that of a thrombosis of an "Artery in the leg."

2. The organism will always try to keep disturbances away from important organs.

3. The important physical organs are (a) Brain (b) Heart (c) Pituitary Gland (d) Liver (e) Lungs (f) Kidneys (g) Testes/Ovaries (h) Vertebrae (i) Muscles (many), "Diseases of Brain are more serious that of Heart - the less important organs are muscle and skin."

Please note!

"Physical Level include sex, sleep, food and five senses."

Those three levels above are not in reality separate and distinct, rather, there is a complete interaction among them. Nevertheless, the degree of health or disease of the individual can be evaluated from a survey and basically, man should be healthy of those three levels.

"May God Shower His Grace On You!"

From Empty Hands,
A.Rahman bin Mahadi
Labis, Johore
016-602 0321

12 AUGUST 2011

Next Topic: 1. Tanggungjawab Ibu Bapa Terhadap Anak-Anak"
2. "About Women And Why Women Never Thought About War"

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